Monday, September 30, 2019
Center of Pressure Essay
Introduction: The point in a body at which the resultant pressure acts when the body is immersed in a fluid. The apparatus for center of pressure. Objective: The object of this experiment was to calculate the hydrostatic force a fluid exerts on a submerged plane surface and then compare the experimental hydrostatic force to the theoretical hydrostatic force. Theory: The apparatus defining the physical dimensions, this nomenclature will be used throughout this theory. Whilst the theory for the partly submerged and fully submerged plane is the same, it will be clearer to consider the two cases separately. The apparatus can make the calculation center of pressure. A fluid at rest is said to be a static condition. the fluid particle experiences a constant pressure on all sides acting inward towards a single point at its center. The horizontal x and y components of the pressure are equal and opposite and have a net sum of zero. It can be said that the pressure does not change in the horizontal direction, The apparatus for center of pressure. Apparatus: * The hydraulics bench * The hydrostatic pressure apparatus * A set of weights * A jug * Calipers or ruler, for measuring the dimensions of the quadrant For siphoning * A measuring cylinder, or other container of water of similar height to the hydrostatic pressure tank. * A length of small bore flexible tubing. Method 1. Place the center of pressure apparatus on a level surface. This is important for obtaining an accurate force balance scenario. 2.
Clearing the Mind Weeds in a Counselling Profession
Response-ability says Perls, is a misused word. It â€Å"means the ability to respond: the ability to be alive, to feel, to be sensitive. †(GTV, 100). It does not mean â€Å"obligation. †It doesn’t mean â€Å"duty. †Duty- what is that anyway? One way or another, it is something that I’ve been directed to do without asking why. I do it automatically, without accepting responsibility for my actions. This was the trait that saw me through the travails in my life where I moved from letting others be responsible for me to taking responsibility for myself. Perhaps this is what motivated me to pursue my goals without relying too much on my family resources.I learned early on not to assign the cause of my behavior to my parents or my past or even the wealth of my family. In the process I learned this most important value of responsibility that kept me grounded and helped me in my studies and work. However, it was not an easy journey. I cannot consider my life as an extraordinary this world had ever had. Each person has a story to tell and I must say mine is not really something different. While some people spend their lives with lots of colors around them, some just do not – and as much as I hate to admit, I spent many years of my life belonging to the second group.I go with flow and that has always been the case. It goes this way: I knew I need to attend school and so I did. I have to do well in school or else I will suffer from all the criticisms – the usual criticisms. It is never easy to live in other people’s expectations to the point that it is what they want that drives you. It is your body under their minds. I can now imagine how pathetic that was. All the while, though, I do not think I was as inspired as the rest of the class was. I did not make lots of friends from school. No big deal! But there were times when I also deal with thinking of the reasons for the ‘empty’ life.Those days woul d usually end with me getting no answer than ‘It must be me†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ Although I acknowledge the fact that each of us has our own set of preferences and all the while, I lived in the thought that I just prefer to live my life like this – lonely, detached, alone. It was tiring when you care for no one and more when no one cares for you. In a way, my opinions have been changed because I have learned to create a balance in obeying orders. It was there where I learned that there is blind obedience that ignores all rationality and obedience based on freedom.Those involved in a transaction are independentâ€â€they can walk away from the deal if they don’t like what’s happening. And just as they are free to leave, they are also free to stay. In fact, if one is not free to walk away, he is not free to choose to stay. Some of my own teachers then helped me develop a sense of competence and love of learning. Though some helped me find my own directions and m ake my own discoveries, others taught me to follow orders and not ask questions. If I had enough teachers who cared more about their authority than about my growth, I probably would have left school more a robot than when I entered.I learned that to the degree that I’ve been conditioned in ways that block my process of growth, I act like a robot. Something happens near me and I respond. No time for choice, between the stimulus and the response. I’m reacting entirely to preprogrammed instructions in my memory. In examining the idea of obedience in the context of my schooling, I remember the works of authors Darymple and Milgram who provided two points of views. In doing so, I got several insights especially when I began examining the idea of the authors in the execution of orders.In the course of my study, I was able to see where the authors were coming from in their pursuit of obedience. I have learned that if I want to increase my power of authority, I can develop and cultivate my honor rather than seek honors, status, recognition and praise. Others will honor me when they know that not only do I have the capability to do what is necessary, I execute it in grace and honor. I started my career as an advocate of science and technology. Yes, my first degree was Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.I used to get fascinated with breakthroughs science gets to offer – all those inventions and advances in technology. Awesome! Hale great! Breath-taking! Fantastic! All those praises†¦ Nothing can beat the feeling of having invented something out of nothing. Or the feeling of being the one to drastically improve the current state of something for the benefit of people around the globe – it is always satisfying! But who could tell it was not really a career of my own choice? I was one of those high school graduates who do not really know what they want to happen in their lives.And so, without any particular basis, it was Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering that I ended up with. I was aware of the good future this field has to offer. I have known of lots of people who have succeeded in this career who took up this course. I, at least, had this driving force to continue with my study. Fair enough to push me to strive harder and harder. I just told myself I need it or else I will end up with nothing. Looking at my Engineering career, I know that I took risks that I was willing to take. They were statements of who I am and who I am not.We can almost never know enough to be sure what is going to happen as a result of what we do. We can only guess, assume and expect, with varying degrees of certainty. At this moment, under these circumstances, with knowledge I have now, I make my choice. I live with its results. The conditions of my life today are the result of choices I made yesterday. Everyone â€Å"blows it†now and then. If I think clearly and act as honestly and wisely as I know how, thatâ⠂¬â„¢s all I can do. We can’t help some of our suffering, but sometimes we ourselves create the rest.Now, I have learned to take my failures and my half-successes as a normal part of life. My â€Å"errors†and â€Å"defeats†sometimes teach me more than my successes. In an important sense, they are not failures at all. In the process, I learned interdependence. Interdependence asks, â€Å"What can we do and be together? †Interdependence asks the synergy question. It is not external but the power that focuses internally. It relies on the capacity that people have within themselves to be tougher on themselves, to push themselves harder when they are subsuming what they want in the cause of something that’s greater.Ultimately, that’s what sacrifice is all about – giving up what I want now for what I want the most. Giving up what does not matter as much, for what matters more. Sometimes the needs of the few are sacrificed for the needs o f the many. Sometimes the sacrifice is just the reverse, and the needs of the many can accommodate the needs of the few. The needs of the few are worth the sacrifice and commitment of the many. Self-control, demonstrated in a group setting, is very powerful. Each person essentially says, â€Å"I give myself to it, because it is the right thing to do. †Many enjoy learning but they do not always like being taught.It requires humility. It requires recognition, first within and then to those who would teach you. It was at this phase of my life where I learned to be a true leaderâ€â€one who is not afraid to learn new things and try out new ways of doing things. When a leader says one thing, the effect is intent listening and execution. The art of listening which I learned well at this point enabled me to come to the other person in terms that they understand, because I now approach them from their frame of reference, their desires, wants, and needs. Indeed, true leaders are a ble to connect with people well.I started my career as an advocate of science and technology. Yes, my first degree was Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. I used to get fascinated with breakthroughs science gets to offer – all those inventions and advances in technology. Awesome! Hale great! Breath-taking! Fantastic! All those praises†¦ Nothing can beat the feeling of having invented something out of nothing. Or the feeling of being the one to drastically improve the current state of something for the benefit of people around the globe – it is always satisfying! But who could tell it was not really a career of my own choice?I was one of those high school graduates who do not really know what they want to happen in their lives. And so, without any particular basis, it was Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering that I ended up with. I was aware of the good future this field has to offer. I have known of lots of people who have succeeded in this car eer who took up this course. I, at least, had this driving force to continue with my study. Fair enough to push me to strive harder and harder. I just told myself I need it or else I will end up with nothing. Description of a Learning Event in Listening and Being Listened toI remembered an incident that was the turning point in my career. When I read the book on Teach only Love, I knew that I wanted to shift my course. I wanted to go into Counselling. There was something about the book that touched the innermost being in me. I wanted to shift my profession from Mechanical Engineering to Counselling Studies. These are far apart degrees and, yes, I did not see myself engaging in counselling. No, not even in my wildest dream. But this is not a dream. Yes, I am living in reality and the reality is that this is the vocation of choice. This is where I find myself, my heart.This is where I belong. It is true what the â€Å"magical†book says – that it is from your past where you draw your present. If not for the thousands of rejection, if not for the feeling of inferiority, if not for the lack of self-confidence, I do not really think this book would have as much effect on me as it had. I was so excited about it that I immediately told it to my best friend. I knew he would understand me more than anyone else. As I was telling him of my decision, I could see that he was getting listless. I saw him avoiding my eyes as soon as I uttered those words.I could not blame him. We both dreamt that we would finish the course and here I was bowing out on him. After a while, I responded, â€Å"You’re angry. †he says, â€Å"Why would I be angry? †I was sure that my friend was angry but resisted knowing his own anger because of his personal values in which anger is a wicked emotion. I knew that there was resistance to acknowledge this since he was terrified of losing control, unable to think of himself as angry because of our friendship. He seem ed to be projecting his anger on me at that moment and I could feel it so strongly.In a way, I was able to gently tell him how he looks and sounds which made him aware and he then began to talk about his anger. At that very moment I felt like a real professional counsellor. I was able to gently guide him about his feelings, even if I was unsure of what to say at all. I knew that if I uttered the wrong words, he will walk out on me. But I gently drew out his feelings then. I tried to help him break out of his sullen, angry depression. Finally, he suggested that he punch a throw pillow bunched up in a corner of the couch in a corner of the student lounge. There were a few students around.He did not wait for my reply. He started punching, harder and harder, until he was breathing fast and deeply, feeling the relaxation. He did this several times, while I sat quietly, finally remarking on how much different his face lookedâ€â€smoother, less tense , not so red under the eyes. He coun tered how clear his mind seemed, that it was the first time in several days that he really felt relaxed. I managed to ask him if those punches were meant for me because I was planning to change courses. He said, he thinks those were more of his angry feelings because he was obligated to take up Engineering when he wanted to go into the arts.In an instant, I empathized