Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Essay about The Crack Cocaine Epidemic of the Mid 1980s
â€Å"Just Say No!†A statement that takes us deep into yet another decade in the history of the United States which was excited by controversies, social issues, and drug abuse. The topic of this statement is fueled by the growing abuse of cocaine in the mid 1980s. I shall discuss the effects of the crack cocaine epidemic of the mid 1980s from a cultural and social stand point because on that decade this country moved to the rhythms and the pace of this uncanny drug. Cocaine took its told on American society by in the 1980s; it ravaged with every social group, race, class, etc. It reigned over the United States without any prejudices. Crack cocaine was the way into urban society, because of its affordability in contrast to the powdered†¦show more content†¦The numbers speak loud and clear. This was part of the effects that where brought about by this epidemic, the growing use of the drug. Crack cocaine pierced through urban neighborhoods; its roots were tightly gripe d in Los Angeles California’s black neighborhoods (Webb â€Å"Dark Alliance; War†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). In effect, the growing use of cocaine in the US brought fort new types of profit and purpose for the drug trafficking industry; thus the emergence of crack cocaine on American soil, especially through the explosion in LA. This was due to a link between these areas drug dealers and the Fuerza Democratica Nicaraguense (FDA), know as the Contras here in the US (Webb â€Å"Dark Alliance; the Shadowy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). The Contras imported the cocaine through one man, Oscar Danilo Blandon (Webb â€Å"Dark Alliance; the Shadowy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). The Contras revolution against the socialist establishment in Nicaragua was being funded by the drug trafficking industry in other words (Webb â€Å"Dark Alliance; the Shadowy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ), and this ius when a chain effect begins. The chains of effects begin in Nicaragua, but ultimately it ends and harbors itself in the US within its urban neig hborhoods. The CIA was involved with the Contras is one way or another, this is where the conspiracy theories begin (Webb â€Å"Dark Alliance; the Shadowy†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). Supposedly in the most extreme conclusion of them all is that the CIA was allowing the Contras to import and deliver all their cocaine, in order for them to find the monetary means for theirShow MoreRelatedDrug Addiction : Bad And The Bone1247 Words  | 5 Pagesbrain disease that causes compulsive drug seeking and use wherein the user has no effective choice but to continue.†(webmd, 2014). Dating back to the 19th century, Americans first discovered drugs such as morphine, heroin and cocaine however tobacco, nicotine, marijuana, cocaine, opium and amphetamine were of the few drugs ordinarily abused. The drugs listed had been introduced to the Americas at different times. .Tobacco is a green, verdant plant that is orginated in warm temperatures. It is nativeRead MoreThe Crack Epidemic in Washington Dc4036 Words  | 17 PagesThe Federal Government’s Impact on the Crack Epidemic in the District of Colombia Cutler Fisher AMST 3950W April 15, 2012 The term epidemic is typically used in relation to the spread of a disease however; in the mid 1980’s this term was attached to crack cocaine. The crack cocaine epidemic described the impact of a newly created drug on most U.S. cities in the northeast and Mid Atlantic. Washington, D.C. provided the perfect setting for crack cocaine to flourish. Plenty of low-income innerRead MoreHip Hop and the Crack Epidemic1701 Words  | 7 PagesIt was during the mid-1980s that the emergence of a new smokable form of cocaine, called crack, had been introduced to the United States. 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Crack is the street name for a form of cocaine introduced in the mid-1980s. Crack is smoked, rather then sniffed through the nose, or injected, which are all other ways to use cocaine. Users of the drug inhale the vapors that are given off when the crack is heated (Berger pg.20). Crack cannot burn, and in order to give offRead MoreThe Drug Of Drug Abuse1385 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Cocaine is an addictive drug that comes from the coca plant. How cocaine is made and ingested are the primary differences between powdered and crack cocaine. It can be ingested in multiple ways, but inhaling and smoking are the most common. Powdered cocaine is a white substance that is snorted and absorbed through the nasal tissue. Crack cocaine is made by dissolving cocaine with an alkaline (like baking soda), then it turns into a sheet that can be crushed out into â€Å"rock†form. InRead More War on Drugs Essay examples1932 Words  | 8 Pages I. Thesis and Literature Summary In our contemporary society, the media constantly bombards us with horror stories about drugs like crack-cocaine. From them, and probably from no other source, we learn that crack is immediately addictive in every case, we learn that it causes corruption, crazed violence, and almost always leads to death. The government tells us that we are busy fighting a war on drugs and so it gives us various iconic models to despise and detest : we learn to stereotypeRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States1506 Words  | 7 Pagesyears placed more Americans in prison than any other nation on Earth. In the early 1980’s a new drug was sweeping the United States. â€Å"Crack cocaine†as it came to be known could provide a near instant, intense high at a fraction of the cost of traditional powder cocaine. In no time, the drug became a full fledged crisis, engulfing the country. Pundits were quick to coin the new crack craze as the â€Å"crack epidemic.†In response to this new public safety concern the Reagan administration began to implementRead MoreAdolescent Crime a Result of Socioeconomic Instabilities 1271 Words  | 6 PagesThe overwhelming increase in crime during the mid-1980s through the early 1990s created a disenfranchisement that placed a great deal of pressure on the juvenile justice system. Pressure associated with increased levels of crime gears conservative believers in social responsibility to implement harsher punishments as an avenue for social protection. Conversely, liberally-minded individuals gravitate toward the social problems perspe ctive, believing that rehabilitation is the only method adequate
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Share Analysis of Thorntons Plc - 1988 Words
