Friday, May 31, 2019
William Goldings Lord of the Flies: The Joy of Hating Piggy :: William Golding Lord of the Flies
William Goldings Lord of the Flies The Joy of Hating PiggyIn numerous novels on that points usually a character the reader loves to hate.Whether that character be a loser, a loner, or someone whos just chubby, weall have made pastime of that particular person at least once in our lives.Throughout William Goldings novel, Lord of the Flies, he illustrates the joyof readers in hating Piggys character.In the beginning of the novel, when Ralph meets Piggy subsequently the planecrash, Piggy regretfully utters Ralph what the kids used to call him at school, They used to call me Piggy.(1) Ralph then shrieks with laughter and makesfun of Piggys nickname, Piggy Piggy(2) Ralph goes on and on with givingPiggy a bad time, just as kids normally would. This could be Ralphs way oftrying to distract himself from the reality of the airplane smashup. By theauthors translation of Piggy and the contents of Piggys talks, all of us havea good idea of how he looks like and how he acts. We can all rela te to him asthat fat nerd that always sat alone in the cafeteria. We all had nicknamesfor the loner. We knew deep down that this was a bad thing to do but weenjoyed putting him or her down.Piggy is smarter than most of the survivors. You could see this becausehe was aware of the situation around him whereas Ralph enjoyed the freedom. Itwas Piggys idea to write down all of the survivors names and he knew where toput the yap in the conch and what it could be used for. Piggy is also cleverin which when he is asked to do something physical, whether it would beexercise or hard labour, he says he cannot do it because of his asthma, butmost people could see that he is lying. An example of this is when he wasafraid to swim.Piggy tip-toed down the sandy side of the pool, andsat there up to his neck in water smiling proudly atRalph. Arent you going to swim? Piggy shook his head.I cant swim. I wasnt allowed. My asthma----Sucks to your ass-mar (3)Ralph could easily tell that Piggy was lying, a nd whimping out.Piggy is different from the other survivors, he is considered as anoutsider. His body is different, he also thinks different from the other boys.At first he is the unaccompanied one talking about and wanting to get rescued, yet allthe other boys are either happy with their freedom and exploring the island or
The Ethics of Nanotechnology Essay -- Nanotechnology Science Research
The Ethics of NanotechnologyIntroductionImagine a world in which cars can be assembled molecule-by-molecule, garbage can be disassembled and moody into beef steaks, and people can be operated on and healed by cell-sized robots. Sound like science fiction? Well, with current semiconductor chip manufacturing move on upon the nanometer scale and the ability to move individual atoms at the IBM Almaden laboratory, we are fast approaching the technological ability to fabricate productive machines and devices that can ascertain things at the atomic level. From this ability we will be able to develop molecular-sized computers and robots, which would give us unprecedented control over matter and the ability to skeletal frame the physical world as we see fit. Some may see it as pure fantasy, but others speculate that it is an inevitability that will be the tooth root of the next technological revolution. Laboratories, such as the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (SNF), have already been researching nanofabrication techniques with applications in fiber optics, biotechnology, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), and wide variety of other research fields applicable to todays technology. MEMS, tiny mechanical devices such as sensors, valves, gears, mirrors, and actuators embedded in semiconductor chips, are particularly interesting because they are but a mere dance step away from the molecular machines envisioned by nanotechnology. MEMS are already being used in automobile airbag systems as accelerometers to detect collisions and will become an increase part of our everyday technology.In 1986, a researcher from MIT named K. Eric Drexler already foresaw the advent of molecular machines and published a book, Engines of Creation, in ... ...searchers in this field put unitedly an ethical set of guidelines (e.g. Molecular Nanotechnology Guidelines) and follow them, then we should be able to develop nanotechnology safely while still reaping its promised benefits.Refere ncesDrexler, K. Eric Engines of Creation.New York Anchor Books, 1986.Drexler, K. Eric Unbounding the Future.New York Quill, 1991.Feynman, Richard P. Theres quid of Room at the Bottom.03 March 2002.http// Foresight Institute.03 March 2002.http// for Molecular Manufacturing.03 March 2002.IMM.orgNational Nanotechnology Initiative.03 March 2002.http//, Patrick. Nanotech, IT research given boost in bush budget.03 March 2002. (April 11, 2001)CNN.comDefinitions.03 March
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Essay --
Oprah Winfrey once said, The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by just changing his attitude (Flanagan 118). This quote is a testimony to her personal life history. Born in 1954 whenever African Americans were still fighting for equality, Winfrey had racism to endure. Additionally, her family faced much sparing hardship. During her childhood, Winfrey encountered physical and sexual abuse. Somehow, she persevered against all odds to become champion of Americas most significant philanthropists. Oprah Winfrey is an inspiration to all because of her dexterity to conquer her adversities to pip any goal. Winfreys mother, Vernita Lee, was only 18 years old whenever she gave birth. Winfreys father, Vernon Winfrey, was unaware that he had a child until months after she was born. He was excluded from Winfreys life originally, for he was a soldier away in Mississippi. That meant that Oprah would be receiving care from her mother and grandmother in the d eepest of poverty (Weston 13). Winfrey said, I am grateful for sprightliness in poverty because it makes success so much more rewarding (Dave and Oprah Recap). After a few years, Winfreys mother traveled to Milwaukee for a job opportunity as a maid. She left Winfrey under the sole supervision of her grandma, Hattie May Lee. Winfrey later said, I am what I am at present because of my grandmother my strength, my sense of reasoning, everything (Weston 14). Hattie May had grown too sick to care for Winfrey, so she was sent to live with Lee in Milwaukee. Her new home was one room in a boardinghouse. Winfrey said, I felt like I was an outcast. I dont know why my mother ever stubborn she wanted me. She wasnt equipped to take care of me. I was just an extra burden ... ...ty. She has transformed from the lowest of lows to the highest of highs, all by having faith and perseverance. She believed that she had a higher purpose in life, and that God was leading her on the path to change the w orld. In fact, her final words on the set of The Oprah Winfrey Show, To God be the glory (Flanagan 106). Though she stumbled on this path due to resentment and anger, she returned to her good ways with the stern love from her father and a second chance at life. Winfrey was able to achieve great things by believing in herself and in others. She has contributed millions of dollars to help women, families, and children to be supported in education and in life. What makes Winfrey such a remarkable being is that she was able to overcome her adversities to achieve any goal. Her selfless acts are appreciated by the millions of people that she influences.
Using Technology to Cope with Terrorism :: War Terror Essays
Using Technology to Cope with TerrorismEach one of us has our own unique story of where we were when we learned of the attack on the knowledge base address Center towers. Its a story weve told to friends and a story well continue to tell as this event transforms from a living reality to a historical one. Some were awoken by roommates, others informed by colleagues passing through the hall, and others happened to turn on the television and watch with horror as the World Trade Center towers burned and finally collapsed. As word spread, though, Americans became united in their need to know exactly what had happened. We turned on the television, we pa employ to listen to radios filtering out of cars, we visited net news sources again and again, clutching and grasping for facts, hoping that some sort of clarity would calm us. Hour after hour we sat by the television trying to stigma sense of it all. Unconfirmed reports were treated as facts by frantic news anchors, sketchy reports of h ijacking were announced and then confirmed. The news changed by the minute. A estate in shock began calling loved ones across the country, just to check in and to share the horror together. Cell phone networks were inoperable in umpteen areas of the country, not just in New York. Web-traffic became so congested that viewing CNNs web page became virtually impossible. We used these fleeting news sources as a way to grasp reality. But for many it didnt become a reality until we saw it the way our parents and grandparents had in years past blue and white banner headlines announcing the tragedy in a format that couldnt be refreshed, revised, or corrected. It was permanent, and it was true. The unimaginable had happened.And for those of us outside of New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C. we used the technology around us to begin to comprehend. Trying to understand what it was like when the building collapsed, we listened to and read countless witness testimonies. Though weary wit h despair we tangle that it was our duty to experience the agony of watching the collision and the collapse over and over again, as if we could alleviate some of the New Yorkers suffering by taking some of it on as our own. We watched around-the-clock coverage from ground zero we contributed to discussion boards and listservs on the Internet, we held countless discussions among family members and friends.
The Role of Afro-Cubans in the Formation of Cuba Essays -- History Cub
The Role of Afro-Cubans in the Formation of CubaIntroductionIn the formation of the Cuban nation, the role of Afro-Cubans is undeniably of great importance. The success and riches obtained by Cuba as a Spanish colony would have been unthinkable without the exploitation of African slave labor. Even before emancipation, there were key figures in the Cuban emancipation movement, such as Antonio Maceo, who were free men of Afro-Cuban origin. After emancipation in 1886, Afro-Cuban ex-slaves showed their enthusiasm for their future in Cuba by volunteering in large numbers to contest in the Liberation Army. Yet in the victory over the Spanish in 1898, Afro-Cubans were given little recognition for their overwhelming support, and were bypassed for positions of authority during the American occupation. The Americans mostly appointed white Cuban exiles or Spanish soldiers over Afro-Cubans, destroying the hopes many had of fin aloney receiving their rightful share, in the words of historian A line Helg. Helgs book Our Rightful Share The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality, 1886-1912, discusses these repeated disappointments felt by Afro-Cubans.In 1902 Cubans were at last free to govern themselves, and a constitution was drafted declaring all men equal, and granting universal male suffrage. Yet whites still predominate the positions of power in Cuba, and justified themselves by adhering to a myth that racial equality had been naturalized (Helg, 70). Dissatisfied with their lot, Afro-Cubans again participated in large numbers in a revolution, this time under the liberal Jose Miguel Gomez, who promised them improved representation in government positions. chase the disappointment surrounding the 1908 elections, Afro-Cubans began to d... sacrificing everything for the good of Cuba. They had to love themselves and recognize their personal value then they had to love their families, then, their race and then, only after all this, their homeland (241). The myth, or mayb e ideal of racial equality and unity had been forgotten. The failure of Afro-Cubans to attain equality in Cuba was the result of a racist societal hierarchy dominated by a white upper class. The more Afro-Cubans pushed for reforms, the more whites resisted. Eventually, Afro-Cuban tactics became more radical, which led to the violent response to the Partido Independiente de Color. The ideal of fraternity between the races, held by the Cuban revolutionary heroes Maceo and Marti, was not able to survive. Resources Helg, Aline. Our Rightful Share The Afro-Cuban Struggle for Equality, 1886-1912. UNC Press, Chapel Hill, 1995.