with him. I knew how it was like to take up something where one’s heart was not on it. He then began to talk quietly about his father, and how he wanted him to take up Engineering instead of Speech and Drama. After a minute or so of that conversation, I asked, â€Å"How do you feel now? †He was beginning to feel tense and angry again. The object lesson for him was (1) the need for physical release for his anger, and (2) the amount of control his thoughts exercised over his feelings (Ellis, 1966). The heart’s yearningThe pent-up feelings seem to come mainly from either of two frustrations, my class mate was having feelings and thoughts which appear to be enormous, odd, scary, and feeling cut off from other people because of his own inferiority with our other classmates. I have learned from this incident that catharsis is often not enough. At some point in the helping process, the understanding, which comes with a careful analysis of anger, may be healing. My classmate was able to see his anger in the context of internal polarity or conflict, between desire for freedom and a sense of duty, and be liberated by the understanding.The precise descriptions of the anger experience helped my classmate by removing excess emotional baggage. Insight is curative, but most frequently, both client and counsellor will find additional action useful to manage anger. For me, this action is intervention, helping my classmate change attitudes about each of our decisions. It was a poignant moment I would never forget. I knew he wanted to lash out his anger on me. Although I appeared to be so passi ve all the while, in my heart I know I long for something. That something, however, is unknown.I do not know if I am just one those people who experience wanting something they do not exactly know what or looking for something they do not know, for sure, if existent. Can you just imagine how if feels to be in the dark? Be somewhere without any clear direction? They say that every little thing just takes a little of getting used to. Oh, well, probably, as I seemed to have been used to the feeling of being lost. It was sad but true. Despite the lack of light in my life, I never questioned the existence of the Great Someone Up There. I perfectly know he is there. I do not recall how often I scream for His help.Maybe not that often but, of course, I do. I do and in my heart, I know I am not essentially alone all the while. However, there are moments when I tend to question the number and quantity of challenges facing me. There seems to be an imbalance in load allocation. How come I felt so lost while others follow certain direction? How come I do not know what I want in life while others are so certain of what they want in theirs? How come I do not seem to possess enough reason to be happy and complete. I often envy happy and satisfied people, I must admit – but I do not harm to them. I just envy them, that is it.And more often than not, I wish I were in their shoes. In all the insecurities I have inside, there were times when I ask myself if this is something I caused. What is that something I failed to do? What is that something that I can probably change to make a difference? What could be missing? I have heard of success stories about people who started with nothing and ended up having the life they have always dreamed of. Can I not be one of them? My concern is never monetary. I did not wish for the whole world. I just want a piece of it – a piece of it where I can enjoy life to the fullest.I did not ask for extravagant things. What would a lone r do with those? I doubt if anybody could really enjoy everything alone. I did not wish for fame. I have lived my life not having the attention of the whole world. I just want some compassion and feeling of belongingness. I did not wish for power as I have never ever seen myself mandating others or controlling the world. It could be that I long for power but that power is the power to appreciate and enjoy life, the power to make people see me as a sensible being worth the company, the power to contribute to the ‘real’ things in this world.In short, I was never a materialistic type. There are things I lack from within and that is something I longed for to fill in. I used to have a very narrow view of things in life. I exist. I have to live. I have to survive. I used to find the question, â€Å"What am I here for? †or â€Å"Why do I exist? †as cliche that should have been buried decades back. Come on! You are here because you are here and there is just not hing you can do about it! It is not a problem needing solution. It is just a situation that you have to live with. You are left with just two options – either you continue to exist or you end your own existence.Is that something needing some sort of profound thinking?! Life is as plain as that. You just have to go with the flow. The True Art of Listening Counsellors can provide instruction in observing and listening by making these skills an integral part of their ongoing activities. The dominant characteristic of observing and listening activities are often appropriate for poor readers or students in the primary grades. To believe that all students will learn the same things at the same time, at the same rate, and with the same degree of retention is sheer fantasy.In almost any classroom at any grade level, the range of students’ abilities, interests, talents, knowledge, previous experiences, personalities, learning styles, dispositions and needs is so great that it i s staggering. This kind of individualized instruction has resulted from efforts to make teachers more responsive to individual students and their instructional needs. Activities that focus on observation skills emphasize things that children can observe; things that can include objects, behaviors or processes. Teachers need to adapt a curriculum appropriate to the needs of the students.Some of the best teaching resources for students with these kinds of learning difficulties are those teachers have developed themselves. Teachers could build most of the student activities. This will go into refiningâ€â€that is, they will be tried out with students and then revisedâ€â€but once developed, they can become resource to be used in future years. Before teachers can duplicate an activity, it would also be wise to share it with someone he/she can rely on for honest feedbackâ€â€a colleague, or a fellow student teacher.One is almost certain to find that what one thought was perfectl y obvious is not, and thus gain a chance to make appropriate adjustments before trying it out with one’s students. It is best to start small and then build the collection of materials slowly and steadily. Responsibility in everyday life From then on, after realizing the implications of these theories, I began to take responsibility for my life now at work and beyond–which involves self-management competency. Often, when things do not go well, people tend to blame their difficulties on the situations in which they find themselves or on others.I have learned that effective self-management does not fall into this trap. Self-management competency includes integrity and ethical conduct and personal drive and resilience. I agree with what Jay Greiner posits about the reason why it is most difficult to take personal responsibility for mistakes. It is because one feels threatened and insecure. The word responsibility itself is a misused word. More than postponing automatic ass umptions, Perls, the renowned psychologist sees growth as a move from letting others be responsible to taking responsibility for oneself.Education in today’s environment will be successful if we formulate activities that are engaging as much as they are educational, and if we adapt to new technologies that will help complement classroom interaction. I have further learned that drive and resilience are especially important when someone sets out to do something no one else has done or when that person faces setbacks and failures. The responsibility aspect which Jay Greiner talks about will spur more insights about ethical dilemmas that arise at all levels in the business world.People, whether employer or employee, may face situations in their work or dealings with other people in which ethical dilemmas arise. The individuals in these cases are faced with ethical questions in their relations with customers, employees, and members of a larger society. More often than not, the ans wers to these questions are difficult because it involves weighing of values. Conflicting values in a given situation are not capable of compromise. One has to choose one over another. Sometimes, the ethically correct course of action is clear, and hopefully individuals act accordingly.But the answers are often not simple. The dilemma is most commonly presented when ethical concerns come into conflict with the practical demands of business. This is related to the proper obedience and responsibility that I discussed earlier. Knowing how to negotiate and persuade people would be very essential for the progress of my future career. Through interactions with various kinds of people in a potential workplace, I get to know particular complexities of people and use this to a good advantage. I believe that an effective leader is a pathfinder and a team builder.As pathfinders, he has to recognize needs and accommodate the legitimate needs and wants of all stakeholders by clarifying: Vision, Context, Direction, Location, Goals, Strategy, Purpose and Pace (Business Ethics). As team builders, he has to help others achieve as they create healthy, safe conditions for risk taking, help others become leaders, provide resources and be a resource themselves, help some move from dependence to independence, help others get things done; and help determine how people work together.In the course of my experiences as a leader in the fields I have chosen, I have come to understand how my social environment wants me to be, and why, I can more wisely choose which people and events in my environment I want to make a part of me, and which ones I don’t. Conclusion In summation, in order to become the person I want to be, I need to continuously identify my core competencies. Skills are to be developed according to the actual needs and not merely based on generalities and perceptions. Work-based learning will address this concern by integrating actual experiences and practices in deve loping new knowledge about the organization.Today, I now know that practice and theories must be merged together (Sill, S. 1958). People can overcome barriers to effective communication. They must first be aware that barriers exist and can cause serious problems. Then they must be willing to invest the effort and time necessary to overcome the barriers. Learning is a lifelong process. If I operate with the assumption that I do not have all the answers or insights, I allow myself to value the different viewpoints, judgments and experiences others may bring.Sometimes I cannot help but think how my life would have turned out had I stayed in the comforts of my home, not taking risks or venturing into the pursuit of my goals. In small ways, I may not even recognize that I do contribute to larger events that happen in this world. If anybody would ask me now if I regret giving up my first degree to pursue counselling, I will answer, â€Å"The sad past led me to a wonderful today. Every bi t of failure and pain did not really lead me to regretting anything because in each of those, I learned. And in each of those, I grew – not just as a person for myself but as a person for other people.†And now, I no longer find the question, â€Å"What do I live for? †mushy. I can tell, with chin up, I live for others to appreciate their lives. I do not just exist. I live. I continue to learn through others with high hopes and belief that they also learn from me. As I act, others may take heart and be stirred to action too. But if I waited for things to just happen then in the comforts of my own home, I would have probably be doing things automatically without any awareness devoid of the colorful life I have led ever since I made my choice to be responsible and independent and not sabotage my ability to do things for myself. Part IIPortfolio Counselling’s Role in Education The theories learned in the course is revealed as I look at it deeply and as I pon der on the experiences I had about the listening process and being listened to. What comes to be more alive to me now is the issue on Understanding. I learned that to be truly effective, the counsellor must have a thorough understanding of human behavior and be able to apply that understanding to the particular set of problems. For a moment, I knew that my experience with my friend was what I really wanted. This was actually what counsellors do with their clients. And I knew that I had the aptitude for it.In a way, it occurred to me that what I was doing at that moment was like the Person-centered approach which authors Embleton and colleagues (2004) were talking about. At that point I knew the person-centered approach was an effective model for both counselling and psychotherapy especially living in a complex world. (Embleton et al. , 2004). Diagnosis and the hypothesis-generating are critical and inevitable parts of the counsellor’s work. To understand human behavior means to have a set of concepts and theories that help to account for and explain significant human reactions and relate them to experiences.These concepts and principles provide the core for the counsellor’s diagnostic work. Counsellors use their understandings to talk to themselves about their own behavior as well as the concerns, actions, perceptions, emotions and motivations of their clients. With no theory, counsellors have nothing to say in their conversations. Counsellors who comprehend the role that an understanding of human behavior serves in their work, and who recognize the proper function of diagnosis, will work very hard to avoid the pitfalls in this area. It is part of their ethical responsibility. â€Å"How can I help?