Part 2 The chocolate industry in UK Britain really is a nation of chocolate lovers. Among the whole world, UK has the seventh highest consumption of chocolate. A British eats an average 17.49lbs of chocolate per year (The World Atlas of Chocolate, 2011). Switzerland takes the top spot. In Britain, an estimated 660,900 tones of chocolate are eaten per year which is an average of 11kg per person. The UK chocolate industry is worth  £3.6billion and sales of chocolate just keep growing and growing. The chocolate industry is a fast growing industry in UK, and the competition among the main brands is getting more and fiercer. For the investors, it is important to know the market share and the share price information of a company. These†¦show more content†¦The P/E ratio is calculated by share price divided by earnings per share or market capitalization divided by earnings. It is a relative indicator of potential growth in profits. The P/E ratio of Thorntons PLC is calculated below. | |2011  £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m |2010 £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m |2009 £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m |2008 £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m |2007 £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m | |Market capitalization |41.2 |55.7 |50.5 |77.9 |119.2 | |Profit attributable to |(0.253) |4.354 |3.605 |6.068 |5.296 | |equity shareholders | | | | | | |P/E ratio |(-162.8) |12.8 |14.0 |12.8 |22.5 | Table2.1 P/E ratio calculate Source: Thorntons PLC Annual Rrport and Accounts 2011 From the year 2008 to 2010, the P/E ratio is around 13 which mean the share will have paid for itself in 13 years. It really a long term for the investment to pay for itself. But in the year 2007, the ratio is too high that means most shares are hopelessly overpaid. Normally, an average P/E ratio is around 10. However, the ratio in the year 2011 is appeared to be negative 162.8!!! That is caused by the falling profit. [pic] Figure2.3 Net income of Thorntons PLC from 2007 toShow MoreRelatedThe Company s Largest Manufacturer And Retailer Of Specialists Chocolates1121 Words  | 5 PagesCode+ course name Instructor’s Name University Name City, State Date of Submission Introduction Thornton plc is regarded as the U.K’s biggest manufacturer and retailer of specialists’ chocolates. Moreover, the organization has been successfully operating in the region, for over ten decades, thanks to its unique strategic decisions. This paper will discuss at length about the company’s history, mission statement, and its strategic decisions, which have made the organization, be a formidableRead MoreStrategic Management Analysis for Thorntons, the UKs largest manufacturer and Retailer of specialist chocolates5576 Words  | 23 PagesStrategic Management Thorntons Case Study THORNTONS PLC CASE STUDY STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT COURSE ï ¿ ½ OUTLINE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 1.0. INTRODUCTION 3 1.1. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 3 1.2. CURRENT STATUS 5 1.2.1 SALES BREAKDOWN 5 1.2.2 STOCK INFORMATION 6 1.2.3 CURRENT STRATEGY 8 1.2.4 IMPROVED MARGIN AND COSTS 8 1.2.5 THORNTONS CAFÉ 9 2.0. CASE ANALYSIS 10 2.1. SCOPE OF BUSINESS 10 2.2. THE FIVE FORCES FRAMEWORK 10 2.3. STRATEGIC CAPABILITIES 12 2.3.1 RESOURCES 12 2.3.2 COMPETENCIES 12Read MoreThorntons Strategy over the Years4024 Words  | 17 Pagescontributed to the success and problems faced by Thorntons up until 2003. Over the years, the company seems to have lost focus on its original strategy based on product differentiation and spread itself too thin in pursuit of multiple objectives. It is clear that the values on which Thorntons was originally founded were the principal reasons for the company’s initial success in Britain. From the very beginning, a combination of the quality ingredients that Thorntons had used and the manufacturing expertiseRead MoreThorntons Strategic Analysis4154 Words  | 17 PagesIntroduction Thorntons is the largest, independent chocolate and confectionery company in the United Kingdom, founded by Joseph William Thornton, in Sheffield. It is a public company with both retail and manufacturing business. The company grew up from a cabin shop in 1911 over the years. His intention was to offer the best sweet shop in the town and later on after hundred years now it is the best and largest chocolate company in U.K. Today , the company is based in Derbyshire ,with 4000employersRead MoreThe War On Controlling Fraud And Abuse Essay2014 Words  | 9 Pagesnearly $5.7 billion in health care cases, up $1.9 billion from the prior fiscal year. Of that amount, $2.3 billion was tied to healthcare fraud against the federal government, according to a recent review by the Nashville, TN firm of Bass, Berry Sims PLC.†(Powderly, 2015) Many of the cases have been related to Medicare/Medicaid fraud and the federal government is cracking down on the abuse within the system. Types of Healthcare Fraud: One may ask what constitutes healthcare fraud, abuse and waste.Read MoreRyanair Leadership Strategy Report4194 Words  | 17 Pageseffective ways for Ryanair to generate new income is to develop more bases and travel to new destinations. Travelling to new destinations can provide new jobs and provide entry to new markets out with the EU and help the company expand even further. Analysis - Internal Strengths amp; Weaknesses (press ‘tab’ in the last cell of the tables to add another line if you need it) Strengths | Strength | Evidence / argument | Cost Efficient Airline: | Ryanair is a cost efficient airline. Ryanair saveRead MoreThornton s, A Premier Chocolatier Company2565 Words  | 11 Pagesby 350 different cafes and retail stores, consisting of over 200 franchises that offer products via the Internet, in-store, and mail order. Thornton’s is a publicly traded company on the London Stock Exchange, with a current stock value of  £99 per share (Bloomberg 2014). The company has, between 2012 and 2013, seen basically flat sales (221M in 2013 and 222M in 2014), which is a problem for achieving growth for this High Street firm. The company was, however, able to raise its net income from  £3.1Read MoreMars International Marketing Report Essay5188 Words  | 21 Pagesand introduction section that provides relevant information of MARS including its objectives and segmentations, as well as explains the market analysis tools that are used; environmental analysis section which states the significant factors affect MA RS chocolate in UK market in both external and internal environments on the base of a SWOT and DEEPLIST analysis; finally the solution and strategy section which presents a fully justified foreign market entry strategy and detailed international productRead MoreProj587 Course Project rough draft b Essay7672 Words  | 31 Pagesefforts, e.g. reducing carbon footprint by lowering energy use on their ships; proving the best cruise experience possible to make customers wish to come back and do business with Carnival again. Marketing Company Profile Carnival Corporation PLC is the largest global cruise and vacation companies in the world, operating primarily in North America, UK, Germany, New Zealand, Spain, Brazil and Australia; Headquartered in Doral, Florida, with and additional headquarters in London, UK. As of JanuaryRead MoreWhat Are the Impacts of Rfid in Oil and Gas Supply Chain Management?21195 Words  | 85 Pagesresearch to gather information on both SCM and RFID technology. After in-depth study, the research was also able to pull out case studies in oil and gas companies to analyze the impact of RFID in oil and gas supply chain management. In the final analysis, secondary research has provided information needed to answer the research question. The research looks at information on oil and gas supply chain management and the problems in the system. Also the technologies used in supply chain management, it
