
Saturday, April 13, 2019

Problem Solving ; Critical Thinking - Hdlt Essay Example for Free

business Solving censorious Thinking Hdlt EssayThis adaptation is tested through fresh, innovative culture environments and higher expectations. Let us first determine overcritical thinking and business solve and see how argon these phenomenon interrelated with apiece other and the role both these skills play in our lives. Critical thinking (CT) is defined as intellectu tout ensembley disciplined butt against of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and /or evaluating in exploitation gathered from or generated by observations, experiences, reflections, think or communication as a guide to belief and action. Scriven Paul, 2007, P 1). Thus simply put, CT is metacognition or thinking rough thinking. Problem-solving (PS) is a mental process that involves ascertaining, investigating and solving conundrums. The eventual impersonal of problem-solving is to overcome hindrances and find a solution that best resolves the issue. These pr oblems could range from simply crossing the road and hit safely on the other side without getting hurt by the oncoming vehicles or solving a Sudoku puzzle or figure out a estimated expenses of a trip or in case of a babe, solving a multiplication sum given in the class.The term problem solving ( P S) in educational orbits would involve solving intumesce-structured text book problems which are poles away from ill structured problems which are encountered in everyday life. Thus we can see that in put together to effectively solve a problem, one may require to manoeuver with it and critically think about it to find the best solution. Let us now carry at certain important freehanded themes and specific problem solving processes utilise by children Broad themes 1. Task analysis details of step taken to actually solve problems.For example a child adds 2 multi digit numbers, the actual process starting with adding the numbers in the right most column, writing ones digit as a crock up of the answer, carrying over the tens digit ( if it is so ) so on and so forth. Task analysis helps in identifying the subscribe to places where child faculty be encountering difficulty in solving the problem, the nature of the difficulty. Thus it gives an insight into the modality in which the child solves problems and thus provides scope for rectification. 2.Means End analysis Using this regularityology, one solves a problem by considering the obstacles that stand between the initial problem state and the goal state. The path to stretchiness the goal can be carry throughd by accomplishing smaller sub goals. When all of the sub goals induct been achieved when all of the obstacles are out of the way thence the main goal of interest has been achieved. Thus, means-ends analysis can be seen as a search strategy in which the long-range goal is always kept in mind to guide problem solving. 3.Encoding this literally means identifying critical information in line o f battle to build internal representations. Thus it is very important to train the child to filter out the germane(predicate) data from the all the available information. Many children fail because they are not thought how to encode critical information and utilize it. Important processes of Problem Solving- 1. Planning this is future directed PS, most ofttimes used in difficult and new situations. But most often the novelty of the situation also ensures that children often forget to plan. 2.Route Planning this is done in order to select a most economic passage in order to reach a destination. Children as early as one stratum of age start showing the bob upment of this ability. Example an adult figuring out his way in order to reach a new destination after looking at various maps. The route is figured out post route planning. 3. Causal Inference many a times problem solving is an attempt to understand the cause of a phenomenon. Humans are curious by nature. A two year old w ill constantly be in the endeavor to know why things happen why do birds fly, whereas animals dont? so on and so forth. 4.Analogical reason out In problem solving this is predominantly concerned with systemic correspondences, where a solution to a cognize problem may be applied to solving a structurally similar problem. Analogical reason improves with maturation and increase in content knowledge. According to Piagets stages of development analogical reasoning simply starts developing in the pre operational stage ( ages 2 -7) and gets occasional limited success in concrete operational stage(7-11) and becomes fully developed by formal operational stage (age 11 through adulthood) demo I (Preoperational) egocentric responses apply idiosyncratic relations.IA children were unable to form lower-order relations IB virtually children able to form lower-order relations, but unable to form analogies Stage II (concrete operational) occasional, limited success IIA trial-and-error suc cess on analogies, inability to thrust false counter-suggestions IIB consistent success on analogies, but inconsistent ability to resist false counter-suggestions Stage III (formal operational) Success on all aspects of the tasks. Criticism of Piaget Goswami Brown reasoned that children might fail Piagets tasks because they lack knowledge of the relations entailed.On this view, children ought to be able to solve classical doctrine of analogy problems provided the analogies are based on familiar relations. Practice in analogical reasoning improved materialisation childrens spontaneous formation of analogies. 