†As I uttered those words, I remember Higdon’s work on From Counselling Skills to Counsellor: Psychodynamic Approach, because it gave me a new understanding as he began talking. It was as if I was listening with another ear, able to compr ehend the emotions behind those words and what he was really saying. (Higdon, 2004). So, I was able to cope with it well. Initially, I was about to call it quits. I had my own issues to attend to. But it dawned on me that his desire to punch the pillows was his desire to remove the cobwebs in his own mind about what he really wanted to pursue.When I really â€Å"heard†him, and listened to him from the heart, I understood that it was his own feelings that he was wrestling with. (Higdon, 2004). Catharsis is often not enough. At some point in the helping process, just as in this example, the counsellor must take advantage of a pause, the completion of some part of the session, or an explicit expectation of the client to help him move to a greater understanding of his anger and eventually to some new action or attitude. Ellis’ proposition that the way we think has a lot to do with the way we feel.Recently, I am reminded of the trend pursued by Meichenbaum (1974), which ha ve very broad applications as a total system of therapy, and is particularly useful with clients whose anger shows righteousness or defensiveness as the dominant component, and many find it by far the most useful long-term approach. These theories became alive as I underwent that experience with my friend. How does it work? Ellis (1966) presents the basic paradigm to clients: (a) A stimulus takes place in your life; (b) you interpreted it in some way; and (c) you have an unpleasant emotional response (anger).Ellis’ Rational Emotive Therapy intervenes in the process at the second step, the interpretation, which, he says, comes from a faulty way of looking at life, a system of illogical thinking. The therapy consists of re-educating the client to think in a healthier, more appropriate way, by helping the client dispute the faulty thinking. This is the point at which many counsellors balk, because to keep at a resistant client with this kind of re-education requires a lot of con viction, ingenuity and persistence. There is a perversity that seems to want to keep the anger.One sees it in the client who resists the helper’s efforts to teach the ways his or her thoughts of being unjustly treated serve to maintain the anger. There comes a time in many helping situations at which the question is appropriate; â€Å"Do you want to give it up? †And the question: â€Å"If you give up the anger, what else do you have to give up? †Sometimes clients will say, â€Å"Yes, I want to give it up. But I can’t†Some clients will say, â€Å"Yes, I want to. Help me figure it out. †Some will say â€Å"I want to stop being so angry, but I don’t want to give it up altogether.†Some will say, â€Å"No. No, I don’t really want to give up. †Regardless of the answer, having the client state it explicitly usually puts the counselling at a stage to consider more accurately and profitably the realities of the clien t’s aims. If the client asks for help, the counsellor is in good position to offer the resources of his or her ingenuity. If the client wants to stop but not altogether, the counsellor can point out to the client that truth and its implication: â€Å"That is your truth; are you willing to take what comes with it?†If the client does not want to give it at all, the counsellor can take that as a statement of the client’s goals and ask how he can help the client work through the implications of the anger and how to minimize the ill effects of it. In sum, an important precept here aside from Understanding is Client Change. I believe that the ultimate purpose of the counselling experience is to help the client achieve some kind of change that he or she will regard as satisfying.Virtually every significant theory of counselling states that creating some kind of client change in a growth-enhancing direction is the ultimate intended outcome of the counselling experience . Some say overt behavior change is the sine qua non of the experience. Others say that behavior change is simply symptom change; real and lasting change comes when the client develops new perceptions about self, significant others and about life. This is what was glaring from this experience. Client change is often difficult to document. Behavior change, if it occurs, is probably the easiest to observe because it is the most tangible.However, clients may also change their views about certain behaviors that they previously regarded as undesirableâ€â€or they may change in the extent to which they experience stress related to an unwanted life situationâ€â€or they may change in a variety of other ways that involve internal experiencing. In spite of the difficulties of assessing some kinds of change, it seems that a counsellor who cannot describe the changes that the client ahs undergone has no basis for knowing when counselling has reached and effective conclusion. REFERENCESCe nter for Strategic and International Studies 2002, â€Å"What is globalization? †Retrieved Feb. 2, 2007 at: CSIS Globalization 101 WEBSITE on the World Wide Web: http://www. globalization101. org/globalization/ Business Ethics. Retrieved Feb. 2, 2007 at: http://www. amazon. com/gp/reader/0130797723/ref=sib_dp_pt/104-1829689-6709521#reader-page Ellis, A. (1966). Rational-emotive psychotherapy. New York: J. Norton. Embleton,Tudor,L. ,Keeras,K. ,Tudor,K. ,Valentine,J. and Worrall,M. (2004) The Person- centred Approach:A Contemporary Introduction.London:Palgrave Higdon,J. (2004)From Counselling Skills to Counsellor:A Psychodynamic Approach,Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan. Leading Quietly. Retrieved Feb. 2, 2007 at: http://www. amazon. com/gp/reader/1578514878/ref=sib_rdr_ex/104-1829689-6709521? %5Fencoding=UTF8&p=S00Q&j=0#reader-page Meichenbaum, D. (1974). Cognitive behavior modification. Morristown, N. J. General Learning Press, Perls, F. (1975). Growth in the Human Personality . New York: New York: Julian Press. Sill, S. (1958). Leadership Salt Lake City. Bookcraft, 48.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Management Essay
The management functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading and controlling organizational resources. The success of an organization is determined by four essential functions of management: controlling, leading, organizing, and planning. Controlling involves directing and monitoring the progress of employees. Controlling employees and the work environment helps employees to stay focused on goals set by the management. Management must provide superior leadership skills by making their presence known in the work environment. Employees have a basic need of having contact on a daily basis with management. By leading managers motivate their employees and increase efficiency. Management makes an organization successful by organizing all aspects of business which would include business functions; creating organizational charts, setting goals, creating an action plan, and figuring out the logistics to make sure goals are achieved. Management must use the function of control to stabilize employee performance and the work environment. Control is always viewed as a negative term because employees think of being restricted. However, controls are placed for the benefit of everyone, without a controlled organization there would be chaos. Within my organization, management maintains control by setting clear guidelines each employee must obey. â€Å"Managers expect people in an organization to change their behavior in response to control†(Erven, 1994). Since my colleagues and I work as independent contractors everyone has the power to choose their own schedule. Management controls the environment by making everyone adhere to the set schedule by 75% or better. When contractors meet their commitment, they are rewarded with a pay incentive. Prior to this policy being enforced, performance was lower, since this control has been in place performance has increased dramatically. Leading Management is expected exercise the function of leading in order for the organization to meet their goals. Leading is an essential function of management because it helps management direct employees to focus on the big picture. Typically management will focus on increasing productivity to improve cost efficiency. In order to improve productivity, employees need direction and motivation from management. At my organization, employees are paid based on commission. Management provides employees with information about busier working hours so that employees have the opportunity to maximize their efforts on those hours. At the end of the day, management wants the needs of the customers to be met as well as employees to be satisfied with their compensation. Organizing Organizing is a critical component of good management, because everything within the organization is depending on the organizational skills of the management. Management is primarily responsible for organizing resources in order for goals to be met (Bateman & Snell, 2007). Within the organization, management must create an organizational chart which would describe the business function and responsibility of each person on that chart. Management would assume responsibility for all logistics to be in place to assist their employees of meeting their goals. In my organization, a critical component of organizing involves having all of the necessary technology functioning properly since business is conducted by phone and internet. On a daily basis the management has to make sure the phone routing system is functioning properly as well as their websites. Occasionally technical problems occur, and they must be handled immediately or else business will suffer if the necessary technology is not available. Planning Planning is essential component to the other three functions of management running smoothly. Planning involves the management team identifying goals and objectives within the organization. Once goals are mapped out, management must work together to analyze the current state of the organization and make a plan of action to implement immediate changes. In order to plan successfully, management must anticipate circumstances they could be affected by. Based on goals, objectives, and their forecast into the future they can begin to create business strategies. The management in my organization focuses on increasing the volume of customers. When the volume of customers drops, promotions occur more often to lure customers in. In order to prepare for unthinkable situations such as a drop in business management must work within other departments to develop contingency plans when business is not going as planned. The roles and responsibilities managers have within an organization. There are managers in every profession – it is not a standalone field. For those of us who become managers, we reach a stage in our career progression where we apply for roles which have management responsibilities. We then need to build our managerial experience and gain the knowledge and skills to enable us to carry out the role effectively. As a manager, there are many responsibilities must follow. Managers take on an essential responsibility for communication. Particularly with the pace of change, it ismore important than ever to keep employees informed of what’s going on. In performing the informational role, managers are essentially two-way information conduits. Managers must keep employees informed of all things that affect their work and provide information to their organisation (and, often, outside their organisation) about what the team is doing. To undertake PDRs with staff. Through the PDR process, to engage in the setting of objectives in order to assist in the monitoring of performance and the development of the individual. To assess the training and development needs of staff to ensure that they are adequately supported in relation to their work responsibilities. Managers are also required to ensure that staff have completed the relevant mandatory training for their role. To ensure appropriate management systems and procedures are in place to meet your health and safety duties. You will find your responsibilities contained in the University’s Health and Safety policy. You are required to ensure appropriate risk assessments are carried out in respect of significant hazards and safety inspections. To apply the University’s Equal Opportunities Policy. Line managers are responsible for maintaining a working environment that is free of discrimination, harassment, victimisation and bullying. In applying the Universities Equal Opportunities Policy and associated training, line managers have an important role in ensuring that no person associated with MMU receives less favorable treatment on the grounds of: gender, race or ethnic origin, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, social background or for any other identifiable discriminatory cause. There will be other responsibilities for you dependent on your managerial level within the University. You should speak to your own manager if you need to clarify any of these.
