Saturday, August 31, 2019
ISO 9000 International Standard
ISO 9000IntroductionISOISO ( International Organization for Standardization ) is the universe ‘s largest developer and publishing house of International Standards. ISO is a web of the national criterions institutes of 159 states, one member per state, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system. ISO is a non-governmental organisation that forms a span between the public and private sectors. On the one manus, many of its member institutes are portion of the governmental construction of their states, or are mandated by their authorities. On the other manus, other members have their roots unambiguously in the private sector, holding been set up by national partnerships of industry associations. Therefore, ISO enables a consensus to be reached on solutions that meet both the demands of concern and the broader demands of societyISO ‘s beginningsIn 1946, delegates from 25 states met in London and decided to make a new international organisation, of which the object would be â€Å" to ease the international coordination and fusion of industrial criterions †. The new organisation, ISO, officially began operations on 23 February 1947, in Geneva, Switzerland.ISO ‘s nameBecause â€Å" International Organization for Standardization †would hold different acronyms in different linguistic communications ( â€Å" IOS †in English, â€Å" OIN †in French for Organisation Internationale de standardization ) , its laminitiss decided to give it besides a short, general-purpose name. They chose â€Å" ISO †, derived from the Greek isos, intending â€Å" equal †. Whatever the state, whatever the linguistic communication, the short sign ifier of the organisation ‘s name is ever ISO.What â€Å" international standardisation †agenciesWhen the big bulk of merchandises or services in a peculiar concern or industry sector conform to International Standards, a province of industry-wide standardisation exists. The economic stakeholders concerned agree on specifications and standards to be applied systematically in the categorization of stuffs, in the industry and supply of merchandises, in proving and analysis, in nomenclature and in the proviso of services. In this manner, International Standards supply a mention model, or a common technological linguistic communication, between providers and their clients. This facilitates trade and the transportation of engineering.The ISO trade name? DemocraticEvery full member of ISO has the right to take portion in the development of any criterion which it Judgess to be of import to its state ‘s economic system. No affair what the size or strength of that economi c system, each take parting member in ISO has one ballot. Each state is on an equal terms to act upon the way of ISO ‘s work at the strategic degree, every bit good as the proficient content of its single criterions.? VoluntaryISO criterions are voluntary. As a non-governmental organisation, ISO has no legal authorization to implement the execution of its criterions. ISO does non modulate or pass. However, states may make up one's mind to follow ISO criterions – chiefly those concerned with wellness, safety or the environment – as ordinances or mention to them in statute law, for which they provide the proficient footing. In add-on, although ISO criterions are voluntary, they may go a market demand, as has happened in the instance of ISO 9001 quality direction systems, or of dimensions of cargo containers and bank cards. ISO itself does non modulate or pass.? Market-drivenISO merely develops criterions for which there is a market demand. The work is chiefly carried out by experts from the industrial, proficient and concern sectors which have asked for the criterions, and which later put them to utilize.? ConsensusISO criterions are based on international consensus among the experts in the field. Consensus, like engineering, evolves and ISO takes account both of germinating engineering and of germinating involvements by necessitating a periodic reappraisal of its criterions at least every five old ages to make up one's mind whether they should be maintained, updated or withdrawn. In this manner, ISO criterions retain their place as the province of the art.? Globally relevantISO criterions are proficient understandings which provide the model for compatible engineering worldwide. They are designed to be globally relevant – utile everyplace in the universe. ISO criterions are utile everyplace in the universe.How ISO decides to develop a criterionISO launches the development of new criterions in response to the sectors that express a clearly established demand for them. An industry or concern sector communicates its demand for a criterion to one of ISO ‘s national members. The latter so proposes the new work point to ISO as a whole. If accepted, the work point is assigned to an bing proficient commission. Proposals may besides be made to put up proficient commissions to cover new Scopess of activity. At the terminal of 2006, there were 3 041 proficient organic structures in the ISO system, including 193 ISO proficient commissions. The focal point of the proficient commissions is specialised and specific. In add-on, ISO has three general policy development commissions that provide strategic counsel for the criterions ‘ development work on cross-sector facets. These commissions guarantee that the specific proficient work is aligned with broader market and stakeholder groupWho develops ISO criterionsISO criterions are developed by proficient commissions consisting experts from the industrial, proficient and concern sectors which have asked for the criterions, and which later put them to utilize. These experts may be joined by representatives of authorities bureaus, proving research labs, consumer associations, non-governmental organisations and academic circles. The experts participate as national deputations, chosen by the ISO national member institute for the state concerned. These deputations are required to stand for non merely the positions of the organisations in which their participating experts work, but of other stakeholders excessively. Harmonizing to ISO regulations, the member institute is expected to take history of the positions of the scope of parties interested in the criterion under development. This enables them to show a amalgamate, national consensus place to the proficient commission.How ISO criterions are developedThe national deputations of experts of a proficient commission meet to discourse, argument and argue until they reach consensus on a bill of exchange understanding. This is circulated as a Draft International Standard ( DIS ) to ISO ‘s rank as a whole for remark and vote. Many members have public reappraisal processs for doing draft criterions known and available to interested parties and to the general populace. The ISO members so take history of any feedback they receive in explicating their place on the bill of exchange criterion. If the vote is in favor, the papers, with eventual alterations, is circulated to the ISO members as a Final Draft International Standard ( FDIS ) . If that ballot is positive, the papers is so published as an International Standard. Every working twenty-four hours of the twelvemonth, an norm of eight ISO meetings is taking topographic point someplace in the universe. In between meetings, the experts continue the criterions ‘ development work by correspondence. Increasingly, their contacts are made by electronic agencies, some ISO proficient organic structures have already gone over wholly to working electronically, which speeds up the development of criterions, and cuts travel costs.ISO criterions: make the development, fabrication and supply of merchandises and services more efficient, safer and cleaner facilitate trade between states and do it fairer provide authoritiess with a proficient base for wellness, safety and environmental statute law, and conformance appraisal portion technological progresss and good direction pattern disseminate invention safeguard consumers, and users in general, of merchandises and services make life simpler by supplying solutions to common jobsHow the ISO system is financedISO ‘s national members pay subscriptions that meet the operational cost of ISO ‘s Central Secretariat. The subscription paid by each member is in proportion to the state ‘s Gross National Income and trade figures. Another beginning of gross is the sale of criterions. However, the operations of ISO Central Secretariat represent merely about one fifth of the cost of the system ‘s operation. The chief costs are borne by the member organic structures that manage the specific criterions development undertakings and the concern organisations that provide experts to take part in the proficient work. These organisations are, in consequence, subsidising the proficient work by paying the travel costs of the experts and leting them clip to work on their ISO assignments.The range of ISO ‘s workISO has more than 17500 International Standards and other types of normative paperss in its current portfolio. ISO ‘s work programme ranges from criterions for traditional activities, such as agribusiness and building, through mechanical technology, fabrication and distribution, to transport, medical devices, information and communicating engineerings, and to criterions for good direction pattern and for services.Who can fall in ISOMembership of ISO i s unfastened to national criterions institutes most representative of standardisation in their state ( one member in each state ) . †¢ Full members, known as member organic structures, each have one ballot, whatever the size or strength of the economic system of the state concerned. †¢ Correspondent members pay reduced rank fees. They are entitled to take part in any policy or proficient organic structure as perceivers, with no vote rights. †¢ Subscriber members besides pay reduced rank fees. They are institutes from states with really little economic systems that however wish to keep contact with international standardisation. †¢ Although persons or endeavors are non eligible for rank, both have a scope of chances for taking portion in ISO ‘s work: †¢ Persons may be selected by national member institutes to function as experts on national deputations take parting in ISO proficient commissions †¢ Persons and endeavors may supply their input during the procedure of developing a national consensus for presentation by the deputation. This may done through national mirror commissions to the corresponding ISO proficient commission †¢ International organisations and associations, both non-governmental and stand foring industry sectors, can use for affair position to a proficient commission. They do non vote, but can take part in the arguments and the development of consensus.Standards benefitISO criterions supply technological, economic and social benefits. For concerns, the widespread acceptance of International Standards means that providers can develop and offer merchandises and services meeting specifications that have broad international credence in their sectors. Therefore, concerns utilizing International Standards can vie on many more markets around the universe. For pioneers of new engineerings, International Standards on facets like nomenclature, compatibility and safety velocity up the airing of inventions and their development into manufacturable and marketable merchandises. For clients, the world-wide compatibility of engineering which is achieved when merchandises and services are based on International Standards gives them a wide pick of offers. They besides benefit from the effects of competition among providers. For authoritiess, International Standards supply the technological and scientific bases underpinning wellness, safety and environmental statute law. For trade functionaries, International Standards make â€Å" a flat playing field †for all rivals on those markets. The being of divergent national or regional criterions can make proficient