Thursday, February 28, 2019
Would fall under.
This lowering of production costs stems from a procurement dodging called Low-cost country sourcing (LAICS). I The abundance of cheap labor in Tailand gives the country and its businesses an edge, as they are like a shot adequate to(p) to produce their products at a much lower cost and thus be able to gain a comparative advantage against their rivals from other countries like the US. With regards to trade to Thailand , as the economy is still in its stages of infancy and the people only when beginning to open up to leisure sports such as RollerBalding , Blades whitethorn be able to gain the first-mover advantage by venturing In to Thailand at this point In time. In addition, the good relations and ties that Blades may flesh with some of their Thai suppliers, could help to ease their efforts in to breaking into the Thai market and exporting to Thailand Furthermore with the rising affluence amongst the people in Thailand, it is likely that more individuals would turn to leisure sports such as, roller balding, during their forgive time.Coupled with youths in Thailand becoming increasingly Americanizes. This trend therefore, poses as an excellent chance for Blades to boost gross revenue In Thailand to off-set the falling require being experience In the US. Finally, by exporting to Thailand, Blades Is able to diversify their sales and trading operations overseas. This way, should their business take off in Thailand, the profits from their foreign underling would be able to offset the falling demand for their products in the US to ensure the companys sustainability and also investor confidence.Question 2 In the short run, one of the injurys would be facing sales that may fall short of expectations due to the current semipolitical conflict In Thailand. This potential fall In sales is a result of country risk. The protests and riots as a result of the political instability in the country could deter Blades target audience from buying their products due to them preferring to stay safe at home than subject themselves to unneeded harm whilst shopping. Another disadvantage, would be the exchange rate risk which would buzz off about with the currency fluctuation of the Thai Baht.Blades would be more touched by an appreciation of the Tall baht rather than a appreciation. This Is as when the Thai baht appreciates, the raw materials and production costs would become relatively more expensive as one US dollar is now worth less in Thai Baht. This would then drive up their overall cost of production and without any change in demand or sales, result in lower profits. In the long run, Blades should be aware of the international economic conditions as a recession could be disadvantages to the company. With a recession, sales would be affected as blades would fall under.Another disadvantage in the long run would be the isolations that could be implemented by the governing body after Blades have successfully established their subsidiary. Exampl es would be changes in the regulations for Multi-National Corporations (Mans) like Blades in the country and increase in taxes. all(prenominal) these changes would equate to inconvenience for the company and possibly an increase in their operations cost in the case of an increase in taxes. All these disadvantages should be carefully thought through by Ben Holt and his team as they could blow the commercial viability of setting up a subsidiary in Thailand.
Great Expectations Essay
Great Expectations, a novel by Charles dickens, was first published in England as a serial in the years 1860 and 61 thus later as a novel. It runs to 448 pages in modern paperback. The work is considered to be autobiographical and told in first person as a autobiography of the orphan boy, Pip. Dickens thesis is moral in nature, saying that love, the true and a clean conscience are more important than wealth, mixer class and ambition. Pip believes he is in love with the Estella, a shield of the rich Mrs. Havisham and seeks to become a gentleman in order to net profit her heart.He comes to realize his sister and her husband and the convicted criminal, Magwitch, though low in social class, display more character than those he knows of the top(prenominal) class. Dickens, done his protagonist, advances the idea that nobility is not noble by nature, and one rouse advance on his own intelligence and work ethic (183). Mrs. Havishams family earned their money in commerce but she sti ll represents wealth. Dickens depicts her as a bitter and vengeful old woman, full of horror for men. She uses Pip and encourages the like-minded Estella to break his heart (60).Pip comes into money and believes that the fastness class Mrs. Havisham is his benefactress, which is not true. His money comes from the convict Magwitch who wants to make Pip a gentleman for his own reasons (335). Bentley Drummle, while a minor character, is used by Dickens to show that nobility does not confer morality on a person. Dickens proves his thesis by the relating the callous behavior of the upper classes, compared and contrasted to the kindness of his poor family and the lower classes represented. He produces a litany of noble scoundrels and vulgar citizens with high moral fiber for the reader to consider.
Handmaid’s Tale †the character of Offred Essay
Margaret Atwoods novel The Handm back ups taradiddle houses a very authentic range of features, in a abstruse world. Set in the Republic of Gilead, a totalitarian and theocratic state, where a reproduction rate is rapidly decreasing, some women are labeled as handmaids and assigned to elite couples that suffer difficulty conceiving. The personality of star disposition in particular, however, may seem hasty and misunderstood at first glance. But prone the circumstances, she proves to hold the values of humanity she has her own raft of opinions, f lawfulnesss, and habits has regrets and a balance of braveness and fear.Further more, the gear upting this character essential survive in is not much different from todays troupe. The government is deemed corrupt, fear of punishment is in good-tempereded, and the leaders ensure that the citizens adhere to the law. Finally, the aid and support that she receives, the assent and hope she has, and the development of friendships she take holds also has a similarity to ordinary relationships in our world. Hence, the novels protagonist, Offred is a relatively relatable individual, e extraly in terms of her character, her surroundings and her supporting roles.Offred conveys a sense of human beings in her personality as she is not perfect and has her own set of opinions, flaws, and habits. For instance, Offred has many moments and flashbacks where she reminisces some her past. This implies that she has regrets and obstacles in her animateness, scarcely as both human being does. When Offred describes her appearance, albeit briefly, it signifies the insecurities that she keeps bottled up inside I am cardinal years old. I have brown hair. I stand quin seven without shoes. I have trouble remembering what I utilize to pay heed handle. I have viable ovaries. I have one more chance (Atwood, 143).Had she been proud of what she looked like, she most likely would have at peace(p) into more detail, but the lack o f words plainly states that she thinks nothing special about herself. At one point that she mentions that she does not like to look at herself in the mirror. This shows that she does not look at her self as superior and she is also self-conscious of her own appearance. She also possesses a certain(prenominal) attributes that any person would possess she is rebellious and disobedient in squeeze situations. This is what makes her more interesting and what sets her apart from the rest.Although Moira, Offreds best friend, was an even more revolutionary character, she seemed too daring to be true. A objective life person would not be likely to pull off stunts that Moira had accomplished, for exemplar escaping from the Red Centre She had both hands on the lid when she entangle something hard and sharp possible metallic jab into her ribs from behind. Dont playact, said Moira, or Ill stick it all the way in, I know where, Ill puncture your lung, I couldnt believe how lightsome it was to get out of the Center. In that brown outfit I just walked skillful through.I kept going as if I knew where I was heading, till I was out of sight (Atwood, 130, 244). Offred had just enough courage and just enough fear to seem realistic. Keeping these points in mind, it is free that Offred could have been an ordinary character in our society. The Republic of Gilead, as opposed as it may seem, actually has some similarities to the modern day and this is generally seen by Offreds response to its laws and regulations that they instill. To her, the government appears as corrupt as most governments in this world, and dictators still thrive, just as they do in Offreds society.Offred responds to this by doing nothing, which would be the decision of most people if strained to live under these conditions. The leaders of Gilead, after all, employ obedient enforcers to make sure that citizens abide by their laws. She mentions this in the book when she retells how the changes in her po pulation started. She describes in full length that she, along with all women in the U. S. , were compel from their jobs by men in uniform carrying machine guns Not fired, he said. Let go. You privyt work here anymore, its the law (Atwood, 176).The fear of punishment is instilled, akin to the terrors of being imprisoned or given up a death sentence in our world. Penalties are dreaded so much in Gilead, for most of the time they are unjustly given out and they vary from hanging to Salvaging which is being beaten to death The troika bodies hang in that respect, even with the white sacks over their heads looking curiously stretched, like chickens strung up by the necks in a meat unwrap window like births with their wings clipped, like flightless births, wrecked angels (Atwood, 277). Offred in the long run responds passively, on account of this fear, and because liberal ways are shunned in Gilead.Margaret Atwood was right in not giving Offred any extraordinary abilities to surpa ss or overthrow the tyrants that ruled over her life as it would result in a loss of Offreds relatable self. Relationships with other people are a necessity of life that defines human existence. As Offred progresses with day-to-day life, she develops these friendships, which ensure that she exists. The friends and assort that she made were essential for keeping her sanity intact because without any shoulders to number on in times of sorrow, a persons rational capacity could break.Amongst her friends were Cora, whom Offred was not very close with but did not have any tension with, Ofglen, Moira, her best friend, and Nick, the air force officers chauffeur that Offred opens up to and confides in towards the closure of the story. Offred frequently finds herself seeking support and knowledge in people who share the same whimsys and opinions as her, most significantly from Ofglen and Moira. This portrays the doubts about her world that she holds another human quality. From Ofglen, she realizes that she is not alone in idea that their country is corrupt and that something must be done to change things At last Ofglen speaks.Do you think God listens, she says, to these machines? She is whispering our habit at the Center(Atwood, 168). However from Moira, Offred finds out that escaping from their strict nation is not as easy as she had thought, as Moira could not even arrive at such a courageous feat. Without her supporting roles, Offred could have been an ignorant citizen in Gilead that was brainwashed into believing every word that the government fed them. If that were the case, Offreds connection to the readers would have been lost. Furthermore, Offred turns to hope and faith to console her and help her to move on with life.Just as her friends helped her, these virtues aided in protecting her upbeat though forced, since she had nothing else to look to. The hope that Offreds husband is still alive is very similar to the feelings of families in modern day society that pray for the safe return of their lost, loved one from war or other degrees of separation. Faith is introduced to Offred when she acknowledges the pillow in her room with the word faith printed on it Theres a hard cushion on it, with a petit point cover FAITH, in square print border by a wealth of lilies (Atwood, 57).The fact that it is something she can read implies that there is still hope, as not everything has been taken away from her. This knowledge strengthens her belief that change will come, though subconsciously since Offred never mentions it. The faith that she puts into the Commander also ties into the trust she gives him when playing games, reading magazines and when he brings her to Jezebels He wanted me to play Scrabble with him, He sits me down, and sits himself down beside me. He puts an fortify around my shoulder (Atwood, 144, 236). Trust is a very common discover that people have trouble giving out.But in examining these elements it is have Offreds confid antes have impacted her life and how they make her into a real character. The Handmaids Tale is appealing due to its main character, Offred, who shows a great deal of realism in a world of impossibilities. Her character itself is strong-willed, but moderate, and is the perfect mix of what it is to be human. Through her, many of the readers can see a bit of themselves in Offred. She is an excellent example of how a regular person would behave if they were thrust into the world of The Handmaids Tale.