Gentrification in a Global Context
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Saturday, September 28, 2019
Week 1 Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 1 Discussion - Assignment Example The study of organisational behaviour therefore becomes very important in this respect. Leaders and managers are expected to be in a position to understand and predict the behaviour of the employees in the organisation. This calls for wide knowledge in the relevant aspects relating to organisation behaviour. It is a matter of emotional intelligence, job design, organisational culture and such other aspects that make the bulk of organisational behaviour. These factors are very critical in the determination of the individual behaviour and character within the organisation. It creates the essence of having a proper organisation culture which normally does a lot in reshaping the behaviour of individuals within the organisation. Managers should be capable of instilling a sense of motivation and team spirit within the employees so that organisation objectives are better addressed. The scope of organisation behaviour transcends employee motivation, leadership, impact of personality traits on performance and other psychological factors that define human character. In any case, organisation behaviour deals with the impact of individuals, groups, and organisational structure on human character and behaviour within the organisation (Ivancevich, Kanopaske and Matteson). The ultimate concern is normally to utilize these aspects so as to create value for the organization considering that good organisational performance mostly relies on good behaviour from the
Leave blank Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Leave blank - Essay Example However, under act utilitarianism, if for instance such a person were known to be a Pol Pot, and Idi Amin or a Hitler, then killing him would be justified in order to spare the many more they would have killed. The declining marginal utility of money refers to the change in total satisfaction derived from the purchase of one additional or incremental unit of a specific good or service, all else being equal (, 2010). In other words, as a person has more and more of one thing, his satisfaction with each additional unit of the thing becomes less and less. For instance, a beggar with nothing at all will be immensely joyful at receiving a dollar. A student will frown at the dollar, but will be happy with a hundred dollars. The office worker may be disappointed with a hundred dollar raise, but will welcome ten thousand dollars added to his annual income. Finally, a millionaire will think nothing of ten thousand dollars; he needs to acquire ten million dollars to feel the same satisfaction that the beggar felt with one dollar. (b) A principle of justice in transfer – A person who acquires a holding in accordance with the principle of justice in transfer, from someone else entitled to the holding, is entitled to the holding. (c) A principle of rectification of injustice - No one is entitled to a holding except by (repeated) applications of 1 and 2. Otherwise, holdings that are unjustly acquired or transferred, should be returns, victims duly compensated, past transgressions or injustices done by a government rectified, and so on. An example of the first principle is that a person may legally acquire an asset, such as a car, by purchasing it at good value. If the sale, however, is done under duress and for a price way below its true value so as not to be justified, then the right of ownership does not transfer, as in the case of a man who forces
Friday, September 27, 2019
First IT security in information systems Term Paper
First IT security in information systems - Term Paper Example In this report, we will discuss some of the main security measures/steps that can be taken to overcome IT security related issues. The report will also include a discussion about the ways to maintain IT security over a long time for users. Network Security Internet security is imperative in today’s world of digital technology because it provides a number of considerable benefits to individuals and businesses. Some of those benefits include assistance in dealing with fake emails and harmful web links, assistance in protection of data, assistance in making communication process safe, and assistance in dealing with malware, spyware, viruses, Trogens, and worms. Moreover, network safety measures also help users in surviving from phishing and other internet-based frauds. We all know that protection of files and important information stored in computers is essential for every individual. Therefore, it is imperative to apply such security measures which can ensure data protection to a large extent. â€Å"Network security comprises the measures a company takes to protect its computer system†(Kaminsky 1). According to Stallings, viruses and worms are the most harmful and commonly occurring threats to the security of computer networks and they have the ability to spread into every computer system (27). In IT related business, there is a constant need to apply such security measures that can protect computer networks from all types of threats including worms, viruses, and the attempts of hackers. IT professionals need to introduce such mechanisms using which one can efficiently identify the potential threats to the networks in order to apply the relevant and the most appropriate safety measure. Although the advancements in the field of information technology have been beneficial for internet related businesses individuals, they have also brought in a number of security threats. Such threats not only affect the progress of the businesses but also reduce busi nesses’ efficiency levels, as people have to spend a huge amount of time to recover their important information and data if lost. To reduce such threats, business need to hire such information technology experts who can ensure protection using multilayered security strategies. As Lynn states, â€Å"in today's threat landscape, the most secure network infrastructures implement not a single network security technology, but a multilayered comprehensive security strategy†(1). Let us now discuss some of the main steps an information technology professional may take to ensure complete protection for users from internet security threats. Antivirus and Antispyware The first thing that an IT professional needs should suggest to IT related businesses and users is the installation of a suitable antivirus application. Antivirus applications are the most widely used measures to ensure computer safety not only because they provide optimum security to data present inside the compute r systems but also because they hold current databases of worms and viruses using which they can identify the presence of any armful application in the computer syste
Critical Thinking envi 423 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Critical Thinking envi 423 2 - Essay Example on the continent of Asia but has strong cultural and geographical ties with many parts of North Africa with aspects such as religion and language getting assimilated by them as a result. In ancient times the Middle East connected major trade routes between Asia and Europe through both land and seas. Caravans from India and China brought their goods to the busy markets of the Middle East for trading purposes. From there, the traders ferried the goods across the Mediterranean and into Europe to venture into other new markets. Other routes took traders across the red sea or down the coast of Africa with some traders penetrating further into the hinterlands. These bands of migrating people made up of traders and even conquerors, acted as agents of change in that they spread new and foreign ideas, religious traditions, inventions and different forms of achievements into the nations of Europe, Asia, and ultimately Africa. This movement of ideas, and or customs from one place to another con tributed to cultural diffusion (Arab Contributions to civilization). The Middle East is home to many different peoples with a variety of languages, religions and traditions. But Arabs whose major language is Arabic are the majority group in the Middle Eastern countries, but the Middle East is also home to other groups such as the Iranians, the Turks, and the Kurds. The major religions dominant in the region include Islam which is the leading religion by number of devout followers, followed by Christianity that also boosts of a substantial following, and lastly but not least Judaism. These are people who were born and raised in the desert or mountain wilderness and lived in tents or caves. They engaged in raising goats, sheep, donkeys, horses and camels. Bedouins consider the desert as their home, travelling in small bands or groups. Interestingly, the Bedouin are still living today as they have been living for thousands of years back, travelling from one oasis to another in their
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Speaking to Inform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Speaking to Inform - Essay Example Are reportedly born with Sickle-cell Diseases, and statistically the larger pictures brings about 100,000 Americans in its purview. Half a century from now it would have been unimaginable to survive this disease, however, today owing to the interventions of technology and other screening programs it can be said that it is manageable to live with Sickle-cell Disease. The regular Red Blood Cells (RBC) are disc-like structures; they are tailor-made to move through the blood vessels with considerable ease. These RBC’s are rich in an iron content protein known as Haemoglobin, which in turn carries out the function of transporting blood from the lungs to the various parts of the body. Sickle cells result in Sickle haemoglobin, which are quite sticky and stiff in nature and impede the flow of the blood; which results in severe pain and a series of other infectious diseases and sometimes damage of the organ. Sickle Cell Anemia is a genetic disorder and continues to be present in an individual’s body for an entire lifetime. Individuals with the Sickle Cell Disease are known to be born with the Disease, inheriting two separate genes from either parent. Sickle Cell Anemia is not known to have a specific cure. Treatments that are available work towards reducing the symptoms and other related complications. Stem Cell and Bone Marrow Transplants are the most common treatments but the results are not assured. A Stem Cell disease must not be interpreted as a Sickle Cell disease simply because Sickle Cell forms on a part of stem Cell transplantations; Stem Cell procedures are merely used to cure auto-immune diseases like Sickle Cell. Hematopoietic cell transplantations are known to cure many of the genetic disorder and as compared to Sickle Cell is a larger purview of manifestations in a human