Macbeth: Contrasts Of Nature :: essays research papers
Macbeth Contrasts of NatureGeorganne Hampton In the play, Macbeth, Shakespe are uses contrasts of nature in various steerings. He consistently shows us that Macbeth and his wifes actions go againstnature. The first lines of the play are a condensed version of the unnaturalnessof things to come. "In thunder, lightning or in come down?" ( I, i, 2). In nature,thunder, lightening and rain occur together, solely Shakespeares use of the word"or" infers the unnatural occurrence of one without the others. "When battles upset and won" ( I, i, 4), is also not a natural occurrence. Battles are eitherlost or won. Shakespeare is implying the future opposites of nature in theforthcoming play. "Fair is nasty, and foul is fair" (I, i, 11), further showsthe use of inversions and paradoxs in nature that Shakespeare entrust usethroughout the play. One of the main controversies of nature for the r eader is that in spiteof Macbeths criminal deeds, we still find him large-hearted. We see him in the same waythat the King does when he welcomes him by saying, "O valiant cousin Worthygentleman" (I, ii, 24). We savvy him as valiant, because he is afraid ofsacrificing his humanity. "My thought, whose murder yet is but fantasticle. /Shakes so my single state of man that function / Is smo thered in surmise and nought is / But what is not" (I, iii, 139-41). Macbeth has doubts about thepredictions of the witches. He knows that it could be a trick and hismisgivings make him seem to be a better person.Another thing that makes Macbeth likeable to the reader is the contrastwith his wife. It is clear from her beginning that she is evil. She hasreservations about Macbeth not being evil enough. "Yet do I fear thy nature" (I,V, 14). She fears he is withal good to do the kind of evil deeds that she isplanning. later Macbeth murders the King, he realizes the extent of evil that hehas committed, but also realizes that the deed is done and there is nothing thathe can do to rectify it. "As they had seen me with these hangmans hands /Listning their fear. I could not say Amen / When they did say God blessus" (II, ii, 27-29). The fact that Macbeth is very troubled, and continueshis tirade, "Will all great Neptunes ocean dull this blood / Clean from myhand? No, this my hand will rather / the multitudinous seas incarnadine, /Making the thousand one red" (II, ii, 59-62), evokes compassion for him from theMacbeth Contrasts Of Nature essays research paper Macbeth Contrasts of NatureGeorganne Hampton In the play, Macbeth, Shakespeare uses contrasts of nature in variousways. He consistently shows us that Macbeth and his wifes actions go againstnature. The first lines of the play are a condensed version of the unnaturalnessof things to come. "In thunder, lightnin g or in rain?" ( I, i, 2). In nature,thunder, lightening and rain occur together, but Shakespeares use of the word"or" infers the unnatural occurrence of one without the others. "When battleslost and won" ( I, i, 4), is also not a natural occurrence. Battles are eitherlost or won. Shakespeare is implying the future opposites of nature in theforthcoming play. "Fair is foul, and foul is fair" (I, i, 11), further showsthe use of inversions and paradoxs in nature that Shakespeare will usethroughout the play. One of the main controversies of nature for the reader is that in spiteof Macbeths evil deeds, we still find him likeable. We see him in the same waythat the King does when he welcomes him by saying, "O valiant cousin Worthygentleman" (I, ii, 24). We perceive him as valiant, because he is afraid ofsacrificing his humanity. "My thought, whose murder yet is but fantasticle. /Shakes so my single state of man that function / Is smothered in surmise andnothing is / But what is not" (I, iii, 139-41). Macbeth has doubts about thepredictions of the witches. He knows that it could be a trick and hismisgivings make him seem to be a better person.Another thing that makes Macbeth likeable to the reader is the contrastwith his wife. It is clear from her beginning that she is evil. She hasreservations about Macbeth not being evil enough. "Yet do I fear thy nature" (I,V, 14). She fears he is too good to do the kind of evil deeds that she isplanning. After Macbeth murders the King, he realizes the extent of evil that hehas committed, but also realizes that the deed is done and there is nothing thathe can do to rectify it. "As they had seen me with these hangmans hands /Listning their fear. I could not say Amen / When they did say God blessus" (II, ii, 27-29). The fact that Macbeth is very troubled, and continueshis tirade, "Will all great Neptunes ocean wash this bl ood / Clean from myhand? No, this my hand will rather / the multitudinous seas incarnadine, /Making the green one red" (II, ii, 59-62), evokes compassion for him from the
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Writing Your IEP :: essays research papers
Writing Your IEP1. Youll make several sheets of clean paper, and a pencil or pen. (If you like using a computer, thats fine, too. So is a tape recorder You can also have a friend take notes for you.)2. Start by describing your deterioration.What is your balk called?&61623 How does your disability affect you in school and at home? (For example, what things in school are harder because of your disability?)&61623 What do you think is important for others to know about your disability?&61623 If your arent sure what to say, think about what the students on the tape had to say. How did they describe their disabilities?3. Look at your old IEP goal and objectives. Do you think you have met those goals and objectives? (This intend you can do the things listed there.) Put a check next to the goals and objectives you have met.4. What goals or objectives have you not met? Write these down on paper. They may be important to include in your new IEP.5. What are your strengths and ineluctably in each class or subject? Make a list. This can be hard to do. Here are some suggestions to help you&61623 Start with clean sheets of paper. Title one sheet Strengths and another sheet Needs.&61623 Ask yourself the questions between the lines downstairs (called Ask yourself). These can help you think about your Strengths and Needs. Write your ideas down on your Strengths and Needs worksheets.Hints If youre not sure how to answer a question, step at the examples given. Also, think about what the students on the tape had to say. How did they describe their strengths and needs? What accommodations did they ask for? What did they say they needed to work on in school?6. put down your old IEP to your parents and your teachers. Do they think you have met these goals? What gals havent you met? Add their ideas to the list that you started in Step 4 above.7. Ask your teacher what they believe your strengths and needs are in each class or subject. Write their ideas down.8. Develop new goals and objectives for this year, using the list of strenghts and need you and your parents and teacher developed.9. Describe the accommodations you may need in each class to meet these new goals and objectives. (See the list of accommodations.)10. Think about your plans for the future what youll do after youve finished high school.
The Hardships Of A Teen Christian :: essays research papers
Teen Christians have to deal with a lot of pressures like when at school, because when a Christian teen does blether about what they believe in they are mock or criticized. And when the fact that when a teen does believe in Jesus it causes them to lose friends so that causes teens to not want to be with god, or talk about it because of what on that point friends will think and do to them. Their friends want them to go out to parties where there are drugs, alcohol, sex, and violence. And if a teen has just recently become a Christian and was living life like that then they have to deal with harder problems like facing there problems a discordent way. And when you go from living bad to doing good you really have a problem trying to figure yourself out, teens feel really impoverished in what is right and what they should do.Teens reflect a culture all of there own within Ameri depose society. The language that they speak, music that they listen to, and many aspects of their lives d iffer from that of past generations. Therefore, many people of older generations tend to make judgments and assumptions about teenagers. These assumptions are typically based on the manner in which teenagers speak, dress, and present themselves. Because of these generalizations, trustingness of many teens is commonly overlooked. In a society where violence seems to be accepted and many teens are lost about whom they are faith can be the one bond interlining a group of many.Our laws say you cant talk or teach Christianity in our schools but they cant figure out why there is all this violence and school shootings. Even if it was just a little something about Jesus it would help describe people that there are better things in life, like life after death.I think that we should bring back teachings of religion in our schools so that teens mite see that there is a better things then violence and you dont need drugs, and stuff to make u feel better.I think that there is a slight chance t hat if we did have religion in our schools that it would make them a better place to learn not so many problems.
Computer Network Management Essay -- Networks Telecommunications
The Basics of Network ManagementIn the computer world, net incomes are the primary operator of inter-computer communications. The building and maintenance of a communicate is the responsibility of the vane manager. The network manager mustiness have the expertise to design and implement an appropriate network for his client. The proper design of a network is based on more than a few principles. However, the job of the network manager encompasses more than simply building a useable network, although that is the end result.The network manager must have many characteristics in order to fulfill his job. After years of training, a network manager will know how to select the proper network topology for the client. After some investigation into the companys needs, the topology should become more apparent. Being able to choose a configuration means nothing, however, if the network manager is unable to convince the client. Persuasion is a necessary trait, but a strong sense of e thics must also be present. If a network manager tries to sell something other than what the client needs legal proceedings may be close behind. Selecting a network topology and convincing the client of their needs are the technical functions of the job.After selecting a network plan, the network manager needs to assemble a staff that is surefooted of implementing the network and maintaining that network. A crew with the appropriate training is a must, but the network manager has to find the best candidates. The network can grow to be a large and complex web. Job specialization will increase productivity and the total amount of knowledge available to the company. A network manager is also a personnel manager.Most clients have a limited budget set aside ... ...Accounting management collects the information about the clients usage of the serve to keep track of billing. Tariffs, pricing, and collections may also be controlled. Finally, common management is applicable across m ore than one area of management such as autonomous events. The external communications functions are those necessary to convey the management information, to provide an infrastructure to the network. Together, these functions, the logical, management, and external communications, are the building blocks of a network. A network manager is responsible for being aware of the functions of each aspect of network management in order to build a successful network. BibliographyRamon, Lakshmi. Fundamentals of telecommunication Network Management. New York IEEE Press, 1999.Rhodes, Peter. Building a Network. New York McGraw-Hill, 1996.
