Sunday, January 26, 2020
Language Reflecting Our Culture And Reality Cultural Studies Essay
Language Reflecting Our Culture And Reality Cultural Studies Essay Language is a system of symbols that allows members of a society to communicate with one another. It is more than just a mean of communication. It can also be viewed as an important element in shaping our culture and the perception of reality. This paper will focus on the relationship between language, culture and reality; also how media and gender culture have influences on the relationship. With the help of different scholars view, we can analysis how language reflect our culture and reality. Linguists have studied the relationship between language and culture by the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. It accounts the differences in language across culture. According to the hypothesis, language is a guide to social reality which state that language is attaching to the real world. Sapir-Whorf hypothesis indicates the strong relationships among culture, language and reality into a cohesive whole. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis shows that people perceive the world through the cultural lens of language which can be easily understood with the diagram below. In other words, language acts like the lens on a camera in filtering reality, Language is the medium by which one views the world, culture, reality and thought. This example is best to illustrate the crux of the hypothesis reality for a culture is discoverable in its language. There are two important aspects in the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, they are vocabulary and grammar and syntax of a language. Let me give a personal experience to state the above concept. I was an exchange student after graduating from secondary school and stayed in a host family in the United States. People there love to party and are addicted to alcohol. They get different words referring to different forms of alcohol, including liquor, brew, booze, wine, beer, drink, firewater, shooter, etc. The point of telling my experience is that these terms are rarely used in Hong Kong because we rarely encounter alcohol other than beer and wine. We can see that it has a particularly rich vocabulary for alcohol, which shows that it is an important thing in American culture. Culture is evident not only in the vocabulary but also the grammar and syntax. I studied German during that exchange year, and found that the grammar and context is so different between Chinese and German. There are no articles, a, an, the counted with the noun in Chinese. In German, each noun must be categorized as either feminine or masculine with the collocation of the articles der, die, and das. This shows us that the grammatical gender is an essential part in German culture. However, there are arguments that against the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, one is made by Fiona Cowie, There are in the grammar observations that apply to all languages; these observations constitute what one calls general grammar. In examining this thought, some cultures and languages are related to each other and have similarities. It contradicts with the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis which states that all cultures see the world differently according to their language. In addition, Tomas Tsoi argued that language carries little tendency in our thinking, and it cannot constitute with what Sapir-Whorf has suggested to be habitual thought. His evidences are if language indeed reflects world view, there are totally different world views among the same linguistic group, while people speaking different languages share similar world views. Besides, he also argues that how does a multilingual holds his world view if it is dependent on languages, because it will lead to contradiction. How do people come to understand the reality? The cultural environment that people grow up in can have surprising effects on how they interpret the world around them. This happens by way of different agents of socialization. Media is one of the important socialization in reinforcing the cultural environment and the perception of reality, but so are family, school and peers. Media showers society with languages and images everyday. These images are delivered to the public through a variety of mediums, such as television, radio, newspaper. Language is a basic medium in the establishment of reality. Media act as a conduit in transmitting the image of reality. In other words, language reflects the culture and reality of its users. Media are never neutral for providing information. The images which we think depictions of reality are actually shaped, because they are filtered through media to the general public. The mass media acts as a translator and bridges the gap. Racism, prejudice and discrimination are all perpetrated through media discourse. This is why people need to have a high potential of media competence to decode what is being said. From the essay which is written by Ray Surette, he stated that the social construction of reality have influences on different individual. People construct their social reality based upon their interaction with an objective reality with their first hand experiences. Thus, the information they receive from a cultures reality, such as language and the media create a subjective reality that directs their social behavior. In urbanized societies, the mass media play a crucial role in the social construction of reality because knowledge of many social phenomena is obtained solely through the media. The mass media has become the dominant player in America. Furthermore, when other sources of knowledge are not available, the media play a greater role in the construction and dissemination of social reality. In fact, media convey different ideologies. Under the influences of powerful groups, it is hard for media to strike balance between facts and different ideologies. Therefore, audiences should bear the responsibility to distinguish message that are being delivered. The concept of media literacy is found to overcome the distortion of the truth from the messages that are created by the media. It is a process of accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating messages in a wide variety of media modes, genres and forms. According to Jane Tallim, media literacy is the ability to sift through and analyze the messages that inform, entertain and sell to us every day. By activating the concept of media literacy, people gain greater awareness of the potential for misrepresentation, especially through commericals and public relations techniques, and to understand the role of mass media in constructing views of reality. Moreover, media conveys a distinct message regarding gender and gender roles which leads us to the topic of language and gender. Males represent face-isms, their faces are shown more often than their bodies, which is associated with character and intellect. Since women are being objectitfication as a sex appeal product, females represent body-isms or partial-isms which is associated with weight and emotion. The topic of language and gender concerns in which men and women use their language differently and how the structure of language reflects or promotes gender division within a society. All of us have different styles of communicating with other people. The styles that men and women use to communicate have been described as debate vs. relate, report-talk vs. rapport-talk, or competitive vs. cooperative. Men often seek straightforward solutions to problems whereas women tend to establish intimacy by discussing problems with the frequency usage of tag questions. Dale Spender writes males, the dominant group, have constructed sexism and developed a language trap in their own interest. This makes the male in the superior position and lead to sexism in language. Men have made their world out of their reality, and women are forced to live with these meanings. Another scholar, Shiela Rowbotham says If she enters mankind she loses herself to himshe represents a woman but he is mankind. Women lose their roles in society because they are considered to go along with the rest of mankind, instead of womankind. The Interpretation Act was an act that was passed in England in 1850 that simplified the language that was used in statutes, legally enabling he to be written instead of he or she. This Act was passed in order to promote the primacy of the male. At that time, there were no women in Parliament to vote against this Act, so it was being passed. It constructed that females had to adhere to a male reality for the world. Spender suggests, In order for the women of today to make their own reality, they must understand how the creation of this world is accomplished. The way to accomplish the above thought is to explore the relationship between language, culture and reality. Therefore, gender equality is a reality many people would like to bring out and our language should reflect this. According to Spender, By changing our language we help change reality in a way that makes our language more accurate. If we change our language, we are to some extent manipulating the social reality. That is an ideology matter and somehow a paradox of socially constructed realities. Our language and society reflect one another, it is important for us to recognize and respect change in the meaning and the acceptability of words. As a conclusion, the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis has changed the way many people look at language. Elaine Chaika states Language and society are so intertwined that it is impossible to understand one without the other. There is no human society that does not depend on, is not shaped by, and does not itself shape language This statement best defines the relationship between languages, culture and reality. Language does not only shape the way reality is perceived but reality also shapes language. For my standpoint there is no sound system to reflect our culture and reality through language. Language does influence culture and perception of reality but language does not govern culture or reality.