Are Kids Over Medicated Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Are Kids Over Medicated - Essay Example Additionally, poor health choices lead to obesity, high blood pressure, heart conditions, diabetes, and psychological conditions between the ages of 4 and 19 years (Warner 128). Consequently, doctors find it easier to offer medication instead of lasting solutions like a healthy diet, exercise, and regional medical checkups. Many parents find it affordable to treat conditions using medications and prevent adapting to healthy choices to improve overall health condition of their children. Thus, over reliance on over the counter drugs and laziness to adopt healthy lifestyle lead to overmedication of kids. Many people believe that there is a drug to cure every problem. Many parents find this as a relief, and choose to medicate to prevent their children from suffering. You shall find many homesteads have all manner of painkillers, energy boosters, and antidepressant for their kids. The immune system becomes weaker by the day due to constant reliance on medication. Once the body becomes weaker, it requires additional medication to make the immune system stronger to enable the body resume normal functioning. This creates a cycle of medication in the life of a young adult. Children often suffer from behavioral conditions such as moodiness, insomnia, anger erratic episodes, and low appetite among others, but instead of seeking psychological help, parents go for over the counter medicines to relieve these conditions. Accordingly, pharmaceutical companies stepped in to create pills that cure these conditions, yet these are common problems that kids encounter especially during teen years, and thus, do not require medication. According to recent health reports, many pharmaceutical companies are reaping high rewards for manufacturing children’s medications (Elizabeth 8). For instance, antipsychotics medication treats intellectual disability, hyperactive disorder, and disruptive behavior disorder. These same
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN - Research Proposal Example 3. The image of God is manifested in each and every person regardless of religious orientation and belief. Need for the Study The aim of the study is to proffer issues that would deepen one’s understanding on the statement that man was created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1: 26 – 28). Having been explained in various literatures, the meaning of the â€Å"image of God†is presented in discussing the difference between man and other creations of God, particularly animals. Further, one would seek to determine if any violation from the factors signifying man’s being created in God’s image would that necessarily defy man’s existence as being created out of God’s image. For instance, if man commits sin with utter disregard for conscience, does that mean that the statement does not apply to him, in particular? Procedure of the Study The study would be conducted using various secondary sources of information of the topic. The sour ces would be authoritative and scholarly and would present balanced and unbiased views of the authors on the subject. If the time would allow, some primary information could be solicited through simple interviews of acquaintances and people from various walks of life regarding their personal points of views and perception of the topic.
The Kung, Wogeo, Huichol, and Sherpas differ significantly in their Essay
The Kung, Wogeo, Huichol, and Sherpas differ significantly in their social organization. Use the ethnographies Boiling Energy, S - Essay Example However, these cultural practices differ from vast people in other parts of the world as depicted by four ethnographies derived from diverse parts of the world. Analysis The fact that different individuals in the world have their own practices is depicted by Richard Katz in his ethnography â€Å"The Kung - Boiling energy†. In the book, the author outlines the cultural and spiritual way of life practiced by the Kung people in the Kalahari desert in South Africa. One major captivating aspect that the book reveals concerning culture and spirituality is Kung’s unique dance that seems to provide the focal point because anthropologists consider it as a primary ritual that encompasses and expresses cosmology, medicine and religion in a simultaneous manner. The healing dance as it is commonly known is practiced at specific periods of the time of the year and amazingly, everyone in the community participates because these people believe that each one of them has a â€Å"sicknes s†on one way or the other (Katz 332). In this regard, the Kung people believe that illnesses could be physical, emotional or even spiritual and the healing dance simultaneously heals all illnesses irrespective of the sickness nature. Therefore, the healing dance contains much more than just healing because it helps individuals release tension and energy that eventually transform people’s inner feelings. On a general perspective, the healing dance represents the spirituality of the Kung people because after the dance these individuals feel nourished, rejuvenated and reborn just like an individual from the west would feel after seeking spiritual intervention from a church (Katz 332). Therefore, the healing dance greatly affects the religious life of the people of Kung. Another ethnography depicting a different social organization is Barbara G. Myerhoff in her book â€Å"Peyote Hunt†. The ethnography is a story of a Native American ethnic group from western central Mexico, whose culture and spirituality is signified by its ancient practices. Though the book encompasses vast research findings from other sources, the author brings out the Huichol’s religion and culture through personal experience. Ideally, the Huichol people practices vast rituals that involve weeping, singing and contacting the ancestral spirits. Among its numerous practices, the Huichol’s practice a ritual of deer hunting because they believe that deer meat is a source of nourishment due to the magic power that the meat contains. Prior to the magical meat granted by the deer, the hunting experience provides a deep spiritual connection and fulfillment because it brings together people and all creatures (Myerhoff 16). In addition, the Huichol people also adore the maize because they believe that it fosters morality and emotions in their own way of understanding. Though the interrelationship between the Huichol’s and the maize is weird they claim that maize is their life and they greatly interconnect. Generally, the deer-maize-peyote complex is the way of life that determines Huichol’s cultural and religious life because it helps them refresh their inner personality emotionally, physically and spiritually by hunting the Peyote, eating its meat and exercising the maize ritual (Myerhoff 16). On a different perspective, Ian Hogbin chips in with his
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Rational-Emotive Behaviour Therapy Theory Essay
Rational-Emotive Behaviour Therapy Theory - Essay Example The fundamental premise of the theory is based on the fact that almost all emotions and behaviors are caused by what people believe about the situations they face. The theory posits a bio-psychosocial explanation of how individuals come to feel and behave. This stems from the belief of Ellis that both biological factors and social factors are involved in the experiencing and action processes. This idea is important, for it proposes that there are limits to the extent that a person can change (Ellis A. , 2003). Ellis argues in his theory that all humans have the ability to interpret reality in a clear, logical and objective manner and avoid unwanted emotional behavioural disturbances. Furthermore, he argues that in addition to these abilities, humans are also predisposed to irrational interpretations (Collard & OKelly, 2011). They are predisposed to twisted or illogical thinking, draw illogical conclusions that are impartial and are cognitive distortions of reality (Levinson, 2010). Ellis identified four standard characteristics that represent an irrational interpretation of reality. These four standard characteristics are demands of something that is not of the real world, other people or the individual; amplification of the awfulness of something an individual dislikes (Macinnes, 2004); conclusion that one cannot tolerate the thing they dislike and finally condemnation of the world, other people or the individual (Dryden, 2003). The characteristics identified above are expressed in speci fic irrational ideas and beliefs (Macinnes, 2004). Ellis suggested that the targets for change in psychotherapy are those thoughts, attitudes beliefs and meanings that cause emotional-behavioural disturbances and then goes ahead to present the rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) (Windy & Neenan, 2004). REBT teaches individuals how to identify their own self defeating ideas, thoughts, beliefs and actions and replace
Reflecting on Assessment Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Reflecting on Assessment - Personal Statement Example I know that whenever we are trying to accomplish something, it is a group effort so you cannot have the results exactly as you had in mind because individual perceptions differ but on the whole it was still close to what I had wanted so I feel happy. Conflicts were common and most of the time, they were handled pretty well though it all depended on the individuals involved in the conflicts. Some of them were quite mature so they handled their issues with utmost sensitivity while others were a bit callous. But since in the end it was important to have them resolved, we refused to talk too much about them. Though it would have been better if we could discuss the way in which some of us handled conflicts. That way we can do better in future and understand our own limitations in much better way. Individual contribution was encouraged but some times some of us felt underappreciated. Though I feel that the contributions I made were acknowledged, I still feel that some of the members were acknowledged more than others. I am just not sure they really deserved it.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Diacyl Glycerol in the Context of Diabetic Nephropathy Assignment
Diacyl Glycerol in the Context of Diabetic Nephropathy - Assignment Example Diabetic nephropathy is a serious diabetes complication characterized purposely by albuminuria and glomerular hyperfiltration and it is one of the most known common sources of a final stage of renal failure, especially in the western world. It is characterized by a massive growth of the extracellular matrix with coagulation of the tabular basement covering and the glomerular. A buildup of extracellular matrix proteins such a laminin, fibronectin, and collagen are known to cause mesangial enlargement making most of the kidney cellular elements targets of hyperglycemic damage. During hyperglycemia, the levels of glucose in the proximal tubular cells are increased causing DAG levels to increase (Tomino 16). The DAG accumulation leads to the activation of PKC and overproduction of TGF-ÃŽ ² which may be a negative feedback of intracellular cell accumulation. Through the de novo amalgamation of diacylglycerol (DAG) protein kinase C is activated which leads to further activation of other intracellular indicators in transduction systems like the extracellular regulated kinase (ERK). The activation of the three pathways: DAG, ERK and PKC are one of the most significant molecular mechanisms of the progression and development of diabetic nephropathy (Becker, Bilezikian, Bremner et al 957). By inhibiting the three paths there was a prevention to the development of glomerular dysfunction in diabetic people which proved the hypothesis that the three paths are important in diabetic nephropathy. Thiazolidinedione compounds inhibited PKC activation by ensuring that the DAG kinase was activated which prevented albuminuria, glomerular hyperfiltration and the excessive manufacturing of extracellular matrix proteins for Type 1 diabetes. Researchers have confirmed the signing of the activation of the three pathways in the growth of glomerular dysfunction in diabetic nephropathy. Pathophysiology due to a problem with the signaling pathway: DAG is an upstream deactivator of PKC, a pathway responsible for the excessive formation of urine in the kidneys. When DAG has activated it ensures control of urine in the urine bladder by relaxing its muscles regularly.Â
Henry Fayols Legacy And Contribution To The Management Science Assignment