Share Analysis of Thorntons Plc - 1988 Words
Part 2 The chocolate industry in UK Britain really is a nation of chocolate lovers. Among the whole world, UK has the seventh highest consumption of chocolate. A British eats an average 17.49lbs of chocolate per year (The World Atlas of Chocolate, 2011). Switzerland takes the top spot. In Britain, an estimated 660,900 tones of chocolate are eaten per year which is an average of 11kg per person. The UK chocolate industry is worth  £3.6billion and sales of chocolate just keep growing and growing. The chocolate industry is a fast growing industry in UK, and the competition among the main brands is getting more and fiercer. For the investors, it is important to know the market share and the share price information of a company. These†¦show more content†¦The P/E ratio is calculated by share price divided by earnings per share or market capitalization divided by earnings. It is a relative indicator of potential growth in profits. The P/E ratio of Thorntons PLC is calculated below. | |2011  £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m |2010 £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m |2009 £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m |2008 £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m |2007 £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m | |Market capitalization |41.2 |55.7 |50.5 |77.9 |119.2 | |Profit attributable to |(0.253) |4.354 |3.605 |6.068 |5.296 | |equity shareholders | | | | | | |P/E ratio |(-162.8) |12.8 |14.0 |12.8 |22.5 | Table2.1 P/E ratio calculate Source: Thorntons PLC Annual Rrport and Accounts 2011 From the year 2008 to 2010, the P/E ratio is around 13 which mean the share will have paid for itself in 13 years. It really a long term for the investment to pay for itself. But in the year 2007, the ratio is too high that means most shares are hopelessly overpaid. Normally, an average P/E ratio is around 10. However, the ratio in the year 2011 is appeared to be negative 162.8!!! That is caused by the falling profit. [pic] Figure2.3 Net income of Thorntons PLC from 2007 toShow MoreRelatedThe Company s Largest Manufacturer And Retailer Of Specialists Chocolates1121 Words  | 5 PagesCode+ course name Instructor’s Name University Name City, State Date of Submission Introduction Thornton plc is regarded as the U.K’s biggest manufacturer and retailer of specialists’ chocolates. Moreover, the organization has been successfully operating in the region, for over ten decades, thanks to its unique strategic decisions. This paper will discuss at length about the company’s history, mission statement, and its strategic decisions, which have made the organization, be a formidableRead MoreStrategic Management Analysis for Thorntons, the UKs largest manufacturer and Retailer of specialist chocolates5576 Words  | 23 PagesStrategic Management Thorntons Case Study THORNTONS PLC CASE STUDY STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT COURSE ï ¿ ½ OUTLINE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 1.0. INTRODUCTION 3 1.1. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 3 1.2. CURRENT STATUS 5 1.2.1 SALES BREAKDOWN 5 1.2.2 STOCK INFORMATION 6 1.2.3 CURRENT STRATEGY 8 1.2.4 IMPROVED MARGIN AND COSTS 8 1.2.5 THORNTONS CAFÉ 9 2.0. CASE ANALYSIS 10 2.1. SCOPE OF BUSINESS 10 2.2. THE FIVE FORCES FRAMEWORK 10 2.3. STRATEGIC CAPABILITIES 12 2.3.1 RESOURCES 12 2.3.2 COMPETENCIES 12Read MoreThorntons Strategy over the Years4024 Words  | 17 Pagescontributed to the success and problems faced by Thorntons up until 2003. Over the years, the company seems to have lost focus on its original strategy based on product differentiation and spread itself too thin in pursuit of multiple objectives. It is clear that the values on which Thorntons was originally founded were the principal reasons for the company’s initial success in Britain. From the very beginning, a combination of the quality ingredients that Thorntons had used and the manufacturing expertiseRead MoreThorntons Strategic Analysis4154 Words  | 17 PagesIntroduction Thorntons is the largest, independent chocolate and confectionery company in the United Kingdom, founded by Joseph William Thornton, in Sheffield. It is a public company with both retail and manufacturing business. The company grew up from a cabin shop in 1911 over the years. His intention was to offer the best sweet shop in the town and later on after hundred years now it is the best and largest chocolate company in U.K. Today , the company is based in Derbyshire ,with 4000employersRead MoreThe War On Controlling Fraud And Abuse Essay2014 Words  | 9 Pagesnearly $5.7 billion in health care cases, up $1.9 billion from the prior fiscal year. Of that amount, $2.3 billion was tied to healthcare fraud against the federal government, according to a recent review by the Nashville, TN firm of Bass, Berry Sims PLC.†(Powderly, 2015) Many of the cases have been related to Medicare/Medicaid fraud and the federal government is cracking down on the abuse within the system. Types of Healthcare Fraud: One may ask what constitutes healthcare fraud, abuse and waste.Read MoreRyanair Leadership Strategy Report4194 Words  | 17 Pageseffective ways for Ryanair to generate new income is to develop more bases and travel to new destinations. Travelling to new destinations can provide new jobs and provide entry to new markets out with the EU and help the company expand even further. Analysis - Internal Strengths amp; Weaknesses (press ‘tab’ in the last cell of the tables to add another line if you need it) Strengths | Strength | Evidence / argument | Cost Efficient Airline: | Ryanair is a cost efficient airline. Ryanair saveRead MoreThornton s, A Premier Chocolatier Company2565 Words  | 11 Pagesby 350 different cafes and retail stores, consisting of over 200 franchises that offer products via the Internet, in-store, and mail order. Thornton’s is a publicly traded company on the London Stock Exchange, with a current stock value of  £99 per share (Bloomberg 2014). The company has, between 2012 and 2013, seen basically flat sales (221M in 2013 and 222M in 2014), which is a problem for achieving growth for this High Street firm. The company was, however, able to raise its net income from  £3.1Read MoreMars International Marketing Report Essay5188 Words  | 21 Pagesand introduction section that provides relevant information of MARS including its objectives and segmentations, as well as explains the market analysis tools that are used; environmental analysis section which states the significant factors affect MA RS chocolate in UK market in both external and internal environments on the base of a SWOT and DEEPLIST analysis; finally the solution and strategy section which presents a fully justified foreign market entry strategy and detailed international productRead MoreProj587 Course Project rough draft b Essay7672 Words  | 31 Pagesefforts, e.g. reducing carbon footprint by lowering energy use on their ships; proving the best cruise experience possible to make customers wish to come back and do business with Carnival again. Marketing Company Profile Carnival Corporation PLC is the largest global cruise and vacation companies in the world, operating primarily in North America, UK, Germany, New Zealand, Spain, Brazil and Australia; Headquartered in Doral, Florida, with and additional headquarters in London, UK. As of JanuaryRead MoreWhat Are the Impacts of Rfid in Oil and Gas Supply Chain Management?21195 Words  | 85 Pagesresearch to gather information on both SCM and RFID technology. After in-depth study, the research was also able to pull out case studies in oil and gas companies to analyze the impact of RFID in oil and gas supply chain management. In the final analysis, secondary research has provided information needed to answer the research question. The research looks at information on oil and gas supply chain management and the problems in the system. Also the technologies used in supply chain management, it