barriers to merchandise. International Standards are the proficient agencies by which political trade understandings can be put into pattern. For developing states, International Standards that represent an international consensus on the province of the art are an of import beginning of technological know-how. By specifying the features that merchandises and services will be expected to run into on export markets, International Standards give developing states a footing for doing the right determinations when puting their scarce resources and therefore avoid wasting them. For consumers, conformance of merchandises and services to International Standards provides confidence about their quality, safety and dependability. For everyone, International Standards contribute to the quality of life in general by guaranting that the conveyance, machinery and tools we use are safe. For the planet we inhabit, International Standards on air, H2O and dirt quality, on emanations of gases and radiation and environmental facets of merchandises can lend to attempts to continue the environment.ISO 9000In 1987, the international Standard Organization ( ISO ) published its first criterion on ‘Quality system ‘ ISO 9001, ISO 9002 and ISO 9002. At the same, clip the European version of choice criterion EN 2900i, EN 29002. Furthermore, EN 29003 were published and British criterion BS 5750 ( portion 1, 2, 3 ) were updated and aligned with their tantamount foreign opposite number. All three criterions are indistinguishable. They were basically fabricating criterion are shortly came to be applied to services every bit good as possible misunderstandings of merchandises, but the 1994 criterion has resolved some of those troubles by redefining the merchandises.The construction of the ISO 9000 criterion: The household of ISO 9000 criterions has been developed by ISO and it is made up of four nucleus criterions:a ) ISO 9000:2000 – Fundamentalss and Vocabulary B ) ISO 9001:2000 – Quality Management Systems – Requirements degree Celsius ) ISO 9004:2000 – Quality Management Systems – Guidelines for public presentation betterments vitamin D ) ISO 9011: 2002 – Guidelines for quality and/or environmental direction systems scrutinizing The ISO 9000 series of Standard consist of two wide classs of criterions and auxiliary counsel criterions Core criterion: are standard in meant for internal usage by organisation and provides counsel in planing and implementing a quality system so that they can run into their market demands and accomplish overall success.Component of ISO 9000:1. Management Responsibility. Management sets the company quality policy and implements it by supplying resources, forces and preparation. 2. Quality System. A Quality System comprised of a Quality Manual and back uping processs is created and maintained. 3. Contract Review. Contracts reflect the clients ‘ demands and outlooks. Products and services provided must follow with those demands. 4. Design Control. Engineering drawings and design alterations are carefully documented to guarantee that alterations have been to the full coordinated and approved internally, and when appropriate, by the client. 5. Document Control. The creative activity and alteration of paperss back uping the Quality System is purely controlled by ISO 9001 processs. 6. Buying. Buying processs describe supplier demands and the system for guaranting conformity to these criterions. 7. Handling of Purchaser Supplied Product. Procedures detail methods of managing and guardianship of merchandise supplied by the client. 8. Merchandise Identification and Traceability. Methods of tracking day of the month and batch codifications of merchandise and natural stuffs from start to complete warrant traceability. 9. Procedure Control. Work instructions, quality programs and craft criterions verify that each occupation is being done right. 10. Inspection and Testing. Inspection and proving at having, in-process and concluding review countries ensures quality. Test and review records are preserved as portion of the quality system. 11. Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment. Instruments and measurement tools are calibrated on a regular basis and records maintained. 12. Inspection and Test Status. Merely inspected stuffs may be used or processed farther. Inspected merchandise is ever identified. 13. Control of Nonconforming Product. Materials or merchandises that fail to run into specifications are rejected and separated from normal production. Merely the proper governments may make up one's mind if rejected stuff will be used as is, reworked or returned to the provider. 14. Corrective Action. The disciplinary action system focuses on placing the root cause of quality concerns and any disciplinary action required. 15. Handling, Storage, Packaging and Delivery. Procedures outline patterns that protect merchandises from harm during fabrication and transportation. 16. Quality Records. Quality records provide an audit trail for internal and external hearers. 17. Internal Quality Audits. Specially trained squads verify that the Quality System is working by measuring the same 20 elements required by the external hearers, on an ongoing footing. 18. Training. Training records are maintained for every employee demoing their degrees of expertness. 19. Servicing. Where service is specified in the contract, processs are established to verify that serving meets the indicated demands. 20. Statistical Techniques. Control charts, graphs and other methods of analysis determine how good a procedure is working and facilitate uninterrupted betterment.Stairss in ISO 9000 enrollment1. select the appropriate criterion from ISO 90001, 9002, 9003 utilizing guidelines in 9000 2. prepare quality manual to cover all component of selected theoretical account 3. Develop proper process and store floor direction which may be necessary for the execution of the quality system. 4. behavior ego audit to look into conformity of selected theoretical account 5. select the registry and use for enfranchisement and enrollmentQuality certificationFirst grade: quality manualManual may be organized harmonizing to ISO criterion it is general in nature and centrist in length which summarizes the whole quality system in one papers. it is written in policy degree and acts as an overview in quality system. It defines the policies, aims, organisation constructions and general quality patterns of the company.Second grade: processEach process consists of the aim of the aim and description of the activity. the process describes what is to be done and by whom. And how, when, why and where the activity is to be carried out. At the process flat measure by measure direction for executing activities are non included.Third grade: directionIt consists of measure by measure direction that must be followed in order to acquire the peculiar occupation done. These direct the worker in a individual activity and subsidiary papers to procedure. Such direction may be needed for specific undertakings procedures, operation, Trials and review etc.Forth grade: signifiers and recordsIt includes files, specification, codification of patterns, checklists, proficient and legal papers and other signifier to recode informations. All certification of record which demonstrates conformity of quality system demand comes under this grade.Quality confidence theoretical accounts of ISO 90001. ISO 9001 theoretical account for quality confidence in design, development, production, installing and service. When conformity to specified demand is to be assured by provider during the assorted phases. It consist of 20 elements 2. ISO 9002 theoretical account for quality and confidence in production, installing and service. It is used when conformity to specified demand is to be assured by provider during the production and installing it consist of 18 elements. 3. ISO 9003 theoretical account for quality confidence in concluding review and trial. . It is used when conformity to specified demand is to be assured by provider entirely at concluding review and trial it consist of 12 elements. Advantages of ISO 9000 o entree to universe market o competitory advantage o confident of client o image of company O higher productiveness o client satisfaction o human resource development o occupation satisfaction and work engagement and high lesson The impact of just-in-time execution and ISO 9000 enfranchisement on entire quality direction In this paper, we examine the impact of just-in-time ( JIT ) execution and International Standards Organization ( ISO ) 9000 enfranchisement ( as specified by the original criterions of the early 1990s ) on quality direction attempts of fabrication houses. Reacting houses in the survey were grouped into four classs based on their ISO 9000 and JIT orientation: 1 ) houses that are ISO 9000 certified but have non implemented JIT ( ISO houses ) ; 2 ) houses that are ISO 9000 certified and have implemented JIT ( ISO-JIT houses ) ; 3 ) houses that have implemented JIT but are non ISO 9000 certified ( JIT houses ) ; and 4 ) houses that have non implemented JIT and are non ISO 9000 certified ( traditional houses ) . These groups were compared along 13 plant-level entire quality direction ( TQM ) execution elements and five TQM result steps utilizing MANCOVA process. Analysiss resulted in distinguishable sets of houses reflecting the impact of the ISO-JIT orientation on its TQM execution and TQM results. Result support the eventuality position that a house ‘s ability to implement effectual TQM patterns is enhanced: 1 ) marginally by ISO 9000 attempts ; 2 ) significantly by JIT execution ; and 3 ) most by conjoined ISO-JIT attempts ( though non much more significantly than JIT execution entirely ) . These penetrations have important practical deductions for houses puting in JIT execution, ISO 9000 enfranchisement, and TQM execution. Interestingly, our survey conducted in mid-1990s and its empirical findings lend a strong support for the recent transmutation of the original ISO 9000 demands into the current ISO 9001:2000 model.Quality vs. CertificationA common unfavorable judgment of ISO 9001 is the sum of money, clip and paperwork required for enrollment. Many claim that it is merely for certification. Advocates believe that if a company has documented its quality systems, so most of the paperwork has already been completed.†Many believe that, ISO 9001 promotes specification, control, and procedures instead than understanding and betterment. Few argue that ISO 9000 is effectual as a guideline, but that advancing it as a standard â€Å" helps to misdirect companies into believing that enfranchisement means better quality, [ sabotaging ] the demand for an organisation to put its ain quality criterions. †Paraphrased, Wade ‘s statement is that trust on the specifications of ISO 9001 does non vouch a successful quality system. The criterion is seen as particularly prone to failure when a company is interested in enfranchisement before quality. Certifications are in fact frequently based on client contractual demands instead than a desire to really better quality. â€Å" If you merely want the certification on the wall, opportunities are, you will make a paper system that does n't hold much to make with the manner you really run your concern, †said ISO ‘s Roger Frost. Certification by an independent hearer is frequently seen as the job country, and harmonizing to Barnes, â€Å" has become a vehicle to increase consulting services. †In fact, ISO itself advises that ISO 9001 can be implemented without enfranchisement, merely for the quality benefits that can be achieved. Another job reported is the competition among the legion certifying organic structures, taking to a softer attack to the defects noticed in the operation of the Quality System of a house. Abrahamson argued that stylish direction discourse such as Quality Circles tends to follow a lifecycle in the signifier of a bell curve, perchance bespeaking a direction craze.REFRENCES1. 2. 3. 4.