Heavy Mechanical Complex (Private) Limited Analysis
Heavy Mechanical Complex (Private) Limited Analysis Heavy Mechanical Complex (Private) Limited is a leading engineering goods manufacturing enterprise in Pakistan located at Taxila about 30 Kilometers north of capital Islamabad. It is a professionally managed progressive organization with over 160,000 sq. meters covered facilities and 1100 employees. HMC have a separate COLONY for their employee which is equipped with all the basic facilities. History Heavy Mechanical Complex was founded in 1969 with the collaboration of CHINA and it was a huge project which was gifted to the people of Pakistan by the CHINA. It is playing a main role in the Development of the country. VALUE HMC have the resources to handle large projects with demanding delivery schedules. Being the largest and most extensive fabrication and machining facility equipped with state of the art technology HMC provide manufacturing services both on our own or customers design. HMC have gained rich experience in designing and manufacturing of large projects through collaboration with internationally reputed engineering organizations. All its processing facilities are in-house including Designing, Fabrication, Machining, Iron and Steel Castings, Forgings, Heat Treatment, Assembly, Sand Blasting, Painting and Galvanizing etc. HMC is ISO 9001 certified the manufacturing is backed by excellent quality control and testing facilities to meet the product and customer quality requirements. PRODUCTS HMC is offering a products having state of the art technology. Some of the projects offered are as follow: Cement Plants HMC offer its clients technology know-how, gained largely from collaboration with world-renowned manufacturers / designers of Portland Cement Plants from 600 to 4,000 TPD capacity and white cement plant up to 1,000 TPD capacities. Sugar Plants HMCs engineering team is capable to draw up the details for complete plant engineering from plant layout to equipment selection, equipment design, piping schedules, material balance, utility balance, heat balance, loading and strength calculations of supporting structure etc. and capable for designing and engineering of complete sugar plant ranging crushing capacity of cane from 500 TCD to 12,000 TCD and beet sugar plants up to 3000 TCD based on various processes. Chemical Petro-Chemical Plants HMC is manufacturing the following equipment for chemical petrochemical plants: Pressure vessels Heat exchangers Storage tanks (LPG, Crude oil, etc) of various types Drums Towers / strippers Columns etc Power Plants Thermal Power Plants In the energy sector HMC has supplied over 30,000 tons of fabricated equipment and parts to different power plants. Major strength is HMCs capabilities for manufacturing utility boilers pressure parts. For this purpose some of the major machines are: 3 roller bending machines for making drums Booster pipe bending machine for making super heater Reheated and economizer coils Specialized machine for machining and welding of headers and complete train of machines for manufacture of membrane walls in panel and bent form. Overhead Traveling Cranes Overhead traveling cranes being part of regular production programmer of HMC are designed and manufactured according to individual requirements of the client. Various types of cranes being manufactured are: Overhead traveling cranes (electrically operated) with hook, grab or magnet. Gantry and semi gantry cranes JIB cranes either pillar mounted or wall mounted type Under-slung cranes Mono-rail systems straight and curved track. Road Construction Machinery Road Rollers HMC manufactures 10-12 tons static road roller having trade mark registered name Shehzore for more than two half decades as per requirements of international road compaction standards. HMC has manufactured / supplied more than 1200 (one thousand two hundreds) units of static road rollers in the country. HMCs static road roller is tough, versatile, dependable, having low operational cost and high standard of performance. HMC have a strong back up of after sale service and supply of spare parts on regular basis. Railway Equipment Axles HMC is the only railway axle manufacturing concern in Pakistan and has so far supplied over 7500 different type of axles for bogies, wagons locomotives for Pakistan Railways. Screw Jacks Special purpose screw jack for lifting the railway locomotives are custom designed and manufactured as per requirement most of the Pak Railways requirement is catered for by HMC. WORK SHOPS Work Shops which are taking place in the Production process in HMC are as follow: Design Shop Design Shop is established in 1970. About 100 highly qualified and experienced design engineers are engaged in designing. Equipped with latest CAD tools (See Hardware Software). About 132 node local area network is installed in Design Department. Fabrication Shop All the fabrication processing needs are available in HMC which include; thermal and mechanical cutting, beveling, plate bending, hot and cold forming, SMAG,TIG,MIG,SAW Welding, stress relieving/heat treatment furnaces, abrasive blasting, painting and galvanizing. Machining Shop HMC has the ability to machine castings, forgings, fabricated parts, sub assemblies and complete assemblies in accordance with the design requirements. The facility consists of varieties of machine tools capable of performing various machining operations such as turning, planning, milling, boring, drilling, deep hole drilling, gear hobbing, threading, slotting, spiral bevel cutting etc. to the close tolerate specified in the design Steel Foundry Shop In HMC Steel foundry is equipped with 215 toms and 1x 3 tons electric arc furnace (EAF), 1.5 ton induction furnace, sand preparation system, mechanized molding system, molding machines, heat transfer and heating furnaces. Iron Foundry Shop In HMC Iron foundry Shop is equipped with three hot blast 5 ton cupolas and two main frequency induction furnaces of 1.5 ton and 0.75 ton respectively. Iron castings in various shapes and grades including S.G. Iron up to approximately 25 tons a piece and copper or Aluminum castings up to 2000 kg a piece can be produced as per customers requirements. Hydraulic Press Shop Hydraulic Press shop is equipped with a 3150 ton hydraulic forging press, 80 ton overhead forging crane, 10 ton forging manipulator, overhead traveling cranes having maximum lifting capacity of 50 ton. Die Forge Shop Die Forge shop specializes in production of automotive die forged components in weight up to 150 kg a piece and steel balls up to 100 mm diameter. Quality Control Shop Inspection and testing is carried out as per the procedures established for ISO 9001, QA System and ASME Code procedures. The inspection testing activities are well backed up with the following facilities: Non Destructive Examination Material Testing Lab Instrument Calibration Laboratory ORGANIZATION CHART MANAGING DIRECTOR Quality Assurance Sales Marketing Group Finance Accounts Department Product Design G.M Head Operation Project Management Division DGM SM-P G.M (SED-3) Foundry Forge Works DMD (SED-2) Purchase DGM Mechanical Works G.M Design Human Resource Department Production Planning Control Role of key Positions Organization Chart basically tells us about the different positions in the organization and shows that how they interact with each other for the proper working of the organization. Managing Director Managing Director is the CEO of the organization and he deals with all the matters in the organization. He is responsible to