Share Analysis of Thorntons Plc - 1988 Words
Part 2 The chocolate industry in UK Britain really is a nation of chocolate lovers. Among the whole world, UK has the seventh highest consumption of chocolate. A British eats an average 17.49lbs of chocolate per year (The World Atlas of Chocolate, 2011). Switzerland takes the top spot. In Britain, an estimated 660,900 tones of chocolate are eaten per year which is an average of 11kg per person. The UK chocolate industry is worth  £3.6billion and sales of chocolate just keep growing and growing. The chocolate industry is a fast growing industry in UK, and the competition among the main brands is getting more and fiercer. For the investors, it is important to know the market share and the share price information of a company. These†¦show more content†¦The P/E ratio is calculated by share price divided by earnings per share or market capitalization divided by earnings. It is a relative indicator of potential growth in profits. The P/E ratio of Thorntons PLC is calculated below. | |2011  £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m |2010 £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m |2009 £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m |2008 £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m |2007 £Ã¢â‚¬â„¢m | |Market capitalization |41.2 |55.7 |50.5 |77.9 |119.2 | |Profit attributable to |(0.253) |4.354 |3.605 |6.068 |5.296 | |equity shareholders | | | | | | |P/E ratio |(-162.8) |12.8 |14.0 |12.8 |22.5 | Table2.1 P/E ratio calculate Source: Thorntons PLC Annual Rrport and Accounts 2011 From the year 2008 to 2010, the P/E ratio is around 13 which mean the share will have paid for itself in 13 years. It really a long term for the investment to pay for itself. But in the year 2007, the ratio is too high that means most shares are hopelessly overpaid. Normally, an average P/E ratio is around 10. However, the ratio in the year 2011 is appeared to be negative 162.8!!! That is caused by the falling profit. [pic] Figure2.3 Net income of Thorntons PLC from 2007 toShow MoreRelatedThe Company s Largest Manufacturer And Retailer Of Specialists Chocolates1121 Words  | 5 PagesCode+ course name Instructor’s Name University Name City, State Date of Submission Introduction Thornton plc is regarded as the U.K’s biggest manufacturer and retailer of specialists’ chocolates. Moreover, the organization has been successfully operating in the region, for over ten decades, thanks to its unique strategic decisions. This paper will discuss at length about the company’s history, mission statement, and its strategic decisions, which have made the organization, be a formidableRead MoreStrategic Management Analysis for Thorntons, the UKs largest manufacturer and Retailer of specialist chocolates5576 Words  | 23 PagesStrategic Management Thorntons Case Study THORNTONS PLC CASE STUDY STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT COURSE ï ¿ ½ OUTLINE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 2 1.0. INTRODUCTION 3 1.1. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 3 1.2. CURRENT STATUS 5 1.2.1 SALES BREAKDOWN 5 1.2.2 STOCK INFORMATION 6 1.2.3 CURRENT STRATEGY 8 1.2.4 IMPROVED MARGIN AND COSTS 8 1.2.5 THORNTONS CAFÉ 9 2.0. CASE ANALYSIS 10 2.1. SCOPE OF BUSINESS 10 2.2. THE FIVE FORCES FRAMEWORK 10 2.3. STRATEGIC CAPABILITIES 12 2.3.1 RESOURCES 12 2.3.2 COMPETENCIES 12Read MoreThorntons Strategy over the Years4024 Words  | 17 Pagescontributed to the success and problems faced by Thorntons up until 2003. Over the years, the company seems to have lost focus on its original strategy based on product differentiation and spread itself too thin in pursuit of multiple objectives. It is clear that the values on which Thorntons was originally founded were the principal reasons for the company’s initial success in Britain. From the very beginning, a combination of the quality ingredients that Thorntons had used and the manufacturing expertiseRead MoreThorntons Strategic Analysis4154 Words  | 17 PagesIntroduction Thorntons is the largest, independent chocolate and confectionery company in the United Kingdom, founded by Joseph William Thornton, in Sheffield. It is a public company with both retail and manufacturing business. The company grew up from a cabin shop in 1911 over the years. His intention was to offer the best sweet shop in the town and later on after hundred years now it is the best and largest chocolate company in U.K. Today , the company is based in Derbyshire ,with 4000employersRead MoreThe War On Controlling Fraud And Abuse Essay2014 Words  | 9 Pagesnearly $5.7 billion in health care cases, up $1.9 billion from the prior fiscal year. Of that amount, $2.3 billion was tied to healthcare fraud against the federal government, according to a recent review by the Nashville, TN firm of Bass, Berry Sims PLC.†(Powderly, 2015) Many of the cases have been related to Medicare/Medicaid fraud and the federal government is cracking down on the abuse within the system. Types of Healthcare Fraud: One may ask what constitutes healthcare fraud, abuse and waste.Read MoreRyanair Leadership Strategy Report4194 Words  | 17 Pageseffective ways for Ryanair to generate new income is to develop more bases and travel to new destinations. Travelling to new destinations can provide new jobs and provide entry to new markets out with the EU and help the company expand even further. Analysis - Internal Strengths amp; Weaknesses (press ‘tab’ in the last cell of the tables to add another line if you need it) Strengths | Strength | Evidence / argument | Cost Efficient Airline: | Ryanair is a cost efficient airline. Ryanair saveRead MoreThornton s, A Premier Chocolatier Company2565 Words  | 11 Pagesby 350 different cafes and retail stores, consisting of over 200 franchises that offer products via the Internet, in-store, and mail order. Thornton’s is a publicly traded company on the London Stock Exchange, with a current stock value of  £99 per share (Bloomberg 2014). The company has, between 2012 and 2013, seen basically flat sales (221M in 2013 and 222M in 2014), which is a problem for achieving growth for this High Street firm. The company was, however, able to raise its net income from  £3.1Read