Rational Choice Theory Essay
Man is a keen animal who always loses his temper when he is called upon to act in pact with the dictates of reason. As seen from Oscar Wildes famous quote, perspicaciousity is one of the intimately critical and controversial subjects in s pecking human look. To study and examine this reasoning(prenominal)ity, legion(predicate) scholars have tried to establish their own theories and generalize their explanation with empiric evidences from real world, which ultimately produces so called, the hypothesis of keen-witted pick. keen-sighted prime(prenominal) Theory is an approach to visit human behavior.The approach has long been the ascendent range in economics, but in juvenile several(prenominal) decades it has wrick more widely accustomd in other fileds such as Sociology, political Science, and Anthropology. The main purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of able substitute(a) possibility and briefly discuss its basic assumptions, critiques, political implication, and alternate explanations of man-to-man pick mechanism. First of all, historical backgrounds of sensible extract supposition and its conversion from the battleground of Economics to that of Political Science will be elaborated.Next, assorted definitions and take to beings of the sage filling will be discussed. The basic assumptions of the sane pick approach with political implication will be followed. Several yields brocaded by able choice supposition will be followed aft(prenominal) this interchange. This paper will offer some of the main criticisms that have been levied against the intellectual choice approach. Limited existential validity of rational choice theory and methodological unmarriedism, which reveals innate enigmaatic nature of the theory, will be discussed.Finally, alternative explanations of man-to-man choice mechanism will sum up this discussion. to begin with elaborating its theoretical discussion, it is necessary to discuss h istorical backgrounds of rational choice theory. In the article, A Genealogy of Rational weft Rationalism, Elitism, and Democracy, Maloy introduces Skinners abstract of behaviorism as essential background for the discussion of rational choice theory. He argues that, Skinners abridgment deserves the attention of the recent debates around rational choice e f atomic number 18 it calls attention to the ineluctable ideological features of methodological debate (Maloy 751).According to Maloy, Skinner could clarify the sorts of normative force which marry to falsifiable theories in accessible sciences by a close textual analysis of some leading contributions to the behaviorist debate, which ultimately enables the discussion of rational choice to be fur in that locationd leave into different palm of study (Maloy 751). Milton Freidman is another crucial figure that provides profound theoretical base for discussing rational choice theory.In The Methodology of Positive Economics, Fri edman argues that nation and firms gather in decisions that raft maximize their profit under perfect information. He defended rational choice impersonate by contention that, a theory should be judged by its anticipateive accuracy, not the realism of its assumptions (Friedman 10). His argument provides theoretical foundations of rational choice theory in Economics, even though it is often criticized by later scholars because of its weak empirical validity and ceteris paribus nature.While rational choice theory has been dominant paradigm in Economics, it has become adapted and set in a twist of ways to fit different fields of study such as Political Science Maloy explains that the distinctiveness of the rational choice approach among political scientists consists, in general landmarks, in the use of economic models to explain and predict political behavior (Maloy 753). Maloy points out trine prominent figures, Arrow, Downs, and Olson as rational choice founders especially in the field of political science.According to Maloy, Arrows work focuses on so called, embodied rationality whose underlying purpose is to measure collective choices victimization standards normally applied to individual choices (Maloy 753). Down uses Arrows collective rationality as the starting point of his study and aims to articulate a behavior rule for democratic governments so that they could be included in economic theories of general equilibrium, alongside non-state elements akin private firms and consumers (Maloy 754).Finally, Olsons analysis has taken the key elements of Arrows and Downs constructs and applied them to a narrower field He argues that as long as the redevelopment provided by a voluntary association is a public ingenuous on which an individual shadow ride- unacquainted(p), there is no incentive in reality to take on the costs associated with joining, membership and participation, unless the marginal contribution of that individual appreciably advances th e organizational cause (Maloy 754).All three choice founders whole caboodle have enabled rational choice theory to be in the exchange place of political discussion in the creative and cross-disciplinary ways (Maloy 755). By arguing that select results have no specific brotherly meaning, voting has no individual efficacy, and participation in interest separate act has no special individual efficacy, these rational choice founders could criticize surreal and irrational assumptions and norms of traditional democratic system and bring rational choice model to the place of political discussion from the field of Economics (Maloy 755).Rational Choice Theory generally starts with consideration of the choice behavior of individual decision-making building blocks, which in economics atomic number 18 often consumers and firms. The theory suggests that the individual decision-making affable unit is certain larger group such as buyers or sellers in a particular market. Once individual behavior is set up, the analysis generally moves on to examine how individual choices interact to produce outcomes. wherefore, what does it mean by arguing that a choice is rational?In rational choice theory it means that an federal agents choices reflect the to the highest degree preferred come-at-able alternative among given opportunities. In other words, choices mustiness reflect utility maximization. Elinor Ostrom defines rational choice theory as a guide to understand humans as self-interested, short-term maximizers in his work, A Behavioral Approach to the Rational Choice Theory of Collective body surgical procedure (Ostrom 2). In the article, The Political Psychology of Rational Choice Theory, William H.Riker alike suggests that the rational choice model begins with the assumption that actors know what they want and can order their wants transitive verbly (Riker 25). Transitively here means that an agent of rational choice model can do so called, a transitive orderin g To know what one wants requires one to choose the best from among several goals and, failing to attain it, to choose the second best, etc (Riker 24). This formulation of ordering enables an agent to pursue the best option with given constraints that limit choices he or she can have.In their work, Rational Choice Theory, Coleman and Fararo define rational choice sociologically as they use the term, models of nonrandom deed, sooner than rational choice These models rest on the assumption that actors ar nonrandom which means they act in ways that tend to produce undecomposed results (Coleman and Fararo 21). These several definitions point out that choices pursuing utility maximization and outcomes do by these choices argon key elements in rational choice theory.Then how is different when rational choice theory is applied into the field of Political Science instead of other fields of study such as Economics and Sociology? According to Riker, Economists main concern for rational choice is the process and outcomes produced by voluntary exchange, where of course, all participants get ahead. On the other hand, Politics in general concerns processes and outcomes produced by group decisions which are practically binding on those who cannot recant from the group. Thus, there can be losers and winners in politics according to Rikers argument (Riker 24).Although Rational choice theory has long been the dominant paradigm in Economics and other fields of study, it has been subject to vigorous criticism. In Pathologies of Rational Choice Theory, Don park and Ian Shapiro raises several empirical problems that rational choice theory possess they conclude that a number of methodological deficiencies plague empirical applications of rational choice models. They argue that, fundamental and recurrent methodological failings rooted in the universalist aspirations that motivate so much rational choice theorizing (Freidman 59).According to reverse lightning and Shapiro, t hese mistakes stem from a method-driven rather than a problem-driven approach to research, in which practitioners are more dullard to vindicate one or another universalist model than to understand and explain actual political outcomes (Friedman 59). Green and Shapiros argument can be summarized into three propositions there is a list of methodological characteristics that are undesirable in an empirical science and are thus to be avoided. Empirical applications of rational choice theory are more believably to commit these mistakes than other types of empirical analysis in political science.These pathologies are not due to and historical coincidence, but are rooted in fundamental characteristics of rational choice theory, especially its universalist aspirations and the lack of specificity in the rational actor assumption (Freidman 60). These propositions suggest that rational choice theory has its empirical limit for testing and predicting actual political outcomes. In detail, Gree n and Shapiro point out several problems of rational choice theory that by determine undermines the empirical validity of the theory itself.Post hoc theory development cognise to statisticians as curve fitting is one of these problems that rational choice theory contains. Green and Shapiro contend that rather than formulating bold predictions that are falsifiable by empirical evidence, rational choice theorist tend first to disembodied spirit at the empirical evidence, then design a rational choice model that fits it (Friedman 5). Another problem raised by Green and Shapiro is rational choice theorists engagement in arbitrary domain restriction (Friedman 5). As discussed earlier, certain restrictions or constraints enable a transitive ordering in rational choice theory.Green and Shapiro argue that these constraints and restrictions are defined in ambiguous ways in rational choice model, which ultimately makes the empirical validity of the theory weakened. Green and Shapiros exam ination of the phenomenon of voting behavior is another major example that shows these problems rational choice theory innately possesses. In a real-world election with a large electorate, it is instrumentally irrational for any(prenominal)one to courtship a ballot, since no single vote has more than an infinitesimal chance of deciding the outcome.Whether one favors selfish or selfless ends, virtually any activity in pursuit of those ends would be more effective than the cartridge clip spent on voting and on educating oneself about candidates and issues. Yet hundreds of millions of people do vote. For rational choice theory, this would appear to be a immense anomaly (Friedman 6) As noted earlier, rational choice theory presumes that an agent of the model seeks best possible outcomes to maximize his or her utility in given constraints.However, according to Green and Shapiro, in a real-world voting behavior does not confirm this assumption of rational choice theory where voters s end away a ballot without having enough time to assess or predict its possible outcome and realizing whether his or her put through of voting maximize benefit or not. Another issue raised by Green and Shapiro is free riding problem While voters can easily pursue a free riding action on the efforts of others to help the cause succeed, there is no need for people to devote resources of time and money to cause desired results.In other words, rational choice theory would calculate to be refuted not only by people who vote, but by those who contribute small amounts of money to political campaigns, attend rallies, and engage in other forms of collective action designed to secure goals whose achievement is self-supporting of the efforts of any single participant (Friedman 7). As seen from Green and Shapiros founding, about criticisms of rational choice theory seem to be that the assumptions of the theory are not literally and muster outly true.No model can notch such a test, as all t heories abstract from reality in certain way. Determining the empirical validity of a model would therefrom seem to involve an examination of both feasibility of assumptions and conformity with real-world data. The most basic assumption of rational choice theory is that the main(a) unit of analysis is the individual decision-maker. Those who call up that groups are fundamental have criticized this assumption. This issue of so called, methodological individualism are dealt in many a(prenominal) contexts in the social sciences.In the book, Rational Choice Theory Advocacy and pass judgment, Coleman and Fararo argues that models of purposive action or rational choice model can be useful in explaining and predicting human behavior. They further their argument by saying that because the values and beliefs of individuals are shaped primarily by the acculturation influences of society, especially as mediated through social relationships with significant other, an agreement of the cul ture and structure of societies and of the positions of individuals within them is necessary (Coleman and Fararo 22).According to Coleman and Fararo, major problem for applying rational choice model particularly into Economics and Political Science, in which the primary interest has been in aggregate level outcomes, is that the postulate of purposive action has been linked to arbitrary and narrow assumptions about what individuals value and believe (Coleman Fararo 33).Also the assumption that human behavior is narrowly self-interested and the use of the term rationality to refer to the efficient pursuit of economic benefits has often produced mistaken assumption that rational choice model are innately self-centered that they regard individuals as calculating the expected benefit to themselves of alternative lines of action and acting accordingly (Coleman and Fararo 34).Recent empirical evidences suggest that human beings are capable of acting in ways for the interests of others or the social group above their self-interest, which implies that the assumption of individuals pursuit of self-interest does not match with reality. Coleman and Fararo further their discussion of this methodological individualism by arguing that a social norm can be one primary example, which refutes the basic assumption of rational choice model.According to Coleman and Fararo, When a social norm is know to have been violated, some type of formal or escaped sanction will result (Coleman Fararo 35). Formal sanction like a legal code or a set of rules and informal sanction like a disapproval or social banishment would affect individuals choice making process. Therefore, unlike the basic assumption of rational choice model suggests that human behavior is point from self-interest, by the effect of social norms and values, individuals can consequently act in altruistic or selfless way for pursuing the interests of groups they are tortuous in.Because of its limit and problematic nature of rational choice theory, the need for alternative explanation has become necessary for many scholars who criticize the theory. Dennis Chong provides some insights for the possible alternative of rational choice theory in his article, Rational Choice Theorys Mysterious Rivals. According to Chong, even though Green and Shapiros critique against rational choice theory has failed to provide have intercourse form of alternative explanation, there are some theoretical debates and discussions that suggest possible theoretical replacement or revision.Chong argues that, Green and Shapiro occasionally impact to the influence of social-psychological and moral factors such as group loyalties, emotions, political identities, ideology, obligation, and selflessness (Friedman 47). As found in Coleman and Fararos arguments that institutional or social factors can affect individuals choice making process, many scholars further their discussion of this social pauperism as the alternative of rati onal choice theory.In his article, When Rationality Fails, Michael Taylor argues that social identification and intrinsic motivation can explain some of significant social phenomenon and collective action that has been ignored by rational choice theory If a individual defines herself as a member of a group, or if her membership in a group is made cognitively salient, then she is more in all likelihood to observe the groups norms and cooperate with group members in social dilemmas (Friedman 230).For intrinsic motivation, Taylor explains that there are some activities that are intrinsically need people to be participated such as interesting work, volunteering, and political activities. In this case the activity itself or enjoyment of that activity is the reward for people. When foreign rewards like money are introduced, intrinsic motivation would diminish (Friedman 231). By suggesting the concept of social identification and intrinsic motivation, problems of rational choice model for explaining some collective action can be resolved.In this paper, a sense of how rational choice theory works and of its methodological foundations has been introduced. It has too been noticed that rational choice theory is not an ultimate answer. The theory is subject to a number of criticisms, but there is no dubiousness that its influence in various fields of study have brought horrible amounts of theoretical debates, and increased the depth of economic, sociological, and political discussions.It is impossible to attain complete knowledge about anything, especially social phenomena. However, it is certain that rational choice approach is one of most crucial theoretical resources for human beings to explore and examine to gain this ultimate answer. It can be useful or misleading, depending on how it is treated. It is responsibility of remaining and future scholars and people to correctly apply and use this theory with open-minded attitude.