manage and control all the activities performed in his organization. Deputy Managing Director In the absence of Managing Director Deputy Managing Director Act as a CEO of the Organization and along with that it is the responsibility of the DMD to give suggestions to the Managing Director in different matters. General Manager General Manager is the third most important position in the Hierarchy of Heavy Mechanical Complex. In the absence of Managing director and Deputy Managing Director, General Manager is the sole Authority and he control all the activities performed in the organization. Other Top positions Along with the three main Top Positions in HMC, DGM Sales Marketing, DGM Purchase, DGM Finance, DGM Accounts also play there role in the decision making process. ORGANIZATION CULTURE Introduction to Culture Culture is a set of basic values, believes, perception and behaviors that people learn from there surroundings. Every Organization has its own culture and employees have to adopt them selves according to the culture of the organization. Organization Culture basically tells us that how employees interact with each other, behavior of employers with their sub ordinates and method of interaction of top management with the middle and low level management in the Hierarchy of the organization is also depend upon the culture of the organization. Organization Culture in Heavy Mechanical Complex In HMC organizational Culture is quit similar to the culture of any Government organization. Top Level management is not answerable to any one but the middle level management is answerable in front of the top management and similarly low level management is dependent on middle level and top level management. On the other hand there is also a Welfare Union which is defending the rights of the workers and there are proper elections held in the organization. Union are playing a Positive role in the working of the organization. Apart from Welfare Union there is also a regulatory authority in HMC which is responsible to handle a conflict between Employees and vice Versa. DEPARTMENTS There are Different Departments in HMC and each department has its own important in the proper working of the organization. Accounts Department All the Accounts of the HMC are maintained in the Accounts Department and DGMA ALAM KHAN is the head of that department. All the transactions, Annual Reports, Income Statement, and Profit Loss AC are maintained in the Accounts Department. Finance Department Finance Department is also a very important department in any organization and in HMC Finance Department is responsible for all the payments which are to be made to the external parties. Finance Department consist of thee sections namely: Bill Section Pay Roll Section Credit Control Section DGMF SALEEM IQBAL is the head of Finance department. Purchase Department Purchase Department is also a key Department in HMC. Its main role is to fulfill the requirement of the Raw Material. When ever there is a shortage of Raw Material in the Shops and material is not available in the Store then Purchase Department place an order to the External Parties in the form of TENDER. The party which provides best Raw Material and fulfills all the requirements is then given the Purchase Order. Copy of this Purchase order is then given to Finance Department and when the delivery is received then the payment is made to that party according to the specified Terms and Conditions as expressed in the Purchase Order. Sales Department The working of the sales Department is opposite to that of purchase department. When ever there is some order placed by some party to HMC, then the Engineers take a look at there capability that they can fulfill the required order in time or not. If they have the capability then Proposal is sent to the party and terms and conditions are decided. This Sale Order is then sent to the Finance Department and when the order is placed to the party the payment is received according to terms and conditions defined in Sales Order. PPC, Quality Assurance Department PPC (Production Planning Control) or Quality Assurance Department is also a very important department. The main Functions of this department is to check the Quality of purchase material and also the quality of the equipment or plant which is going to be selling to external party in accordance with the rules define under ISO9001. HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT We say that there is a Finance dept, Purchase Dept, Sales Dept, A/C Dept etc. Can these Departments performs there functions at there own? Answer is BIG NO. There is some force which is controlling these departments and this force is Human Resource. With out Human Resource no Department can perform its Functions. Human Resource Departments role is to provide skilled and efficient human resource to perform functions in these departments. The main source to run any organization is the Human Resource and with Human Resource no organization can survive. HISTORY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT Human Resource Department is considered as a key Department in any Organization because all the departments have to keep interaction with this very department. But Unfortunately history of Human Resource Department is not very good in our country PAKISTAN, the scope of Human Resource Department is developing in different organizations but it will take at least one or two decades for the awareness of Importance of Human Resource Department. In HMC there was an ADMIN Department which was handling all the functions of the organization but now there is a Human Resource Department in HMC and all the affairs related to Recruitment and Selection is taken by Human Resource Department. Frankly Speaking we can say that they had change the name of there ADMIN Dept into Human Resource Department. Hierarchy of Human Resource Department in HMC Head Human Resource Department Admin Services Personal Litigation Welfare Estate Industrial Relation Industrial Relation Department As we have seen in the Hierarchy of Human Resource Department in HMC Industrial Relation is the Sub department of Human Resource. Industrial Relation Basically deals with the affairs of Labors and Workers. Recruitment, Training, Selection, Development, Job Rotation and all other functions of Human Resource related to Labor are deal in Industrial Relation Department. Industrial Relation follows the IRO 2002 (Industrial Relation Ordinance 2002) and affairs of workers are deal under Industrial and Commercial Employment Ordinance 1968. Personal Department Personal department is the second important department in HMC. Personal department deals with the affairs of Officers and Top Management. It is the responsibility of Personal Department to Prepare ACR of the employees at the end of year. In short all the Human Resource Activities related to Officers are deal under the UMBRELLA of Personal. Litigation and Welfare Department HMC basically follows the Factory Act 1934, and all the matters related to Law are deal under the Litigation. If some external party Sue the organization then it is the responsibility of Litigation section to solve the issue according to Law. All the welfare issues are also deal under this department. Transport, Education of Employees Children and Medical Facilities to Employees are Deal under Welfare Section. Estate Department HMC is having its Colony for its employees and there are more than 80% employees who are living in the Colony. Estate department duty is to deal with all the affairs related to