Henry Fayols Legacy And Contribution To The Management Science - Assignment Example He therefore developed management ideas through personal experience as Chief Executive, and wrote ‘elements’ of administration in â€Å"Administration Industriele et Generale†, which was published in 1961 (Wren & Bedeian 2009). Abilities that he felt were essential in a manager include physical, mental and moral qualities, general education, and specialized knowledge and experience (Wren & Bedeian, ). The absence of management training in schools made Fayol see the need for management theory and identified fourteen principles of management (Fayol). He was a French management theorist. He was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of management, having formulated five primary functions of management- planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling ( Fayol). Henri Fayol is generally referred to as the Father of Modern Management theory (George, 146),in view of his extraordinary and revolutionary input to administrative management. Indeed, he is to administrative management while what Taylor is to scientific management. He later died in 1925 in Paris France. History of management science The management historians trace back the early origin of management and their pioneer ideas, which is the foundation of our modern formative thinking, its founders as well as well their contributions in the field d of management. As noted by early scholars such as McMahon and Carr (28), there is an increasing distance between the student and scholars of today and early scholars such as Henry Fayol among others. Through a critical examination of early biographies and early accounts, the relationship between the early and today’s management thought is established. In this case, we may gain a more complete understanding of own intellectual, reflections, and study of those of who have gone before and continue to study from the past as it forms the present (Bedeian) One such scholar is a Henry Fayol, who is thought as being the father of modern management science. As noted in Charles de Freminville, a synopsis of Fayol’s and Taylor’s thinking is explored. In this paper the modern management science is examined and its contribution to the modern field of management. It studies some of his theories, procedures, tools and techniques and it affect the modern management thought amongst scholars and student of management. His legacy and thoughts are unearthed to bring to light the dynamics of management and how the present scholars have been refined or been altered it. There is need to distinguish between management science and arts and note the difference and this influences the managers’ roles. As noted, the management as art is older as compared to the management as a science. Henry Fayol’s contribution to the body of management thought will be explored. Literature review: what other have said about Fayol Many models have explained the Henry Fayol and his contributions to the field of management. One such theory is the influence of Fayol’s work on other scholars in the fields of management. Gullick ( 13; 457) have a great impact on public administration. Gullick also found the acronym POSDCORB best to describe the executive’s job. Urwick utilized Fayol’s writings to promote a functional approach to management in developing his theory of administration and organization. The writings of Fayol have reached the international arena and pointed
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Salem Witch Trials (US HISTORY) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Salem Witch Trials (US HISTORY) - Research Paper Example 17th century North America was characterized by beliefs in supernatural powers. People believed that supernatural beings played a role in everyday life. There was also strong believes that Satan was active on earth. The concept of supernatural beings emerged from Europe and quickly spread to North America during the period of colonization. It was believed that peasants practiced witchcraft by invoking charms for agriculture and farming. The principles of white magic moved to dark magic. This was associated with evil spirits and demons. Witchcraft persecutions became a common event in Massachusetts because people associated witchcraft with the devil. Most women and men in Salem believed that the misfortunes experienced in the society were related to the work of Satan and his agents on earth (Fradin and Dennis 51). The agents were believed to be witches and were accused of overseeing occurrences such as the death of an infant, crop failure and disasters. King James II placed Sir Edmund Andros as the governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony after the Royal Charter was vacated in 1684. In 1689, the new governor was overthrown following a revolution called the Glorious Revolution. The revolution ousted King James II and replaced him with a protestant ruler. The new ruler lacked the constitutional power or authority to rule. After the king was overthrown, disputes emerged between the colonial settlers in North America. The tensions led to a war in which a number of English settlers were repeatedly attacked (Goss 18). The war forced the settlers to leave their settlements and seek refuge in Essex County. Later, a charter for a bigger Province in Massachusetts was given. In the absence of a valid charter to rule the colony, the colonialists and their administrators did not have a legitimate government that could handle capital cases. Massachusetts had a village called Salem Village that was known for internal disputes. The
Concert Critique Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Concert Critique - Research Paper Example There was a small bar at the end of towards the wall. Many people were at the bar and it was nearly impossible to push one’s way through to use the bathroom on the exterior. At the back of the venue there was a variety of different lights that shined on the stage. Below these different lights was a sound system that was managed by an individual sitting behind it. This individual sitting behind the sound system did not move throughout the entire show and he was entirely focused on adjusting the music nobs to ensure that the concert was conducted effectively. In terms of crowd size, there were probably 200-300 people in attendance. The collection of these people increased in attendance from the beginning of the show and by the end of the show the numbers were around the 300 mark. Most of the people in attendance were the same age from their 20s to early 30s; however there were a handful of people in their late 30s that were in attendance. Many different ethnic groups were in att endance, although the main ethnic group in the audience was white Caucasians. The stage for the performance was not decorated for any of the bands that performed. However, there was lighting that occurred for each of the bands. When the final band came on stage, the lighting was coordinated with specific aspects of their performance such that the audience could see these different aspects during specific parts of songs. While the audience did not entirely sell-out, it was close to selling-out towards the end of the concert and there was virtually no room left for people to stand in the auditorium. The acoustics in the concert area depended largely on the band that was performing. In all instances, the sound was loud. However, the opening bands used guitars and the final band was more electronic based. These changes in instrumentation resulted in different levels of sound quality, with the greatest sound
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The factors, which affect demand Essay Example for Free
The factors, which affect demand Essay Demand is the quantity of goods or services consumers will buy at a particular price, at a particular time period. Market demand refers to the sum of individual demand for a good or service. It is assumed that the demand being represented is effective demand- the ability of consumers not just to want, but be able to buy the product. Quantity demanded is the inverse function of price, however there are other factors which influence the level of demand. Factors influencing individual demand differ from the factors influencing market demand. The price of other goods and services affects the demand for a product. If a product has close substitutes, then the responsiveness of demand to change in price is high. The level of income of an individual also influences demand (especially effective demand). The higher ones income the number of wants to be satisfied. People on higher incomes spend more money on goods and services in absolute terms, but less in proportional terms due to their lower average propensity to consume. Personal preference and trends in fashion also dictate the level of individual demand. The size of the population, age composition, distribution of people by sex, and socio-economic status influence the market demand. Big businesses study the composition of the population to best establish their most viable market place. Both consumer expectations and the level of technological progress influence market demand. These factors may affect demand either positively or negatively, resulting in an expansion or contraction of demand. The following model works on the assumption that aside from price all other factors will be kept constant. When the demand curve shifts to the right or left this results in consumers willing to buy more/less of the product at every possible price. A shift in the demand curve could be resulting from changes in tastes, real income, population size and composition, consumer expectations or technological progress. These factors often work simultaneously to increase or decrease demand. However these factors do not apply similarly to all goods. The demand for generic brand products decreases as income rises. The price elasticity of demand refers to the responsiveness of quantity demanded to a change in price. Elasticity is represented by the mathematical formula where the change in quantity demanded is divided by the change in price. If the resulting coefficient is less than one, the product is said to be inelastic. Thus, if prices change by a greater proportion than quantity demanded, the product is inelastic. This applies to basic goods and services, necessities such as bread, and habit-forming goods such as cigarettes. A good is unit elastic if the coefficient of the equation is equal to one. Thus the proportional change in price is equal to the proportional change in quantity demanded. If the proportional change in quantity is greater than the change in price, then the product is said to be elastic. These goods and services are usually quite durable, and high priced such as furniture. There are usually lots of close substitutes, and the industry of the good or service is very competitive. These concepts of elasticity can be visually represented by the gradient or slant of the demand curve. The steeper a curve, the greater the inelasticity, as changes in quantity demanded is quite small. The elasticity of a product is important to governments and producers in making economic decisions. For producers, the elasticity of a product determines any possible price changes. If a product is elastic for example, a price rise may lead to lower total revenue as demand sharply drops. Over the long term businesses try to overcome elasticity by building consumer goodwill and brand loyalty through advertising. Governments, likewise exploit elasticity to maximise total revenue. Governments usually impose high taxes on relatively inelastic goods such as alcohol and tobacco. Despite the higher cost of the product, the demand remains relatively similar, and thus governments earn more from their taxation policy. Both demand and elasticity work in conjunction to influence the decision making process of business and government. They are subject to change due to a number of external factors, yet help in maintaining equilibrium in the market. Graphs *demand curve *expansion and contraction in demand *shifts in the demand curve *elasticity