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Differences Between People Will Always Lead to Conflict Essay
H. Norman Wright once stated Every person is various. Yet often, those differences be not unders to a faultd or valued by others. Conflict is an fatal part of human relationships. Depending on how it is approached and managed, bout can be any constructive or destructive. Conflict arises when multitude disagree over something comprehend as important. We live in communities and families with the great unwashed who may not check off things as we do. Conflicts occur on a daily basis, sometimes as small dis rangees, sometimes as violent battles and distributively person bequeath respond to conflicts based on their own particular personality and ethnicalal background. tidy sum check different motivations, beliefs, values and goals hence why at that place will always be conflict between population. Contrasts between raft can lead to either small disputes or even contend. In the long time 1861-1865 there was a fierce obliging in the States between United States (the Union or the North) and several southern slave states that had declared their secession and formed the Confederate States of the States. People in America had different political beliefs.November 6, 1860 Abraham Lincoln, who had declared Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free is elected president. Abraham Lincoln wanted the ground to be united and abolish slavery in all of America but several states of America had a different opinion. The war had its declension in the restless issue of slavery and after four years of bloody combat, the Confederacy was defeated, slavery was abolished, and the difficult rebuilding process of restoring agreement and guaranteeing rights to the freed slaves began.People having different political beliefs guide to disputes at heart the country. History has shown us that differences amongst people can cause disunity between people, groups and in some cases nations or countries. During WW2 Japan invaded capital of Singapore, Japan launch ed an airstrike on Singapore unexpectedly, which lead to the fall of Singapore in a few days. Women in Singapore were puzzlen as prisoners and put in a war camp. In the camp women were handle relentlessly and lived under harsh conditions.The rules of the Geneva Convention were not adhered to and this too caused friction between countries The women in the POW camps responded to conflict in different ways, some sacrificed their selves, some calmly and some with hope. The women had different backgrounds which caused opposition within the group. Having discord in the group led to rivalries between the women, also led to divergence in the group and lack of trust within each other. Though it might seem to be a small dispute, it had a big influence on how the women were going to survive.Afghanistan has been a victim of umteen military campaigns. Many countries wanted to take over Afghanistan which led to conflict between countries. In 1996 an Moslem fundamentalist political movement ca lled the Taliban substance The Seekers took over Afghanistan. Their aims were to end the political chaos that had been ongoing in Afghanistan since the Soviet withdrawal in 1989 and to impose a strict interpretation of Islam. Taliban came in as a cleansing force to establish law and lay which they did.Their efforts were initially embraced by the war-ravaged Afghans but their means of ending the chaos resulted in the imposition of a strict interpretation of Islamic law. They imposed stark restrictions on women, and banned television, considered a symbol of Western decadence. The Taliban instituted a principle of laws that oppressed and brutalized women, under Taliban rule women were restricted to the home, denied education and could be penalise for not wearing the right dress.Afghanistan is a multiethnic society, each ethnic group attempting to stake out their own territory and the Talibans Islamic laws opposed the beliefs and values of other cultures in Afghanistan, this discre pancy instigated the ongoing civil war in Afghanistan Three decades of war made Afghanistan the worlds most dangerous country, including the largest producer of refugees and asylum seekers. Decades of fighting have created millions of refugees families have been torn apart and thousands of villages have been demolished in the fighting release Afghanis with little alternative but to flee.Over the past decades Australia has accepted thousands of refugees from Afghanistan that take a treacherous journey by boat to flee the war in search of a new and peaceful life. When refugees came to Australia they are put into detention centres for a period of time while their refugee statuses are macrocosm processed. Refugees from Afghanistan respond to conflict in different ways some done having a positive mind, some with hope, fear, denial and most of all with self-sacrifice.People having opposing religious beliefs in Afghanistan transformed it into warfare, affecting millions of innocent peop le in Afghanistan. We live in a world full of people with different values, motives and goals. There will always be distinctions between people through culture, values, beliefs, motivations and goals which to some extend will lead to conflict. .. it is nearly unworkable to understand those who are beyond our sight, who are not explained to us by ties of birth or contact of the flesh.
Christianity vs. Greek Mythology
Through bug out more ages religion has been a very whole important(predicate) disassemble of hi paper. It shaped more another(prenominal) cultures and all toldowed us to better understand numerous civilizations. cardinal of these cultures are those of the Christians and classicals. Both have similarities and differences in their unearthly intuitive feelings that have been compared a lot and I have chosen to discuss the similarities and differences of Christianity and ancient Hellenic mythology.Christianity is a monotheistic religion, or belief in only 1 immortal, and religious practices are based on the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus as written in the New Testament of the news, with the role of Jesus as savior and the Son of god. Greek mythology is a polytheistic religion, which is the belief in and worship of multiple deities, called theologys and goddesses, belonging to the culture of ancient Greece. Even though their definitions are divergent, the f aith of Christianity and hotshot beau ideal and the culture of the Greeks in mythology of many gods are alike in a number of ways.To begin, in both(prenominal) religions humans believe that on that point are speakers for their theology/gods. These people accept pastors, priests and nuns in Christianity, and storytellers or prophets in Greek times. Furthermore, the people believe that their divinity or gods are above humans. Both cultures believe a god is above all mortal and of this nation, and he or she listens to people when they lack help, and have supernatural power to help. This is why both the Christians and the Greeks pray to their divinity fudge and gods for forgiveness.Another similarity surrounded by the religious beliefs of these ii cultures is that they have explanations for many of ancient mysteries of life and study essences on earth. The ancient Greeks and early Christians act to find an explanation for the evil in the world, and both blame a woman for mans downfall. Greeks believe a woman named Pandora open up a nix box and released all evil into the world. Christians believe a woman named Eve released evil after eating from a forbidden tree. Also, in both the ancient Greek and Christian beliefs of the early world, in that location exist stories of great floods that destroyed nearly of humankind.In Greek mythology, genus Zeus orders a man named Deucalion to make a chest in which he and his family can survive the flood Zeus was going to bring upon the earth. In the script, the account of Christian beliefs, God orders a man named Noah to build an ark in which he and his family, and two of each animal, can survive the destruction from a flood God was going to send. War was also a frequent characteristic of both the ancient Greek world and of the Biblical world. For example, the trojan horse War is a major event in Greek history, and is written about well-nigh famously in Homers Iliad.The gods always seemed to play important r oles in this war, especially Zeus, Ares the god of war, and the other and goddesses living on deal Olympus. Wars between Greek city-states were also common, with gods and goddesses almost always involved in them in almost way. In similar comparison, the Bible accounts many stories of wars between different countries and religious groups, with God beingness involved in some way in the outcome or fate of the peoples. One of the most famous examples is the war between the Philistines and the Israelites. In this war, God interfered and sent a small shepherd boy David to save the Israelites.David does so by cleaning the giant Goliath, a super-human thing he would not have been equal to accomplish without Gods help. These examples show the cross-cultural belief that war was an important event in the ancient world, and the gods, and God, played significant roles. While Christianity and ancient Greek mythology have many similarities, there are key differences. The main and most obvious difference is that Christian belief is about only one God, and its beliefs and commandments are written about in the Bible. Christians regard the stories told in Bible as actual historical accounts of important people, events and concepts of faith.Greek mythology had 13 major gods and goddesses, and many lesser gods. Different Greek cities also worshipped different deities. There is no book like the Bible, rather many collections of stories that shaped early Greek culture. In short, Greek mythology was performd to be the Greeks comprehension for why things happened. Once they thought they var.d out how things really happened, the belief in gods and goddesses faded remote from Greek culture. The final difference I want to discuss to compare the ancient Greek creation story and that of Christian belief.In the ancient Greek story, at first there was only funny farm, a shapeless mass of darkness and meaninglessness. Out of Chaos came Nyx (night) and Erebus (the unfathomable deep). The first god to come into existence was Gaea, Mother Earth, though no one knows where she came from or how she came into being. Uranus, Father Sky, was born of Gaea as she slept. He became her husband, and together they had many children. One of these first gods descendants was Zeus. aft(prenominal) much war between the gods and goddesses, Zeus became most powerful and delegate two lower gods the task of populating the earth with mortal creatures.With that task, one of the two gods granted so many gifts on the lower animals that when the time came to create man, there was nothing left. The beasts already had the sharp teeth and claws, the warm pelt and feathers, the tough, protective hides, the wings and shells, speed, size, and strength. The wiser of these two lower gods was given task to figure out what gifts to bestow on man. The gods gave man a more noble, skilful stance, so man would be above the beasts, with his face turned toward the area rather then down toward the gro und. He also gave man an lore that reached much higher than the beasts mere cunning.In the Christian creation story, God was present in the beginning and He created the universe. At first the earth was shapeless and covered in darkness, and Gods spirit hovered over the waters. God said, permit there be light. And there was light. God divided the day from the night, naming them day and night. On the second through fifth day God made the heavens, commanded the waters to fill with living creatures and the air to fill with birds. On the sixth day God commanded the earth to bring forth all kinds of living creatures and He saw that it was good.God then said let us make man in our own image. So God created man and woman in his own likeness and gave them sanction over all living things. Adam, the first man, was created by God out of soil and given life by Gods breath. Adam named all the animals and birds that God had made, But Adam had no companion of his own so God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep and created woman Eve- from one of Adams ribs. In addition, unlike the beginning void of Chaos in Greek mythology, God is not a void of nothingness, but the beginning of all things.God also remains the ruler of the entire world in Biblical stories, while the Greek Chaos is forced out by several actual divine beings, the most important and permanent of those being Zeus. In conclusion I found there to be many interesting similarities between Christian faith and ancient Greek religious culture, but one final difference is that Christianity is practiced today and the Bible widely read in many countries and published in many languages, while ancient Greek belief system has faded away and become the stories of fantastical books, myths and legends.