Colony. Main duties of Estate Department are: Allotment of Quarters Maintenance Street Lights Security Supply of Electricity, Gas Water Apart from these duties it is also the duty of estate department to keep check and balance of Inventory and assets of the factory. Admin General Services Department All the Issues which are related to Administration of the HMC are deal under the Admin General Services Section. ROLE OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT Human Resource Department is playing a very important role in the organization. All the organization is linked directly or indirectly with the Human Resource Department. There are Five Different Sub Departments of Human Resource in HMC which shows us about the important of Human Resource Department. FUNCTIONS OF HUMAN RESOURCE Following are the main Functions of Human Resource Department in Heavy Mechanical Complex and now we will discuss these functions in detail. HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Introduction Human Resource Planning is the first Function of Human Resource Department. Basically Human resource planning is a process of determining an organizations human resource needs. Whenever an organization is in the process of determining its human resource needs, it is engaged in a process we can call human resource planning. Human Resource Planning in HMC Every Organization has to fulfill its needs of Human Resource in order to perform its functions in a smooth way. HMC is also involved in the process of Human Resource Planning. When ever there is need arises of Human Resource in any workshop then the shop In-charge sends a memo to the Industrial Relation Department which deals with the affairs of workers. Industrial Relation first of all tries to search for some Hidden Employment so that they can rotate the Worker to the desired work shop. If there is no hidden employment then they send a memo to the Managing Director for the approval of the further process of Recruiting new employees. When the approval is received by the Managing Director then the further process of giving Ads in the news paper and job analysis starts. Similarly if there is a need to hire some Engineer or Manager the same procedure is followed but the process of managerial level post is entertained in the Personal Department. Suggestion about Human Resource Planning Suggestion for Human Resource Planning in Heavy Mechanical Complex is that process of human Resource planning should not be too long as it happens normally in Government Organizations that candidate has to wait for 6 to 8 months for the Interview call. Process should be short. HUMAN RESOURCE JOB ANALYSIS Introduction The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person who should be hired for it. Job Analysis is done with the current employees who are performing there duties and the main purpose of job analysis is to determine jobs duties, responsibilities and accountabilities. This process includes the identification of the task performed, Machines and Equipments used in operational activities etc. Use of Job Analysis Information Job Analysis information is used in: Job Description A list of a jobs duties, responsibilities, reporting relationships, working conditions, and supervisory responsibilities-one product of a job analysis. Job Description is basically a part of job analysis in which we describe the nature of job, working conditions, responsibilities duties etc. Job Specification A list of a jobs human requirements, that is, the requisite education, skills, personality, and so on-another product of a job analysis. In Job Specification we look for the human requirement for the specified job. We look for the Education, Knowledge, Qualification and skills required for the job. Apart from Job description and Job Specification Job Analysis information is also help full in determining: Recruitment and Selection Performance Appraisal Job Evaluation Training Job Analysis in Heavy Mechanical Complex In HMC First of all the Human Resource Managers describe the job description and job specification. The company asses the role of position and then determines whether this position is occupied only by a person who is experienced or person without experience can easily and immediately adjust himself in such a position and then company decides what type of qualification person holds who can handle with the problems arise with in that situation. In simple we can say that the company has some expectations regarding the position and company formulate their job description and job specification on the basis of their expectation that the person who shall occupy this position must possess such kind of skills experience and qualification. But these expectations are established after analyzing the posts. Suggestions regarding Job Analysis Company follows the old techniques related to job analysis process. Many problems arise due to the old techniques which are adopted by HMC. So we suggest that they should use new techniques regarding job description and job specification so that they can easily evaluate the current employees on there job. RECRUITMENT INTRODUCTION There is a need of skilled and qualified workers in any organization in order to differentiate themselves from their competitors. So, an effective recruitment process is necessary for every organization. Recruitment refers to the process of creating pool of applicants. Recruiting is the process of discovering potential candidates for actual or anticipated organized vacancies. Basically two types of recruitment process are followed by different organization; Internal Recruitment External Recruitment Internal Recruitment Recruitment that is done within the organization either in form of promotion, job rotation etc. Different Methods of internal recruitment are as follows: Referrals Notice boards College hirings (apprenticeship) Job fairs etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. External Recruitment External Recruitment refers to the recruitment of new employees from out Side the organization. Different methods of external recruitment are as follows: Newspaper Magazine Radio Internet Signboards Television etc à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Recruitment Process in Heavy Mechanical Complex Company has designed the Recruitment Policy as follows: Age of worker should be 18 or more years at the time of recruitment. He should have N.I.C. Physical health should be proper as regarded to the nature of work. Source of Recruitment in Heavy Mechanical Complex Main sources of recruitment in HMC are as: Walk in interviews Direct hiring Notice boards Newspapers Internet College hiring (Apprenticeship) Suggestions Many hires are based on favoritism in HMC. As HMC is government organization so political influence plays a keen role while hiring. We suggest that hirings are based totally on merits to increase the standards of productivity. SELECTION Introduction Organizational performance always depends in part on subordinates having the right skills and attributes. So an effective selection process can enhance the working efficiency of any organization. HR selection is the process of choosing qualified Individuals who are available to fill positions in an Organization. Selection process in Heavy Mechanical Complex HMC has its own selection process. There is a selection committee who scrutinize the applications on the bases of their criteria. A criterion for education is as follows: Education Weitage (%) Metric 20 Intermediate 20 Graduation 50 Interview 10 There is also a