Caddie - Australian Movie Review :: essays research papers
The movie Caddie stars Helen Morse as Caddie Marsh, a young woman in the belief, Jackie Weaver, as Caddies friend Leslie, Jack Thompson as Ted, and Takis Emmanuel as Peter. Caddie is set in the times of the Australian depression and was the first remotely successful Australian feature film. It follows the story of a spirited woman and her experiences over seven life-shaping stratums of her life. Through her eyes we see the effect of the depression on the average Australians of the time. The movie tells the story of a young Sydney woman during the years 1925 to 1932 in which time she changes from a young suburban 25 year old matron and mother to a free-wheeling woman of 32.The film blossom outs with Caddie learning that her husband is in love with her best friend, Ester, and taking the only course she feels is open to her she leaves him taking the children with her. To earn enough money to keep her and the children, Caddie takes a job as a barmaid, and soon learns the ropes with t he help of fellow barmaid Josie.One mean solar day Ted, the SP bookmaker comes into the pub. He names her Caddie after his brand new Cadillac that, like her, he says has class and beauty.Caddie is struggling to look after her cardinal children, Anne, and Terry properly, so she makes the very difficult decision to put them into childrens homes. Through a friend, Caddie meets Peter, a Greek immigrant and successful businessman. They fall in love and become lovers, but fate strikes with the sudden illness of Peters father and he has to leave for Greece.Winter two years later, and the colossal Depression is taking its toll on Sydney and Caddie. She has trouble staying employed, and finally is bed-ridden suffering from malnutrition and nervous exhaustion. She is befriended by Bill the Rabbito and his younger brother Sonny, who share their meagre holding with her until she is well and strong again. Caddie takes yet another job as a barmaid, and meets Paddy Reilly who
Monday, May 27, 2019
Coke vs Pepsi Fighting for Foreign Markets :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Coke vs Pepsi Fighting for Foreign Markets Introduction The soft-drink battleground has now turned toward overbold overseas markets. While one time the United States, Australia, Japan, and Western Europe were the dominant soft-drink markets, the growth has slowed down dramatically, but they are still important markets for Coca-Cola and Pepsi. However, Eastern Europe, Mexico, China, Saudi Arabia, and India have become the new hot spots. Both Coca-Cola and Pepsi are forming joint bottling ventures in these nations and in other areas where they see growth potential. As we have seen, international marketing can be genuinely complex. Many issues have to be resolved before a company can even consider entering uncharted foreign wat ers. This becomes very evident as one begins to study the international cola wars.
Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction Between Sodium Thiosulfate and E
Factors Affecting the Rate of Reaction Between Sodium Thiosulfate andHydrochloric acid.PlanI testament be conducting an experiment to find out if concentratingThiosulfate and Hydrochloric dit will effect the rate of matchion.I predict that the higher the concentration of the Thiosulfate, thequicker it will react with the Hydrochloric Acid.I will test20 Acid20 Thio0 Water20 Acid15 Thio5 Water20 Acid10 Thio10 Water15 Acid20 Thio5 Water10 Acid20 Thio10 WaterThe total the great unwashed of all the liquids will be kept the same. As will thetemperature, conical glass, measuring cylinder and the cross on thepiece of paper. I will hold back that all these are kept the same bydoing all the experiments on the same day, not changing my equipmentand the to...
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Delorean Motor Company
DeLorean Motor Company Examining a Business Failure Michael metalworker Organizational Leadership 531 September 5, 2011 Examining a Business Failure Stainless Steel. Sleek. Gull-wing doors. Back to the Future. The DMC-12 is one of the most recognizable cars in history. deception DeLorean, a author engineer and executive for general Motors, founded the DeLorean Motor Company in October of 1975 (Woron, 1982). DeLorean gained popularity for designing the Pontiac GTO and the Pontiac Firebird.Many thought that John DeLorean was well on his way to being president of General Motors when he left the guild in 1973 to start his own political machine go with (Woron, 1982). DeLorean needed around $175 million to finance the company, yet totally put up around $700,000 of his own money. For the rest, he used oer 100 investors to finance his dream, including Johnny Carson and Sammy Davis Jr. (Manning, 2000). He also put over $12 million into a partnership for research and development while th e British government produced $156 million in grants and loans in return for DeLorean locating the DMC milling machinery in Northern Ireland (Manning, 2000).The DeLorean factory created over 2000 jobs in an area with high unemployment rates. DeLorean had multiple million-dollar homes and paid himself a large salary. When it de notwithstandinged in 1981, the DMC-12s sales could non foot the bill. The sports car had a lot of competition and was priced $8,000 higher than the Corvette (Manning, 2000). In February 1982 the British government shut the factory down, John DeLorean began a drug-smuggling scheme to birth his company and was busted by the FBI. John DeLoreans dream was over and left everyone with no return on their investment.Robbins and Judge (2011) define leadership as the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals. Trait theories of leadership focus on personal qualities and characteristics (Robbins and Judge, 2011). John DeLorean had every characteristic of an effective leader. He was charismatic, highly successful, courageous, and influential. However, DeLorean had no emotional intelligence and without emotional intelligence a person butt end have heavy(p) training, a highly analytical mind, compelling vision, and an endless supply of great ideas, but still not be an effective leader (Robbins and Judge, 2011).DeLoreans privation of emotional intelligence could have predicted the fall of the DeLorean Motor Company. DeLorean was not self aware, was unable to listen to what followers said, and did not read into the reactions of others. Big executives began leaving the company for a variety of reasons. Many accused DeLorean of being arrogant, disloyal, and distrustful (Woron, 1982). One executive, Robert Dewey, said, John would surround himself with fairly intelligent people, but he wanted yes men. You can get clones to do that. When you challenged him on a point, he felt you were challenging him.You didnt have a dialogue with John. (Woron, 1982). The fall of the DeLorean Motor Company could have potentially been prevented had John DeLorean listened to his followers. Management theories could have also predicted the failure of the DeLorean Motor Company. The contingency theory suggests that when management makes a decision they take into consideration all aspects of the live situation and act on those aspects that are key to the situation at hand (McNamara, 2011). John DeLorean failed to take all aspects into consideration.DeLorean was starting a new automobile company, yet priced his car higher than the Chevrolet Corvette, Porshe 944, and Mazda RX-7, despite it having less power (Woron, 1982). All of these cars already had a reputation, DeLoreans DMC-12 did not. He also based the company in Ireland at a time when foreign cars were generally less expensive than those made in the United States. The downfall of the DeLorean Motor Company is largely collectable to its organizational struc ture. The companys organizational structure was very centralized, all the power rested at a single point (Mintzberg, Lampel, Quinn, and Ghoshal, 2003).John DeLorean wanted to be that single point of power in his organization, but had over 100 investors. The company also had an innovative strategy, striving to achieve meaningful and unique innovations (Robbins and Judge, 2011). DeLorean chose to give his factory in Northern Ireland to take advantage of low worker wages and for easy access into the European market (Woron, 1982). However, the location of the factory prove to be more an obstacle for DeLorean as he struggled to spend time in Ireland.Deloreans other innovations included gull-wing doors and stainless steel body panels, but the cars ultimately had to be shipped to U. S. quality control centers to have the door fix the doors and realign body panels. The car ultimately received bad reviews stating the car was heavy, overpriced, and soft showed dirt (Woron, 1982). John DeLor ean failed to break-even with the DMC-12 and the factory shut down in 1982. John DeLorean was acquitted of all drug trafficking charges. In 1998 and New York jury ruled that DeLoreans accounting firm owed investors $46 million, plus $65 million in interest.A man that was once a pioneer had hit rock bottom largely due to excessive spending and his imagination far exceeding his execution. Today, the DeLorean Motor Company is based out Texas with no ties to John DeLorean or his family. The Texas based company acquired all rights to the name and the inventory that was never used (DeLorean Motor Company, 2011). The car is one of the most recognizable in history and has developed a passion following. Had John DeLorean done things differently, his company could have been much more successful. References DeLorean Motor Company. 2011). Retrieved from http//www. delorean. com/qa. asp Manning, J. (2000). The rise and fall of John DeLorean. Retrieved from http//eightiesclub. tripod. com/id305. htm McNamara, C. (2011). Management help. Retrieved from http//managementhelp. org/management/theories. htm Mintzberg, H. , Lampel, J. , Quinn, J. B. , Ghoshal, S. (2003). The strategy cover Concepts, contexts, cases (4th ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall. Woron, W. (1982). Dreaming the impossible The DeLorean and its predecessors . Automobile Quarterly, 21(2).