Comparing Free
Comparing Freedom of Expression in the Statutory Law and the Sharia Law Essay Getting in touch with media law during the first semester of my Masters gave me a sense of the importance of law in general because it consists of acts and articles which organise most issues in the human’s life in a way that protects ethics and morals. Regardless of the hypocrisy and double-standards of the countries which raise high the slogan of Human Rights, I liked the Human Rights Conventions that were laid down by these countries. Therefore, I decided to research some points in these conventions that are related to my study in order to nurture my knowledge in this great field of the human sciences. Then, I thought deliberately about the benefit of exerting much effort to get such knowledge since it is existed, well-explained and well-organised, in handy books. But after looking by historical and religious study as far back as some centuries ago, I found that my own culture, Islam, had plenty of law provisions that helped its people not only to protect their ethics and morals, but also to spread them all over the world. Through deliberate and objective study, I found that many of the social reformers, whose thoughts led to the emergence of the modern criteria of human rights, were originally affected by the roots of the Islamic ulture. I also found a lot of those old and even modern reformers who praised the old provisions of the Sharia Law and they also praised the prosperity which was an outcome of implementing it. The Western writer Patricia Crone (2005: p. 218-219) said referring to how those old provisions of law were true bases of a moral society: â€Å"Medieval Muslims d id not write utopias in the sense of imaginary travel accounts or other descriptions of ideal societies which do not exist, †¦ they were not given to seeking ideals outside their own civilisation at all. But they did place a golden age right at the beginning of their own history, and their numerous accounts of this age add up to a detailed utopia of great emotive power†¦ It was a time when the Muslims had all the virtues of tribesmen and none of their vices, for thanks to Islam there was no feuding, no factionalism, and no disorder, just austerity, solidarity, and total devotion to the truth. Therefore, I decided to look for the provisions of that old law which are related to my study and compare them with their counterparts in the modern human rights’ conventions. In order to limit my research, I decided to take the articles related to my study, media law, in the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) of the British Law to represent the leading international human rights conventions. Part one: Preface Main Argument In this dissertation I am going to explain how both the HRA and the Sharia Law deal with the concept of freedom of expression. As long as such argument is new and uncommon because of the lack of references that studied it, which resulted in an ambiguous perception in the minds of people towards the Sharia Law and its sources, there must be a kind of primary definition of the Sharia Law, its sources and how the Sharia scholars (Sharia Jurists) deal with these sources to regulate law items. Sharia Law This expression is going to be referred to as a theological-historical concept since the Sharia was revealed through a prophet, this makes it a theological subject matter, and it is 15 centuries old, this gives it a historical background. Sharia (sari? ah) is all religious rituals that Allah (SWT) has imposed on Muslims, via his Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) regarding beliefs, rules and day-to-day life among Muslims themselves, and between Muslims and non-Muslims. It is â€Å"designed to govern the relations of Muslims with non-Muslims, whether inside or outside the territory of Islam. †Mahmoud Kamali says that Sharia is â€Å"the Islamic law as contained in the divine guidance of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Yet, the expression Sharia Law is modern if compared with the word Fiqh, which historically used to mean â€Å"the awareness of Islamic rules from its sources by true inference. †Kamali defined the word Fiqh: â€Å"Islamic law as developed by Muslim Jurists. The term is often used synonymously with Sharia. †Therefore, like other contemporary researchers of similar topics, I am going to use the expression Sharia Law to mean the old word: Fiqh. Sources of the Sharia Law There is no difference between any of the Muslim scholars that the main sources of all information, not only about the details of the life of mankind, but also about the details of the whole universe are the Holy Qur’an, then, the Holy Sunnah. In addition, it is a matter of a universal belief among Muslims and many of non-Muslims that the Holy Qur’an in the hands of people is the real book revealed by Allah (SWT) to his Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) fourteen centuries ago. The same is the 100% authenticity of certain books of Hadith, i. e. Saheeh Al-Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim. These references are not considered comprehensive works; however, I feel that they could draw raw guidelines for me in my research in two ways: * They give me hints about how this issue is being taken by researchers who are not specialists in Sharia studies, but they are lawyers or journalists; like me. * They draw raw guidelines of the comparative methodology of research between articles of the Sharia Law and those of the statutory law. Throughout this dissertation, I am going to take articles of the British Media Law and compare them with the related provisions of the Sharia Law, giving enough examples in order to be able to make clear-cut conclusions about the main question of this dissertation which is: (The question of the dissertation) Can the modern Islamic movements, who are apparently going to rule the Arab countries after the Arab Spring, implement the Sharia Law and achieve the absolute justice which they raise as a slogan for their revolutions and electoral campaigns? Or would they worsen the already worsened situation of media law? Of course, regarding the other part of this dissertation, which is the statutory law, libraries are full of texts of law articles starting from the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen in 1789, passing through the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ending with daily huge volumes of books, journals and articles studying new amendments and proposing new laws regarding recent details of the life of people in general and the work of media specifically. Terminology In order to have a good understanding for the real meaning and connotation of the Sharia Law concepts and cases, they have to be denoted by their names. Therefore, it is necessary here to have a list of the original names of the Sharia concepts and their definitions. The Holy Qur’an: defined previously. Surah: one complete chapter from the Holy Qur’an. Sowar: the plural of Surah. Sowar are different in length. Some are 1/3 a page and others exceed 40 pages. Aya: one verse from the Holy Qur’an. Ayat: a plural of aya. The Holy Sunnah: defined previously. Hadith: a verified saying for the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). Ahadith: a plural of Hadith. Tafseer: the interpretation of the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Sunnah by professional credible Muslim scholars. Fatwa: a certain judgement on a certain case by a Sahaba, Tabe’een or confident Muslim scholars in a certain time or place. Plural is Fatawa. Ibada: the act of worshiping Allah (SWT) whether by heart or body. Any act of heart or body needs to start with intention of solely worship for Allah in order to be a true Ibada. Da’wah: the flow of activities Muslims do in illuminating the teachings of Islam. Dhimmi: the name of a non-Muslim citizen in the Islamic State. Ahludhimmah or Dhimmiyeen: plural of Dhimmi. Jezyah: the name of the religious tax for non-Muslims in the Islamic State. It is equivalent to the religious tax taken from Muslims, but Jezyah is a lesser amount of money that has many exceptions. Part Two: The Situation of Freedom of Expression Historical Background It is very important, before starting writing about the situation of freedom of expression in the statutory and the Sharia Law, to explore the general historical climates which preceded the emergence of both laws. That will give a kind of understanding of how much the improvements on the situation of freedom of expression both laws have achieved. * A Glimpse on Freedom of Expression in the West before the Renaissance The period which preceded what is known in Europe as the Renaissance was full of conflicts among the different castes of the European communities in general. That conflict took several forms. A prime one was the conflict between the Church and scientists and that between authority and people. Howard Turner describes a side of such conflicts: â€Å"The Middle Ages in Europe had long been dominated by an unending conflict between Church dogma and a kind of humanistic and individual quest for intellectual liberation. †Church and authority used to be allies and each institution worked for the protection of the other at the expense of people’s lives. They used to impose restriction on freedom of expression and there used to be no respect for people’s privacy. There was also a kind of blackout on external knowledge, fearing that it might undermine their power or alliance. The Thirteenth century was an â€Å"age in which kings and barons reacted to an insult by lopping off the offending tongue- or head†¦ The crime of ‘scandalum magnatum’ expressly protected ‘the great men of the realm’ from any statements that might arouse the people against them. †In France, for example, the king used to say â€Å"I am the state†and gave no space for people to have control in running their own or private life. The Church used to control science. Therefore, knowledge it saw as right, used to be spread, and that it saw as wrong, used to be damaged. A blockage was imposed on scientists and thinkers. In 1614, Galileo was accused of heresy by the Church for his scientific theories. Eighteen years later, in 1632, he was sentenced to life imprisonment which was reduced to permanent house arrest after he had been obliged to withdraw his theories before the public by the Church. That time was the worst for women’s freedom. Women were inferior to men, troubled with Eve’s sin. They were subject to the authority of their fathers or their husbands. Violence in marriage did occur and was even encouraged. †The dark life of that age pushed people to seek a kind of salvation through knowledge, especially, after the appearance of new thinkers affected by the Muslims’ civilisation. According to Turner, the â€Å"Christian West†inherited the â€Å"scientific legacy from Islam. Thanks to increasing cultural traffic with Muslim lands via the busy Spanish and Sicilian gateways, the thriving routes of Mediterr anean and overland commerce, and the contacts left over from the Crusades. People sought to reinforce the principles of freedom and justice, which was clear in the slogan of the French revolution which was: liberty, equality and fraternity. The revolution in real freedom of expression has been from the Renaissance until today. However, there are still some issues