provincial quota for every province. Province Quota (%) Punjab 50 Sindh(Urban) 7.6 Sindh(Rural) 11.4 NWFP 11.5 Baluchistan 6 Fata 4 Azad Kashmir 2 There is also 7.5 % quota for merit Testing techniques Different testing technique is used to evaluate the candidates abilities. Written test Interview Medical test Suggestions Regarding Selection Process The criteria for selection is effective but there is need to adopt new method for testing employees to meet internationals levels. We suggest that there should be a G-MAT test, online test for evaluating candidates skills and immediate feedback. ORIENTATION Introduction A procedure for providing new employees with basic background information about the firm. In orientation information about organization culture, information on employee benefits, health and safety measures, regulations, working hours, compensations, discipline, dressing, daily routine works and information about other important issues are provided. Main purpose of orientation is to provide the basic know how about the organization. Orientation in Heavy Mechanical Complex Unfortunately there is no proper method of orientation adopted by HMC they mixed up orientation and training process. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Training The process of teaching new employees the basic skills they need to perform their jobs. Training refers to the methods used to give new or present employee the skills they need to perform their job satisfactorially.Good training is vital. Why training is needed Training is needed when there is a problem, lack of efficiency or lack of activities. Development Any attempt to improve current or future management performance by imparting knowledge, changing attitudes, or increasing skills. Main difference b/w training and development by different authors are as: Training is for new employees and term development is used for existing employees The term training is used for labor force and the development refers for managerial employees. Training and Development Techniques in Heavy Mechanical Complex Different Training and development techniques are used by management in HMC. The criteria for training and development for labor force and management are different. On the Job training techniques is also used. Industrial relation Department Workers and labor training are deal by industrial relation department. Time period for labor force training vary from 4 to 6 weeks. They have there own training centers where training is provided to workers. Personnel department Managerial level training is deal by personnel department. Training for managerial levels varies from 6 month to 1 year time duration. Development Development of employees basically depends upon annual confidential report (ACR) which prepared at the end of each year. And promotions are based on there reports. Suggestions regarding Training and Development There are many deficiencies on different technique ground and employees dont take interest on training .proper check and balance is required to ensure that employee take interest in training. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Introduction Performance management system involves numerous activities, for more than simply reviewing what an employee has done. This system must fulfill several purposes. Moreover they are often constrained by difficulties in how they operate. The HR management has set clear-cut standards of performance for every job. The performance appraisal designed by the HR management involves getting information about how well each employee is performing his/her job in order to reward those who are effective, improve the performance of those who are ineffective, or provide a written justification for why the poor performer should be disciplined. The process employers use to make sure employees are working toward organizational goals. Performance Management Practices in Heavy Mechanical Complex Standards are there to evaluate the performance of employees these standard are set by the committee who is responsible for giving promotions and other incentives to there employees. Industrial relation department is responsible for evaluating the performance of labor force. Personnel department is responsible managerial performance. In HMC shop manager is responsible to point the efficient employees. Suggestions Regarding Performance Management As HMC is working under government. So there is a lot of nepotism and favoritism .as labor promotion is base don ACR submitted by the shop supervisor, so there is a lot of favoritism involved. We suggest that there should be proper check and balance by management. And deserving employees should get appraisal according to the regulations. COMENSATION AND BENEFITS Introduction Compensation means to give any financial support to employees in reward against there services. Indirect financial and non financial payments employees receive for continuing their employment with the company. Laws Different laws are followed by HMC for compensating there employees. Some of these are as under Workmen compensation act 1923 Payment of wages act 1936 Minimum wage ordinance 1961 Old age benefit act 1976 Need of Compensations and Benefits Compensation and benefits are given to employees to enhance there performance. Different types of incentives given to employees to improve their performance. Benefits are given to raise the performance of employees. Benefits given to employees in Heavy Mechanical Complex HMC is providing many benefits to there employees. List of benefits are as under Bonuses Housing facility Transportation Schooling Electricity, Gas and Water Hajj facility HEALTH AND SAFETY Health and Safety Practices in Heavy Mechanical Complex HMC is providing health and safety facilities to there employees. There is a hospital in HMC.HMC used to give proper health treatment to their employees and all the expenses on that medical aid are bear by HMC. Dispensary is available on plant where first aid is given in case of emergency. Laws regarding Health and Safety Different laws are following by HMC relating Health and Safety. Some of them are as follow: Industrial Relation Ordinance 2002 (IRO 2002) Factories Ordinance Act 1934 HMC is providing health and safety according to ISO 9001. CONCLUSION After all the Discussion, at the end we may conclude that HMC is an asset of Pakistan. It is a vast project of mechanical engineering and there is a need of proper attention by the Government beca
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Using one case study film assess the relationship between the industrial context and the representation