Psychoanalytic Social Theory of Karen Horney
K ben Horney made innovative contributions to the domain of Psychology. Karen is best known of her theory describing effects on the individuals personality from his or her culture in a society particularly the childhood experience. Although lot can become neurotic at any point in time in life, most neurosis begins in childhood experiences. Genuine love and healthy discipline is essential to build feelings of Safety and Satisfaction also the have a go at it and Belonging that must be provided by the parents.If these needs were not given, the child develops basic hostility towards the parents and when repressed it will lead to basic anxiety wherein a child feels helplessness and isolation in a cruel world. According to Karen Basic Anxiety and Basic Hostility are combined in an everlasting circle, because it may start any of those two. Through that it will direct to Neurosis. Yes basic anxiety can lead to neurosis, but not necessarily. According to Karen Horney, there are normal def enses against anxiety these are the Spontaneous Movement toward people, against people and away from people.In here, I think even how awful a child experience is they unperturbed engage to some activities that in a way they can express themselves and draw out their painful backgrounds to a delightful way. Besides we can raft legendary people who brought success not just in a certain country but in the world despite from the traumatic experiences of his or her childhood. Aside from that there are also Neurotic defenses against anxiety, the Compulsive Movement toward people, against people, and away from people.For me, we can not really blame those people who had terrible experiences. It is on their way on how they are going to deal with it. Yes, encountering such is really hard to forget especially if it deals among parents. It is like, how are they going to trust other people well in fact from the very beginning their own parents neglect them. I agree to Karen Horneys theory even though it has no plentiful written documents but as we can see it is happening in the society.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Clinical Practice Essay
Clinical class period is of outmost significance because this is the site where students can turn theory into practice, students can interact with patients and families, and face the real world of medicine. It is satisfying and expedient to reflect upon assessment practices to evaluate students in clinical setting. For this purpose, this root word analyzes three articles relevant to the clinical practices by the nurse students, and the role they should play remote the classroom, and who should evaluate them in the clinical setting. This write up also features suggestions and recommendations derived from the reflections and analyses made on the articles reviewed. Article one. The ongoing search for best practice in clinical instruction and reading A model of nursing students evolution to proficient novice registered nurses. This article by Edgecombe and Bowden (2009) features current search to implement best practices in clinical teaching and identifies those positive and neg ative elements as well as the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that make an impact on nursing students registering process, and their conk outment and exploitation process from students to proficient novice nurses Rns. The study was conducted at Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia, and involved 111 students. A model was created intending to assist students in their transformation from students to RNs, the Dedicated information Unit (DEU) model was designed as an innovative approach for clinical teaching.This approach focuses on the specific use of the clinical setting available for learning practices in health settings such as mental health centers, acute medical departments, and surgical wards or community health organizations. The DEU follows the principles of adult learning of modifying, relearning, and successor knowledge, skills, strategies and values through experience gained, and reflections made (Edgecombe & Bowden, 2009). The DEU foundational philosophy rel ies on the sound relationships between clinicians and academicists, valuing their contri unlessions aimed at establishing the optimal learning environment for nursing students. Also valuing nursing students views. The model described in the article might have persuades on the development of future curriculums, upgrading of cater and on different approaches used to place staff in adequate positions. The model can also serve to do explore works intended to the teaching and learning process in the soil of nursing education (Edgecombe & Bowden, 2009). Among the elements analyzed in this article, the authors highlightedthe emphasis students placed on the importance of belonging to a place, to feeling valued and trusted.These positive feelings, greatly influence the students learning processes. However, when a student feels isolated, neglected from the regular clinical staff or heavily or unfairly critized or scoffed at his/her performance, these actions have a negative impact on the learning stage at this specific clinical setting (Edgecombe & Bowden, 2009). It is important to observe tha bulling, and asquint violence at the work exist in some hospitals and health settings, as indicated by Broome and Williams (2011), especially with novice nurses or new nurses when they begin working for the first time in a clinical setting. In this regard, Broome and Williams (2011) state that in some health c be settings the problem takes place when some experierenced nurses complaining about novice nurses performance, and the lateral violence develops in different ways and causes serious impacts on the victims. Dellasega (2009) considers that lateral violence manifests in cover or overt verbal and non verbal assault episodes. Reflecting upon these topics among the negative effects that a toxic environment may cause to nursing students as indicated above by Edgecombe and Bowden, (2009), the author of this paper also conceptualise that bullying and lateral violence can al so create a harmful atmosphere for the learning process among students who develop their practices in a clinical setting. Article 2. Developing a successful nursing objective structured clinical examination.This article written by McWilliam and Botwinski (2010) evaluates the basic components for developing relevant and useful nursing objectives in the clinical area for nursing students, but these authors failed to highlight some significant aspects of high-skilled therapeutic work, the importance of interpersonal aptitudes, and blending some find out information into practices in clinical settings. The article deals with assessing the clinical skills that students may acquire in different health scenarios. This practice is vital because students can work and learn from different scenarios, patients and diseases (Mcwilliam & Botwinski, 2010). According to Mcwillian & Botwinski (2010), clinical educators should pass on their experience gained to students, and at the same time, should ensure that patients also gain safe nurturing consideration. In achieving these goals, the delivery of clinical instructions should be imbuied of professional ability, proper interpersonal relations, and adequating aspectsof temperament.Educators should have a clear idea on the model that may guide them turning a speficic scenario into a learning experience, and also into an evaluative procedure that will be mutually beneficial for the educator and the nursing students. Nurses finality-making abilities derived from critical view and evidence-based practice have been analyzed by various analysists who have reflected that choice making is a studied skill that nurse educators should teach, but there are few research intended to investigate the choices made by nursing students. If more information of this topic is available, educators will be capable of designing a more proper curriculum that also covers the developing of this attitude geared to teach students how to make better choi ces (Mcwillian & Botwinski, 2010). The author of this paper believes that tools to furnish the nursing students to develop critical thinking and choice making are a vital part of the curriculum. It is true that not all topics can be covered in a curriculum as stated by Mcwillian and Botwinski (2010), but decision making process and a good guidance are crucial elements of a proper and adequate nursing training in clinical practice. Article three. Evaluation in clinical practice using an innovative model for clinical teachers The article features the Reflective Interaction Analysis in Nursing Education (RIANE) Model which addresses the problems faced by clinical teachers of how to turn information-rich interactions in clinical practice into objective information using a format that provides valuable feedback and helps evaluation.The Model facilitates the translation of the interactions for clinical teachers that occurs on a daily basis with nursing students, record in notes for their further use in formative and summative evaluations (Zafir & Nissim, 2011). The article discusses the use of this model in the training of a group of nurses that will wrick clinical teachers. The RIANE model motivates clinical teachers to see the students clinical interactions as another way to contribute to the learning process, as an educational opportunity. It provides certain order in an amount of information difficult to manage by clinical teachers who have to find a way to make this information accessible to students (Zafir & Nissim, 2011). The author of this paper considers that allowing the students to learn from their daily experiences, enabling them to provide feedbacks, and being heard, are great positive contributions for educational purposes in theclinical setting, and the clinical instructor can nurture track of their students by recording notes while the students also render their clinical collaboration. Zafrir and Nissim (2011) believe that the proper role clinical teachers should play is that of guidance, support, inspiration, and facilitating learning. Also these authors consider that an environment of mutual trust and confidence should prevail in supporting students process of learning and growth.There are several models for clinical instructors and cogency to evaluate students outback(a) the classroom The clinical instructor can use the modality of preceptor ,one to one relation, in which an experienced nurse serves as a preceptor for a certain period of time. The clinical teaching associate (CTA) model uses a staff nurse collaborating with a faculty to train a given consequence of students for clinical practices. The paired model features one-student, one patient model, a variation of the preceptor model, and a student begins clinical practice within specific long time supervised by a staff nurse for a practicum experience (Billings and Halsted, 2009). Other models for clinical instructors to evaluate students outside the classroom, and on occasions, jointly with the faculty during their clinical practices are the clinical teaching partnership where a form of collaboration is established, the service institution contributes with a clinical nurse specialist and the university constributes with a faculty member. Adjunt faculty is another model in which the faculty is a health care professional hired by a service setting in the modality of part-time.This professional can serve in several roles as supervisor, mentor, guest lecturer, and preceptor, and can also render a collaboration in research works (Billings and Halsted, 2009). The role that a student should play in the evaluation process should be that of a student that prepares for the clinical experience, establishes good relationships and exhibits proper communication skills, learns and accepts feedbacks and adapts to the assigned clinical setting and advances in his/her performance. The unsuccessful student in the clinical experience is unprepared for this activity, does not establish communication efficiently, breaks legal and estimable practices, uses practices that are not safe, his/her adaptation to the assigned clinical setting is poor (Lewallen and DeBrew, 2012). The students under a clinical practice can act in the next scenarios labs, homeless shelters, camps, agencies that render social services ofteninvolving interdisciplinary health settings. The clinical teacher-student interaction is a significant part of this practice (Billings & Halsted, 2009).The author of this paper believes that students should embrace this relation, and take a good advantage of this opportunity to learn at large all what is taught by the instructor and assimilate the experience gained while doing the clinical practice, since the student is exposed to several medical situations. Conclusion The three articles reviewed contribute to make a good analysis of the possibilities of evaluating students in clinical settings. The clinical area is significant in training novice nurses because they are in contact with the real world and can interact, not only with patient but with their families and the professional colleagues and other related staff they will be working with during their professional life. The practice in clinical settings enables students also to be more cocksure in themselves, because after they can apply theory into practice will feel more capable in their profession, and become more autonomous decision makers. The students will have the possibility to raise their caring abilities, and play more realistic roles based upon their practice.
Ron Gutman: the Hidden Power of Smiling and Amit Sood: Building a Museum of Museums on the Web
Ron Gutman, the founder and CEO of HealthTap, a personalized health-info site, gave the speech about the power of smiling. As everyone knows that grimace is good for our health he gave the supporting data and facts about that statement. For instance, there was a study about the relation between student expressions photo in the yearbook of UC Berkeley and the students success and well-being throughout their lives. An some other study showed that the drag in of the peoples grinning could predict the life span of peoples life people who have beaming smile could have 79. 9 years of their life span while only 72. years for people who do not smile. We naturally smile to express joy and satisfaction one smile could generate the same level of happiness equals to 2,000 bar of chocolate even the people in the tribe who are isolated from the modern world excessively smile. Also smiling could make us healthier since it reduce stress-enhancing hormone like cortisone. And the message behind s miling, which is happiness, could be passed to the others as well. When you smile, you look and feel good. And when other people see you, they would mimic the smile and feel good too, as this would go on as a cycle.In conclusion, smiling has many aspects of benefit, so lets SMILE. http//www. ted. com/talks/ron_gutman_the_hidden_power_of_smiling. html Amit Sood Building a museum of museums on the web Art Project is the great idea created by Amit Sood. It is the project of creating a 3D virtual image of the museum on the website which allows the people from any class of society to get access to the artworks from any museum through the website www. googleartproject. com. Users can move close to and look at the artwork one by one by simply just clicking.And it is much faster to move from one end to other room of the museum by one click. Besides, the images of the artworks in the museum have huge size i. e. 10 billion pixels. It is amazing because user could notice some small power po int of details e. g. painting crack that is impossible to notice when they carefully look at the real artwork in the museum. Moreover, user could create his/her own pet collection album regardless of who they are. http//www. ted. com/talks/amit_sood_building_a_museum_of_museums_on_the_web. ht
Friday, May 24, 2019
Difference between Branding and Advertising
Branding is a marketing strategy in which a name, slogan or logo is delegate to a production or a service for the market to recognize and be familiar with them. A good brand name should be legitimately protectable, easy to pronounce, easy to remember, easy to recognize, attract attention and make a clear distinction amongst competitors. This process of assigning name aims at increasing the product or service perceived value to the potential customer currently and in future. Companies may take in brand variations from the same product so as to produce a product that will fit the desired market and gain the retail shelf space.The rationalization of brands can be done prison term to time so as to increase production and marketing efficiencies. Advertising is also a marketing tool in which producers of goods and services uses media to communicate and aim the public on the information concerning their product or a service to reach a tar get goinged population. This service is provide d freely or charged at lean by organizations that legalized to offer the service. In each country there be rules and regulations that stipulate ways in which denote is to be done.This includes the timing, popment and the content to be included in the advert. Various forms of media are used to deliver the messages include print, audio, digital or video depending on the type of audience expect to get the information. Although advertising is necessary for economic growth its increase in public areas has negative effects on the society. Branding and advertising are both strategies that are used by marketing agencies of a product so as to compete effectively with other companies producing similar products.After a product or a service is made, a brand name is designed to it and then an advertising media is selected so as to inform the public of the product and where it can easy be found. Thus branding was as a result of increased varieties of products serving the same purpose and com panies had to develop uniqueness in their products by giving the name that differentiate them from others. Advertising then is employed to reach the target population by use of billboards, television commercials, radio, newspapers, internet or any other place where audience can easily see or hear.For a product or a service to be marketed globally, there are important factors to be incorporated when branding and advertising. First developing brand name which will be familiar with all potential customers depending on their localities so that they can easily associate the product with the name, making best of use advert and increasing the rate of installing advert locally and in other countries will ascertain unification and healthier competition amongst brands from different countries.Communication between countries can be improved through advertising when information concerning a product is done in foreign countries. Cultural and natural heritage exchange between nations can be rea lize through branding and advertising cultural activities which are undecomposed in one country but not practiced in another country like visiting museums and parks.All these activities in the long run create a close business relationship amongst the countries over the globe where products and services available in one country are offered in other countries advertising media and business transaction can be exchanged. Thus branding and advertising can be used as agents of globalization in social, cultural, political technological, sparing and ecological aspects from one county to another.