Business & Administration Assesment Level 2 Unit 1
Unit one: Principles of personal responsibilities and working in a business environment Assessment You should use this file to complete your Assessment. The first thing you need to do is save a copy of this document, either onto your computer or a disk Then work through your Assessment, remembering to save your work regularly When you’ve finished, print out a copy to keep for reference Then, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your completed Assessment to your tutor via your My Study area – make sure it is clearly marked with your name, the course title and the Unit and Assessment number.Please note that this Assessment document has 8 pages and is made up of 7 Sections. Name: Michael David Harrison Section 1 – Know the employment rights and responsibilities of the employee and employer 1. Identify four main points that would be included in a contract of employment. If possible, use an example contract to support your answer (feel free to obscure any confidentia l information). The employers name , the date of commencement of employment,main place of work , and the salary wage what would be paid to the employee for the job role. 2a) List three key points of legislation that affect employers in a business nvironment. The three key points of legislation that affect employers in a business environment are: 1. Employment law 2. Competition law 3. Consumer protection 2b) List three key points of legislation that affect employees in a business environment. Three key points of legislation that affect employees in a business environment are: 1. Health and safety 2. Pay and pensions 3. Employment rights and responsibilities 3. Identify a range of places where a person can find information on employment rights and responsibilities. You should identify at least two internal and two external sources of information.A person can find information on employment rights and responsibilities internally by asking line managers, or personnel specialists. and ex ternally by going to local libraries and by legal professionals. 4. Describe how representative bodies can support employees. Representative bodies can support employees by listening to the employees ideas and suggestions what they have , also another kind of support they can give to employees is they are there for the employee if they ever lose there job or are made redundant and can help with any problems with salary, holiday etc.They are there to give the employee extra support if needed by the employee his/herself. 5. Briefly describe employer and employee responsibilities for equality and diversity in a business environment. You should give at least two employer responsibilities and two employee responsibilities. Employers have the responsibility of no discrimination against any applicants when employing them for the job position needed treat colleagues fairly with respect If possible, provide relevant equality and diversity procedures from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer.These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. there was a student who is disabled and he was in a wheelchair on the course i was on for business & retail , , all students and tutors treat him fairly as they did everyone else , he was not treat any differently then anyone else as it did not make him feel like he needed to be treat differently , he liked to think he was capable of things , and he really was and he was very clever. 6. Briefly explain the benefits of making sure equality and diversity procedures are followed in a business environment.Your answer should include one benefit for the employer, one benefit for the employee and one benefit for the overall organisation. Section 2 – Understand the purpose of health, safety and security procedures in a business environment 1. Identify employer and employee responsibilities for health, safety and security. Provide a safe secure place for personal belongings of the employees to be stored provide personal protective equipment if work environment is in a factory/ construction career etc. Ensure work environment is kept clean & tidy to avoid accidents in the workplaceIf a accident occurs while in the workplace, always immediately report it – also record it in the accidents file Have to tell the employer about any health & safety concerns they have that will affect them or others around them Make sure hair is tied back , and no jewellery is worn when working in a catering area / machinery. must provide neccessary health & safety training for traineees/employees If possible, provide relevant health, safety and security policies / documents from your workplace (or place of study) to support your answer. These documents should be annotated to highlight the relevant sections. . Explain the purpose of following health, safety and security procedures in a business environment. To protect the employees, any visitors , customers & clients that come in to the c ompany. The purpose is to protect employees from accidents & illnesses , and to protect the employer from costs associated with accidents and illness 3. Describe three different ways of maintaining a safe and secure business environment. Always make sure all doors are locked , and outdoor fences to the work area are secure , make sure everything is fully secure when leaving the building by setting the security alarmDo not give access to unauthorised people i. e , no name badge etc check fire alarm regularly , make sure everybody at the workplace knows where the designated area is to exit the building if a fire occurs , sound the fire alarm if a fire does take place to immediately warn everybody in the building to evacuate to a safe area, check fire extinguishers annualy by professional fire service workers Section 3 – Understand how to communicate effectively with others 1. Complete the table below with descriptions of different methods of communication. You should include tw o verbal, two non-verbal and two written methods of communication.Methods of communication Description Verbal communication 1. face to face – one on one , or a group discussionconversation 2. speaking on the phone Non-verbal communication1. 2. Written communication1. 2. 2. Using two specific examples, explain how to choose the most appropriate method of communication to meet your needs and the needs of others. 3. Describe at least two ways of actively listening. Look at the speaker directly , with good eye contact , looking them in the eye when been spoken to or when speaking to them yourself. Avoid being distracted by environmental factors.For example, side conversations , noises in the background – such as typing loudly on a keyboard, music from a radio playing , or a loud overheard argument in the workplace, stay focussed on what, and who you are listening to. Be sincerely interested in what the other person is talking about. If you have to state your views, say the m only after you have listened. Section 4 – Understand how to work with and support colleagues 1. Explain the purpose of agreeing standards for your own work. Give at least two reasons. so that you and others around you know what is expected of you in your job roleIf an employee doesn't have a standard of work or unclear then it is difficult for them to know what or how or when they should be doing it. The absence of standards makes it impossible for an employee to effectively monitor their own performance. If work standards don't exist, then things are open to personal interpretation and this can lead to conflicting viewpoints. If some colleagues work to lower standards, it can affect the work of others. Organisation provides a foundation of work standards to ensure everyone knows what is required from them and from people around them.As an employee, we should always make sure that we know exactly the work standards required of you. Uniform standard – clean, press and shirt tuck into the trouser Behavioural standards – acceptable behaviours in the work environment – time keeping or all team members should smile 100% of the time when greeting customers. Setting high standard for your work will ensure that you produce only the best. This will inculcate good work ethics of delivering on quality at all times. 2. Explain the purpose of taking on new challenges and being able to adapt to change at work. There are many reasons for an organisation to change.New manager or adviser, requirements of their guest, introduction of new technologies, system software, working practices, law and legal changes can effect challenges and change at work. For any employee, it is important to take on new challenges and adapt to changes because an organisation will never stays the same. Employee who can adapt and willing to change is more valuable than other who resists changing. Employee who want to advance or built up their career in the organisation mus t take on new challenges and adapt a role with added responsibilities and they will be notice or variation to others who will not change.For those who do not may become redundant, no longer fitting in with the business and in the longer term they can lose their jobs. The purpose of taking on new challenges shall they arise is vital to success. By not challenging oneself, the same pattern of mediocrity or self defeating attitude persists. One cannot grow without moving onto bigger, better, and more challenging ordeals. Thus the benefits are that of self growth opportunities and a gaining of new skills and confidence. 3. Explain the purpose of treating others with honesty and consideration. The purpose of adapting to change is to understand the world is always shifting.There is never a moment where circumstances and situations do not change. The benefits of adapting are great- new situations are not intimidating but opportunities to grow, and with change comes new ways to self discove r and improve. The purpose of treating others with respect, honesty, and consideration is to provide a hospitable environment. One cannot succeed alone- so often the help of others is required to complete an important task. Also, interpersonal relationships aid in self confidence and positive work completion. Getting along with others is also proven to provide mental and physical health benefits.By listening and respecting one another, tasks get done much quicker and with higher quality and care. One's behavior is vital to the workplace because every person plays an important role in the community. One person's negative outlook can disrupt the progress of those around that person. The workplace can immediately become a hostile environment due to the action or attitude of a single person. Ideal types of behavior that display honesty, respect, and consideration are listening to others' ideas and providing thoughtful feedback, being sensitive to the needs of others, seeking a solution that will benefit all, ooperating with coworkers, treating others fairly and with dignity, among many others. Some negative behaviors are belittling coworkers, isolating oneself from the community, ignoring the opinions of others, having a selfish attitude, seeking for self advancement while disregarding the efforts of others, and spreading false information about others are examples among other terrible ways of conducting oneself. Section 5 – Know how to plan own work and be accountable to others 1. Explain the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines when completing tasks in a business environment. an help people know what is expected from them and other colleagues dont want to let down employer , prove to them that your the right person for the task , and show them that you can handle the pressure to finish it when given a deadline time/ date if you dont meet a deadline not only will you be affected , it will affect others in the company , and customers / clients 2. Describe two different methods that you can use to plan your own work in a business environment. make a to do list of things to do before starting on your work project / task prioritise the task and your work 3.Describe ways of keeping other people informed about progress and compare their effectiveness. What are the benefits and drawbacks of each approach? Howgozit (Progress report) e-mails sent out periodically are best. Everyone gets notified at once. The hardest part is creating your e-mail distribution list. Also, it creates a written record of your status which is admissible in a court of law, if the need ever arises. everybody is notified immediately at the same time , so no one is unaware of anything have a group meeting to discuss everybodys progess in the work place face to face meetings would be time consuming rawback is a colleague could be absent due to illness, or prior arrangments Section 6 – Understand the purpose of improving own performance in a business en vironment and how to do so 1. Explain the purpose of continuously improving your performance in a business environment. To exceed your limitations. Achieve personal goals. Impress corporate officials. Increase income if on a piece-rate. Self-motivation. Satisfation. 2. Describe at least two ways of improving your performance at work. Where relevant, illustrate your answer with specific examples from your own experience. se feedback given in appraisals – good or bad to improve your work , work with the manager to agree on a plan of action to improve your skills & attributes observe team colleagues, and use feedback given from them to improve your own performance. pertemps example tutor was observed when i attended a work experience week by a lecturer.? 3. Briefly describe at least two different types of career pathways that may be available to you. Entrepreneur – owning my own business Accountancy Marketing Human Resources Economics Section 7 – Understand the typ es of problems that may occur in a business environment and how to deal with them . Identify at least two different types of problems that can occur in a business environment. somebody could be absent delivery not turning up on time or at all not enough time , too many tasks equipment failing, not working not been able to meet a deadline colleagues not listening to instructions provided people not focussed on what they are supposed to be , and therefore making mistakes internet access could not work , leaving emails unreplied, not been able to make video conference calls , not been able to recieve invoices electronically , and not be able to confirm orders requested by a client/ customer 2.Complete the table below by describing at least two specific problems that can occur at work and how they can be dealt with. Typing error on a order form what has been sent to the delivery company , how to deal with it , call them and speak to the appropriate person who can solve the issue right a way , apologise , explain that it was a mistake made by a junior member of staff / trainee ProblemDealing with the problem1. 2. 3. Complete the table below by listing at least two problems you are able to deal with yourself and two problems you would need to refer to others to deal with (and how you would refer these problems). f there was a spillage on the floor , i would deal with it myself and clean it up right away to avoid any accidents taking place affecting myself or any of the other working colleagues if a machine got jammed , i would report it right away to the line manager if working in a factory based workplace Problems I can deal with:Problems I would need to refer to others:How are problems referred to others? 1. 1. 2. 2. Once you have completed all 7 Sections of this Assessment, go to www. vision2learn. com and send your work to your tutor for marking.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Lack of Respect for Nurses Essay
Lack of Respect for Nurses According to a journal of Palliative Medicine â€Å"The basis of a professional relationship associates trust, respect, commitment , truthfulness, and compliance to the expertise of a fellow worker†(Paul Rousseau of Palliative Medicine, 2004, p.753). All of us need to respect each other because to earn respect you must show respect. According to a nurse practitioner Olivia (Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 2007) â€Å"A lack of respect can create a barrier to effective collaboration, showing respect would be giving remarks about one’s educational background, showing respect toward other health professionals, or not expressing feelings of being superior to the nurse practitioner. This has the potential to affect NP’s motivation toward quality of care and possibly job satisfaction†(p.548) The data collected by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (2012) confirmed that nursing represents the nation’s largest healthcare profession with more than 3.1 million nurses and 2.6 million licensed RNs. Nursing can be a satisfying profession; however, nurses continue to experience lack of respect from their patients, doctors, administrators, and even from their coworkers. Due to the increase number of nurses, many hospitals can’t hire more nurses resulting to unemployment. Because of that it decreases the rate of taking Nursing course in college. Some people says Why do you take up Nursing?, you can’t get job when you graduate or you will end up working on a Call center. They don’t know that nursing students study hard, practice a lot to improve skills and other things that other people can’t do. Respect is the word that is missing here, respect for the people who chose nursing and the profession that nursing students are proud of. Reference List: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Rousseau PC, Kukulka D: Nurses and caring. Am J Hosp Palliat Care 2003;20:11-12.