The representation of gender in the British film industry throughout the 1960s can be seen in a variety of examples and can be seen as indicative of a general shift in cultural attitudes. In this assignment, we shall be concerning ourselves with the film Goldfinger in particular. Goldfinger was made in 1964 by the British film company (SPHP, 1964). What is of particular interest in this film is the iconic portrayal of the female character that spawned something of a tradition for depictions of idealised femininity.We will pay particular interest to the significance of her role in relation to the rest of the characters in the film. However, we shall first outline a number of industrial and cultural changes that were occurring throughout the 60s in the British film industry. The British film industry of the 1960s saw a degree of significant changes that reflected the cultural mood of this period throughout greater western culture (Coates & Topham 1968).For example, the notion of popula r culture was becoming highly marketable at this time and the subsequent move away from WWII was becoming something of an artistic focus (Laing, 1986). Essentially, Hollywood was promoting a new liberalisation that incorporated sexual imagery as a counter to traditional gender roles based upon social utility (Ewen & Ewen, 1982, p. 37). Although this was embraced throughout the film world, it affected the British film industry in two notable ways. This is given by Curtis who states that,‘’What was striking to us – an audience of artists, writers, journalists and filmmakers – was the assumption evident in all these films, that making cinema could be a first-person-singular affair, and that film language could be as complex and highly individual. In contrast, The films supported by the one source of public funding at the time, the British Film Institute's Experimental Film Fund, were very definitely cinema shorts, stepping-stones to cinema features. ’à ¢â‚¬â„¢ (Laing, 1992, p. 258)This use of short film techniques in which quick iconic symbolism was used in relation to characters made for a mutual embrace of the film techniques being produced by Hollywood. This incorporated sexual and iconic symbolism at its fore (Nuttal, 1968). This was a distinct detraction from the emerging realist depictions found in the dickens-like portrayals common to the kitchen sink drama or the playfulness of slap stick that had gone before (Hebdige, 1988). However, it is perhaps unwise to think of the industry as becoming entirely divorced of its British artistic tradition.Rather, Thompson states that, â€Å"We must remember the ‘underground' of the ballad singer and the fairground which handed on traditions to the nineteenth century; for in these ways the ‘inarticulate' conserve certain values – a spontaneity and capacity for enjoyment and mutual loyalties – despite the inhibiting pressures of magistrates, mill-owners, and Me thodists. †(Thompson, 1963, p. 63) It is with this notion of Hollywood driven sexual symbolism and the British tradition of mutual loyalties that we will now turn to the example of Goldfinger and the depiction of gender.Goldfinger was cast in the genre of the international spy film indicative of the archetypical male hero James Bond (Cohan & Hark, 1993). It features Bond as the main protagonist and Goldfinger as the main antagonist. However, it also involves the depiction of strong and sexualised female characters in crucial roles. In this, we see that although the females are highly sexualised objects and in many ways used by the two main protagonists, they are not subordinate or peripheral to the plot (Hebdige, 1988).This sexualised empowerment is articulated by their being made indicative to the overall consequence of the film. The leading lady is an intelligent and very beautiful woman caught between the loyalties of the two opposing characters. She is modelled on the for mer depictions of beauty founded in the 40s and 50s as seen in Marlin Monroe (Nixon, 2003). However, unlike Marilyn Monroe who was portrayed as a sexually exploitative and superficially unintelligent female figure, she is given as an intelligent woman caught in an ethical dilemma.This clearly highlights the implementation of the depiction of the female in line with Hollywood at this time (Murphy, 2004). However, with the character traits of intelligence and up front honesty and naivety, this is perhaps indicative of the British tradition and the mutual loyalties that drive the spontaneity of the plot. Unintentionally playing upon Bond’s sympathies, she is taken away from Goldfinger and given the approval of the Bond character. However, in her death scene we see the significance of her betrayal.Essentially, she is cast in Gold, which is indicative of the title, and left to die. However, this form of martyrdom is not a moral consequence of her flirtation between characters, but rather an idealisation of the power of iconic female sexuality (Mort, 2004). Furthermore, it evokes a cosmopolitan reference by symbolising the Egyptian sexual princess Cleopatra. In doing so, this reflects a strong use iconic sexuality to superficially relate to the international, cosmopolitan domain (Green, 1998).In summary, it would appear from the depiction of gender of the film Goldfinger, that British film was moving to incorporate a cosmopolitan portrayal in relation to the changes in culture of the time. It would appear that in the depiction of gender, sexuality was an explicit ingredient as was the case in Hollywood films. However, rather abandoning all sense of British tradition, the use of sexual symbolism was employed through a plot involving mixed loyalties and unseen conditional forces. BibliographyCoates K Topham A (1968) Industrial Democracy in Great Britain: a book of readings and witnesses for workers control London: MacGibbon and Kee (ed. ) Cohan, S. , & Hark, I, R. , (1993) Screening the Male New York: Routledge Ewen, S. , & Ewen, E. , (1982) Channels of Desire Minnesota: University of Minnesota Goldfinger, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment, (1964) Green, P. , (1998) Cracks in the Pedestal Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts Press Hebdige, D. , (1988) Hiding in the Light London: Comedia Laing, S., (1986) Representations of Working Class Life 1951-1964 London: Macmillan Mort, F. , (1996) Cultures of Consumption: Masculinities and Social Space in late twentieth-century Britain. London: Routledge. Murphy, P. F. (2004) â€Å"Introduction†, in Murphy, P. F. (ed. ) Feminism and Masculinities, pp. 1-21. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Nixon, S. , (2003) Advertising Cultures: Gender, Commerce, Creativity. London: SAGE. Nuttal, J. , (1968) Bomb Culture London: MacGibbon and Kee Thompson, E, P. , (1968) The Making of the English Working Class Harmondsworth: Penguin
Concept of Long Term Care Essay
In this essay it explains how week one reading changes my concept of long term care. The essay will provide two examples of current events related to long-term care and how it has changed. The paper will focus on examples of current events related to long-term care, and how might these examples increase awareness. This paper will explain what are three long-term care populations evident in my local community and if I was aware of these evident. Long term care is a health and social service there to provides services such as assistance with everyday task, such as dressing, bathing and using the bathroom. After this week reading and discussion as a class on long-term care, I would say my concept has changed. I became more aware of the services provided in long-term care settings, also the individual who requires long-term care. People would think of long-term care only for elders, but the type of people need of long- term care can be from individual with chronic conditions, severe mental illness, and also developmental disabilities, automobile or sporting accident anymore can need long term care in life. Reading the week reading also explain Children, is always the type of people in need of long- term care to surprise me. Children born with developmental disabilities such as, Down syndrome affecting the brain, spinal cord, nervous system function causing them to need long- term care. Some of the current events related to long term care that happened, in the past three years increasing levels of violations staff physicians were not maintain on a 24 hour basis. Another current event related to long term care a staff at Crystal Care Center in Mansfield abuse a patient. The patient refuse to have oxygen fed to him through a nasal cannula, the nurse decide to tuck the sheet over the head of the patient. Patient abuse occurred in August 2010 but is rare in the state of Ohio but happens more often in long term care. These example increase awareness of long-term care having families monitor how a family member or friend treat, to see if medical care is provided with an appropriate level. In my community there are three long term care populations age 65 and older, individuals with disabilities and children. Seniors 65 and older is the biggest population in Arizona needing long term care services.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Marx and Carnegie Essay