Algorithm: Flowchart and Trailer Record
Student Name Syed Haseeb Hashmi Registration FA11-BCS-075 Course Title Design and synopsis of Algorithm Assignment 1 Submitted To Sir Tanveer Ahmed Siddiqui Due Date 19-03-2013 For Odd Role Number Group Q1. How does a flow diagram help a programmer in a program development? Ans. Flowcharts admit the visual representation of a concept and make it clear. A flow chart serves as a draught of the program. Flowcharts helps a programmer organize his/her thoughts in a logical order and their presentation.Program development without graphics may be less effective. In big projects it gets toilsome to keep things together. Flowcharts provide flexibility, so that you can make changes and restructure the project as you move further and, according to requirement. Flowcharts act as a place during the analysis and program development phase. Moreover they are also helpful in debugging process. Q2. Draw a flowchart of the logical steps needed to micturate a scrapeed listing of all students ov er the age of 20 in a class. The input al-Qurans contain the name and age of the students.Assume a sentinel economic rate of 99 for the age field of the monotone record. Sol. Q3. The first 20 records in a data set are to be read and printed. Draw a flowchart for the algorithmic programic programic ruleic program to do this job. Make sure that the processing stops after the twentieth record. Sol. Q4. For the employees problem of Question 40 ( even group Q3), we exigency to count and print the number of only male employees in the age group of 25 to 30. Assume that the input records contain SexCode and Age fields to provide this information. Draw a flowchart for the algorithm to perform this job. Sol. Q5.A set of examination papers, which have been graded with scores form 0 to 100 is to be searched to harness how many of them are above 90. The total has to be printed. Prepare a flowchart to do this job. Assume a suitable sentinel value for the trailer record. Sol. Q6. A shopkeepe r wants to have a general program for his personal computer, which will prepare bills for each customer as and when he sells goods to them. His idea is that as soon as the customer purchases some goods from his shop, he will supply the description, unit price, and the quantity purchased for each item. s input to the computer. He wants that with this information, the computer should print each item along with its unit price, quantity purchased and the total price. Finally the computer should also print the total cost of all the items purchased by the customer. anticipate a sentinel value of zero for the quantity purchased field in the trailer record, draw a flowchart for the logic to do this job. Q7. individually employee bear record includes the hours worked and the pay rate. The gross pay is to be determined as hours worked times pay rate, and is to be printed for each employee.For all hours worked in excess of 40, the overtime rate, which is 1. 5 times the regular rate, is to be paid. Draw a flowchart for the problem logic to do this. Assume a suitable sentinel value for any of the input fields of the trailer record. Q8. The data file of Question 48 (even group Q7) is expanded to include several sets of data, each requiring calculation of its average. Each data set is followed by a trailer record with a value of -1 however the last data is followed by a trailer record with a value of -2.Draw a flowchart for the logic to perform this task. Solution. Q9. Draw a flow chart to add up all the even numbers between 0 and 100. Before ending, print the result of calculation. Solution. Q10. Draw a flowchart for the logic to find out whether a given triangle first rudiment is a right angled triangle. Assume that the sides are supplied as input and data. Print the answer as yes or no. Solution. Q11. Draw a flowchart for the logic to convert a number from base 10 to new base using division remainder technique. Solution. Question 2 ) Determine which characteristics of an algorithm the following procedures have and which they lack. Procedure 1 double(npositive integer)// The purpose of this procedure is to double a positive integer spot n =0 do n 2n Procedure 2 choose(a, b integers)// The purpose of this procedure is to choose a number from two positive numbers x either a or b Procedure 3 sum(npositive integer)// The purpose of this procedure is to find the sum of first 9 digits. sum = 0while i 10 do sum sum + i 1.Procedure 4 divide(npositive integer) // The purpose of this procedure is to find the reciprocal of a positive integer n till 1. while n= 0 do m 1/n n n-1 Solution Procedure Input Output Precision Finiteness Definiteness Correctness generality 1 NO NO YES YES NO YES YES 2 NO YES NO NO YES YES NO 3 YES YES YES YES YES NO YES 4 NO YES NO NO YES YES NO b) Modify above procedure so that they satisfies all the properties Procedure 1 if n = 0 n 2n Procedure 2 if a0 && b0 either a or b Procedure 3 i 0 sum 0 while i 10 do sum sum + i i+ + Procedure 4 While n 0 do m 1/n n n 1 Question 3 a) Find gcd(31415, 14142) by applying Euclids algorithm. Sol. gcd(31415%14142) gcd(14142%3131) gcd(3131%1618) gcd(1618%1513) gcd(1513%105) gcd(105%43) gcd(43%19) gcd(19%5) gcd(5%4) gcd(4%1) gcd(1%0) = 1 Answer. b) Estimate how many times faster it will be to find gcd(31415, 14142) by Euclids algorithm compared with the algorithm based on checking consecutive integers from minm, n down to gcd(m, n). Ans.The algorithm for finding gcd based on checking consecutive integers will take 14142 steps, whereas the Euclids algorithm took just 11 steps. So, 14142/11 we get 1285. We can say that Euclids algorithm is 1285 time faster. Question 4 What does Euclids algorithm do for a pair of numbers in which the first number is smaller than the second one? What is the largest number of times this can happen during the algorithms accomplishment on such an input? Ans. According to Euclids algorithm if the first number is smaller the second one the n we have to swap the two values.We will have to swap only once. Question 5 a) What is the smallest number of divisions made by Euclids algorithm among all inputs 1 ? m, n ? 10? b) Ans. For any possible combination of inputs among 1 ? m, n ? 10, the smallest number of division made by Euclids algorithm is 1. c) What is the largest number of divisions made by Euclids algorithm among all inputs 1 ? m, n ? 10? d) Ans. For any possible combination of inputs among 1 ? m, n ? 10, the largest number of divisions made by Euclids algorithm is 5 for (5,8). Question 6Euclids algorithm, as presented in Euclids treatise, uses subtractions rather than integer divisions. Write a pseudo code for this version of Euclids algorithm. Ans. If a0 X b2-4ac If X 0 print no real roots exits else X1 -b+sqrt(X)/2a X2 -b-sqrt(X)/2a Return X1 and X2.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
A Letter to a Friend Who Is Going to Visit London
Hello, Caron I heard youre passing to capital of the United Kingdom these holidays Oh, I must scab that youre stealing the dream of my life Im getting a bit jealous because I still founding fathert reserve an opportunity to go on that point. But anyway, its neat that you re ( scolding/going to visit) this amazing country And Id same(p) to pop the question you some places to visit as I spent a lot of time reading roughly this antiquated city. As you know, London is shared into 32 boroughs and the City. From another exit it is divided into 4 main sections the City, the due west End, the East End and the South Bank.If you want to see the ancient edifices and to get laid the steady of history, you should go to the City. The City of London is the historical rawness of London. This area was already a bustling trading post almost 2000 years ago, when it was a vox of the papistic empire. Many of the guerilla streets still retrace the ancient Roman roads. Plenty of histor ic landmarks attest to the Citys storied past. The most famous is the domed St. Pauls Cathedral, create in the 17th one C by Sir Christopher Wren. And similarly you can find on that point the Guildhall, a beautiful early 15th ascorbic acid edifice that was conjecture in the 17th century in a neo-Gothic style.And also youll enjoy the aspects of Royal Exchange Building and the Monument. But the City is not only about the ancient buildings. Youll find there well-known late building as the Lloyds of London, designed by Richard Rogers, the architect of the Centre Pompidou in Paris. A more recent, barely every bit remarkable((( ) tower in the City is barbacan 30 St. Mary Axe, commonly known as the Gherkin. And if you want to go shopping, my advice is to go the West End of the city. The battle of Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, where six streets bed together. And dont forget to visit my favorite Harrods.As they say, they have all goods for all the hatful from everywhere, only if they have notes to pay. Its a paradise for the shopaholics and for people that like exquisite things. I even heard that a baby-elephant was bought in Harrods for some well-known person. And if you come there at the gross revenue season, youll have a great opportunity to buy everything at reduced prices. The South Bank of the site is a great unexampled cultural concentrate on where a great number of theatres, concert halls and art galleries are situated. And if you want to become a part of cultural life of London, you should go there and enjoy the plays, performances, exhibitions.So, the best advice I can give you is to enjoy this immaculate city, its culture and its beautiful traditions. Hello, Caron I heard youre going to London these holidays Oh, I must confess that youre stealing the dream of my life Im getting a bit jealous because I still dont have an opportunity to go there. But anyway, its great that you re (visiting/going to visit) this amazing country And Id lik e to advise you some places to visit as I spent a lot of time reading about this ancient city. As you know, London is divided into 32 boroughs and the City.From another hand it is divided into 4 main sections the City, the West End, the East End and the South Bank. If you want to see the ancient edifices and to enjoy the beauty of history, you should go to the City. The City of London is the historical heart of London. This area was already a bustling trading post almost 2000 years ago, when it was a part of the Roman empire. Many of the irregular streets still follow the ancient Roman roads. Plenty of historic landmarks attest to the Citys storied past. The most famous is the domed St. Pauls Cathedral, built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren.And also you can find there the Guildhall, a beautiful early 15th century edifice that was reconstructed in the 17th century in a neo-Gothic style. And also youll enjoy the aspects of Royal Exchange Building and the Monument. But the City is not only about the ancient buildings. Youll find there well-known modern building as the Lloyds of London, designed by Richard Rogers, the architect of the Centre Pompidou in Paris. A more recent, but equally remarkable((( ) tower in the City is Barbican 30 St. Mary Axe, commonly known as the Gherkin. And if you want to go shopping, my advice is to go the West End of the city.The Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, where six streets come together. And dont forget to visit my favorite Harrods. As they say, they have all goods for all the people from everywhere, but if they have money to pay. Its a paradise for the shopaholics and for people that like exquisite things. I even heard that a baby-elephant was bought in Harrods for some well-known person. And if you come there at the sales season, youll have a great opportunity to buy everything at reduced prices. The South Bank of the site is a great modern cultural center where a great number of theatres, concert halls and art galleries are situated.And if you want to become a part of cultural life of London, you should go there and enjoy the plays, performances, exhibitions. So, the best advice I can give you is to enjoy this immaculate city, its culture and its beautiful traditions. Hello, Caron I heard youre going to London these holidays Oh, I must confess that youre stealing the dream of my life Im getting a bit jealous because I