D.A.R.E. Report Essay
While participating with D.A.R.E., I learned that drugs and alcohol are not good for you. I also learned that tobacco and alcohol and any other drug can hurt different parts of your body. Marijuana causes breathing problems, short term memory loss, slows coordination and reflexes, and effects ones ability to judge distance, speed and reaction time. Marijuana can become addictive and is illegal in the United States. Smoking tobacco has over 200 unknown poisons in the smoke, and contains nicotine which is very addictive. By not doing drugs is important because if you do drugs you will hurt your body. It is also important because sometimes you have to have surgery and in some cases you can die. Smoking and drugs can hurt a newborn baby. Alcohol slows down the brain and body and causes loss of coordination, poor judgment and loss of self-control, which could lead to serious accidents involving a car and someone innocent can be injured. I feel that everybody should not do drugs. Everyone always have to make wise decisions about what you do with drugs and alcohol. As a participant in D.A.R.E., I will not participate in or associate myself with anyone that is involved in drugs. I will follow all five D.A.R.E. rules and remain a respectable citizen.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
War of 1812 Movie Notes
Why was this insulting to America? When was it rescinded? Orders of Council were British laws requiring all ships wishing to trade with Europe to stop in a British port first. America had been a free democratic- republic nation and resorting to pay tax to Britain for international trade with Europe was outrageous. The Orders of Council were rescinded in 1812 two days before the U. S. declared war. 7. Why did America want to invade Canada?Democratic-republicans wanted Canada to expand the Agrarian republic. 8. What role did Native Americans have in this period? What was the belief among Indians regarding their role in America? Americans wanted expansion into territories controlled by Native Americans. The Whites distribute land to Native Americans to have them fight each other but Native Americans have never resorted to such tactics. 9. How many people moved westward in this time period and why would they move west? Over four hundred Native Americans moved westward in order to settle after he Louisiana Purchase. 10. Who was Tecumseh and Takatawana?Why were they important? Tecumseh and Takatawana decided that the time to act was now and gathered followers, urging them to give up textile clothing for traditional buckskin garments, arguing for the Indian's to not acknowledge the Whiteman's â€Å"ownership†of land, and urging that no Indian should cede control of land to whites. 11. How did the U. S. respond to the Indian threat? How did they believe the British were involved with the Indians? Americans responded to this threat with raging violence. They elieved the British to be supplying weapons to the Indians and influencing Tecumseh. 12.Who was William Henry Harrison and what happened at the Battle of advanced upon Tecumseh's headquarters at Tippecanoe, killed the Prophet, and burned the camp to the ground. His famous slaughter earned him vast fame and made him president in 1840. 13. How does the vote to go to war highlight sectional differences? How clo se was the vote to go to war? Why do you believe this occurred? New England, which was still making lots of money, damned the war for a free sea, and Federalists opposed the war because they were more inclined toward Britain nyway and Canada was conquered, it would add more agrarian land and increase Republican supporters.
Organisation culture
So often when we think of a company's strategy, organizational culture is the missing puzzle piece. Instead, attention is focused on customers, competitors, and financial resources. The neglect of organizational culture is unfortunate since leaders are responsible for so many other demands, but an understanding of the organization's culture and its potential for enabling a positive deviant strategy is important.Organizational culture is the shared beliefs, principles, values, and assumptions that hape behaviour by building commitment, providing direction, establishing a collective identity, and creating a community. It manifests as the organization's behaviour that has endured over time and allowed the organization to adapt to the environment. Therefore, culture is the glue that holds together an organization's strategy and becomes institutionalized as members repeat patterns of successful behavior. The effectiveness of culture depends on its alignment with the organization's environ ment, resources, values, and goals.Moreover, it requires lea ders to understand how the culture can be a vehicle for creating positive deviance. Steve Jobs excels at aligning Apple's culture with its strategy. Jobs has built a culture that is driven by a vision to make great products. Innovating is the dominant value of Apple's culture. Employees are rewarded for experimenting, risk taking, and creativity. As Jobs describes in an interview, the challenge to innovate is a norm of Apple's culture: It was a great challenge. Let's make a great phone that we fall in love with.And we've got the technology. We've got the miniaturization from the iPod. We've got the sophisticated operating system from Mac. Nobody had ever thought about putting operating systems as sophisticated as OS X inside a phone, so that was a real que stion. We had a big debate inside the company whether we could do that or not. And that was one where I had to adjudicate it and Just say, ‘We're going to do it. L et's try. ‘ The smartest software guys were saying they can do it, so let's give them a shot. And they did. Going beneath the surface of Apple's culture, Jobs has infused the quest for excellence as a mantra. Jobs has purposely created a culture where employees are encouraged to treat their work as a calling that is worthwhile and to pursue excell ence in their endeavors. Therefore, a large role for Jobs and his leadership teams is creating processes to recruit and socialize employees into Apple's culture. When recruiting for Apple senior positions, Jobs contended that intelligence organisation culture. Organisation culture So often when we think of a company's strategy, organizational culture is the missing puzzle piece. Instead, attention is focused on customers, competitors, and financial resources. The neglect of organizational culture is unfortunate since leaders are responsible for so many other demands, but an understanding of the organization's culture and its potential for enabling a positive deviant strategy is important.Organizational culture is the shared beliefs, principles, values, and assumptions that hape behaviour by building commitment, providing direction, establishing a collective identity, and creating a community. It manifests as the organization's behaviour that has endured over time and allowed the organization to adapt to the environment. Therefore, culture is the glue that holds together an organization's strategy and becomes institutionalized as members repeat patterns of successful behavior. The effectiveness of culture depends on its alignment with the organization's environ ment, resources, values, and goals.Moreover, it requires lea ders to understand how the culture can be a vehicle for creating positive deviance. Steve Jobs excels at aligning Apple's culture with its strategy. Jobs has built a culture that is driven by a vision to make great products. Innovating is the dominant value of Apple's culture. Employees are rewarded for experimenting, risk taking, and creativity. As Jobs describes in an interview, the challenge to innovate is a norm of Apple's culture: It was a great challenge. Let's make a great phone that we fall in love with.And we've got the technology. We've got the miniaturization from the iPod. We've got the sophisticated operating system from Mac. Nobody had ever thought about putting operating systems as sophisticated as OS X inside a phone, so that was a real que stion. We had a big debate inside the company whether we could do that or not. And that was one where I had to adjudicate it and Just say, ‘We're going to do it. L et's try. ‘ The smartest software guys were saying they can do it, so let's give them a shot. And they did. Going beneath the surface of Apple's culture, Jobs has infused the quest for excellence as a mantra. Jobs has purposely created a culture where employees are encouraged to treat their work as a calling that is worthwhile and to pursue excell ence in their endeavors. Therefore, a large role for Jobs and his leadership teams is creating processes to recruit and socialize employees into Apple's culture. When recruiting for Apple senior positions, Jobs contended that intelligence organisation culture.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Solve the questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Solve the questions - Assignment Example 2) The user is a critical part of phishing prevention. What are two elements that might give away an attempt to pose as a financial site? One of the two elements is when a user does not use the â€Å"HTTPS†in the URL. This means that the website is not secured. Another way that the website may deemed as fake is when the URL changes. Many phishing scammers attempt to conduct this attack by pasting their customized URL, which may have different ending such as .net. In order to take a preventive action against this type of attack, it is crucial to write the URL on the menu bar as it removes any discrepancy. Another element that it very vital is that the URL might ask for you to upgrade the software. However, this is a deception itself as it tries to run a .exe file. In any notification of running a .exe, this might be a clear example of a fake website. 3) A browser can warn a user of a homeograph attack with a visual cue. Give an example describing a method that still allows the user to browse to a Chinese or Arabic site. Well, this case may be different. Arabic website utilizes right to left text so it may be clear that it’s a homographic attack. However, taking a case of Spanish website versus an American website, the discrepancy is harder to resolve. 4) Based on the reading in the book an attacker (most of the time) must learn about the database in order to attack with SQL injection. How can information be gathered without insider knowledge? SQL injection is a technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the database layer of an application. SQL although is a very useful language, can be very vulnerable against security. By conducting ad hoc queries, such as using a wildcard(*) symbol, hackers can obtain vital SSN or credit card numbers. Even if they acquire certain information, they have programs that can execute queries to utilize many permutations of a function to acquire the right combination of information. 5) Why isnâ€℠¢t input validation always done if it can mitigate the #1 cyber attack vector? Whose â€Å"job†is it? The problem with input validation is the fact that it can be utilized to conduct cyber attacks. Input validation are result of bad programming errors To execute a buffer overflow attack, you merely dump as much data as possible into an input field. The attack is said to be successful when it returns an application error. Cross-site scripting attacks place malicious code, usually JavaScript, in locations where other users see it. Target fields in forms can be addresses, bulletin board comments, etc. 1) Why is DNS considered one of the â€Å"pillar†application layer protocols? DNS is a pillar because all applications depend on DNS to provide authenticated binding between a name and the IP address. DNS also binds a name to unauthenticated IP addresss. Without DNS, SSL and TLS are not established and address authentication services verify the security sessions after the DNS connection. Without DNS< the foundation of networking is not solidified. 2) Briefly describe the process for a DNS query. The first step in a DNS query process is that it requests information. Once the process has begun, the computers searches the local DNS cache to look for the address. If the address is not found, it performs a DNS query. Secondly, it asks the recursive DNS servers to contact ISP’s recursive DNS servers. Since Recursive servers have their own caches, and the information is