MoreMars International Marketing Report Essay5188 Words  | 21 Pagesand introduction section that provides relevant information of MARS including its objectives and segmentations, as well as explains the market analysis tools that are used; environmental analysis section which states the significant factors affect MA RS chocolate in UK market in both external and internal environments on the base of a SWOT and DEEPLIST analysis; finally the solution and strategy section which presents a fully justified foreign market entry strategy and detailed international productRead MoreProj587 Course Project rough draft b Essay7672 Words  | 31 Pagesefforts, e.g. reducing carbon footprint by lowering energy use on their ships; proving the best cruise experience possible to make customers wish to come back and do business with Carnival again. Marketing Company Profile Carnival Corporation PLC is the largest global cruise and vacation companies in the world, operating primarily in North America, UK, Germany, New Zealand, Spain, Brazil and Australia; Headquartered in Doral, Florida, with and additional headquarters in London, UK. As of JanuaryRead MoreWhat Are the Impacts of Rfid in Oil and Gas Supply Chain Management?21195 Words  | 85 Pagesresearch to gather information on both SCM and RFID technology. After in-depth study, the research was also able to pull out case studies in oil and gas companies to analyze the impact of RFID in oil and gas supply chain management. In the final analysis, secondary research has provided information needed to answer the research question. The research looks at information on oil and gas supply chain management and the problems in the system. Also the technologies used in supply chain management, it
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Factors Of Adolescent Behavior - 1287 Words
The Factors of Adolescent Behavior as Defined by Aloe Blacc’s Song, â€Å"Love is the Answer†â€Å"Love is the answer/ It’s the only thing that everybody needs†–A. Blacc The presence of love plays a distinct role on society. The amount of compassion and support given greatly affects an individual’s outcome in life. The story told in Aloe Blacc’s music video â€Å"Love Is The Answer†centers on two teenage brothers who become separated after their parents’ divorce. With each son residing with one parent, the video shows a contrast of the lives of the boys. The message of the video suggests that family life, social environments, and love are factors of adolescent behavior. The music video uses imagery, videography techniques, and lyrics to convey its†¦show more content†¦The video also captures scenes of the father’s son attending a good school. The neatly maintained lockers and hallways, student computers, football field, and suburbia-looking teenagers conveys the thought that he has a quality education that perhaps teaches moral ethics to their students. This son is also seen dedicating himself to football. The scenes highlight his passion and hard work as he is seen practicing on the football field. The second son’s quality of life is not the same as his brother’s. His mother is rarely seen in the music video. She only makes one appearance with her son. Her short appearance shows her yelling at him as he lies on the couch, holding a football. This son attends a school with damaged lockers and enters a classroom that appears to be a rundown portable building. Most of the students have rebellious looks on their faces and show no interest in their education. He spends his free time gambling and drinking with rebellious people. The contrast in the lifestyles of the two brothers suggests that the factors of behavior vary in each situation. â€Å"Although social behavior is learned by youth through a variety of sources, including peers, school, the family and the neighborhood, it is the family that is the single most important influence on youth socialization†(Donegan 1996). Both sons are highly influenced by the parent they live with. Judging by the stern facial expressions seen on the mother’s son throughout
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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Romeo And Juliet Chain Of Human Actions Essay Example For Students
Romeo And Juliet Chain Of Human Actions Essay In the play Romeo and Juliet, by William Shakespeare, two teenagers are controlled by a chain of human actions. Act 4, scenes 1,3 and 5, are a good representation of the web of human actions that cause tragedy between the pair of star crossed lovers (prologue). One example of human actions being dominant in those particular scenes is Friar Lawrence. His actions, while being in good intent, caused much of the pain for the other characters in the book. His first action was to offer his help to the depressed Juliet, thinking that maybe he could spy a kind of hope (Act 4, sc i, ll 68). His actions then led him to think of the fake death which he tells to her. Hold then, go home, be merry (Act 4, sc i, ll 89), he tells her, while he gives her the poison and plans to give Romeo a message describing the plan. He doesnt however, make sure Romeo gets the message which is probably the most crucial human action in the play. The other example of human actions controlling the plot is Juliet. In those scenes she acts in ways which seriously affect her life and the rest of the play. First, she comes to the Friar looking for help. I long to die, if what thou speakst speak not of remedy (Act 4, sc i, ll 66-67) is her attitude towards her situation. She then accepts the friars solution and decides to take the poison. Give me, give me! Oh tell me not of fear (Act 4, sc 1, ll 121) are her words spoken to the friar. Her actions here are to be brave and to rush into the plan. Her actions are more important than the friars in this scene because she has all the control. The friars actions are mostly suggestions and thoughts while her actions are the ones that are physical and are actually put into use. This scene isnt the only scene that demonstrates human actions controlling the play. For example, in the very first scene, Tybalt and Benvolio fight causing a certain amount of tension that sets the play up for some of the major events that happen later. Another example of this is when Romeo and Juliet meet, Romeo goes out of his way to see her again, once more, setting up the plot. The web of human actions gets larger and stronger until finally, the two biggest human actions occur and the two main characters lay dead. Lay dead because the actions they took led them to suicide. This incident, as tragic as it is, could probably have been avoided. If the actions that were taken by the characters had been planned better and the consequences had been thought about maybe a better outcome would have been reached. For example, if Friar Lawrence had thought about what would happen if Romeo didnt receive the message in time, he probably would have taken better precautions. Or maybe if Romeo had thought twice about killing Tybalt, he would have realized that it couldnt help getting closer to Juliet. Therefore, my advice in this situation is to think hard about your actions. Dont be caught up in the outcomes of them like Romeo and Juliet did.