African American Culture Essay
African American destination in the f all(prenominal) in States includes the various cultural customs of African social groups. It is both part of and distinct from American ending. The U. S. Census Bureau de books African Americans as people having origins in any of the downcast race groups of Africa. 1 African American culture is indigenous to the descendants in the U. S. of survivors of the Middle Passage. It is root in Africa and is an amalgam of chiefly sub-Saharan African and Sahelean cultures.Although break ones backry gr ingestly restricted the ability of Africans in America to place their cultural traditions, legion(predicate) practices, values and beliefs survived and over time do a bun in the oven incorporated elements of European American culture. There be even certain facets of African American culture that were brought into being or do more(prenominal) prominent as a result of sla really an example of this is how drumming became functiond as a means of com munication and registering a community identity du a scarce that time. The result is a dynamic, seminal culture that has had and continues to have a profound impact on mainstream American culture and on adult male culture as thoroughly. later onward Emancipation, these uniquely African American traditions continued to grow. They super- certain into distinctive traditions in music, art, literature, religion, food, holidays, amongst around general anatomyer(a)(a)(a)s. While for some time sociologists, much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) as Gunnar Myrdal and Patrick Moynihan, believed that African Americans had incapacitated approximately cultural ties with Africa, anthropological field research by Melville Hersovits and others present that there is a continuum of African traditions among Africans in the New humanity from the wolfram Indies to the unite States.The greatest influence of African cultural practices on European cultures is found below the Mason-Di xon in the southeastern United States, especially in the Carolinas among the Gullah people and in Louisiana. African American culture often originateed separately from mainstream American culture beca put on of African Americans desire to practice their stimulate traditions, as well as the persistence of racial segregation in America. Consequently African American culture has become a noteworthy part of American culture and yet, at the same time, remains a distinct culture apart from it. HistoryFrom the earliest days of buckle downry, slave owners sought to exercise control over their slaves by attempting to strip them of their African culture. The physical isolation and societal marginalization of African slaves and, laterward, of their unornamented progeny, however, actually facilitated the retention of significant elements of handed-down culture among Africans in the New World loosely, and in the U. S. in particular. Slave owners deliberately tried to repress semipoliti cal organization in order to deal with the some slave rebellions that took sharpen in the Confederate United States, Brazil, Haiti, and the Dutch Guyanas.African cultures,slavery,slave rebellions,and the civil in good orders headings(circa 1800s-160s)have shaped African American religious, familial, political and economic behaviors. The imprint of Africa is evident in myriad focuss, in politics, economics, words, music, tomentumstyles, fashion, bounce, religion and worldview, and food preparation methods. In the United States, the very legislation that was designed to strip slaves of culture and deny them rearing served in some(prenominal) an(prenominal) ways to strengthen it.In fun, African American culture has had a pervasive, trans stochastic variableative impact on myriad elements of mainstream American culture, among them language, music, dance, religion, cuisine, and agriculture. This border of mutual creative exchange is canceled creolization. Over time, the cu lture of African slaves and their descendants has been ubiquitous in its impact on not only the prevailing American culture, yet on world culture as well. unwritten tradition Slaveh seniors limited or prohibited education of enslaved African Americans because they believed it office lead to revolts or escape plans.Hence, African-based spontaneous traditions became the primary means of preserving history, morals, and other cultural information among the people. This was consistent with the griot practices of oral history in many African and other cultures that did not rely on the written reciprocation. galore(postnominal) of these cultural elements have been fall backed from generation to generation finished storytelling. The clantales provided African Americans the hazard to inspire and educate one another. Examples of African American folktales include rig tales of Brer Rabbit and heroic tales much(prenominal) as that of deception Henry. The Uncle Remus stories by Joel Chandler Harris helped to bring African American folk tales into mainstream adoption. Harris did not hold dear the complexity of the stories nor their potential for a lasting impact on society. Characteristics of the African American oral tradition present themselves in a flesh of forms. African American preachers move to perform rather than simply speak. The feeling of the subject is carried by the speakers tone, volume, and movement, which tend to mirror the upgrade action, climax, and descending action of the sermon.Often song, dance, verse and structured pauses ar laid throughout the sermon. Techniques such(prenominal) as call-and-response atomic number 18 used to bring the audience into the presentation. In direct contrast to new-made tradition in other American and westernern cultures, it is an acceptable and roughhewn audience reaction to pick and affirm the speaker. Spoken word is another example of how the African American oral tradition influences redbrick American touristy culture. Spoken word artists employ the same techniques as African American preachers including movement, rhythm, and audience participation. hit music from the 1980s and beyond has been seen as an extension of oral culture. Harlem reincarnation pic Zora Neale Hurston was a prominent literary figure during the Harlem metempsychosis. Main article Harlem Renaissance The branch major commonplace recognition of African American culture occurred during the Harlem Renaissance. In the 1920s and 1930s, African American music, literature, and art mounted wide notice. Authors such as Zora Neale Hurston and Nella Larsen and poets such as Langston Hughes, Claude McKay, and Countee Cullen wrote prepargons describing the African American take c ar. deal, sweep, blue devils and other musical forms entered American popular music. African American artists such as William H. seatson and Palmer Hayden created unique workings of art featuring African Americans. The Harlem R enaissance was excessively a time of increased political drivement for African Americans. Among the noteworthy African American political movements founded in the early twentieth degree centigrade are the United Negro Improvement standoff and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.The Nation of Islam, a notable Islamic religious movement, withal began in the early 1930s. African American cultural movement The pitch-black Power movement of the 1960s and mid-seventies followed in the sex of the non-violent American Civil Rights sweat. The movement promoted racial pride and ethnic coherence in contrast to the focus on integration of the Civil Rights execution, and follow a more militant posture in the face of racism. It to a fault inspired a new renaissance in African American literary and artistic expression generally referred to as the African American or Black liberal arts Movement. The works of popular recording artists such as Nina Simone (You ng, Gifted and Black) and The Impressions (Keep On Pushin), as well as the poetry, fine arts and literature of the time, shaped and reflected the development racial and political consciousness. Among the around prominent writers of the African American Arts Movement were poet Nikki Giovanni poet and publisher presume L. Lee, who later became known as Haki Madhu providedi poet and playwright Leroi Jones, later known as Amiri Baraka and Sonia Sanchez. Other influential writers were Ed Bullins, Dudley Randall, Mari Evans, June Jordan, Larry Neal and Ahmos Zu-Bolton.Another major aspect of the African American Arts Movement was the infusion of the African aesthetic, a chase away to a collective cultural sensibility and ethnic pride that was ofttimes in evidence during the Harlem Renaissance and in the celebration of Negritude among the artistic and literary circles in the U. S. , Caribbean and the African continent nearly four decades earlier the thinker that black is beautiful. D uring this time, there was a resurgence of interest in, and an embrace of, elements of African culture within African American culture that had been suppressed or devalued to conform to Eurocentric America.Natural hairstyles, such as the afro, and African clothing, such as the dashiki, gained popularity. More main(prenominal)ly, the African American aesthetic support psycheal pride and political awareness among African Americans. Music pic hands playing the djembe, a traditionalistic West African drum choose into African American and American culture. The bags and the clothing of the man on the right are printed with traditional kente cloth patterns. African American music is root in the typically polyrhythmic music of the ethnic groups of Africa, proper(postnominal)ally those in the horse opera, Sahelean, and sub-Saharan regions.African oral traditions, nurtured in slavery, encouraged the use of music to pass on history, teach slightons, ease suffering, and relay messages . The African pedigree of African American music is evident in some common elements call and response, syncopation, percussion, improvisation, swung notes, blue notes, the use of falsetto, melisma, and complex multi-part harmony. During slavery, Africans in America blended traditional European hymns with African elements to create spirituals. numerous African Americans sing curve Evry Voice and Sing in addition to the American field of study anthem, The Star-Spangled Banner, or in lieu of it.Written by pack Weldon Johnson and John Rosamond Johnson in 1900 to be performed for the birthday of Abraham Lincoln, the song was, and continues to be, a popular way for African Americans to recall past struggles and express ethnic solidarity, faith and apprehend for the future. The song was adopted as the Negro National Anthem by the NAACP in 1919. African American children are taught the song at school, church service or by their families. Lift Evry Voice and Sing traditionally is sung immediately following, or instead of, The Star-Spangled Banner at events hosted by African American churches, schools, and other organizations.In the 1800s, as the result of the blackface poet-singer show, African American music entered mainstream American society. By the early ordinal century, several musical forms with origins in the African American community had change American popular music. Aided by the technological innovations of radio and record player records, ragtime, jazz, blues, and swing also became popular overseas, and the 1920s became known as the Jazz Age. The early 20th century also dictum the creation of the first African American Broadway shows, films such as King Vidors Hallelujah, and operas such as George Gershwins Porgy and Bess.Rock and roll, doo wop, soul, and R&B developed in the mid 20th century. These genres became very popular in discolor audiences and were influences for other genres such as surf. The dozens, an urban African American tradition o f using rhyming slang to put down your enemies (or friends) developed through the smart-ass lane jive of the early Seventies into a new form of music. In the South Bronx, the half speaking, half singing rhythmic street talk of rapping grew into the hugely successful cultural force known as Hip Hop.Hip Hop would become a multicultural movement. However, it is hitherto important to many African Americans. The African American Cultural Movement of the 1960s and 1970s also fueled the growth of funk and later hip-hop forms such as rap, hip house, new jack swing and go go. African American music has experienced far more wide give out acceptance in American popular music in the 21st century than ever before. In addition to continuing to develop newer musical forms, ultramodern artists have also started a rebirth of older genres in the form of genres such as neo soul and modern funk-inspired groups. Dance pic.The Cakewalk was the first African American dance to gain widespread popularity in the United States. pic African American dance, like other aspects of African American culture, finds its earliest roots in the dances of the hundreds of African ethnic groups that do up African slaves in the Americas as well as influences from European sources in the United States. Dance in the African tradition, and hence in the tradition of slaves, was a part of both every day life and special occasions. Many of these traditions such as get down, ring shouts, and other elements of African remains language survive as elements of modern dance.In the 1800s, African American dance began to appear in jongleur shows. These shows often presented African Americans as caricatures for ridicule to large audiences. The first African American dance to become popular with exsanguinous dancers was the cakewalk in 1891. later on dances to follow in this tradition include the Charleston, the Lindy Hop, and the Jitterbug. During the Harlem Renaissance, all African American Broadway shows such as Shuffle Along helped to establish and legitimize African American dancers.African American dance forms such as tap, a combination of African and European influences, gained widespread popularity give thanks to dancers such as Bill Robinson and were used by leading White choreographers who often hired African American dancers. Contemporary African American dance is descended from these earlier forms and also draws influence from African and Caribbean dance forms. Groups such as the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater have continued to carry to the growth of this form. advanced(a) popular dance in America is also greatly influenced by African American dance.American popular dance has also drawn many influences from African American dance most notably in the hip hop genre. Art pic Sand Dunes at Sunset, Atlantic City by Henry Ossawa Tanner 1859-1937 From its early origins in slave communities, through the end of the twentieth century, Afro-American art has made a vital contri bution to the art of the United States. During the period amid the 1600s and the early 1800s, art took the form of small drums, quilts, wrought-iron figures and ceramic vessels in the grey United States. These artifacts have similarities with comparable crafts in West and Central Africa.In contrast, African American artisans like the New Englandbased engraver Scipio Moorhead and the Baltimore portrait panther Joshua Johnson created art that was conceived in a thoroughly western European fashion. During the 1800s, Harriet Powers made quilts in rural Georgia, United States that are now considered among the finest examples of nineteenth-century Southern quilting. Later in the 20th century, the women of Gees Bend developed a distinctive, bold, and sophisticated quilting style based on traditional African American quilts with a geometric simplicity that developed separately but was like that of Amish quilts and modern art.After the American Civil War, museums and galleries began more oftentimes to display the work of African American artists. Cultural expression in mainstream venues was still limited by the dominant European aesthetic and by racial prejudice. To increase the visibility of their work, many African American artists travelled to Europe where they had greater freedom. It was not until the Harlem Renaissance that more whites began to pay fear to African American art in America. pic Kara Walker, Cut, Cut paper and sticky on wall, Brent Sikkema NYC.During the 1920s, artists such as Raymond Barthe, Aaron Douglas, capital of Maine Savage, and photographer James Van Der Zee became well known for their work. During the Great Depression, new opportunities arose for these and other African American artists under the WPA. In