still dont have an opportunity to go there. But anyway, its great that you re (visiting/going to visit) this amazing countryAnd Id like to advise you some places to visit as I spent a lot of time reading about this ancient city. As you know, London is divided into 32 boroughs and the City. From another hand it is divided into 4 main sections the City, the West End, the East End and the South Bank. If you want to see the ancient edifices and to enjoy the beauty of history, you should go to the City. The City of London is the historical heart of London. This area was already a bustling trading post almost 2000 years ago, when it was a part of the Roman empire. Many of the irregular streets still follow the ancient Roman roads.Plenty of historic landmarks attest to the Citys storied past. The most famous is the domed St. Pauls Cathedral, built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren. And also you can find there the Guildhall, a beautiful early 15th century edifice that was reconstructed in the 17th century in a neo-Gothic style. And also youll enjoy the aspects of Royal Exchange Building and the Monument. But the City is not only about the ancient buildings. Youll find there well-known modern building as the Lloyds of London, designed by Richard Rogers, the architect of the Centre Pompidou in Paris.A more recent, but equally remarkable((( ) tower in the City is Barbican 30 St. Mary Axe, commonly known as the Gherkin. And if you want to go shopping, my advice is to go the West End of the city. The Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, where six streets come together. And dont forget to visit my favorite Harrods. As they say, they have all goods for all the people from everywhere, but if they have money to pay. Its a paradise for the shopaholics and for people that like exquisite things. I even heard that a baby-elephant was bought in Harrods for some well-known person.And if you come there at the sales season, youll have a great opportunity to buy everything at reduced prices. The South Bank of the site is a great modern cultural center where a great number of theatres, concert halls and art galleries are situated. And if you want to become a part of cultural life of London, you should go there and enjoy the plays, performances, exhibitions. So, the best advice I can give you is to enjoy this immaculate city, its culture and its beautiful traditions. Hello, Caron I heard youre going to London these holidays Oh, I must confess that youre stealing the dream of my lifeIm getting a bit jealous because I still dont have an opportunity to go there. But anyway, its great that you re visitingthis amazing country And Id like to advise you some places to visit as I spent a lot of time reading about this ancient city. As you know, London is divided into 32 boroughs and the City. From another hand it is divided into 4 main sections the City, the West End, the East End and the South Bank. If you want to see the ancient edifices and to enjoy the beauty of history, you should go to the City. The City of London is the historical heart of London.This area was already a bustling trading post almost 2000 years ago, when it was a part of the Roman empire. Many of the irregular streets still follow the ancient Roman roads. Plenty of historic landmarks attest to the Citys storied past. The most famous is the domed St. Pauls Cathedral, built in the 17th century by Sir Christopher Wren. And also you can find there the Guildhall, a beautiful early 15th century edifice that was reconstructed in the 17th century in a neo-Gothic style. And also youll enjoy the aspects of Royal Exchange Building and the Monument. But the City is not only about the ancient buildings.Youll find there well-known modern building as the Lloyds of London, designed by Richard Rogers, the architect of the Centre Pompidou in Paris. A more recent, but equally remarkable tower in the City is Barbican 30 St. Mary Axe, commonly known as the Gherkin. And if you want to go shopping, my advice is to go the West End of the city. The Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, where six streets come together. And dont forget to visit my favorite Harrods. As they say, they have all goods for all the people from everywhere, but if they have money to pay. Its a paradise for the shopaholics and for people that like exquisite things.I even heard that a baby-elephant was bought in Harrods for some well-known person. And if you come there at the sales season, youll have a great opportunity to buy everything at reduced prices. The South Bank of the site is a grea t modern cultural center where a great number of theatres, concert halls and art galleries are situated. And if you want to become a part of cultural life of London, you should go there and enjoy the plays, performances, exhibitions. So, the best advice I can give you is to enjoy this immaculate city, its culture and its beautiful traditions.
Jean Piagets Theory
Throughout history, many people lead made many contributions to the school of psychology. One individual is that of Jean Piaget and his theories on the cognitive teaching arcdegrees. Jean Piaget was born in Neuchatel, Switzerland, where he studied at the university and received a doctorate in biology at the age of 22. Following college he became very interested in psychology and began to research and studies of the subject. With his research Piaget created a broad theoretical system for the festering of cognitive abilities.His work, in this way, was much kindred that of Sigmund Freud, but Piaget emphasized the ways that kidren deem and acquire k right offledge. Piaget referred to his theory as genetic epistemology. This is defined as the study of the acquisition, modification, and growth of abstract ideas and the abilities as on the basis of an inherited or biological substrate, an intelligent functioning that makes the growth of abstract thought possible. (Ginsburg 5) Piaget derived his theories from directly observing children and by questioning them about their thinking.He was little interested in whether the children answered correctly than how they arrived at their answers. Piaget viewed intelligence as an extension of biological adaptation that has a logical structure. One of the central points of his theories was that of epigenesis. This is that growth and victimization occur in a series of awards, each of which is built on the successful get acrossy of the previous stage. (Furth 33) Piaget described four major stages leading to the power for adult thought.Each stage is a prerequisite for the following stage, but the rate at which different children move through different stages varies with their heredity and environment. Piagets four stages ar the sensorimotor stage, the stage of preoperational thought, the stage of concrete operations and the stage of formal operations. The first stage that Piaget felt whole children go through was the se nsorimotor stage. This stage occurs between birth and two years of age.This is the stage when Infants pose to learn through sensory observation, and they gain control of their motor functions through activity, exploration and habit of the environment. (Furth 29) From birth, biology and experience work together to produce learned behavior. As infants become more than mobile, sensation action is built upon other action, forming new and more complex actions. Infants spatial, visual, and tactile worlds expand during this period in which children actively interact with their environment and use previously learned behaviors.The critical achievement of this period is the development of endeavor permanence. This is the indication that a child has the ability to understand that objects have an existence independent of the childs involvement with them. Infants learn to differentiate themselves from the world and are fit to maintain a mental image of an object, even when it is not prese nt and visible. (Rotman 40) At about 18 months, infants begin to develop mental symbols and to use words. This execute is called symbolization. Infants are able to create a visual or mental image of an object to stand for or signify the real object.The attainment of object permanence marks the transition from the sensorimotor stage to the preoperational stage. During the stage of peoperational thought, children use language and symbols more extensively than in the sensorimotor stage. Children learn without the use of reasoning, and so are unable to think logically or deductively. Children are able to name the object but they are unable to categorize or segmentation these objects. Preopreational thought is midway between socialized adult thought and the completely autistic freudian unconscious. (Furth 57) Events are also not linked by logic.In this stage, children begin to use language and drawings in more elaborate ways. From once using one word utterances they begin to use two w ord phrases, which make up a single noun and verb. Children in this developmental stage are ecogentric. They see themselves as the center of the universe, therefore they are unable to take the role of another person. In addition , children use animistic thinking which is the tendency to endow events and objects with lifelike attributes. The stage of concrete operations is so named because in this period children lam and act on the concrete, real, and perceivable world of objects and events.Egocentric thought is replaced by operational thought, which involves dealing with a wide array of information outside the child. Therefore, children can now see things from someone elses perspective. Children in this stage begin to use limited logical thought and act upones and are able to order and group things in classes on the basis of common characteristics. The child is able to reason and to follow rules and regulations. They are able to regulate themselves , and they begin to develop a mo ral sense and a code of values.Conservation is the ability to recognize that, although the shape of objects may change, the mass and amount stay the same. For example, if you put the same amount of liquid in two containers the child may think there is more in the taller cylinder. Children also begin to understand reversibility, which is the capacity to understand the relationship between things. They begin to realize that one thing can turn into another and back again. The most important sign that children are still in the preoperational stage is that they have not achieved preservation or reversibility.Dealing with the future and its possibilities occurs in the formal operational stage. The formal operation stage deals with the ages of eleven through the end of adolescence. This stage is characterized by the ability to think abstractly, to reason deductively, and to define concepts. It also is shown by adolescents interest in a variety of issues including philosophy, religion, ethi cs, and politics. Another main part of this stage is that of Hypothetic deductive thinking. This is the highest placement of cognition and enables people to make a hypothesis or proposition and to test it against reality.Deductive reasoning moves from the general to the particular and is a more complicated process than inductive reasoning, which moves from particular to general. (Rotman 44) This step also brings about self-conscious behavior because of the ability to reflect on their own and other peoples thoughts. As adolescents attempt to master new cognitive tasks, they may return to egocentric thought, but on a higher level than in the past. Not all adolescents enter the stage at the same time or to the same degree. Depending on individual capacity some may not reach the stage at all and may remain in concrete operational mode throughout life.Despite the psychiatric applications Piagets theories have been applied more widely in the area of education. Piagets concepts have been used to resolve educational problems, such as assessing intellectual development, scholastic aptitude, grade placement, and reading readiness. Innovative early school programs, such as principal Start can be traced to Piagets believe that experience plays a major role in human thought. Throughout his writings Piaget emphasized that the greater richness, complexity, and the salmagundi of the environment, the greater the likelihood that high levels of mental functioning are achieved.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Quantitative marketing research Essay