Change Management Process of Sushi Connection †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Change Management Process of Sushi Connection. Answer: Introduction: Sushi Connection is a Japanese small restaurant that has started its journey recently. It is located in Australia. The organization aims at providing quality service to the large number of consumers. It offers authentic Japanese foods to its consumers. The organization has brought revolution in the hotel industry of Australia by bringing authentic flavour of Japan. Sushi Connection has not only set an example by its foods, the organizational strategy and policy has distinguished it from other small enterprise. It is often evident that small business organizations are not willing to adopt any new technique, as they do not want to take any kind of risk that can be harmful for the growth of the organization. However, in this scenario the organizational authority of Sushi Connection is adopting modern techniques every now and then that can stimulate organizational development (, 2017). The following article has concentrated on the change management process of Sushi Connection. The Change Initiative: Change management has become one of the crucial elements of todays business world. The structure of the business world has been transformed since past few years. It has become difficult for the business organizations to survive in the industry due to high competitive nature of the market (Gibbons, 2015). Thus, every small and large business organizations are using change management to strengthen their potential. It helps the business leaders to mould their organizational structure as per the market trend and requirement of the organization (VanderKnyff, Friedman Tanner, 2011). Many leading business organization has set milestone for other business organizations by adopting change management in the organization. An exemplary example of such business organization is Santander. In 2008, the management of the organization has embraced new techniques to put a remarkable footprint in the banking sector United Kingdom. Sushi Connection is known as the pioneer in the fast food industry of Australia due to his efficient and high quality performance. The organizational leaders always encourage the employees and organizational members to adopt modern techniques that are suitable for the growth of the organization. They have made their organizational rules and policies flexible enough so it can be modified with time. An interview has been conducted among the employees of Sushi Connection to earn a clear picture about the change management process within the organizational structure of Sushi Connection. As per the interview given by the manager of Sushi Connection, the organization has undergone several changes in past few years. Leaders of the organization have taken several new initiatives to incorporate new change in the organizational structure, such as: The organizational management has implemented strategic communication structure to deal with the internal as well as external environment of the organization. Communication is considered as an integral part of the business organizations now a days. Lack of communication may lead the organization to meet a deadly consequence. Sushi Connection has strengthened its human resource activities to establish a strong bonding with the employees in past five years. They have appointed some experienced and skilled human resource managers that can provide sufficient support to the organization with their efficiency and capability. Sushi Connection has brought several changes in their product quality and its service as well. It has incorporated many new authentic Japanese cuisines in their menu that are capable of drawing the attention of the large number of consumers. The organization has formed a new team as crisis management team who will be responsible to deal with any kind of crisis of the organization. The CEO of Sushi Connection has appointed some employees in the crisis management team who possess quality experience in the field of crisis management, so they can provide sufficient support to the organization to overcome any crisis or hazards (Henderson, Cheney Weaver, 2015). It has been argued that corporate responsibility policies work as a PR for the business organizations. At the same time, it plays vital role to enhance the respect for the company among the internal stakeholders as well. In order to promote the brand image of the organization, the leaders of Sushi Connection has adopted many CSR policies, such as- blood donation camp, health check up camp for the poverty stricken people of the society, educational support to the poor kids, monetary support to the poverty stricken people of the society, moral and monetary support to the employees, quality products to the consumers, strong supply chain management to ensure the flow of quality products (Kim, 2014). The requirement of the Change: The change management plays vital role in the success of the business organizations in this competitive era. In this scenario, the existence of the Sushi Connection was at risk due to high competitive nature of the Australia fast food industry. There are many rival companies, such as- KFC, McDonalds and so on that are giving tough challenge to the existence of Sushi Connection every now and then (Haslam et al., 2014). It was become essential for the leaders of Sushi Connection modify their organizational structure. The preferences of the consumers have changed in past few years, especially in case of fast food industry. People have become more quality conscious. They do not prefer to compromise on the quality of the product. In the case of fast food, consumers make sure that it is prepared with high quality raw materials. There are various options in the market for the consumers who can provide quality products in reasonable price. Sushi Connection was facing challenges every now and then due to high competition in the market. Thus, in order to meet the satisfaction level of the consumers, it is highly essential for the organizational management of Sushi Connection to design their organizational structure according to the market trend. It is important for every business organization to bring efficient changes in the structure that can help it to battle against the rival companies (Juholin, berg Aula, 2015). By evaluating the market structure, it can be stated that it was important for the authority of Sushi Connection to implement change management within the organizational structure. The Sushi Connection authority had to make various changes in their organizational principles and strategy in order to modify their organizational structure, as it is highly beneficial for the organization to establish a bright future for the organization by earning long-term organizational goal (Matos Marques Simoes Esposito, 2014). Implementation Issues: Although, the objective of leaders of Sushi Connection was to guide the organization towards the right path by adopting change management, they have faced several issues while implementing change management. Such as- It was not easy to convince all the employees of the organization and encourage them to adopt new changes of the organizational structure. Thus, authority has faced several issues to convince internal and external stakeholders. Organization has faced challenges to find the efficient and experienced employees for the human resource department and crisis management team of the organization. They have conducted various interview sessions to reach to their desired goal. Evaluation of Success of Change Management: By implementing change management in an appropriate manner, the authority of Sushi Connection has brought revolution within the organization. They have earned success in various aspects that can boost up the growth of the organization, such as- By implementing strategic communication within the organizational structure, the authority has established a strong interactive environment within and outside of the organization. It has increased the transparency level between the organizational authority and stakeholders of the organization. It has become easy for the organization to receive the feedback of the consumers by using social media, blogs, and feedback page of the official website. At the same time, by involving employees in the organizational decision making process and providing a strong platform to them to share their views and opinion about the organizational policies and structure, the organizational management has built up a strong relation with them. It has played major role in motivating employees to perform in efficiently. Eventually, it has put strong impact on the profit margin of the organization. The profit of te organization has increased drastically in past five years (Parker et al., 2013). By strengthening the human resource department of the organization, the organizational authority of Sushi Connection has become able to maintain healthy environment within the organization. Employees are now in good term with each other and employers as well. It has become easy for the employer to meet the satisfaction