later years, other programs and institutions, such as the New York City-based Harmon Foundation, helped to foster African American artistic talent. Augusta Savage, Elizabeth Catlett, Lois Mailou Jones, Romare Bearden, Jacob Lawrence an d others exhibited in museums and juried art shows, and built reputations and followings for themselves.In the 1950s and 1960s, there were very few widely accepted African American artists. Despite this, The Highwaymen, a loose association of 27 African American artists from Ft. Pierce, Florida, created idyllic, quickly realised images of the Florida landscape and peddled some 50,000 of them from the trunks of their cars. They sold their art directly to the public rather than through galleries and art agents, thus receiving the name The Highwaymen. Rediscovered in the mid-1990s, forthwith they are recognized as an important part of American folk history.Their artwork is widely collected by enthusiasts and original pieces can intimately fetch thousands of dollars in auctions and sales. The Black Arts Movement of the 1960s and 1970s was another period of resurgent interest in African American art. During this period, several African-American artists gained national prominence, amon g them Lou Stovall, Ed Love, Charles White, and Jeff Donaldson. Donaldson and a group of African-American artists formed the Afrocentric collective AFRICOBRA, which remains in existence at present.The sculptor Martin Puryear, whose work has been acclaimed for years, is being honored with a 30-year retrospective of his work at the Museum of Modern Art in New York starting November 2007. Notable contemporary African American artists include David Hammons, Eugene J. Martin, Charles Tolliver, and Kara Walker. Literature pic Langston Hughes, a notable African American poet of the Harlem Renaissance. African American literature has its roots in the oral traditions of African slaves in America. The slaves used stories and fables in much the same way as they used music.These stories influenced the earliest African American writers and poets in the 18thcentury such as Phillis Wheatley and Olaudah Equiano. These authors reached early high points by telling slave narratives. During the early 20th century Harlem Renaissance, numerous authors and poets, such as Langston Hughes, W. E. B. Dubois, and Booker T. Washington, grappled with how to respond to inconsistency in America. Authors during the Civil Rights era, such as Richard Wright, James Baldwin and Gwendolyn Brooks wrote nearly issues of racial segregation, oppression and other aspects of African American life.This tradition continues today with authors who have been accepted as an integral part of American literature, with works such as Roots The Saga of an American Family by Alex Haley, The Color empurple by Alice Walker, and Beloved by Nobel Prize-winning Toni Morrison, and series by Octavia Butler and Walter Mosley that have achieved both best- interchange and/or award-winning status. Museums The African American Museum Movement emerged during the 1950s and 1960s to preserve the heritage of the African American experience and to ensure its proper interpretation in American history.Museums devoted to African A merican history are found in many African American neighborhoods. Institutions such as the African American Museum and Library at Oakland and The African American Museum in Cleveland were created by African Americans to teach and analyze cultural history that, until recent decades was primarily preserved trough oral traditions. Language Generations of hardships imposed on the African American community created distinctive language patterns. Slave owners often intentionally mixed people who round different African languages to discourage communication in any language other than position.This, combined with prohibitions against education, led to the development of pidgins, simplified mixtures of two or more languages that speakers of different languages could use to communicate. Examples of pidgins that became fully developed languages include Creole, common to Haiti,and Gullah, common to the Sea Islands off the coast of South Carolina and Georgia. African American Vernacular Engli sh is a type variety (dialect, ethnolect and sociolect) of the American English language closely associated with the speech of but not exclusive to African Americans.While AAVE is academically considered a legitimate dialect because of its logical structure, some of both Caucasians and African Americans consider it slang or the result of a low-down command of Standard American English. Inner city African American children who are isolated by speaking only AAVE have more difficulty with standardized testing and, after school, moving to the mainstream world for work. It is common for many speakers of AAVE to code switch between AAVE and Standard American English depending on the setting. Fashion and aesthetics pic.A man twist kente cloth in Ghana. Attire The cultural explosion of the 1960s saw the incorporation of surviving cultural dress with elements from modern fashion and West African traditional clothing to create a uniquely African American traditional style. Kente cloth is th e best known African textile. These jovial woven patterns, which exist in numerous varieties, were originally made by the Ashanti and Ewe peoples of Ghana and Togo. Kente fabric also appears in a material body of Hesperian style fashions ranging from casual t-shirts to full-dress bow ties and cummerbunds.Kente strips are often stitch into liturgical and academic robes or worn as stoles. Since the Black Arts Movement, traditional African clothing has been popular amongst African Americans for both formal and informal occasions. Another common aspect of fashion in African American culture involves the appropriate dress for worship in the Black church. It is expected in most churches that an individual should present their best way for worship. African American women in particular are known for corroding vibrant dresses and suits.An interpretation of a going from the Christian Bible, every char who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head , has led to the tradition of exhausting elaborate Sunday hats, sometimes known as crowns. haircloth Hair styling in African American culture is greatly varied. African American hair is typically composed of tightly coiled curls. The predominant styles for women involve the straightening of the hair through the application of heat or chemical processes. These treatments form the base for the most commonly socially acceptable hairstyles in the United States.Alternatively, the predominant and most socially acceptable practice for men is to recant ones hair natural. Often, as men age and demoralize to lose their hair, the hair is either closely cropped, or the head is shaven completely free of hair. However, since the 1960s, natural hairstyles, such as the afro, braids, and dreadlocks, have been growing in popularity. Although the association with radical political movements and their vast difference from mainstream Western hairstyles, the styles have not yet attained widespread social acceptanc e.Maintaining nervus facialis hair is more prevalent among African American men than in other male populations in the U. S. In fact, the soul patch is so named because African American men, particularly jazz musicians, popularized the style. The preference for facial hair among African American men is due partly to personal taste, but because they are more prone than other ethnic groups to develop a condition known as pseudofolliculitis barbae, commonly referred to as razor bumps, many prefer not to shave. Body imageThe European aesthetic and follower mainstream concepts of beauty are often at odds with the African clay form. Because of this, African American women often find themselves under pressure to conform to European standards of beauty. Still, there are individuals and groups who are working towards raising the rest of the African aesthetic among African Americans and internationally as well. This includes efforts toward promoting as models those with clear defined Afri can features the mainstreaming of natural hairstyles and, in women, fuller, more voluptuous body types.Religion While African Americans practice a number of religions, Protestant Christianity is by far the most popular. Additionally, 14% of Muslims in the United States and Canada are African American. Christianity pic A river baptism in New Bern, North Carolina near the turn of the 20th century. The religious institutions of African American Christians commonly are referred tocollectively as the black church. During slavery, many slaves were stripped of their African belief systems and typically denied free religious practice.Slaves managed, however, to hang on to some practices by integrating them into Christian worship in secret meetings. These practices, including dance, shouts, African rhythms, and enthusiastic singing, remain a large part of worship in the African American church. African American churches taught that all people were equal in Gods eyes and viewed the doctrine o f obedience to ones master taught in white churches as hypocritical. Instead the African American church cerebrate on the message of equality and hopes for a better future.Before and after emancipation, racial segregation in America prompted the development of organized African American denominations. The first of these was the AME Church founded by Richard Allen in 1787. An African American church is not necessarily a separate denomination. Several predominantly African American churches exist as parts of predominantly white denominations. African American churches have served to provide African American people with leadership positions and opportunities to organize that were denied in mainstream American society.Because of this, African American pastors became the bridge between the African American and European American communities and thus played a crucial role in the American Civil Rights Movement. Like many Christians, African American Christians sometimes participate in o r accompany a Christmas play. Black birth by Langston Hughes is a re-telling of the classic Nativity story with gospel music. Productions can be found a African American theaters and churches all over the country. Islam pic A member of the Nation of Islam selling merchandise on a city street corner.Despite the popular assumption that the Nation represents all or most African American Muslims, less than 2% are members. Generations before the advent of the Atlantic slave trade, Islam was a thriving religion in West Africa due to its unruffled introduction via the lucrative trans-Saharan trade between prominent tribes in the southern Sahara and the Berbers to the North. In his attesting to this fact the West African scholar Cheikh Anta Diop explainedThe primary ground for the success of Islam in Black Africaconsequently stems from the fact that it was propagated peacefully at first by solitary Arabo-Berber travelers to certain Black kings and notables, who then spread it about them to those under their jurisdiction Many first-generation slaves were often able to take for their Muslim identity, their descendants were not. Slaves were either forcibly converted to Christianity as was the causal agency in the Catholic lands or were besieged with gross inconviences to their religious practice such as in the case of the Protestant American mainland.In the decades after slavery and particularly during the depression era, Islam reemerged in the form of highly visible and sometimes controversial heterodox movements in the African American community. The first of these of note was the Moorish Science Temple of America, founded by nobleman Drew Ali. Ali had a profound influence on Wallace Fard, who later founded the Black nationalist Nation of Islam in 1930. Elijah Muhammad became head of the organization in 1934. more like Malcolm X, who left the Nation of Islam in 1964, many African American Muslims now follow traditional Islam.A survey by the Council on American-I slamic Relations shows that 30% of Sunni Mosque attendees are African Americans. African American Orthodox Muslims are often the victims of stereotypes, most notably the assumption that an African American Muslim is a member of the Nation of Islam. They are often viewed by the uneducated African-American community in general as less authentic than Muslims from the Middle East or South Asia while credibleness is less of an issue with immigrant Muslims and Muslim world in general. Other religions.digression from Christianity and Islam, there are also African Americans who follow Judaism, Buddhism, and a number of other religions. The Black Hebrew Israelites are a collection of African American Jewish religious organizations. Among their varied teachings, they often include that African Americans are descended from the Biblical Hebrews (sometimes with the paradoxical claim that the Jewish people are not). There is a small but growing number of African Americans who participate in Afri can traditional religions, such as Vodou and Santeria or Ifa and diasporic traditions like Rastafarianism.Many of them are immigrants or descendants of immigrants from the Caribbean and South America, where these are practiced. Because of religious practices, such as animal sacrifice, which are no lengthy common among American religions and are often legally prohibited, these groups may be viewed negatively and are sometimes the victims of harassment. Life events For most African Americans, the poster of life events follows the pattern of mainstream American culture. There are some traditions which are unique to African Americans.Some African Americans have created new rites of passage that are linked to African traditions. Pre-teen and teenage boys and girls take classes to prepare them for adulthood. They are typically taught spirituality, responsibility, and leadership. Most of these programs are modeled after traditional African ceremonies, with the focus largely on embracing African ideologies rather than specific rituals. To this day, some African American couples choose to jump the broom as a part of their wedding ceremony.Although the practice, which can be traced back to Ghana, evil out of favor in the African American community after the end of slavery, it has experienced a slight resurgence in recent years as some couples seek to reaffirm their African heritage. Funeral traditions tend to vary based on a number of factors, including religion and location, but there are a number of commonalities. Probably the most important part of terminal and dying in the African American culture is the gathering of family and friends. Either in the last days before wipeout or shortly after death, typically any friends and family members that can be reached are notified.This gathering helps to provide spiritual and emotional support, as well as assistance in making decisions and accomplishing everyday tasks. The spirituality of death is very important in Afric an American culture. A member of the clergy or members of the religious community, or both, are typically present with the family through the entire process. Death is often viewed as transitory rather than final. Many services are called homegoings, instead of funerals, based on the belief that the person is going home to the afterlife. The entire end of life process is generally treated as a celebration of life rather than a mourning of loss.This is most notably demonstrated in the New siege of Orleans Jazz Funeral tradition where upbeat music, dancing, and food encourage those gathered to be happy and celebrate the homegoing of a beloved friend. Cuisine pic A traditional soul food dinner consisting of fried chicken, candied yams, collard greens, cornbread, and macaroni and cheese. The cultivation and use of many agricultural products in the United States, such as yams, peanuts, rice, okra, sorghum, grits, watermelon, indigotin dyes, and cotton, can be traced to African influences .African American foods reflect creative responses to racial and economic oppression and poverty. Under slavery, African Americans were not allowed to eat better cuts of meat, and after emancipation many often were too poor to afford them. Soul food, a hearty cuisine commonly associated with African Americans in the South (but also common to African Americans nationwide), makes creative use of inexpensive products procured through farming and subsistence hunting and fishing.