which emerge from time to time that necessitate amendments of the existing laws or constituting new ones. * Freedom of Expression in Arabia before the Sharia Law In Arabia, there used to be kind of freedom of expression, but there was no justice. For example, men used to sit with each other and think about issues related to their tribes. But that right to give an idea or express an opinion was only for masters. Societies there used to consist of three castes: masters, subjects or alliances and slaves. In addition, that right among the masters was only for men. Women used to be suppressed and were not allowed to share opinions either in public affairs or even in family affairs. Women were used in the same way as goods. There used to be a diversity of religions. Arabia included pagans, Jews and Christians. But the most common was paganism. Surely, that kind of diversity hints at a kind of freedom of religion, but the opposite was the norm. Paganism, represented in worshiping idols, was the religion of the mainstream Arabs in Arabia and they used to keep an eye on those who converted to other religions. If they were young, they used to be fought; if they were old, they used to be left free since they could not affect others. Of course, chiefs and masters of tribes used to be happy with that kind of life because it helped them keep strong control over their subjects. However, suppressed castes needed any kind of powerful justice to liberate them from the chains of the different forms of slavery. From amongst that darkness, the message of the Sharia was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) to spread the justice and freedom among people. It is widely known among historians that a reasonable number of the people who joined the Da’wah at the early stages were from the ordinary people or alliances and slaves. Some of the masters asked the Prophet (PBUH) to dismiss them from around him if he wanted them, the masters, to join the Da’wah. Of course, ordinary people always lead reforms. A group of Muslim emigrants fled the persecution of their relatives in Mecca to Abyssinia and there was a short dialogue in the court of Abyssinia’s king, who was a true Christian. Their representative described the situation of Arabs before the Sharia and what the Sharia came with: â€Å"O king! We were plunged in the depth of ignorance and barbarism; we adored idols; we lived in unchastity; we ate dead animals, and we spoke abomination. We disregarded every feeling of humanity, and the duties of hospitality and neighbourhood. We knew no law but that of the strong. At that time, God raised from among us a man of whose birth, truthfulness, honesty and purity we were aware, and he called us to the Unity of God and taught us not to associate anything with Him. He forbade us to worship idols and enjoined us to speak the truth, to be faithful to our trusts, to be merciful, and to regard the rights of neighbours. He forbade us to speak ill of women and to eat the substance of orphans. He ordered us to flee from vices, to abstain from evil, to offer prayers, to render alms, and to observe the fast. Constituted Rights to Freedom of Expression * Freedom of Expression in British Media Law As I have mentioned from the beginning, I am going to take the British law as an exemplar to represent the statutory law in this research. Therefore; I see that I have to propose an overall look at the British law and to see the situation of freedom of expression through it. British Law Unlike other countries, Britain does not have a written constitution. Referring to Britain, Tom Baistow says: â€Å"This country is the only one in the EEC without a written constitution and the only one without the press laws that form one of the most important guarantees of freedom of expression. However, it has a good record regarding the respect of freedom of expression. It got this reputation throughout historical fights of the British nation to attain freedom and adopt democracy. And as an ideal example of the fight to reach this situation, journalism in Britain â€Å"went through a brave battle against constitutional restrictions on publishing in the 19th century and could extract the right t o comment and publish. †Freedom of expression became one of the most respected freedoms as a kind of a social norm among the British people. It is believed in Britain that free speech is a significant pillar of a free democracy. The Royal Commission on the Press in 1977 defined freedom of expression â€Å"as that degree of freedom from restraint which is essential to enable proprietors, editors and journalists to advance the public interest by publishing the facts and opinions without which a democratic electorate cannot make responsible judgement. †This definition shows how the British believe in the vital role that freedom of expression plays in educating the public to be able to take right decisions in elections. It means that it is the main guarantor of a free democracy which is the main principle of a free State. Therefore, Solaiman Saleh described the situation of freedom of expression in Britain, despite the lack of a written constitution, saying: â€Å"The principle of a free press is reinforced in the collective conscience of the British. That forms a better protection which outweighs any written constitution. †Saleh continued explaining that it became a part of the British understanding of freedom of speech that the government does not have the right to interfere in the workflow of mass media. It cannot issue warrants, for example, to close any news platform, have pre-publishing restrictions/instructions or suggest amendments in the administrative systems or editorial policy. This is how James Curran portrayed the British press after the Second World War: â€Å"The press became fully independent of political parties and hence government. †The independence of the press gave it a great deal of space for free speech as well as unlimited power against governments. This was clear when the best wartime leader, British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, demanded an immediate closure of the Daily Mirror over its coverage of the conduct of war. That decision was followed by rough debates in the House of Commons and huge popular protests in Trafalgar Square and London’s Central Hall that pushed Churchill’s government to withdraw the decision against the Daily Mirror and, even, lift a ban previously imposed on the Daily Worker. Mass media regulation is only the role of the Parliament and Judiciary. In reply to the argument that the parliamentarian majority which forms the government may adopt any law suggested by it, Saleh argues that people who believe in the concept of freedom of expression will protest against the parliament and oblige it to stop the new law or to dissolve. The incident of the Daily Mirror mentioned above is a very clear example of that. The main pressure was represented by ‘organised protests’ in Trafalgar Square and London’s Central Hall. In addition, Hanna and Banks say in McNae’s Essential Law for Journalists: â€Å"Section 19 of the Human Rights Act created a requirement that a Minister introducing a Bill into Parliament must declare that its provisions are compatible with the European Convention, including thereby a commitment to freedom of expression. †Despite all the facts mentioned about the battles towards the freedom of expression in the English society, a sufficient protection for that freedom, which keeps up with the public-interest journalism, â€Å"from attacks for discomfiting the government or the judiciary or the wealthy private litigants†was not completely guaranteed. It is guaranteed by the adoption of international treaties, in which English writers and lawyers took a big part in constituting them, into the British law. Since then, clear articles of these treaties have become legal codes in the British law that guarantee a better freedom of expression. Throughout these facts, I can come to a conclusion that freedom of expression in Britain has certain principles that are clear. The main three principles could be summed up as following: 1. Government has no power against mass media. Robertson and Nicol explain how a government official does not have any privilege over the public in this regard. They say that if any official wanted to stop a news story, he has to go to the court the same as the public do. It means that government cannot control or suppress the voice of any single person directed to the public via any medium. It is believed that this is a sign of a free democratic State, but not in an arbitrary sense. Therefore, mass media have to be credible, and offenders should not escape punishment. John Whale quoted Sir William Blackstone, the eighteenth-century jurist, saying: The liberty of the press is indeed essential to the nature of a free State; but this consists in laying no previous restraints upon publication, and not in freedom from censure for criminal matter when published. †2. Mass media are owned by the private sector and, therefore, it represents citizens before the government. However, citizens are stronger than the government in the democratic regimes; it means that mass media can publish any kind of opposite opinions without fearing suppression or oppression of the government. 3. Mass media turn to the public to face censorship. Robertson and Nicol say: â€Å"The best antidote to censorship is publicity. †When the government wishes to practice a kind of censorship, journalists can publicise that practice and the government does not have any power to punish them. The incident of the Daily Mirror mentioned above is a clear example on the three points mentioned. It shows how mass media are stronger than governments, how mass media speak on behalf of the public and how the public exerted pressure through protests that pushed the government to retreat from the closure warrant against the newspaper. Freedom of Expression in the Sharia Law The most prominent characteristic of the Sharia Law is that it is a religious law. It means that it has more emphasis, in all branches, on religious and moral values than other laws. Mohmmad Kamali says: â€Å"This can, perhaps, be clearly seen in reference to the Sharia rules pertaining to blasphemy, heresy and disbelief , where the dominant concern is to defend the dogma and belief-structure of Islam. †Muslim scholars and thinkers believe that this characteristic of the Sharia Law gives it a spiritual power, which is effective to keep stability of societies. Based on his understanding of the Islamic beliefs and to confirm that defending the dogma and belief-structure of Islam achieves social stability, 20th century Muslim thinker and reformer Sayyed Qutb, who interpreted the Holy Qur’an, says: â€Å"Social, economic and religious organisation goes side by side with a true ethical code and dogmatic belief†¦ in a complete, comprehensive, balanced and precise way. †Regarding freedom of expression and to show how much positive effect religion has on it, the Western writer, Patricia Crone, shed light on the way Muslim thinkers understand the relationship between freedom and religion. Patricia Crone reported Al-Ghazali, a famous medieval Muslim philosopher and reformer, explaining freedom in the Sharia as â€Å"no humans had the right to impose obligations on other humans, whether they were rulers, masters, fathers or husbands, or for that matter prophets; only God could do so. †Of course, Al-Ghazali’s understanding of that concept of freedom was based on the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Sunnah. Allah (SWT) asked his Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), in the Holy Qur’an, to tell people that he is a human like them.
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