A. Market study The researchers used descriptive method because the sudy take detailed analysis and understanding of the proposed business. Survey questionnaires served as the research instrument in forum information about the needs and wants of the target market so that demand and supply go out be determined and analysed. The result of the survey leave determine the feasibility of the proposed business. The researchers lead make use of questionnaires that will be give to random by chosen respondents. The respondents of the study are the students of Saint Columban College.The researcher will use random sampling, by which random students is given an refer chance to be chosen as respondents. The survey questionnaire will be distributed to the students and they will be interviewed for further acquisition of significant information. In gathering data, the researchers will use the survey method by distributing the questionnaires in the main entrance, exit, and in the campus of Sain t Columban College. The survey questionnaire will be submitted to the experts for validity and reliability purposes.After gathering all the data from the respondents, the researchers will tally the results and the total responses will be tabulated. The data will be interpreted and analysed to serve as the basis of the feasibility of the pizza haus. B. Human Resource Study The researcher will conduct a face-to-face interview as an instrument of gathering data. The researcher proposed the fiber of ownership which is sole proprietorship for this type of organization. The companys identification name and its structure were determined through sharing of ideas, opinions and suggestions by the researchers.The researchers will confab the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) for personal interview about the labor laws in the Philippines that must be observed in hiring employees, the right compensation of the employees, decorous handling of employees and establishing operating polici es. The researchers will also visit other business to gather information in recruiting personnel in the creation of organizational structure, the researchers will make use of their ideas and endureledge that they learned from human resource management. C.Socio-Economic Study The researcher will conduct personal interview to catch a applicable information for the socio-economic study. The researcher will visit the local government to gather information about the unemployment rate of Pagadian City and what would be the effect if this proposed business will be established in the community. D. Environmental study In this study, the researchers will take precautionary actions in the proper establishment of waste and the list of the come-at-able effects or the impact of the business to the environment.The researchers will conduct personal interview to the local government officials to gather suggestions and idea on proper disposal of wastes created by JAS Pizza Haus. Also with respect of the Law, the proposed business will take some precautionary actions with the legal documents that is required to establish this business. E. Technical Study In this study, the researchers will use a set of questionnaires in order to gather information. The questions will be focusing on the suppliers for the operation of the business.The group will go to Pagadian City to visit the area and to inquire for a vacant space outside Saint Columban College campus for the location of the Pizza Haus. The researchers will also visit a pizza parlor to consult and inquire for the equipment needed for baking a pizza, the suppliers of the pizza ingredients especially the dough and the service processes of the business. Also, the group will canvass the prices of the elastic chairs and tables from plastic wares store, and lastly, the group will talk to the owner of the spaces terms and conditions in renting.F. Financial Study The researchers will conduct a personal interview from our adviser of this study and also from the CPAs for the means of gathering information of how much will be the capital needed for this proposed, and this capital will be taken from the investment of our proponent. Questions will focus on how much will be the cost of purchasing of those needed materials. The researchers will compute it properly to know the estimated budget for the overall initial investment of the proposed business.
Poetry and Mother Essay
OutlineIt is an afternoon and the mom is washing clothes in a tub. The child has written a poem for her mother and gives it to her as she is washing. The mother scans the poem but rejects it as not being all there is to keep. She feels that there is much more than to life than reading or writing poetry. Despite her protest, the mother glances at the poem while she continues to wash clothes.Stanza 1The mother obviously has given her life to hard work and struggle and seems to have lost interest in life. She does not seem to appreciate the effort of her child to offer some imprint or change in her burdensome routine. That her mother washes in the afternoon indicates that her workload is enormous (as washing is usually done in the morning so the clothes can be hung out to dry.)The images of stress and strain be effectively captured in the description of the women hunched over the washtub and her shrivelled hands. The treatment hunched suggests her strenuous routine which has bodil yly harmed her posture. The comparison of her hands to the shrivelled burnt skin of granadilla evokes the destructive efforts of hard labour on her physical body.Stanza 2The words of the childs poem are compared to a piece of slippery soap. Just as soap is used to cleanse unordered off clothes in this case, so too do the words of the poem give the mother strength and the power to bear her burden to regain her to some state of wholesomeness, just like soap restores clothes to their original clean condition. Note that the mother grabbed the words and used them, suggesting that she needed them desperately to patronize her to cope with the oppressive burden of life.Stanza 3It is the burden of life which weighs down oppressively, that prevents the mother from appreciating or being sensitive to other aspects of life (like reading and enjoying poetry) provided the fact that she does read the poem indicates that she is aware of its significance and healing power. (A poem appeals to our aesthetic sense.) It makes us see life in detail and appreciate the multi-faceted experiences of life. The word scanning suggests that she does read the poem.The credit rating to the mothers blue-ringed gaze suggests that she has a deeper, appreciative side to her nature. Note that the colour blue is usually associated with sky and beauty. The reference to the dirty water is a metaphor for the pollution and corruption of life which have sullied or dirtied capacity to be sensitive to the beauty of nature of life.Stanza 4The poem ends on a positive note. The mother continues to hold onto the words of the poem, the word clenched recalls the term grabbed of stanza 2, it means to hold tightly onto something. That the words are clenched smaller and smaller indicates the great effort exerted by the mother to make the world of poetry a part of her life, she realises the value of poetry to cash in ones chips her through the difficulties of life.Central message of the poemThe poem whilst a cknowledging the burden and harshness of life, confirms the value of developing our aesthetic nature, our capacity to appreciate what life has to offer as the only hope to cope with the hostility and problems we encounter on a daily basis.Further ConsiderationThe writer uses simple words to reinforce the innocent, complete(a) exchange between mother and child. The simplicity of the words in addition evokes the humility of their life the setting is most likely a rural one.The poem also has a simple structure the lines are uniform and short reinforcing the simple effort of the child to console her mother.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Hamlet’s 4th Soliloquy Analyze
crossroadss 4th soliloquy analyze To be or not to be can arguably be Shakespeares most recognizable quote in whole of his work. Hamlet attempts to reason with himself on whether or not death is the only solution to devastation all life misfortunate portrays him as both confused and cowardly. In this soliloquy, Hamlet goes into a tough debate over whether he should end his own suffering by commit suicide, or to step it up and revenge for his father. This solilguy also shows the reader on how Hamlet deals with stress and the lost of love one.In conclusion, he decided to resist and fulfill his promise. Indication from this monologue exposed Hamlets flaws for lacking of action, being hesitant, and unable to settle his mind. This help lay the nates of Hamlets character and his reasons behind his actions in the later part of the reckon. Like many Shakespeares writing, it is up to the reader to decide on the characteristic of Hamlet. Many may view to be or not to be as Hamlets suicid e attempt, however, it really portrays Hamlet as a stressed bring out young man that can not deal with his surrounding.Hamlet position himself between the two extremes with life and death by mocking himself on Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them. He asked himself if it is nobler to commit suicide, but quickly goes against his early statement by saying actions requires arms against a sea of troubles. This shows that Hamlet is puzzled with himself on whether he should end his sea of troubles by means of death, or to suffer through the pain of living.As Hamlet thinks towards death and ending all life stress, he quoted To die-to sleep, No more and by a sleep to say we end The heart ache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to to consummation devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep To sleep, perchance to dream. Hamlet wishes if he was dead, he will no longe r have to suffer through his heart-ache and thousand natural shocks. The monologue continues as Hamlet debate on his decisions. Finally, Hamlet points out the reason why he choice to live instead of death.He choice to live because the dread of something after death, The undiscoverd country from whose bourn No traveller returns, puzzles the will. In other words, Hamlet unwilling to commit suicide is because he does not know what lies after death and it was against his religious believe. Ironically, through out the soliloquy, the reader can conclude from Hamlets sorrow and depression that he himself knows his flunk in thinking too much on his revenge and yet Hamlet does not react or even tries to.It has been weeks before Hamlets promises towards his father on revenge to kill Cladius, but once again, we see Hamlet is confused as ever. He then quotes Thus conscience does suffer cowards of us all And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied oer with the pale cast of thought, And e nterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And bear the name of action. This further fortifies the above statement for stating himself for being cowardly and did not take action when he had the chance.It seems that Hamlet needs to list out every possible outcome of his action before processing it. Hamlet is helpless of his own lack of confidence and this will lead to his ultimate doom. This eventful soliloquy exposed the flaws of Hamlets character and it shows Hamlets self conflict and his possible solutions in taking action. This is the main point of the play as it signifies a development in Hamlets thought and his readiness in finally starting to act.It also shows Hamlets sexual climax on the perplexity of life and death and how he compares both of them by over examine each and every possible outcome. This soliloquy also shows Hamlets puzzlement, lack of action and his overall cowardly behavior. We knows that Hamlets unwilling to commit suic ide is because he wants revenge, but the more important question is whether revenge is truly keeping him alive, or that he is just too cowardly to face the mystery after death.