level of the employees. Human resource manager of the organization works as a bridge between the employees and organizational authority (Lozano, Ceulemans Seatter, 2015). Thus, it helps the employees to share their opinion with the employer. It has increased the transparency level of the organization. By adopting this practice, employers have become able to retain their loyal and experienced employees for a long period of time. Crisis management team of the organization always pays close attention to the every aspects of the organization by their efficient performance to protect the organization from any kind of deadly consequence. The performance of the employees has been improved in the safe environment, which has put significant impact on the growth of the organization. By taking notable CSR policies the organizational management has promoted the brand name among the large number of consumers. It has drawn the attention of the potential consumers from the various parts of the world. Moreover, it has put a strong impact in the industry. Thus, the profit margin of the organization has been increased drastically in past few years (Cameron Green, 2014). Another major changes that has been brought by the Sushi Connection management is bringing the authentic flavour of Japan in Australia by their authentic Japanese cuisines. It has grabbed the attention of the large number of consumers from the various parts of the world. Many consumers prefer to spend their leisure time and enjoy Japanese cuisine in Sushi Connection (Hayes, 2014). Conclusion: As per the previous discussion, it can be concluded that change management has successfully implemented in Sushi Connection that has led the organization to achieve reputation in the fast food industry of Australia. Recommendation From the above analysis, it is seen that Sushi Connection has followed various kind of change management system in their organization to meet with their needs and overcome their deficit in the operation. However, they also met with certain difficulties in the beginning. Thus, certain recommendation is needed by the company to avoid the challenges in any other future changes that it tries to bring in the company: It should first educate their employees about the modern machinery or system they want to incorporate in the organisation. They should involve the employees in the decision making body in order to know the challenges that might be faced by the employees. It should start the change management process slowly and after analysing its immediate result it should move further with it to ensure success. References: Cameron, E., Green, M. (2015).Making sense of change management: A complete guide to the models, tools and techniques of organizational change. Kogan Page Publishers. Gibbons, P. (2015).The Science of Successful Organizational Change: How Leaders Set Strategy, Change Behavior, and Create an Agile Culture. FT Press. Goetsch, D. L., Davis, S. B. (2014).Quality management for organizational excellence. Upper Saddle River, NJ: pearson. Haslam, S. A., van Knippenberg, D., Platow, M. J., Ellemers, N. (Eds.). (2014).Social identity at work: Developing theory for organizational practice. Psychology Press. Hayes, J. (2014).The theory and practice of change management. Palgrave Macmillan. Henderson, A., Cheney, G., Weaver, C. K. (2015). The role of employee identification and organizational identity in strategic communication and organizational issues management about genetic modification.International Journal of Business Communication,52(1), 12-41. Juholin, E., berg, L., Aula, P. (2015). Towards responsible dialogue: Searching for the missing piece of strategic employee communication.Communication ethics in a connected world. Brussels: Peter Lang. Kim, Y. (2014). Strategic communication of corporate social responsibility (CSR): Effects of stated motives and corporate reputation on stakeholder responses.Public Relations Review,40(5), 838-840. Lozano, R., Ceulemans, K., Seatter, C. S. (2015). Teaching organisational change management for sustainability: designing and delivering a course at the University of Leeds to better prepare future sustainability change agents.Journal of Cleaner Production,106, 205-215. Matos Marques Simoes, P., Esposito, M. (2014). Improving change management: How communication nature influences resistance to change.Journal of Management Development,33(4), 324-341. Parker, D., Charlton, J., Ribeiro, A., D. Pathak, R. (2013). Integration of project-based management and change management: Intervention methodology.International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,62(5), 534-544. (2017) Retrieved 30 August 2017, from VanderKnyff, J., Friedman, D. B., Tanner, A. (2015). Framing life and death on YouTube: The strategic communication of organ donation messages by organ procurement organizations.Journal of health communication,20(2), 211-219.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Music the International Language free essay sample
Music Is a part of peoples lives from all around the world. It has been around for at least 50,000 years and most likely originated In Africa (Walling. Et al. 1). There are several distinct genres of music. The most recognized forms in the western hemisphere are: classical, Jazz, rock and folk, as well as others which are essentially branches from the four previously mentioned. Many career options exist for those wishing to pursue music, many of which require one or more scholastic degrees.In music, there are a plethora of diverse structural forms in which music is composed. A structural form usually describes the order the sections in a piece of music are written. Without composers, there would be little music today. Most composers have a unique style that they write In that can be Identified by anyone with a trained ear. Music Is constantly In an evolutionary state, and the music Industry changes to reflect that. We will write a custom essay sample on Music: the International Language or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The future holds endless possibilities for the social and economical effects of new music.Musical notation was not always nice printed symbols arranged in an easy to read format. The Greeks were the first to implement a system for translating written work onto sound. However this system made it difficult for someone to imagine the melody, and was extremely difficult to reproduce, and there were usually many errors on copies. The Romans used the first 15 letters of the Roman alphabet above the applicable words to determine pitch with the first letter as the low pitch and the 15th letter as the high pitch.Neumann, or Ensues, is a very peculiar notation used mostly by 6th to 12th century ecclesiastical writers. Deciphering this notation is essentially guesswork due to the number of variables affecting the sounds. (Changes in Musical Notation). F all the genres of music, classical Is the most distinct. It usually Includes string instruments, French horns, and trumpets, as well as others. Rock music or devil music as some people refer to it, has become increasingly popular around the world since its inception In the mid sasss. This type of music is known to use electric guitars, drum kit, and vocals.Jazz also uses those Instruments, but In a different way. In a typical big band jazz orchestra, there will be five saxophones, four trombones, four trumpets, a pianist, a drummer and a guitarist. The Jazz style is quite different room that of other types of music. Normally, the first and third beat of a four beat measure are emphasized. In Jazz the second and fourth beats are emphasized. In music, there are many formal structures (the way sections off piece repeat) in which songs are written. Sectional form is a mixture of short chunks of a piece (Delano. Et al. 87).Vocal music often employs the use of the strophic form, which repeats the same section over again Binary form, as the name might suggest, has two different sections played in succession (ABA) or one repeated and then the other repeated (BABY). Similarly to binary form, chain form has three or more sections played in succession (BBC) or (BACK). Ternary, or tertiary form, similarly to binary form has two different sections, the difference being there Is a B section sandwiched in between two A sections (ABA). Arch form has three different sections, 1 OFF (ABACA).Finally, rondo form, which comes in two varieties: symmetrical and asymmetrical. Symmetrical form is (ABACA) as asymmetrical form is (BACKDATE) (Musical Form). There are many fun and rewarding careers in music many of which involve working with an assortment of creative individuals. Composition, the art of writing music, is one of the more difficult, yet also more rewarding choices, although it is hard to make a living as a composer unless the utmost dedication is displayed. Teaching others music, either by instruments, theory, or otherwise, is an occupation in high demand around the United States (Bachelor of Music).Musicians are the key element of music, without them there would be no live music. Music therapy is one of the less known musical vocations. Music therapists help people with mental illness or disability by using music (Careers in Music Therapy). There have been many great classical composers, each with his or her own identifying characteristics in their writing. Johann Sebastian Bach is known for never leaving pauses in his music. However, George Frederic Handel writes so that there are moments where no notes are played (grand pause. ) Mozart has written over 600 pieces of music, all of which were written in one draft.Music is all about sound, and for a mostly deaf man, Ludwig Van Beethoven is quite an accomplished composer. The music industry is generally defined as the businesses and organizations that cord, produce, publish, distribute, and market recorded music (Music Industry). There are four major record companies or labels, Sony BMW, MI, Universal and Warner. In 2005, Universal dominated the United States market with a 31 . 