Cellular Phone Usage While Operating Motor Essay
Cellular Phone Usage While Operating Motor - Essay Example and Tibshirani, R.J. (1997), the current road use regulations on road driving are insufficient to combat the problem. Indeed the current regulation are not sufficient because if some bans only prohibit hand held device while others bans hands free devices for certain types of motorists like teenagers or school bus drivers. This is not enough regulation to reduce accident caused by cellular usage because these drivers whether using a hand free kits on their cellular phone, they loss concentration while driving. Redelmeier, D.A. and Tibshirani, R.J. (1997) research showed that cellular telephone use is more common in urban areas with Tulsa and Oklahoma counties accounting for 60% of cellular telephone in use crashes in 1993 and 51% in 1994 (as cited on the police crash report). Among, the 77 counties in Oklahoma, phone use crashes were reported in 32 counties in both 1993 and 1994. While everyone knows that many accidents are caused by cellular phone usage while driving, finding accurate assessment of its scope has been challenging task. For one, many minor accidents go unreported and there is no proper records kept about the actual cause of the accident. Violanti, J. M., (1997) says that we should address the issue of banning the cell phone usage while driving because drivers are likely to loss concentration, thereby causing an accident. The source is related to other sources I have use since it also points out the issue of banning cell phone usage while operating motor vehicle as they are known to cause road accidents. According Alm, H., and Nilsson, L. (1995), they says that the drivers inattention is the number one cause of road accidents and also states that driving while using cell phone, has the same risk as one driving while drunk. The source is similar to the other sources used in this paper as it highlights the consequences of using cellular phone while driving. It advocates for total ban of using cellular phone while operating a motor vehicle. According to Redelmeier, D.A. & Tibshirani, R.J. (1997), they said that we should have a better understanding of the nature and magnitude of any road safety problem rather than restricting cell phone usage while operating a motor vehicle. Therefore, they recommended that we should make in vehicle information system that would reduce accidents on our roads. For this source they are looking in ways on how we can reduce road accidents on the roads rather than banning their usage which might be just a partial solution. The source is common to the others because it is addressing how not only can we reduce accidents by banning cell phone usage while driving but we can further reduce them by innovating our vehicles with make in information systems. References Alm, H., & Nilsson, L. (1995): The Effects of a Mobile Telephone Task on Driver Behavior in a Car Following Situation. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 27 (5), pp. 707-715. Brookhuis, K. A., de Vries, G., & de Waard, D. (1991): The effects of mobile telephoning on driving performance. Accident Analysi
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Advise Moet Chandon in the Chinese market Research Paper
Advise Moet Chandon in the Chinese market - Research Paper Example China is now the world’s fastest wine consumption country in the world. Some Prestigious French wine producing companies have already invested in Chinese vineyards. This shows that the French companies are interested in the growing Chinese market. One such French winery company is Moet & Chandon. In today’s world for a company to be successful they have to invest heavily in marketing and formulate marketing strategy which would help them boost up the revenues. China’s digital space has increased recently. Companies are trying to increase their presence in the Chinese market not only through regular marketing campaigns like in advertisement in TV, but they are looking beyond that like use of digital marketing. Digital marketing is essentially making use of electronic devices like tablets, computers, cell phones etc. which can capture more eyeballs in today’s Digital environment. One major component of digital marketing is Internet marketing. In this paper, the digital strategies will be focused which Moet & Chandon can take to run their business and also the opportunities and limitation of such strategies in the Chinese market (Shambaugh, 2013). The key objective of this study is to explore the Moet & Chandon’s potential in formulating a successful digital strategy for their wine business in the Chinese market. ... France is one of the top suppliers of bottled wine both in volume and in value. It basically dominates the premium segment of bottled wine. There has been a significant change in the behavior of Chinese consumer. They have become more affluent, more tech-savvy and they have more purchasing options than ever before. Majority of the Chinese consumer has now started to regard the Internet as an integral part of their shopping. Now, they focus on value of the products as more importantly than the price they have to spend. They are happier to spend more bucks in exchange for brands which they can trust than purchasing large amount low priced products or services. It has been seen that the Chinese consumer prefer French and foreign brands compare to lower priced domestic brands (Wertime and Fenwick, 2011). Due to huge accumulation of wealth and increasing spread of digitization in China, it makes this market an attractive one for both domestic as well as multinational companies. But with m oderation of China’s economic growth these companies must also change their strategies in the market. China is a huge market which will define consumer culture at global scale. So, for any effective marketing strategy, the company must first understand and embrace its lifestyle and desires (Holloman, 2013). In China wine drinking is considered as much more healthy compared to spirits and also somewhat trendy and the popular choice being the red wine. In China Young urban business professionals consume the wine most at bars and hotels. The main cities of wine consumption are Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing. The retail stores are now stocking up imported wines which increases their revenue as a result the retail sector is growing as a whole. On
The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status (SES) and Corporal Essay
The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status (SES) and Corporal Punishment - Essay Example Despite significant support for such broad generalizations, many questions remain regarding relations among SES, parenting, and child growth. The expressions physical punishment and corporal punishment are employed here as synonyms to refer to an action by parents intended to cause the child physical hurting, but not injury, for purposes of correction or control of misconduct. The 1975 and 1985 National Family Violence Surveys discovered that about 95% of American parents use corporal punishment as just cleared. This is consistent with a large number of other studies (Straus, 1991) and with the faith that corporal punishment is used by parents with tots or young children. Public health advocates have described corporal punishment as "a form of interfamilial violence associated with short and long-term adverse mental health outcomes" (Stewart et al., 2000, p. 257). Corporal punishment in the United States presents a complex picture, with high but decreasing rates of general approval, and a population increasingly divided regarding its use (Straus & Mathur, 1994). The approval of corporal punishment in the United States decreased dramatically from 94% in 1978 to 68% in 1994 (Straus & Mathur, 1996). Whereas in 1978 there was almost universal approval in the United States for parents spanking children, regardless of demographic variables, by 1994 disagreements were evident, with greater approval noted among African Americans, Southerners, and those with fewer years of formal education (Straus & Mathur, 1996). Unfortunately, data concerning Latinos are limited. Frequently, Latinos are simply excluded from the sample or are miscoded as African American or White (Ortega, Guillean, & Najera, 1996). The actual use of corporal punishment in the United States is also decreasing (Dart & Gelles, 1992; Straus, 1994). Even so, corporal punishment is still used widely, and Giles-Sims, Straus, and Sugarman (1995) have reported that "almost all children in the United States are spanked by their parents at some point in their lives" (p. 170). For parents to give up corporal punishment, they need to establish an effective alternative system of instruction and discipline. Research supports the notion that three kinds of parenting behaviors constitute such a system: those that promote the parent-child relationship, those that reinforce positive behaviors, and those that decrease undesired behaviors (Howard, 1996). Parents who resort to frequent or severe corporal punishment are likely to rely too much on punitive techniques, without using the other methods. They may underutilize other ways to gain compliance: through building their relationship with their children, reinforcing positive behaviors, and decreasing undesired behaviors through means other than punishment (e.g., distracting the child). Male gender, lower socioeconomic status, comorbid analysis of ADHD, positive parental history of mental illness
Business ethics and social responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Business ethics and social responsibility - Essay Example well since claiming to be ethically right, they are supposed to be more aware about the ethical behavior of potential sellers and make their selection more thoroughly. Primark and other retailers have a moral responsibility for monitoring the working conditions in the factories where they source their products because it is a matter of their own reputation also. The retailers should be also held accountable for the safety of the buildings where the factories are housed because they sell clothes that have been made in inadequate conditions, due to which people’s lives were lost. Therefore, by continuing to buy from the factory, Primark will be avoiding its ethical responsibility. Taking into account such a terrible disaster, Bangladeshi government has not done enough to stop the poor conditions in the buildings. In my opinion, labor laws in Bangladesh must be held to the same standards as those in the United States, which are characterized with high effectiveness. I totally agree with the approach of people who have called for a boycott of garments produced in Bangladesh. This will force factories to comply with basic levels of safety. However, boycotts of retailers may cause two consequences for people who work in those factories. On one hand, they will earn safety compliance and adequate working conditions, but on the other hand, with the lack of retailers, some factories will go bankrupt, therefore, workers may become unemployed. In addition to a positive influence of boycotts, moral action will raise utility; hence, workers with a proper safety are able to show higher productivity, which will also benefit the factory. The salaries of employees on the factories in Bangladesh are indeed too low and Oxfam’s intention to stimulate the increase of average monthly payment is fair. It is a human rights violation to source goods from factories where wages are so low because such action supports underpayment of people. In case higher wages are implemented, this
E-commerce Data Privacy and Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words