Rivalry Between Friends
In the bump, A midsummer Nights ambitiousness by William Shakespe are, the theme of opposites calculates a prominent role. Shakespeare explores several relationships in this play, alone the most intriguing is the relationship among Hermia and capital of Montana. Specific on the wholey, Shakespeare calls the readers management to the relationship between Hermia and capital of Montana and their distinct differences. It is because of these differences that Hermia and capital of Montana develop a mutual respect and admiration for one another, though in the showtime of the play, the girls hold up a much rockier relationship. At first glance, these two girls do not seem to be all that different, but as the play progresses, the reader realizes that a relationship of rivalry and jealousy exists.Hermia and capital of Montana are both portrayed as beautiful young women. Helena is in love with a man named Demetrius, who happens to be her ex-boyfriend. Demetrius, however, does not iss uance Helenas affections, but attempts to mash Hermia. Hermia is not interested in Demetrius attempts to decoy her heart, as she is deeply in love with Lysander. It is within this love trilateral that Hermia and Helenas relationship exists in the form of a rivalry. By the end of the play, a noticeable change in Helena has occurred, and it is apparent that sheAs the play begins, the reader is thrust into this love affair between Hermia, Demetrius, Helena, and Lysander. Hermias father, Egeus, has forbidden her relationship with Lysander, forcing the two lovers to concoct a jut to elope together. In this scene, the reader senses through her actions that Hermia is sure of both herself and her prevent elopement to Lysander. Hermia appears to be completely content with the man who loves her, and very desex in her own skin.Hermia confesses her plans to elope to her friend, Helena, who tells Demetrius of the plan in order to gain raise in his eyes. Helena, too, appears to be confide nt in her appearance and intelligence. Although she is confused by Demetrius obvious disinterest in her, Helena make is very expire to the reader that she thinks very highly of herself. This attitude is apparent when Helena says, through Athens I am thought as fair as she (Act 1, pellet 1, Line 227).Although Helena appears to be confident in herself, she withal has a side of her that is very in bushel with herself, and envious of Hermia and the attention that Demetrius showers on her. Although Helena has made it clear that she is but a beautiful as Hermia, Helena believes that Demetrius is only in love with Hermia because of her beauty. It is apparent that Helena believes that she has much(prenominal) than than just beauty to offer Demetrius when she says, Love looks not with the eyes, but with the estimation (Act 1, Scene 2, Line 134). A short while later, Puck, the right sight to the Fairy King, Oberon, attempts to give Helena her precious Demetrius.The plan, however, b ackfires, and it is Lysander who is made to woo Helena. When Lysander approaches Helena and tells her of his newfound feelings for her, she doesnt believe him and thinks that it is a joke. Helena yells at Lysander because she thinks that he is making a fool of her. Wherefore was I to this keen fraud born? When at your hands did I deserve this scorn? (Act 2, Scene 2, Line 129-130). This contradicts Helenas earlier feeling of being just as attractive as Hermia, and just as deserving of those things that she has. bit Lysander is pursuing Helena, Hermia awakens to find her love missing. The reader is again shown how confident and secure Hermia is when she worries that Lysander has been killed. The thought of Lysander being unfaithful to her neer enters Hermias mind, and she assumes the worst when he is not there when she wakes.At the end of the play we see Helena and Demetrius are together, thanks to the correction of Lysanders assisted feelings for Helena. Helena seems to have accept ed Demetrius affection, whether real or not, and decides to be with him. This shows that, contrary to previous actions, Helena is starting to believe that Demetrius feelings are true. Whereas earlier in the play she was hurry away from Demetrius, sure that he was mocking her in his attempts to woo her, in a flash she is marrying him and committing her life to being with him.This marriage and Demetrius sudden change of heart alike calm Helenas jealousy for Hermia. Originally, Demetrius had left Helena to woo Hermia, and now in Helenas mind, order has been restored by Demetrius return to her. At the end of the play we see a more secure character and obviously a much happier Helena.In the play, A Midsummer Nights Dream, every character goes through an evolution and by the end of the play, everyone is wiser for the experiences they endured. In the beginning of the play, we see Helena as an overconfident and jealous girl who is desperately chasing after the man she loves. Hermia is a more stable, self-assured character, completely confident in her relationship with Lysander. As the play wears on, Helena becomes extremely hazardous and suddenly unsure of herself, whereas the reader never sees Hermia falter.Hermia runs away from the man that she had been chasing after for so long, and questions his affection for her. In the end, alls well that ends well for Helena. She accepts Demetrius love and affection by marrying him, which creates more security for Helena, and gives her a sense of order restored in her life. Throughout the play, the reader sees Helena mature from an outwardly cocky, but yet inwardly insecure young woman into a self-assured and confident woman.Works CitedShakespeare, William. A Midsummer Nights Dream. New York, NY Bantam Books, 1980.
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
African sham marriages in the UK Essay
IntroductionAcknowledgework forcets I would equivalent to thank the interest flock for their continued def rest to fuddle the completion of this dissertation a success. My supervisor Harpreet for her continuous advice and guidance finished the project, my sociology coach-and-four Hasnain for imparting and equipping me with the necessary knowledge to undertake this project and John the dissertation tutor for his continued advice as I worked by dint of with(predicate) the project. My fri poles Charity, Becky and Emma for their continued moral support plot of land working on this. My p bents alike for atomic number 18 highly comprehended for their support. Above solely God for making it possible.Statistics from the in-migration department in the UK reveal that up to 40,000 visa dupeances into the UK were granted on the grounds of family. In comparison to this, 300,000 visas were issued for study purposes and 140000 for work obligations. n earlier of the visas i ssued to the UK for family members be those of accomp alling unification partners or fianc instead of snug relationship with the chel ben address Dav01 l 1033 (Jacobs, 2001). This statistical evidence point on the need for the UK presidential term to deal with the win over magnitude ab single-valued function of right of movement by pile into the UK in the coif up of coupling partnerships of convenience. This is so beca phthisis of goods and services of the ease of those moving into the UK beating the stringent in-migration tallys.The increase in the number of spate abusing these immigration laws increase the fatality of dealing with pseudo br differenthoods especially from Afri crowd outs moving into the UK. These kinds of marriages of convenience atomic number 18 oft ages practice by those whose live in the UK has expired or pie-eyed to expiry and boast often exhausted all avail suitable political relation agency of ex die harding their stay in the buc olic. Most of the motivation for engaging in these fictitious marriages activities includes the monetary piddle from oftentimes(prenominal) activities. This paper leave behind in that locationfore shake up an in-depth examination of the concepts of affectation marriages in the UK. An examination of the factors that influence African minorities to consume in much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) practices depart be d hotshot. in-migration policies in the UK and d sanitary literature on Sham marriages will be study in addition to sociological reason for the live onence of Sham marriages credit en chastise Tar10 l 1033 (Janoski, 2010).The UK legal dust, it is non a criminal offence to engage in sham marriage only quite the prosecution is done of iniquitys that be related to the offences committed. These include perjury, immigration conspiracy and bigamy. In the regular(a)t that an immigrant machinates an operation for entry into the UK and makes claim of c ivil partnership and it is discovered to be a sham whence the soulfulness would be ejected from the UK. The UK has put in vagabond different mechanisms and provisions to deal with such references of mountain entering the UK by means of with(predicate) sham marriages. Such measures include scrutiny of these marriages to determine if they ar thus legitimate. Upon husking of such arrangements be a sham and only a tool of beating the immigration rules veritable penalties atomic number 18 applied to them handle deterrence which will retard them from commission of the offences in future.The fol down in the mou function argon the practices that must be put in focalise to deal with this threaten this include giving the relevant authorities the situation to stop a marriage from taking place as soon as discoin truth is do that it is a sham marriage. A proper definition of what constitutes a marriage should be given in revisal to properly invest a marriage that is of conve nience.Family migration into the UK is quite an a public phenomenon. This has happened historically for quite a long metre since the early 1960s. Since then it has render a huge source of immigration into the UK. The integration of the new migrants is qualified on the efforts of the migrants and the friendly political and sparing conditions that are prevalent in the UK. Efforts to crop the entry of accepted migrants into the UK are quite questionable with questions cosmos raised as to whether it is a violation of tenderee rights through the stamp downion of exemption of movement.MethodologyA combination of primary look and secondary inquiry was used for data collection.The under laying research was dribbleed in order to establish the ability of using web questionnaires as a quantitative method in analyzing hook up with heap behaviors as opposed to the handed-down use of support-administered questionnaires. For data gathering purposes with focus on couples behav iors, the research utilised the use of web questionnaires as quantitative rise with a tally of 40 couples constituting of both(prenominal) males and females. The findings and conclusions credibility is extensively dependent on the research design quality, data collection and management and the utmost analysis of the data collected. In justifying the means in which the study dissolvers were to be obtained, discussed in the underlying chapters are the subprograms and methods exploited with a basis on description of data obtained, how the data obtained is to be processed/analyzed, its interpretation and last(a) correlation of collected data to come up with a conjectural conclusion. Explicitly, the research will cover research design to be utilized and methods, data collection materials, respondents to be analyzed and the data analysis process.enquiry Method Data collected put to work an online web- base questionnaire will be analyzed after a cumulated period of 14 sider eal days after political science of online questionnaires to individual couples. No contact was make amid the primary police detective and the couples but they were rather handed sealed envelopes containing consent forms. Those who were inclined to take part after acquisition of consent were top use a attach translated in the information sheet sealed in the envelope that point them to the online questionnaire platform. The platform was designed to give a 14 day propagate window for questionnaire completion since distribution date with an approximated questions estimated to take around 10 minutes that included a series of variables. The corrected variables will then be s centerd on the five point Likert scale on the basis of (1=Never, 2 = Not Often, 3 = Sometimes, 4 = Often, 5 = Al slip bureau).Statistical epitome Descriptive and correlated analyses were carried out on all variables with express strain existence laid on reck little(prenominal) behavior analyses t o describe common characteristics among participants. Chi-square tests came into play here to pint out a comparison in the socio-demographics of the study limitd as age, sex and cultural identity element of the participants in the study.Just like all women in the UK, the immigrant women are highly risked individuals wedded to any form of national forcefulness. Because of their term it is difficult to report their abuse. The immigrant women who end up in the UK through ineligible expressions like human artking. They, in that locationfore, smelling trapped in these abusive relationships because of the stringent laws of immigration, societal discrimination, phrase barrier and wishing of financial resources. at that place pay back been efforts by the federal official UK to pass legislation that is aimed at protecting the immigrant from all forms of house servant vehemence.The federal laws eat up opened up uninjured and new ways to gain citizenship in UK. The domesti c abuse issues on immigrant women are still barbed not only to the immigrant women but alike women in the UK. Most of the immigrant women that victims of domestic violence are Latinas and Koreans. More so, the brunt of domestic violence is born(p)e by married immigrant women than the unmarried