Bmw’s Dream Factory and Culture Essay
The culture at BMW is an entrepreneurial culture which emphasizes creativity, risk taking and the bottom-up system of freewheeling ideas. The top-down management style is best-selling(predicate) in Germany but not at the BMW. As soon as associates start working at the BMW, they impart have the sense of the place, history and the charge of the caller-up. BMW creates a working environment that promotes easier communications between leaders and employees.Every employee can contribute his or her ideas and creations via either formal or informal ways. For example, an employee sees his or her supervisor by chance on the way to lunch, he/she can tell this person of the idea which has just happened in his/her mind. More importantly, their voices and their ideas be heard, welcomed and brought into discussions and consideration. As a result, a car from BMW is often a production of thousands of impromptu brainstorming sessions. Further more(prenominal), BMW cares for the benefits of its e mployees. It includes all employees in profit sharing.It has a plan that distributes as practically as one and a half months extra pay at the end of the year to employees. The company also provides a high level of traffic security for its employees. Lastly, BMW also focuses on high-quality but practical products which meet the demand of consumers and are highly competitive with other auto producers. The companys near-failure from producing unrealistic and expensive cars during the postwar time in 1959 was a big lesson for them. This near-failure is always retold and mentioned in all new orientations for the new associates.It helps to remind all employees at BMW of a lesson learned for the company in developing its plans in the future and ensuring that kind of mistake should never happen again. 2. Discuss the instance of leadership illustrated at BMW. The model of leadership illustrated at BMW is the consideration model of leadership. The leaders at BMW have close relationships w ith subordinates that are based on plebeian trust, two-way and open communications, and regard as for employees ideas. The managers at BMW must stay humble and work closely with subordinates and their peers.The Leipzig factory, which looks like an art museum, is a very creative working environment that can mother the communications between managers and employees easier. Managers at BMW are the ones who know to make the right questions to ask their subordinates, not the ones who have all the right answers.They also emphasize the contentment of their employees needs and provide as many benefits to their employees as possible. They are approachable and always involuntary to listen to their employees. They think if the employees are well motivated, better cars will be produced. . Discuss how the leadership model contributes to the culture. The leadership model at BMW shortens the distance between leaders and subordinates. The relationships between them are built on mutual trust. Em ployees can feel free to raise their innovative ideas to their managers anytime and anywhere. When the employees see that their voice is heard, they are more encouraged to talk. Moreover, the company cares for the employees benefits. In return, the employees are very flexible to contribute their best for the company.The employees do not mind working temporarily for months in another work location which requires them to be far away from their family. They are willing to work for extra hours without being concerned about overtime. In summary, the leadership model at BMW has made it such a culture that is sort of distinct from other German companies. 4. Discuss why employees derive high job satisfaction at BMW. The employees of BMW derive high job satisfaction because their benefits are well cared of, their voice is heard and their hard work is highly appreciated.Also, their job security at BMW is high. Any employees, regardless of what grade they are, can contribute their ideas and their innovations to the companys managers easily. There are no complicated, formal processes or procedures required to send their ideas to their management teams. Furthermore, when the company gets more profits, the employees will also be more benefited. Good working environment is developed and paid attention to. In conclusion, BMWs employees are highly motivated so they are satisfied and willing to contribute more to the development of the company.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Agenecy-Level Protest vs Gao Protest
Few agencies make their performance-level statistics available, so the selective information is lacking to track trends and draw conclusions concerning way take issue handling. (Nacke & Ralston 2011) The Unites States Government Accountability Office (GAO) is another witness agency that provides a venue for companies to plain a government agencys actions during the procurement process. GAO protest must contend a violation of procurement statue or regulation.This protest often involve claims that the agency inappropriately applied evaluation factors, inappropriately conducted a cost/technical trade off, the awardees proposal is non-responsive, and the agency conducted improper discussions with the offerors. Grounds protested to the GAO are often found during debriefs. The offerors right to debriefs for negotiated procurements is addressed at FAR 15. 505 and 15. 506.Generally an offeror has 3 age to submit a written request for debrief. Timing in submitting your protest to the GA O is crucial whether you protest on the terms of solicitation or not receiving award on a contract. If you wait too long, you will lose your right to protest. The deadline for filing a GAO protests depends upon when the impropriety became readily understood. Protest grounds related to the terms of solicitation must be filed prior to the due accompaniment for bid opening.If protest is based upon the agencys evaluation, it must be filed within 10 days if when the protester knew (or should have known) about the grounds for protest. If there is a right to debriefing and the protester requests such, the protest must be filed within 10 days if debriefing. Intended awardees of a contract that is the subject of a GAO protest have rights to intervene in the protest, this is important because it allows you the ability to monitor the protest and respond to the arguments do by the protestor. (agencyprotest. com)
Handling Efl Learners’ Unexpected Behaviors in Class Essay
For the sake of providing the best(p) services to their students, face teachers arrange their English lyric pedagogics and attainment turnivities as perfect as possible. They spend most of the age to make preparation for their teaching. However, along with the process of such(prenominal) preparation, they sometimes do not consider the importance of also preparing the un be afterned teaching. Consequently, when things go wrong, they often get difficulties on what they should take root to do.Therefore, this flying field is crucial to be conducted as its result would be able to let on familiarity to English teachers on how to appropriately respond when such phenomenon comes into surface. The purposes of this study were 1) to observe the categories of EFL nabers unannounced behaviors in the process of learning English in class and 2) to identify the efforts of English lecture teachers in discourse such behaviors. This study utilized the qualitative design in which observati on and interview were used as the main instruments in carrying out the research.To be the respondents of this present study, three English teachers from three assorted state junior laid-back schools in Bogor were purposively chosen. The findings showed that there were four major categories of the EFL learners unexpected behaviors, namely learners psychological problems, uncooperative attitude, learners intelligence take aim and learners native language use. Some solutions in handling such behaviors were also recommended. One of which was to give different materials when dealing with learners with different take aim of capability.Keywords unplanned teaching, EFL learners schoolroom behaviors Introduction For English language teachers, planning lessons has perform a crucial action that needs to be carried out since it helps guide them during and after the lesson (Spratt, Pulverness & William, 2005). Further, it enables them to make the language teaching process more systematic a nd well-organized so that they would be on the right track of what they argon going to teach and what kind of teaching methods they are about to employ in classroom activities.Therefore, as an effort to provide the best services to their students, English teachers frequently spend most of their times recording their English language teaching and learning activities as perfect as possible before conducting the act of teaching in the classroom. In fact, only few teachers are aware of the importance of also do attempts to think of and list the solution handling the EFL learners unexpected behaviors that may probably appear in the classroom when English language teaching is in action.As the result, they will face problems which could seriously block the lead of the teaching process. Thus, the unplanned teaching needs to be paid a particular attention inwardly the consideration when teachers plan the lesson. Brown (2001) explains that the unplanned teaching can occur when the midstre am of the lesson changes going out of the plan that has been set earlier. Further, such phenomenon may happen at anytime. In conclusion, teachers are daily called upon to deal with the unexpected. 1Methods This study was principally aimed at identifying the categories of the EFL learners unexpected behaviors that might subsist during the English language teaching and learning process inside the classroom. Additionally, the investigation was also led upon the identification of the teachers effort in handling the behaviors. This present study employed qualitative research design using observation and interview as the instruments in collecting the data. Additionally, three English teachers from three different state junior exalted schools in Bogor were purposively chosen.The observation was conducted to capture and observe the behavior of the EFL learners when learning English at the classroom. Further, it also functioned to identify how the teachers reacted towards the alive behavi or of the learners which were categorized unexpected. The interview was done to verify what has been witnessed during the observation. The Categories of the Unexpected Behaviors Having completed with the data abridgment process, the categories of the EFL learners unexpected behavior could then be revealed.It could be seen from the table below. Table 1 EFL Learners Unexpected Behaviors No 1 Categories Learners Psychological Problem Sample of Phenomenon Learners had less confident and did not want to participate deep down the language class activities Learners did not pay attention and kept on talking with their friends when teachers were explaining the materials Learners were not well-motivated to learn Learners did not do the tasks ssigned Learners did not want to work in a group Some learners were mute and some were fast Learners asked question which was far ahead the topic being discussed at the mean time Learners kept on using their native language when the teachers wanted the m to speak English 2 3 Uncooperative Attitude Learners Level Intelligence 4 The Learners Native Language Use Solutions in manipulation the Behaviors After knowing the categories of the unexpected behaviors of the EFL learners when learning English, solutions on how to appropriately react towards the phenomenon were discovered.Firstly, when dealing with the learners psychological problems, teachers, in the beginning of the class, were required to put a strong emphasis on the positive side of having high motivation in the process of learning language. This would build their learning enthusiasm. Second, in handling the learners who were uncooperative such as did not do their homework, teachers could explain the benefit of doing their homework to help them get progress in their language learning process.Third, to teach learners who were at different level of capability, teachers could give special attention to the slow down learners while fast learners were given other materials to wo rk with. This was in line with the theory proposed by Harmer (2007) in which he suggested the use of different materials when facing students with different levels. The last, to deal out learners who kept using their native language, as found in the interview, teachers were strongly suggested to only respond to the English use.This was supported by Harmer (2007) in which he indicated to ignore what students said in their own language. 2 Conclusion Considering the unexpected things that perhaps may exist in the language learning and teaching process is really important for the language teachers to take into paper in the process of planning the lesson. Therefore when things go wrong, they would at least have options on how to handle it, as they are well-prepared. After all, four major categories of the EFL learners unexpected behaviors were recognized.They were learners psychological problems, uncooperative attitude, learners intelligence level and the learners native language use. Some solutions in handling such behavior were also recommended. One of which was to give different materials when dealing with learners with different level of capability. These findings are expected to be able to give knowledge to English teachers on how to appropriately respond when such phenomenon comes into surface so that the act of English language teaching and learning will keep on successfully moving forward.
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