E-commerce Data Privacy and Security - Essay Example However, there are different domains that may portray a negative impact of using e-commerce based services. In this report, we have prioritized issues related to privacy of e-commerce and social networking based websites. As far as website developer is concerned, there are five points that are taken in to consideration in the context of a e-commerce based website privacy policy i.e. What information will be collected?, method of collecting this information, utilizing this information, what level of access does the customer and how to secure this personal information (States 2010). Moreover, we have also highlighted issues related to teenagers publishing every activity on a social network, as these sites are also illustrating negative impact in terms of incomplete and doubtful privacy policies. On the other hand, online buying experience is decreasing due to issues related to misuse of personal information and online hacking that is also referred as cyber-crimes. Furthermore, we have also evaluated several business-to-consumer websites, in order to demonstrate factors focusing on bad or good practices of privacy policy etc. In the end, we have concluded our findings along with the solution to these highlighted issues in the context of online privacy, which has become a major threat. Chapter 1 E-Commerce Overview 1 Introduction The Internet continues to modernize the world’s economy. It is apparently changing the way people live, study, work, participate, and devour. At the hub, of this rebellion is technology. Technology has moved from the "back office" to the leading edge. Namely, the interface between the customer and the organization has changed spectacularly. Increasingly, technology is shifting the organization’s associations with its customers from a... The Internet continues to modernize the world’s economy. It is apparently changing the way people live, study, work, participate, and devour. At the hub, of this rebellion is technology. Technology has moved from the "back office" to the leading edge. Namely, the interface between the customer and the organization has changed spectacularly. Increasingly, technology is shifting the organization’s associations with its customers from a "face-to-face" to a "screen-to-face" communication. The Internet is not an innovation that concerns only one or two sectors of the economy. Because it revolutionizes the way businesses should prudently systematize their activities and go to market, the Internet affects all economic commotions. The business that operates on the Internet is termed as ‘Electronic Commerce’, which has a remarkable history. The continuous research and development have enabled corporate organizations to reconstruct their business strategies. The inte gration of electronic commerce applications lays the foundation for the organization’s digital business process. Marketers around the globe, have experimented a lot on digital marketing in order to generate sales and customer loyalty. Unfortunately, most of them did not succeed. Likewise, the online customers espouse digital technology to be the preferred one for making purchasing decisions. Organizations, keeping this in mind, construct their marketing strategies by re-evaluating their budgets, processes, skills, and priorities.
Monday, August 26, 2019
Trucks Load Indicator also known by Electronic load indicator or Axle Research Paper
Trucks Load Indicator also known by Electronic load indicator or Axle load Indicator - Research Paper Example In addition, it is for this reason that several truck companies like Volvo, have embraced the use of axle load indicators in the trucks manufactured by their companies. Those who have been exposed to trucks will attest to the fact that they have axles. The number of the axles, however, varies depending on the truck with some of them having two axles whereas some have close to twelve axles. Overtime various stakeholders realized that there were several instances where the axles installed within the trucks were overloaded, and this always acted as a disadvantage for the truck (Butcher, 2005). To control the problem of weights, the stakeholders, came up with the axle load indicator and since then the original version has been altered with the aim of improving it. It is to this effect that several companies that produce axle load indicators like Airtec Corporation produce axle load indicators with optic switches. Some of the companies also produce axle load indicators, which contain rheostats instead of the normal electric switches. History, however, does not mention the exact individual who came up with the axle load indicator. Therefore, there is the need to appreciate the person because his invention has made handling the trailers much simple. For the axle load indicator to be operational, it has to be installed. It is far reaching to recognize the fact that the production companies have designed the axle load indicators in such a way that any able operator can do the installation (ARO, 2011). For surety reasons, however, there are dealers who deal specifically with the installation of the axle load indicators. The companies that do the production can as well avail their engineers to do the installation though at a cost. The installation, however, can be done through connecting the axle load indicator to the light circuit of the truck. Operationally, the truckload indicator registers some calibrations
Art 123 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Art 123 - Essay Example The theme is naturalistic. There is a spirit of expectation. Masaccio modeled his figures as solid as statues to be realistic, by using strong light in particular areas to give shadow effect in his figures, complying with the principle of Renaissance along with naturalism. The featured background is done with linear perspective of mountains and temple structure that is drawn symmetrically. Renaissance artists, writers and thinkers are said to have respect for order, symmetry and proportion. In addition to this are the realistic facial expressions of the figures. For example, the face of St. Peter, in his effort to bend over and take the money away from the fish's mouth, has turned red. At the right side, the tax collector is illustrated with a satisfied expression on his face while St. Peter hands him over the coin. The actions, gestures and expressions here are what real people express in given circumstances. Figures are dressed in Greek's fashion, in line with the biblical description of dress code during the first century, with tunics tied at the waist, and cloaks wrapped over their left shoulder, around the back, and clasped at the front. On the other hand, Caravaggio's The Calling of St. Matthew is a Baroque art, as evident by the visual representation of the painting itself, using exaggerated position of the figures which is a principle of Baroque art.
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The globalisation of trade Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
The globalisation of trade - Literature review Example For example, Starbuck was one American company which had coffee shops virtually in every corner of America before the introduction of globalization. Since their operations were saturated in America, they struggled a lot to find enough space in America for expansion. Globalization helped them to expand their operations to overseas countries. In short globalization helped international or cross cultural trade to increase a lot. Globalization of trade brought many opportunities and challenges. Some people argue that international trade helped countries to attract more foreign direct investments so that their economy started grow rapidly. They cite India and China like countries as examples to show how well a country can utilize globalization opportunities. In fact China opposed the â€Å"global economic order, political order and the major global institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank before the reforms started in China†(Overholt, 2005, p.3). However, they quickly reali zed the possibilities of global trade and globalization. It should be noted that these two most heavily populated countries in the world have been struggling for growth before the introduction of globalization. Their huge population size was a curse or barrier in front of their struggle for growth. However, globalization helped these countries to convert this population barrier into a blessing. In other words, these countries are currently the providers of manpower for international market in which manpower shortage is a big problem. â€Å"During 1997–2005, China’s average annual growth rate in real GDP was 8.9%. During the forecast period of 2005–2010, it was assumed that the PRC continued its historical growth trend of 8.9% per year†(Mai et al, 2010, p.5). Moreover, â€Å"the PRC’s exports increase by about 46%and imports by about 45% relative to their respective baseline levels in 2010†(Mai et al, 2010, p.7). According to Albert Keidel ( 2008), China’s economy will surpass that of the United States by 2035 and be twice its size by midcentury (Keidel, 2008). Indian economy also showed similar trends during the last few decades as a result of globalization of trade. The globalization of trade has assured the place of multi-national. It has been suggested that the role of such firms is to generate wealth, create work and raise the standard of living in the countries in which they operate. However, critics of globalization suggest that multi-national companies often exploit physical resources and take advantage of labor in countries where legal requirements may be less stringent than in their own countries. This paper critically discusses this statement providing arguments for and against the globalization of trade, taking India and China as major examples. Overview of economic growth in India and China It is often said that global wealth is currently shifting from the less heavily populated American and European regions to the more heavily populated Asian region because of globalization. The above argument seems to be correct when one would consider the economic statuses of India and China before the introduction of globalization. The standard of living and per capita income of Indians and Chinese people have increased a lot in the past few decades. Moreover, unemployment problems in these countries were come down a lot in the recent past. It should be noted that international
Human status in regards to Aristotle and Kant Research Paper
Human status in regards to Aristotle and Kant - Research Paper Example onal ideas of separation of mankind into various groups by the nature or in Gods will: Greeks and barbarians, elected and not elected, devout and not devout, civilized and uncivilized etc. The aspiration to prove the unity of the human race was always resisted by aristocratic, hierarchical, nationalist, racial, class and other theories. Understanding of mankind, and, therefore, the general concept of a person was finally developed only in the XIX century. All the second grade theories have one common feature: some part of mankind is recognized as superior. However, there classical theories, which allow us to understand the real essence of humans and their status in this world in the given work two views on humans’ status will be considered: the view of Kant and the view of Aristotle. German classical philosophy is presented by such thinkers as I. Kant, I. Fichte, F. Schelling and G. Hegel, who lived and worked at the end of XVIII - the first half of the XIX centuries. One of the main tasks of the German classical philosophy is to overcome the contradictions of XVIIâ€â€XVIII centuries’ philosophy, which was expressed in opposition to rationalism and empiricism, exaggeration of a role of natural sciences and excessive optimism of Enlightenment. This movement is characterized by the revival of interest in history, art, mythology, as well as by the criticism of natural science direction in modern philosophy. All these are caused by a great interest to the problem of a person put in a new way. The German classical philosophy replaced an individual ideal of free identity of Renaissance by the collective ideal of free mankind expressed by the ideas of Enlightenment and the slogans of The Great French revolution. Protestantism is the religious fundamental of German classical philosophy. In Kants work there are two periods: critical and subcritical. During the subcritical period (1756-1770) the interests of Kant were mainly connected with logical problems and natural
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2