immigrant women character reference Lou04 l 1033 (Marshall, 2004).The most common form of act upon in this kind of abusive is the immigration attitude as a swan tool. This is a common tool that makes the partners in these relationships to stay put. This except prolongs the abuse in such a relationship. The immigrant women often are prone to a high rate of abuse because they of the mere fact that they rebel form cultures that drop out domestic violence and due to the fact that they less(prenominal) access to favorable and legal services compared to the legal citizens of the UK .Immigrant women who are batter and make attempts to flee the distinguish of reckon cannot use up acce ss to shelter, food or financial sanctionance. The barriers the battered women see include the fact that they whitethorn not arrive limited access to a certified court illustration while reporting any battering complains to the police. An other(a) hurdle they visualise is the difficulty they encounter in the acquisition of information relating to the legal system and their rights quote Son09 l 1033 (Sydney, 2009).There have been various efforts to eliminate this violence against immigrant women. The bills have been made into law. The laws are aimed at the reduction of domestic violence in UK. The laws are intended to make the women to report any form of abuse leveled against them to the relevant authorities. These laws are aimed at making nearly precise protections against the immigrants.These laws are meant to cover even the gay and lesbian community. The laws clearly define the right to obtain or so legal protection from the consent. That any person regardless of the le gal status has the right to be freed from an abusive spouse. Victims of domestic abuse in UK are to have access to any care offered by the political sympathies. These services by the governing body include interpretation, safety planning, counseling, extremity planning and medical care. If an immigrant does not qualify to thwart legal mold then the law requires the provision of a legal business leaderr to assist in the resolving of any domestic violence dispute quote LEd05 l 1033 (Purcell, 2005).There are several endeavors by the UK political sciences to make amendments on laws that would protect the immigrant women from any form of domestic violence. The question of immigration has become one of the issues drug-addicted to debate in most parts of the dry land. As a matter of fact, it is among the landing fields with legislations being proposed and enacted day in day out. Most countries all over the introduction have in truth stringent laws concerning this grouchy issue . The UK at that placefrom is no exception. Through its law making body, it has come up with a number of laws that tend to restrict immigration into the UK. For instance, the raw(a)ization sham extended the time period for non- residents of the UK to become citizens of the UK to fourteen years. The Alien Friends piece gave the prime minister the authority to deport any residents that were considered by the regime to cause any danger to the peace and warranter of the UK. netly, the Alien Enemies go gave the prime minister the authority to apprehend and deport alien citizens in the case that their native countries were at war with the UK. These are just but a small percentage if laws that restrict immigration into the UK. Some of them have been repealed and amended. However, they only get much than stringent. Why, one would ask, should non-citizens not be allowed into the UK acknowledgement Lou04 l 1033 (Marshall, 2004).In the case that the government of the UK allows non- citizens into the province of course through loosening the belt a little in hurt of legislation, the scrimping of the UK is bound to become more than efficient. This is because the consequence of immigration would be a reduction in the bottlenecks that face the country in terms of agitate shortage, both skilled and unskilled honorable mention Jop03 l 1033 (Charles, 2003). This would on that pointby incriminate that employment opportunities are created both for the immigrants and the Native Americans. Skilled promote put out in the UK takes a bell shape. This simply implies that in that respect are a high number of people equipped with various skills for various palm but at the same time, there are still an evenly high number of unskilled people. This calls for immigration of skilled labor into the country so as to balance the two. Immigrant labor force constitutes about 16 percent of the total labor force in the country.Moreover, in the case that immigration legislatio ns are made less bureaucratic, a conducive environs for investors would be created. Entrepreneurs would be encouraged to come to the country and thereby look the underutilized resources in the country to their full potential. This would also encourage foreign investors to make an coronation in the country. The effects of increase investment to the Gross national Product of a country are known, all positive. course credit Joh02 l 1033 (Higham, 2002)A constant and observeed rise in the gross domestic product of a country is the true meaning of economic growth and development. Foreign investment also creates employment opportunities for both the citizens and non-citizens of a country. This simply implies that there would be a rise in the per capita income of the country. It is real crucial to note that increase investment implies increased savings and thereby the credit facilities are also increased. only these point to the economic growth and development of a country. CITATIO N LEd05 l 1033 (Purcell, 2005)In the event that the UK government allows non- citizens of the country into the country, it would promote cultural fundamental interaction and imperturbable co-existence to some extent. It is to some extent since later in the paper, we shall see how immigration could interrupt the peace that exists deep down a certain country. The world has a truly great population and as such, a lot of diversities exist among the inhabitants of the world. As such, there are bound to be certain prejudices that exist about certain communities, their beliefs and so on and so forth. CITATION TGL10 l 1033 (Lagos, 2010)The best way to deal with such prejudices would be to create a platform through which various people from various parts of the world interact so as to understand each others cultures thereby demystifying certain myths and misconceptions that have for a long time been exaggerated. Immigration is one such platform. At the end of the day, peaceful co-existe nce amongst people or mathematical groups of people from varied hearty, cultural and economic backgrounds will be achieved. Critics could dispute this school of thought by attempting to compare peaceful co-existence with the damage on security that immigration comes with. CITATION Lou04 l 1033 (Marshall, 2004) each(prenominal)owing non citizens into the UK promotes the growth of the military machine force of the country. It has been recorded that non US citizens have served in the UK army since the time of the Revolutionary War. This implies that this group of people has served in the army for a really long time now. CITATION Rat90 l 1033 (Jekkins, 1990) Every year, there are about 8000 non UK citizens who enroll into the army. However, the military force is indeed a very sensitive section in the defense forces. As such, these non- citizens are subject to a lot of scrutiny and analysis and as such, they are anticipate to meet a number of requirements. This is owed to the sen sitivity of this token department. There are certain posts and ranks beyond which a non-citizen cannot serve in the US army. In essence, each rank comes with its own minimal requirements. However, the current government has made attempts to give automatic citizenship to those non-citizens that have served in the UK army. This process, however, is still underway. However, this is a very critical area of security, not just in the UK but in most parts of the world popularly. As a resolve, security, or rather, insecurity, is the briny reason as to why there exist stringent laws that restrict immigration into a country. This takes us to the next segment of this paper, where the associated bottlenecks of immigration will be discussed. CITATION LEd05 l 1033 (Purcell, 2005)Indiscriminant immigration is the mother of all the security issues that are witnessed in any country. As a result, the government tries to make laws on immigration more stringent day in day out. The security of a coun try is one very sensitive area. CITATION Dav01 l 1033 (Jacobs, 2001) As a matter of fact, the performance of a government is more often than not determined through the executions it has made in security. At the end of the day, matters security is given number one anteriority at the expense of any other issue. Terror polishs are more often than not, facilitated by non-citizens of a country. The misgivingists attacks 5that took place on the 11th of folk in the US had a very great impact on the history of immigration. This is because each and every of the attackers that were able to be identified with approve to this particular attack was foreign born. They were all non- citizens of the America. After these attacks, the government of the UK targeted to correspond that the bar on immigration was raised even higher(prenominal). As a result, there was the need of creation of policies and enactment of pieces of legislation that by all means, qualified immigration to the latter. This was indeed a period of anti- immigration. It is very of the essence(predicate) to note however, that at the end of the day, this particular reaction of the government towards immigration was not fruitful at all. This is attributed to the voice of the civil society that is by all means finding its way to the ears of the government. Advocates of civil rights have put forward their argument that the government could be going too furthermost by enacting overindulgence stringent laws that seek to limit or deflect immigration. According to this particular group, the government is, in the process, violating the rights and freedoms of immigrants. CITATION Tar10 l 1033 (Janoski, 2010) The government tends to be counselling more on investigations involving immigrants as opposed to focusing on the severity it is imposing on immigration through the policies that it comes up with. At this point in time therefore, the country is experiencing one of the superlative challenges of civil righ ts ever. This calls for an immediate remedy.In the case that the government of the UK allows indiscriminating immigration into the country, there would arise the problem of population upsurge. Through the bulwark of immigration, the government is in one way or another trying to control the population of its country. Currently, the population of the citizens of the UK of America is rising at a very fast rate. CITATION Son09 l 1033 (Sydney, 2009) The implications of population growth arte one too many, some positive, some negative, with the negative taking a greater proportion. For instance, increased population growth creates a strain on the already extraordinary social and economic resources. In the event that immigration is not restricted or rather it is guarded by less stringent laws, the extra population would inflate this problem even further. Population growth, moreover, also strains the government. CITATION Joh02 l 1033 (Higham, 2002)The government is charged with the respo nsibility of service provision. Just like in the case of resources, an extra population would further compound this problem. Therefore, the government tries to control the problem of population upsurge even as it restricts immigration. The government could also aim at establishing, or rather implementing quarantine when it restricts immigration. CITATION Dav01 l 1033 (Jacobs, 2001) Quarantine is the process by which the government restricts the immigration more especially of non- citizens from a country that has been affected by a certain epidemic. This way, it is able to close out the spread of a certain disease that could be rather harmful to its citizens. A good example is the recent restriction of people from African countries that had been affected by the Ebola virus. This was purely for the good of the people of the UK, considering the severity of this virus. CITATION LEd05 l 1033 (Purcell, 2005)Immigration could dilute the cultural identity of a country, unemployment as foun tainhead as the depreci8ation of wages in a country. yield are determined in the labor market. As a matter of fact, wages have an inverse relationship with labor, that is, the availability of labor. When labor is soft and readily available, the wages are low. The inverse is also true. When labor is not readily available, the wages are usually high. In the event that non-citizens are indiscriminately allowed into the UK, this would mean that there would be a high summate of labor. As such, labor would be easily and readily available at the end of the day thereby creating a downward pressure on the wages. CITATION Rat90 l 1033 (Jekkins, 1990)This, at the end of the day, would affect both the citizens and non-citizens of the country since they are all part of the labor market. This is a major coke to the economic development of any country as it greatly affects the GDP of a country as well as the Per Capita Income. CITATION Joh02 l 1033 (Higham, 2002) Cultural dilution could also oc cur as a result of indiscriminate immigration into a country found on citizenship. As seen earlier, indiscriminate immigration would promote the elimination of prejudices that people could have about certain cultures. However, it could in the same way, dilute the cultures of the native land. This is bound to be undergo especially where there is a lot of interaction mingled with the natives and the immigrants. The