For centuries, many philosophers have discussed the issue of class struggle. Karl Marx and Andrew Carnegie both developed theories of the unequal distribution of wealth a long time ago; however the only Carnegie’s ideology could apply to American society today. In â€Å"The Communist Manifesto†, Marx first introduces the two main social classes: bourgeois (the upper class) and proletarians (the lower class or working class). He points out the revolution of industrialism has made changes of Capitalism to Communism. He suggests that the rich should redistribute property evenly because the proletarians have put a lot effort contributing in the revolution. In contrast, Carnegie analyzes in â€Å"The Gospel of Wealth†, the unequal distribution of wealth is a natural consequence of civilization. Both Marx and Carnegie present the problem within society because they want to contribute their own experiences from various views to resolve the tension between the rich and p oor efficiently. By eliminating the gap between rich and poor, Marx believes Communism should replace the economic system of Capitalism. In his perspective, he claims, â€Å"They have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working men of all countries, unite†(Marx 476). Because he sees the Capitalist system exploits workers who are unfairly treated, he asserts that the proletarians should become the ruling class. The principle of Communism is the ideology of collectivism. Marx states, â€Å"Communism deprives no man of the power to appropriate the products of society: all that it does is to deprive him of the power to subjugate the labor of others by means of such appropriation†(470). This means that no private property should be allowed, and no one has even a less or more power in a Communist society. Because Marx illustrates the property ownership would enhance greed, and ambition to win in the competition despite of any consequences, he concludes the more competitions are eliminated, the better people would satisfy into their work. The goal of it is to bring up an economic more and more efficient as well as its equality. Despite the fact both Marx and Carnegie agree that people who work hard deserve to live a successful life, Carnegie insists the great solution to the issue between rich and poor is depend on the wealthy class in society. He expresses, â€Å"The best minds will thus have reached a state in the development of the race in which it is clearly thoughtful and earnest men into whose bands it flows save by using it year by year for the general good†(495). Instead of conforming to Marx’ ideology of letting the proletarians rule the society, Carnegie thought that the rich provide an important responsibilities which means to improve the better standard of living in society. Since the poor will always be among us, he has mentioned the word â€Å"best minds†to identify the rich who represent the most educated and successful group within the population. Carnegie offered the solution of having the wealthy provided institutions and education programs, so the poverty could learn how to build their own wealth and have the great social benefits. In â€Å"The Gospel of Wealth†, Carnegie also mentions in the theory of Social Darwinism, society can’t be better because the wealthy have such a great deal amount of money, but they are not thinking carefully in what and how to spend their money properly. He said it is only useful when they find a good way to use that money to help the poor’s problems. He doesnâ€℠¢t support everyone who give generously to charity because the poor are not educated enough to use the money wisely, perhaps spend it on useless frivolities. He condemns, â€Å"It were better for mankind that the millions of the rich were thrown into the sea than so spent as to encourage the slothful, the drunken, the unworthy†(494). Thus, instead of spending money on useless things, he suggests that the rich should leave their wealth for public good. He used the Cooper Institute to expand his point that the public had used this institution to have themselves better rather than using the money Cooper had donated to them. He illustrates, â€Å"Of every thousand dollars spent in so-called charity to-day, it is probable that $950 is unwisely spent; so spent, indeed, as to produce the very evils which it proposes to mitigate or cure†(494). In the Communism and Individualism, Marx and Carnegie passionately contrast against each other’s ideologies. In Marx’s perspective, the wealthy doesn’t seem to consider the effort of laborers so there is an inequality gap between two social classes. However, Carnegie strongly refuses Communism because he believes Communism only work on theory but not in reality. He asserts that through Communism, people expect to be treated the same, so it maybe lead them to do nothing better for their lives and society. On the other hand, Carnegie explains the concept of Individualism can promote independence and enhance good communication between two separate social groups. He adds, â€Å"Not evil, but good, has come to the race from the accumulation of wealth by those who have the ability and energy that produce it†(488). It means people work hard individually can achieve good education and as well to have a better chance to develop their standard lives. Nevertheles s, Marx is also against Carnegie’s perspective. Marx proved that Communism promoted equality among individuals, creating a mutual agreement in regards to moral standards. Moreover, all different classes have the rights to trade and sell any products of manufacture to create a best standard living. Even though, Marx and Carnegie both represent the unequal distribution of wealth in capitalist societies, they discuss the tension between two social classes in different perspectives. In Marx’s ideology of Communism, he wants the proletarians ruling society while Carnegie believes the bourgeois are qualified to improve the standard of living. Carnegie also mentions that the rich must spend their wealth in appropriate way such as contribute their money wisely to public uses. Each of their ideologies propose the advantages and disadvantages in the Communism and Individualism; however, the purpose of presenting the different perspectives of Marx and Carnegie is to reducing the gap between rich and poor as well as bringing the economic equally to develop a better standard life for all social classes. Works Cited Carnegie, Andrew. â€Å"The Gospel of Wealth.†A World of Ideas: Essential Reading for College Writers. Ninth Ed. Eds. Lee A. Jacobus. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2013. 485-495. Print. Marx, Karl. â€Å"The Communist Manifesto.†A World of Ideas: Essential Reading for College Writers. Ninth Ed. Eds. Lee A. Jacobus. Boston: Bedford/ St. Martins, 2013. 456-476. Print.