Entrepreneurship - Essay Example Another reason is that someone gets fired or laid off from work and tries hard to get another job. After a year and a half of unemployment benefits now running out and no job in sight, a person has to resort to extraordinary measures to make money or lose the home, car and even the family in some cases. Times can get really hard for these people. Whatever the reason for my finally becoming an entrepreneur, there are certain principles of business and marketing that have to be consolidated first before even getting started. What will I be selling or promoting? That is the heart of my business and, whatever the choice, the product or service must stand out in some way to attract the attention of potential clients (Kiyosaki 2012). My idea is that I would like to start a photography and graphics business as I love digital photography and working with graphics to make unusual and original graphic art. The Entrepreneurial Personality The personalities of entrepreneurs will tend towards tho se who are willing to take risks in order to achieve a goal and I certainly have that characteristic. They also are willing to devise a plan on their own to build a product or service that others will need or want and to put it out there for the entire world to see and comment on. It takes a change of mindset from being an employee where one is told what to do and when to get it done (Kuratko & Hodgetts 1998). That change for me will not be hard to do. ... Entrepreneurial Risk Taker Fig. 1(DCTC 2010) Research must be done on how to proceed and that means finding out what others did and how they did it which is something I have already done. It is one thing to be in an office setting where everything is laid out and most of the hard part is already taken care. An entrepreneur now is in charge of not only developing the product or service, but also the funding, setting up the structure of a business, creating the financial system of operation, designing and building a website for promoting the product and finally, for ensuring its success in the marketplace. At some point, I will hire people to take care of the financial books and office work so I can create the art. All of this takes an organized mind, a lot of determination, a plan of the product or service and a planned structure of the business overall along with marketing procedures (Action Coach 2012). The person therefore, must have the strength and will to take risks, to get back up when falling down, to revise and redevelop as needed, and to study others who may be in the same field or genre of product and service. I have already made some mistakes but view these as a learning process before getting right down to creating my business. Ultimately, I view myself as strong, innovative, utilizing creative thinking in solving problems and always open to making changes for the better without going overboard. It is essential not to grow too fast but only enough that control is maintained over every part of the business (Action Coach 2012). The following table shows what the entrepreneur is typically responsible for within the structural framework of a
Computer Simulation of Action Potentials in Squid Axon Assignment
Computer Simulation of Action Potentials in Squid Axon - Assignment Example During the experiment, it was seen that the latency of the response was dependent on the strength of the stimulus, and not on the duration by which the membrane is exposed to the stimulus. However, in contrast to latency, the strength of the action potential was not modified by either strength or duration of stimulus. As well, it was observed that another stimulus cannot produce an action potential if given immediately after a previous stimulus. This refractory period is caused by the deactivation of voltage-gated Na+ channels and opening of K+ channels, resulting to the return of the membrane potential to its negative state. In conclusion, the action potential, and subsequently the signal transmission based on it, is dependent on the opening and closing of ion channels present along the membrane. INTRODUCTION Action potentials are rapid changes in the membrane potential. In turn, this potential is based upon the differences in concentrations of ions, each of which is charged either negative (anion) or positive (cation), across the membrane. The concentration difference is due to a selectively permeable membrane, which prevents the ions from transferring sides to equalize the number of ions between inside and outside a cell. But why is there a concentration gradient in the first place? The Na+-K+ pumps along the cell membrane force three Na+ outside and two K+ inside the cell. As a result, there is a net deficit of positive ions and a resulting negative potential inside the cell. In a resting state, the membrane potential is -90 millivolts (90 mV). Upon depolarization, the membrane rapidly becomes very permeable to Na+, through its voltage-gated channels, allowing the excess of Na+ to pass through into the cell. As a result, the resting potential is changed to as much as +35 mV. Through repolarization, the resting potential is gained back not long after depolarization, when Na+ voltage-gated channels close and K+ passively diffuse down its concentration gradien t through its own voltage-gated channels (Guyton and Hall, 2006). However, entry of Na+ does not immediately cause depolarization. The number of Na+ that enter the cell must be more than the amount of K+ that gets out of the cell since the membrane is more permeable to K+ than Na+. Thus, the sudden change of membrane potential to -65 mV is the said threshold for stimulating the action potential (Guyton and Hall, 2006). Any electrical stimuli above this threshold produce an action potential with the same amount of strength, as stated by the all-or-none concept (Purves et al., 2004). In addition, a new action potential cannot occur unless the membrane is still depolarized. This is because the Na+ voltage-gated channels necessary for depolarization is still deactivated during repolarization. At this point, called the refractory period, no amount of stimulus can initiate action potential (Finkler). Hodgkin and Huxley characterized the voltage-gated channels involved in the generation of action potential. According to these scientists, the Na channels have two gates (the activation and inactivation gates), while K channels only have one. At resting state, the Na+ channels have the activation gate (facing extracellularly) closed while the other gate is opened. At this time the K+ channels are closed as well. When the channels are activated, both the activation and inactivation gates of Na+ channels are opened. Finally, upon repolarization, the inactivation gate is closed, while the other is opened. K+ channels are opened as well. To mathematically describe the effects of such changes on membrane potential, they also provided equations to describe the relationship among Na+
Friday, August 23, 2019
Value of knowledge on science and belief Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Value of knowledge on science and belief - Essay Example  Scientific knowledge has contributed widely to the improvement of human living. It has made strides in the medical field in testing and discovery of new drugs to cure diseases. Over time many scientists have made groundbreaking discoveries in the medical field, for instance, Chinese scientist Youyou Tu developed a prizewinning anti-malarial drug which helped combat the debilitating disease that attacks hundreds of millions of people annually. It has also enabled human beings to adopt more healthy lifestyles by pointing out diseases caused by poor lifestyles, like blood pressure. The world of agriculture has also been revolutionized by new knowledge which farmers have greatly taken advantage of to improve their yield. The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) for instance started the Green Revolution of rice and wheat in Asia which has raised the average yield of rice and wheat by a tremendous lot. Research in the science doctrine has enabled us to beco me aware of harmful activities that deteriorate Mother Nature and also harmful chemical substances to health. Human beings have directly impacted nature negatively by continuous pollution which makes irreversible damage to the environment. A good example is greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which are believed to lead to global warming. For instance the controversy of Genetically Modified Organisms which were discovered and developed by scientists in attempt to improve yield in harsh growth conditions.Â
Empowering through a Self-Sufficiency Strategy Essay
Empowering through a Self-Sufficiency Strategy - Essay Example To overcome the difficulties faced by the tsunami, all NGO's working in that area contributed a lot. Their activities were focussed in areas like physical well being of the victims akin to food clothing and shelter, mental aspects relating to sense of security, reinstating relationships and the economic side comprising of funds as well as resources required for daily life. The initial response of NGO's was to supply materials like food, clothing, napkins etc. More over they also concentrated in the removal of debris, dead bodies of humans and animals. Besides these activities, other services like ensuring clean drinking water, community medical camps, immunization programmes, trauma counselling etc was also done (Arnold.J.P.S. 2005). The devastation caused by the tsunami in the coastal regions has created a new challenge for NGO's working in that area, particularly in the field of water purification. To face the challenging situation NGO's have developed and installed equipments in t he region. (Asian Tsunami concentrates minds around the world. 2006.) The civil wars taking place in Afghanistan and Iraq has increased the misery of the common man living there. During the latter half of the year 2005 many natural disasters occurred in different parts of the world. Large scale of destruction has occurred. The most important effect of war on the society is the destruction of the victim's social environment, their natural living instincts and history as well as identity of their cultures (Zwi.A.B 2000 July 22). The roles that various NGO's play in Iraq are vital. At present they have tailored to the present situation of mistrust, doubt etc. NGO's have adopted the coordination mechanism which helps to locate the needy as well as to understand the situation. To cater to the present needs, NGO's have triggered the field related emergency arrangements. Due to the crisis in Iraq over 8 million people are in need for humanitarian aid. This situation has arisen due to a number of causes like corrupted basic services, failure of finding livelihoods, and uncontrolled price rises. The sadder side of Iraq is that the government and other agencies have a limited role to solve the crisis because of the lack of chance to contact the population. (NGOs Coordination Committee in Iraq. 2007). During the rehabilitation process of the Afghan war, funds around 35 million were distributed for developing the health services sector. NGO's working in the health sector of Afghanistan has brought significant changes and success in the area. Preparation of separate waiting room for female patients and a completely renovated delivery room accompanied by a neo natal ward equipped with modern equipments were also established. For the disposals of clinical waste, pits were dug up and steel and brick furnaces were constructed. NGO"s has also appointed their own staff for monitoring these activities also. (A Formula for Success in Afghanistan) The dangerous war fields of Congo, Sudan and Uganda in Africa are among the most dangerous places to live in. this fact was published by a poll conducted by Reuters. The most affected are children and woman who always find themselves in the receiving end. (Rowling.M. 7-7-2006) Rowling.M. 7-7-2006. The world's 10 worst child danger spots. According to
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Art and Society Essay Example for Free