71% market share. In a close second came Sony BMW with 31 . 71%. Warner firmly holds third with a solid 15% market share, leaving MI to clean up with the remaining 9. 55%. Independent labels covers 8. 3% of the US market, but there are many independent companies and none of which hold a candle to he big four (Cashmere). Music artists and record companies alike make most of their money from music sales, but with the rise of peer-to-peer file sharing networks, it has been increasingly popular to illegally download or, pirate, stolen music. According to the American Federation of Musicians, gross revenue for music drops about 20% annually due to piracy. In reaction to the horrifying statistics the Recording Industry Association of America or, ARIA, has taken a number of steps to fight internet piracy.One of their goals is to inform the public of the repercussions music piracy has on the individuals ho earn a living from legitimate music exchange (Online Music Piracy). Jazz is the only style of music native to the United States of America. It is clear that many other genres thought to be truly American are actually Just bits and pieces from the musical traits of other cultures. Jazz music is brimming with improvisation solos, where a musician is usually given a chord progression also known as time. Although the ink on the page may say to play in CO one could Just as well play in Cm in stead.Jazz is also not bound to the limitations of other forms of music and ill not always be cut up into easy-to-identify sections. One thing almost all types of music have in common is scalability, for example, there could be a single saxophonist playing Harlem Nocturne on a street corner, or there could be an 18 piece big band orchestra playing the same song in a concert hall. The same applies to classical music, but it is more common to see a street musician playing Jazz than classical music. The invention of solid-state electronics brought on many changes.The music world was affected when someone figured that if you make a keyboard and set it so each eye you press produces a different frequency at a line level current and run it through an amplifier, there will be an electronic piano-style keyboard! This device later became known as the analog synthesizer and was used in many performing band s. Several years later, digital sound synthesis technology made it possible to have hundreds of different patches on a keyboard, eliminating the need for expensive sound modules for analog synthesizers. Today, both technologies are used, but analog is mostly Just used and built for historical and experimental purposes. Every kind of music requires an instrument, be it human vocal cords, a bassoon, or a microchip, at least one instrument is required. There are three types of traditional instruments. Brass instruments are devices in which sound is made by pressing the lips to the large end of an almost conical mouthpiece and buzzing the lips whilst blowing. Instruments requiring no buzzing are referred to as woodwinds.The sound can be made either by a single reed, where the player places the top front two teeth on top of a tapered mouthpiece and presses the OTTOMH lip over the bottom teeth contacting the reed and blowing so the reed vibrates in between the mouthpiece and the bottom lip. A double reed instrument has no mouthpiece, only two reeds that are pointed together at the end. The third form of woodwind sound production entails placing the lips one the near side of a hole in the mouthpiece and blowing air over the gap, Just like making a glass bottle whistle. In music, there are two categories, one for the high society, and one for the low society.The high society music is that of the classical, baroque romantic and other such eras, are usually preformed in formal venues. In contrast, the low society music such as Jazz, rap and hip hop could be preformed in places where formal etiquette is not present such as a casino, night club or parking lot. It is apparent that the average audience member of a classical performance will have an income higher than that of an audience member from a hip hop concert. By analyzing this data, musicologists have concluded that the class distinction is not related to the music itself, rather, the crowd associated with that type of music.
Social Media The New Anxiety Essays - Psychology, Psychiatry, RTT
Social Media: The New Anxiety Social media is beginning to control not only our lives but also our time. Controlling our lives by what we may do everyday including our job and our relationships with friends, coworkers, and loved ones. Controlling our time by how we spend the days of our life. Social media is cutting into our lives and time by beginning to be the center of attention meaning that it is our main focus . Social media has become a large part of our world and not all of it is negative but there are some very negative effects that social media has on our population. Social media can cause many people to struggle with body image, popularity issues, separation issues, and the fear of missing out. These eventually can lead into anxiety. This type of anxiety is called social media-induced anxiety. Social media-induced anxiety can affect all ages but affects the youth and young adult population most. Social media is a large cause in anxiety and it needs to be controlled. Nomophobia. The fear of being out of contact with a mobile device or phone. When this phobia occurs, many freak out and panic. Some might even have panic attacks or throw fits. From experience, many of my younger cousins and family friends cannot go without their phones. They get very upset. I always ask them why they cannot go without their phones and it never fails for them to say that they have streaks with people on snapchat and that they must see what everyone else is doing. Most people cannot even be away from their phone when they are sleeping. It is hard to leave the online world out of reach at any time and this is the main source of how our population starts to become anxious. This feeling of uneasiness that my family members and many members of society feel when they are unable to access the online world can then lead to disconnection anxiety. This loss of connection could be caused by an internet outage, a trip to a place that might not have wi-fi, the experiment of trying to reduce the amount of time they spend on the internet. This could cause all ages discomfort and it could range from mild to very severe. Tarsha states that "Social networking technology has given rise to a unique form of anxiety in the adolescent population: the fear of missing out ( FoMO )." (The Role of Existential Therapy In The Prevention of Social Media-Driven Anxiety 382). FoMo is when people desire to know and be connected to what others are doing. This is a large portion that adds to social media-induced anxiety because the youth are always wanting to know what their friends or even enemies are up to. They are always wanting to one up the other which could not only cause anxiety and sadness but hatred and evil. This can be caused by a void they might have that technology and social media fills for a short time. It can also add a lot of pressure due to the fact that the teens are constantly trying to have the better or best post. "That's what's annoying about social media! I get frustrated that I have to find just the right picture and post it on just the right platform. There's so much unnecessary pressure, and people take it so seriously, including me. Sometimes I'll just be like, Why am I doing this? It's an app! Now I've started to share only if it's to spread something happy going on."-Kiana. ( Viggiani 100) Because many people think like Kiana, social media has become about how happy and well everyone's lives are going. Now they might not be as obsessed with posting perfect pictures but they redirect the anxiety to making sure they are happier than their followers or worry that they do not have a good life. As they scroll through their social media all they see is how fantastic someone's vacation was or how perfect someone's family and friends are. It is impossible for someone to be happy all the time or even have good things happen to them consistently, but it
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