Jacob Riis & Jane Addams Essay on Progressive Era
At the turn of the twentieth century the press received a great amount of credit for the success of the Progressive movement. Notable muckrakers Jane Addams and Jacob Riis showed determination towards there being a change; each made sure to use their abilities to aid in not only a social way, but ask economically and politically, even to this day what they've done has made a massive impact. A native of Denmark, Jacob Riis moved to the US in 1870 to pursue work. Riis worked as a police reporter, but eventually became a social reformer.He fought to eliminate the devastating slum-like conditions that were present in New York City's Lower East Side. With the use of his book â€Å"How the Other Half Lives†, Riis was able to open many of the wealthy residences eyes to how immigrants and the less fortunate lives during that era. Riis himself endured similar conditions when he first made the transition to the states; he struggled with being jobless, hungry and homeless, many nights he copes with thoughts of suicide. Three years later he acquired a job as a journalist working for the New York association. How the Other Half Lives†targeted the minds of wealthy citizens as a way to get them to open their eyes to what others just like them were forced to live through. Jacob Riis pointed out that there were single family dwellings that shared side walls with other houses, they were called tenements and were overcrowded and unsanitary. Riis was able to project a very concerned tone and empathize with the people that suffered with poverty, because he too himself knows what it feels like to experience such an battle.Through the pictures in his book, America was able to see what little the government did to help financially unstable people. Riis along with fellow muckrakers Upton Sinclair with his novel â€Å"The Jungle†which shed light on disgusting and filthy conditions surrounding the production of food products, and Jane Addams who created the Hull Hou ses as a way to provide shelter and better living conditions for Americans.Overall Riis was able to accomplish exactly what he wanted, he was capable of successfully accomplishing what he set out to, with the recognition â€Å"How the Other Half Lives†received, people from the outside looking in changed their mindsets and actually improve the living conditions for the poor, which at that time lessened the amount of diseases spreading. An advocate for immigrants, the poor and women, at the age of twenty-nine Jane Addams established the Hull House in 1889, which opened its doors to European immigrants, providing them with food and shelter.Located in Chicago, the Hull House became the first settlement house in the United States. As a social reformer, Addams became the spokesperson for organized labors and was determined to eliminate poverty. Through her writing and speeches, Addams left a lasting impression on the nation during the Progressive Era; her commitment to immigrant c ommunities, and similar to Jacob Riis in her work with wanting to improve slum-like communities, helped change the way people view impoverished living conditions and the things they do to improve them.Both Jane Addams and Jacob Riis did whatever they sought necessary to improve the conditions that immigrants encountered during the progressive era, both worked and successfully got the wealthy and the government to make a change in the way they handled those specific situations, all while influencing modern day. With what they've done during the Progressive Era, Jane Addams and Jacob Riis made a key point in empathizing the needs for more jobs for immigrants and shelters for the less fortunate.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Raising The Federal Minimum Wage - 1225 Words
Study shows that wage increases do lower poverty, by 2.4% if wage at $8.00, consistent with other studies. (Washington Post/ Arin Dube) 1. Raising the federal minimum wage doesn’t cause substantial unemployment as most economists agree, including over 600 economists who wrote a letter to Congress urging a wage increase, and the Economic Policy Institute. A. Identify shortcomings of the opposition (fallacies they make, or weaknesses in the evidence they use) 1. Arin Dube’s study would be great, if the effects were actually significant and weren’t accompanied by negative externalities. For one thing, 2.4% is barely a fraction of all the people living in poverty in the USA. The Washington Post suggests raising it higher to get more people impacted, but that is an ignorant idea that ignores the costs of wage hikes. The problem isn’t that only a small portion of people are being lifted out of poverty, it’s all the people that are pushed further into poverty. There are better solutions that have better effects, without the negative labor costs (Nielsen and Sabia, Employment Policies Institute). a. (Better solution is improving EITC, which focuses on the problem) They said that while that job loss does occur, 900,000 people will be lifted out of poverty. 2. Paradoxical studies have been done showing both positive and negative effects on employment. Basic economics tells us labor is a commodity and raising the price floor will cause a surplus, but relatively recent studies tellShow MoreRelatedRaising The Federal Minimum Wage889 Words  | 4 Pages In my report, I will go into detail and show how raising the federal minimum wage would positively effect the economy. In doing so, I will be discussing how an increase in the federal minimum wage would make a vast improvement on the way many low income families live, and also how raising the federal minimum wage would boost the economy as it desperately needs. In raising the federal minimum wage, one might argue that it would cause a spike in the unemployment rate. The reasoning is that it wouldRead MoreRaising The Federal Minimum Wage799 Words  | 4 Pages In the US, President Barack Obama urges Congress to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10 an hour from $7.25. Although some Republicans oppose to this action, overwhelming majority of Americans see that is a good idea (The Guardian, 2014). Regarding to the issue of minimum wage, there have been lots of debates for a long time. 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This is the situation faced by thousands of Americans every year due to low income and wealth inequality. The federal minimum wage (FMW) as of April 2014 is $7.25, which is not enough to keep a family of two above the poverty line.Read MoreEconomic Outcomes Of Raising The Federal Minimum Wage1489 Words  | 6 Pagespercent of all wage and salary workers. Among those paid by the hour, 1.3 million earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. About 1.7 million had wages below the federal minimum. Together, these 3.0 million workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 3.9 percent of all hourly paid workers†(Ratio of Minimum Wage). 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In â€Å"Federal Minimum Wage†, New Zealand and Australia enacted the first minimum wage law during the late 19th century to prevent employers’ exploitation of workers. In 1912, Massachusetts passed the first minimum wage legislation in the US that was enforced for women and children, and fifteen more states followed in the next eleven years. However, the Supreme CourtRead MoreU.s. Fed eral Minimum Wage Essay951 Words  | 4 PagesCongress passed the federal minimum wage law in 1938 as part of their Fair Labor Standards Act. Federal minimum wages were intended to ensure fair wages were paid to an alarming amount of women and youths employed and paid substandard wages. This also seems to be the case today, where countless Americans who work full time, cannot make ends meet by making minimum wage. Evidence shows that raising the minimum wage would drive consumer spending, thus producing faster macroeconomic growth. Wage stagnation isRead MoreU.s. 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Data Gathering Techniques - 877 Words
Data Gathering Techniques Data Gathering Techniques Interview †¢ Interviews can be conducted in person or over the telephone. †¢ Questions should be focused, clear, and encourage open-ended responses. †¢ Interviews are mainly qualitative in nature. Data Gathering Techniques Advantages of interviews The main advantages of interviews are: †¢ they are useful to obtain detailed information about personal feelings, perceptions and opinions †¢ they allow more detailed questions to be asked †¢ they usually achieve a high response rate †¢ respondents own words are recorded †¢ ambiguities can be clarified and incomplete answers followed up †¢ interviewees are not influenced by others in the group †¢ some interviewees may be less self-conscious in a†¦show more content†¦changes of emotions, behavior, feelings etc. †¢ Lacks validity †¢ There is no way to tell how truthful a respondent is being †¢ There is no way of telling how much thought a respondent has put in †¢ The respondent may be forgetful or not thinking within the full context of the situation Data Gathering Techniques Observations †¢ Allows for the study of the dynamics of a situation, frequency counts of target behaviors, or other behaviors as indicated by needs of the evaluation. †¢ Good source for providing additional information about a particular group, can use video to provide documentation Data Gathering Techniques †¢ Can produce qualitative (e.g., narrative data) and quantitative data (e.g., frequency counts, mean length of interactions, and instructional time) Data Gathering Techniques Advantages of Observations †¢ Collect data where and when an event or activity is occurring . †¢ Does not rely on people’s willingness to provide information. †¢ Directly see what people do rather than relying on what they say they do. 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