Art and Society Essay All art whether it be visual, music, literature, film, etc. is affected by the specific cultural climate in which it is produced (time, place, social conventions, etc.) and is often created in reaction to movements or styles that came before it. How important is it to know these sorts of historical details to appreciate a work of art? To know the historical details of a work of art is essential because without it you would never be able to aprreciate the work the same way. To be able to understand it better one has to know at what point in time was it made so when you see a painting of a steamboat knowing that the painting was made just after it was invented would give you a much different understanding than if it was made yestaerday. To whole different emotional responsed would be made. This is the same for the place (culture) social conventions, etc. What is Good Art? 8. As you wander through the contemporary galleries on the first or second floor, select a work of art that leaves you puzzled at best. Write down the title and the artist. Research the piece at the library or on the internet, or speak to an art expert to understand the artist and the intended message. (a) Does this new information change your appreciation for the piece? Explain by referring specifically to the artists intention and the specific work. I chose The Bremen town musicians by Gim Hong-Sok South Korea. After searching in the internet I found out that the sculpture of the Donkey, Dog, Cat and a Rooster, is actually based on a story by the Brothers Grimm with the same title, I had no idea what the sculpture meant at that time because there is no description except a fictional one which states that the furry animal costumes are a family of Mexican illegal aliens and that they are paid 8 dolars a day for posing as said sculpture. I think that Gim just wanted to add some humor to art and to the viewer, as many works of art are deeply sentimental and emotional, which I found very satisfiying. In your contemporary gallery wanderings, choose two pieces of work you consider to be good and two you consider bad art. (b) Identify the pieces and state the criteria you consider to be important in making good contemporary art[PH1].  Good Art Why? Impenetrable-Mona I think its very good art because its a very innovative piece of work, it is just long lines of steel tubes in the form of a cube but the spaces are so tightly together and with small spikes which make the piece impenetrable just like its named. It also looks modern and neat as it appears to be floating in the air and can be appreciated in 360. Bad Art Why? Jean Paul Riopelle-Untitled I think this is bad art because, there is no pattern at all its just random splashing of colours, and the piece of work doesnt even have a title, which makes me think as a receiver that Riopelle was just too lazy to come up with a decent name because there was no feeling input into it. (c) If the artworks you were looking at werent part of a national collection and within a purpose-built gallery designed by an internationally recognized architect would you still view them the same way? Who do you think makes the decisions of what appears in National Gallery exhibits? Does their expertise and background matter in your experience of the works? If the pieces I saw were not a part of the national collection, I wouldnt view the same way because they wouldnt have the same artisitic value. If a piece of art is recognized by the world and known artists and collections, it gives the works of art much more significance. This doesnt mean everything that they consider art is something I will also consider art just because its in the gallery. (d) Do you have the same reactions to the works online as you did viewing them in person? Whats missing? Is this important in viewing art? Can we have the same understanding of something filtered through a virtual experience as exposed to actually experience it in person? Interestingly, one exhibit in the galleries is two computers linking to the website No I dont have the same reaction because the quality and the size you can appreciate the works of art is totally different in real life, art is not just viewing but also EXPERIENCING and if you just view it online you are missing the experience of actually being there.
Marthas Vineyard Essay Example for Free
Marthas Vineyard Essay Abstract I chose Martha’s Vineyard as the subject of my School Context Paper. Martha’s Vineyard is New England’s largest resort island and lies seven miles off the coast of Cape Cod in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It is accessible by ferry or plane only. The island is roughly one hundred square miles with 124.6 miles of tidal shoreline. Martha’s Vineyard has a year-round population of about twenty thousand residents that grows to one hundred thousand in the summer with an additional twenty five thousand visitors coming and going on the ferries every day. There are six towns that makeup the island; Aquinnah, Chilmark, Edgartown, Oak Bluffs, West Tisbury and Vineyard Haven (also known as Tisbury). The island is best known for its miles of beautiful beaches, quaint villages and natural beauty. On the vineyard there is only one regional high school which offers a vocational program for its students along with five public elementary schools, one public charter school, several private pre- schools and an active home schooling network. The school system also provides for children with special needs from ages three to twenty two. Assignment 2: School Context Paper I chose Chilmark, a village located on Martha’s Vineyard to write my paper on. Martha’s Vineyard is located about seven miles off the coast of Cape Cod. It is a triangular shaped island that is nine miles wide and twenty three miles long with a total land area of approximately one hundred square miles and 124.6 miles of tidal shoreline. You can travel by ferry to reach the island, which takes about forty five minutes from the mainland, or you can take a plane that will fly you to the only airport on the island located in its center. It is New England’s largest resort island. There are six towns (or villages) on the island; Aquinnah, Chilmark, Edgar Town, Oak Bluff, West Tisbury and Vineyard Haven. There is one regional high school, one public charter school and five public elementary schools serving the Vineyard. These are administered through the office of the Superintendent of Schools. The All-Island School Committee is composed of members from all of the towns. The Up-Island Regional District committee hires the superintendent and oversees shared programs that serve all Island schools. These resources are available through Central Administration: Superintendent of Schools, Assistant Supt. for Curriculum Instruction, Director of Student Support Services, Assistant to the Superintendent for Business Affairs, Financial Administrative Assistants, Administrative Secretary, Business Secretaries, Treasurer, Grant Administrator, Receptionist/Clerk and Special Education Secretary. Special Services are available such as: Title 1 Coordinator, Early Childhood Coordinator/Consultant, Occupational Therapists, School Psychologists, Speech Pathologists, Autism Specialist and ELL Director. Chapter 766 provides for the educational needs of children with special needs. The school system provides for every child, regardless of handicap, between the ages of 3 and 22. The law requires parental involvement and a network of services including that of a school psychologist, occupational therapist, and psychiatric and nursing services under the direction of a special education administrator. The school system also operates a special needs preschool, called Project Headway ( August 2012). I chose Chilmark’s school system and the Up-island Regional District as my area of focus. The Population of Chilmark was eight hundred and ninety four as of July 2009 with the estimated median household income of fifty seven thousand, one hundred and eight dollars. The major business of Chilmark is construction with Carpentry being the most popular occupation. The Chilmark School serves students in grades K-5. Chilmark students in grades 6-8 attend the West Tisbury School and Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School serves grades 9-12 for the whole island. Students can also apply to The Vineyard Public Charter School. The enrollment indicators for these schools are as follows; Chilmark Elementary School enrolled fifty two students, W. Tisbury enrolled three hundred and twenty five students for grades pre k thru 8, Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School enrolled six hundred and sixty nine students and The Vineyard Public Charter School enrolled one hundred and eighty one students for the 2011-2012 school year. Chilmark’s Public Elementary/Middle School Mission Statement states that, â€Å"Chilmark Elementary School is committed to equipping students with the tools they need for academic, personal and social achievement. Chilmark Elementary School enables every student to reach their highest potential by establishing a curriculum that meets or exceeds government standards for education; providing extracurricular programs that develop children’s’ mental, physical and social skills; and partnering with parents and the community to create an environment geared to the success of all students†( 2012). West Tisbury’s School Mission Statement states that â€Å"The West Tisbury School staff strives to provide a solid academic foundation, to inspire a love of learning for the sake of learning, to foster an understanding of basic human values with a working knowledge of the rights and responsibilities associated with those values, and to promote independent thinking through cooperative and inclusive learning while maintaining the unique values of our diverse, rural island community. We strive: To teach solid academic skills, to instill a love of learning and to promote an understanding of human values†( August 2012). Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School’s Mission Statement states that â€Å"Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School will provide a safe, active teaching and learning environment where students strive for academic excellence and endeavor to achieve the high level of intellectual and interpersonal skills needed for success in a culturally diverse society. Each student’s educational experience will prepare him/her to be a self-confident lifelong learner, able to set and achieve individual goals, and to become a contributing member of a humane and democratic society ( 2012). The Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School is a K-12 public school. Families do not pay tuition. An application is filled out and then the student body is drawn from a lottery. The mission statement of the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School states that â€Å"It is the mission of The Martha’s Vineyard Public Carter School to create a public school that will cultivate life-long learners in a multi-aged, project-based setting. To this end, each student in the K-12 school works from a personal education plan that sets specific obtainable and challenging goals. In addition to meeting the state mandated curriculum frameworks, students experience a rich array of other educational arenas outside of the academic classroom. The entire Island serves as campus where an educational alliance of parents, educators, businesses, artisans and community services is formed†( August 2012). The chart below shows some of the MCAS ratings for the school year 2010-2011: Massachusetts Elementary School Rankings 3rd, 4th Grades Combined MCAS English Language Arts MCAS Mathematics 2010-2011 Rank* (of 895) School District City Tisbury Elementary Tisbury Vineyard Haven HighGrade Total students (2010) Student/ Teacher Ratio (2010) MCAS, avg Mathematics** (2011) 8 305 8.2 88.5 MCAS, avg English Language Arts** (2011) MCAS Combined Rank Change from 2011) 86.5 175.0 up 23 School District City W. Tisbury ElementaryUp island Regional West Tisbury HighGrade Total students (2010) Student/ Teacher Ratio (2010) MCAS, avg Mathematics** (2011) 8 276 7.8 79.5 MCAS, avg English Language Arts** (2011 MCAS Combined Rank Change from 2010 82.0 165.9 down 19 ( August 2012 Reference List –data.cim/city/Chilmark-Massachusetts.html
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