5. Scientific reasoning Children question everything as a basic premise,they urgency to know the why , how of everything but they are also hugely influenced by the beliefs that they see are carried some them. Whenever they actually do something on their own, they do develop an understanding and rationality regarding the same phenomenon.For example a child understands that sugar takes less time to dissolve in hot milk rather than unheated milk. Thus, when they indulge in activities, experiment they develop scientific and logical reasoning. 6. Logical reasoning It is when a child can apply logical rules in order to solve problems. Logical reasoning requires the child to contact lens each alternative to the main problem by strong reasoning. They may also require using logical structure If , Then . for example if a child has to climb up two floors, he could either use the lift or the stairs.If the escalator lift for some reason is not working, then either the child could wait till the lifet starts working or take the stairs. The choices have to be logically reasoned out. Both analogical and logical reasoning develop gradually over early and affection childhood whereas scientific reasoning does take more time to develop and take shape as it is much enhanced by experience. Along with certain important processes used in PS some of the others are Symbol ic representation as tools Rule based problem solving etc. above we have also looked at Piagetian perspective on PS.Let us also look at the Vyogotskys perspective on the same. Lev Vygotsky gave some novel ideas regarding childrens nurture and their problem solving abilities. 1. geographical zone of Proximal development (ZPD) This is the zone where learning takes place. This zone represents the difference the between what the child can achieve on its own and what it can achieve with the help of others. In order, for learning to occur, the elder or fellow must provide a challenge that is beyond the childs own capabilities and yet be assisted. Thus assisted learning or peer learning is an important aspect of children developing the PS abilities.If children have done a task with an adult or under the guidance of an adult (ZPD) they ladder to show improvement whilst performing as opposed to those who were attempting it for the first time ( Piagets discovery learning ). Vyogotsky al so pointed towards the importance of private actors line in children, whenever confronted with a novel problem. This speech could be their method of engaging with the problem. As children grow up and get better at symbolic interpretation, this private speech diminishes. Now let us look at how a constructivist classroom helps children in enhancing their PS abilities.Constructivist approaches to learning attempt to generate environments where learners are actively engaged in their surroundings and environments that help them to construct and develop their own understanding, reasoning and knowledge, rather than the teacher interpreting their world for them. The learners interaction with the environment and with the subject outlet at hand results them in having their own view about the subject. Thus we can see that cooperative learning is the hallmark of a constructivist classroom. For example group of students in a chemistry class are learning about properties of organic salts.Inst ead of directly stating the properties, the teacher will devise questions which will engage the students in challenging their previous knowledge, link it to the other phenomenon that they have already been studying and generate a new level of understanding regarding the topic. During the discussions and promptings, when one student comes with the relevant concept, the teacher would cash on it and farting to the group to further explore this concept. Late, she would sum up ay concluding what the class has learnt, what helped and what did not help them in constructing new knowledge.Question The biggest question for me is the teaching methodology. In most of the schools, that me and my colleagues have visited during our practicum, we inevitably noticed that sooner of focusing on teaching the students how to think, rationalize, develop an understanding. The focus is on what they should think? Conclusion By providing them everything like ready to eat meals, we seal them from develop ing their own understanding. In a class room setting children, still encounter structured problems, in real life settings children will be coming across many ill structured problems.The aim of education must be to prepare them for encountering the challenges that they would face everyday. They have to be trained to adequately use their problem solving abilities within the classroom as well as outside it. References Taylor, L, (2005). Introducing cognitive development. Taylor and Francis Psychology Press. (Chapter Thinking and reasoning). Siegler Alibali (2005). Chapter 10 Problem-Solving (pp 341-380). Synder L. Synder J. Teaching critical thinking and Problem solving skills, The Delta Pi Epsilon Journal, Volume L, No. 2, Spring/Summer, 2008

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