natives tend to adopt the mannerisms of the immigrants. Through this, a country ends up losing its cultural identity. Final is the problem of unemployment. In one way or another, this is connected with labor. indiscriminating immigration leads to growth of the labor market as seen earlier. This labor could be both skilled and unskilled. Whichever way, there is bound to be increased manpower. CITATION Dav01 l 1033 (Jacobs, 2001) However, the increased manpower is not necessarily in areas where there was a shortage of labor. In any case, the increased manpower would disru pt the equilibrium that already exists in the labor market. At the end of the day, the run of labor is too high to the extent that there is a surplus steer to the problem of unemployment.From the analysis above, it is possible to put the benefits as well as the challenges that would come with the government of the UK allowing immigration. As a result, it can be concluded that this act would have its advantages as well as its limitations. However, the downside of less stringent policies on immigration outweighs the advantages or rather the benefits. At the end of the day, immigration would promote growth of labor, cultural integration and so on but at the expense of other issues that are very important to any country, security topping the list. CITATION Lou04 l 1033 (Marshall, 2004)The recommendation arrived at by this research paper would be a slight change in the policies that restrict immigration. Basically, the government should, by all means legions the policies that it come s up with so as to ensure that the rights of the immigrants are protected but at the same time, the rights of the native citizens are protected as well. This strikes a balance between the rights and freedoms of the two groups. Moreover, the government should also ensure sound implementation of the already existing policies to the latter.Results According to the Asylum Act of 1999, the immigration registration officers were needed by law to furnish the Home office with evidence in the event that they suspected a marriage was sham and was only made possible for purposes of beating the immigration system. Since 2001, the following figures visual aspect the number of reported suspected cases of sham.Year Number of reported shadowy marriages2001 7522002 12052003 26482004 35782005 4522006 2822007 3842008 3442009 5612010 9342011 17412012 18912013 986From this tabular payation, it is clear that in 2005 there was a reduction in the number of reported cases of suspicious sham marria ges. This is attributed to the government policy of understructure of certificate of approval. Upon suspicion of a marriage being a sham, the immigration officials were legally allowed to make a home visit to the couples house to determine if indeed the marriage was genuine. This could lead to arrest of the individuals if it was be that their relationship was ingnuine. Prosecution and charging in court for the abomination of facilitation of illegitimate immigration would then follow/There have been different proposal on the amendment of the marriage Act that would result in the alteration of the procedure of marriage incur. The period of notice is proposed to be changed to two weeks from the initial 3 weeks. The notice by license that was initially a day was got rid of. It was compulsory for people to give notice of their nationality and residence this would be beneficial to get rid of the concept of sham marriages.The scheme of certificate of approval was used as a government strategy to get rid of sham marriages in the UK. It was somewhat prospered in dealing with sham marriages. The procedure was such that those without leave or with 3 or 6 months be at their application time were automatically denied marrying permission. This translated to a reduction on reports of sham marriages as shown in the table belowYear genuine application Issued Denied2005 13,865 9,725 2,0922006 17,955 14,569 1,0242007 17,316 14,518 4092008 18,720 16,114 7342009 24,042 19,835 1,5172010 23,052 13,749 876From this statistics, the number of marriages fell by 10 percent between 2004 and 2005. This was as a result of the introduction of certificate of approval that was aimed at reduction on the number of sham marriages. The introduction made it unrealizable for sham marriages to thrive hence the reduction in the number of marriage in those said years. However this has met a lot of opposition from the human rights activist who consider it a violation of human rights thus leadi ng to its eventual abolition in totality.Since 2003, there have been several changes to rules of immigration change magnitude the period from I year to 2 years for one to settle in the UK on the basis of marriage. This period later increased to five years in 2012 in give a bust test of relationship genuineness so that resolve in the UK can be based on the relationship. some(prenominal) operations have resulted in arrests of different nationals in relation to sham marriages. The following are some of the results of people experiences in relation to the arrest on sham marriages. In an operation between the Dutch government and the UK that was aimed at arresting Dutch nationals who were in collusion with some Nigerian nationals in order to allow them stay in the UK. This led to around 130 arrests in both countries with 77 convictions on sham marriages some serving a fall back term of up to 100 years for the abuse. This led to extradition of Dutch nationals for colluding to phony the immigration authorities in sham marriages arrangements. This operation also revealed other crimes that were committed by these individuals who engage in sham marriages. Some of the crime uncovered includes money laundering, sexual assault and human trafficking.Factors that contribute to such behaviors by minoritiesCriminology scholars have divergent views on little terrorist act and organise crime with some describing them as two different crime forms. terrorist act is in general operate by ideology and the need for a political revolution. On the other hand, organised crime focuses on acquisition of economic kale through wrong market mechanisms. In recent years there have been efforts to link the two criminal activities. This started after the discovery that go on made from sales of drugs by some criminal gangs were used to blood terrorist activities. This was as an effort to advance a particular political agenda. Terrorism therefore benefited from organized crime in the sense that they got funding or their activities of the iniquitous businesses operated by these criminal gangs. The symbiotic relationship between organized crime and terrorism has been in existence spanning numerous of decades. Because of the absence of financial means of supporting terrorist activities, the terrorists involve themselves in different forms of lucrative crimes through organized crime. The denial by authorities on accessing means to conduct the terrorist activities, there involvement in crime is a way to grasp the means of carrying out their activities.Numerous ways of human exploitation and affaire in illegal markets are prerequisites of carrying out successful terrorist activities. Crime therefore has become a means to an end for terrorist because of need of enough support sources. Following the attack on the United States in September 2011 close links have been made between terrorism and transnational organized crime, money laundering, illegal drug and ar ms trafficking. It is the coaction between illegal arms traffickers and terrorists that is furnish the terrorism activities even more. This is because the terrorists use the acquired firearms and nuclear bombs to wake their terror activities thus promoting their political or ghostly agenda.There is change magnitude concern in an effort to understand the way terrorist fund their activities through criminal activities. These efforts are to solve and to find mechanisms to prevent or even disrupt these criminal activities in order to prevent terrorism. Most of these organized criminal activities like member recruitment, violence incitation, concealment of sources of funding and fundraising have been criminalized all over the world. Emerging forms of terrorism straight off are based on markets of violence and illicit economies. This has been influenced by the increasing conflicts between the world superpowers. The terrorist groups are able to gain advantage by exerting violence mo re in an effort to gain some genius as being a violent group of people. The terrorists are able to finance their activities through shadow economies. The shadow economies are driven by their own by laws place standards for themselves on smuggling and trafficking. The shadow economies created by these terror groups are also controlled by the demand for their illegal merchandise. The shadow economies are refer with immigrant trafficking, drug markets, money launderingIn recent years there has been an emergence of transnational communities that interact beyond specific geographical boundaries in solidarity. The emergence of these transnational communities of criminal will be the focus of this research paper with an in-depth analysis of Russian Mafia groups and their relationship to Terrorism. These organized crime groups have a clear set of nets and scamming that have explored new forms of violence. They have abundant resource for recruitment. These organized criminal gangs have de veloped some sophisticated organizational system where their intention is to dominate a place then champion for their own political agenda. Another strategy they employ is world-wideization where their ideologies are spread a encompass evades thereby getting more followers hence promoting their terror activities. The gangs are sophisticated in terms of strategies and tactics. This entails the adoption of a new technology and weaponry in their activities.The converging between terrorism and organized crime occurs through networking and cross border networks. This is done through huge investments and physical infrastructure rather through hierarchical organization. These networks offer the criminals flexibility, diversity and low visibility to the authorities. The network core values are compound by trust between its members and divided up religious or other values.Despite the numerous reservations terror groups have as regards to their ideology and calling, they still participate in drug look at despite their blatant disregard of criminal activities. The terror groups are driven by the ideology mostly religion believes in their acts of terror being a calling from God. Through these ideologies, terrorists are able to attach a cause for their motive of engaging in the heinous acts. Most of the drugs arise from Middle East countries therefore the terrorist take advantage of the trade to finance their activities. In some instances, drugs are used as currency in committing acts of terrorism.The convergence between terrorism and organized crime occurs through networking and cross border networks. This is done through huge investments and physical infrastructure rather through hierarchical organization. These networks offer the criminals flexibility, diversity and low visibility to the authorities. The network core values are enhanced by trust between its members and shared religious or other values. Numerous ways of human exploitation and participation in illeg al markets are prerequisites of carrying out successful terrorist activities. Crime therefore has become a means to an end for terrorist because of lack of enough financing sources. Following the attack on the United States in September 2011 close links have been made between terrorism and transnational organized crime, money laundering, illegal drug and arms trafficking. It is the collaboration between illegal arms traffickers and terrorists that is fueling the terrorism activities even more. This is because the terrorists use the acquired firearms and nuclear bombs to instigate their terror activities thus promoting their political or religious agenda.There is increasing concern in an effort to understand the way terrorist fund their activities through criminal activities. These efforts are to solve and to find mechanisms to prevent or even disrupt these criminal activities in order to prevent terrorism. Most of these organized criminal activities like member recruitment, violence incitation, hiding of sources of funding and fundraising have been criminalized all over the world. Emerging forms of terrorism today are based on markets of violence and illicit economies. This has been influenced by the increasing conflicts between the world superpowers. The network core values are enhanced by trust between its members and shared religious or other values. Numerous ways of human exploitation and participation in illegal markets are prerequisites of carrying out successful terrorist activities. Crime therefore has become a means to an end for terrorist because of lack of enough financing sources. Following the attack on the United States in September 2011 close links have been made between terrorism and transnational organized crime, money laundering, illegal drug and arms trafficking. It is the collaboration between illegal arms traffickers and terrorists that is fueling the terrorism activities even more. The terrorist groups are able to gain advantage by exerti ng violence more in an effort to gain some reputation as being a violent group of people. The terrorists are able to finance their activities through shadow economies. The shadow economies are driven by their own bylaws setting standards for themselves on smuggling and trafficking. The shadow economies created by these terror groups are also controlled by the demand for their illegal merchandise. The shadow economies are concerned with immigrant trafficking, drug markets, money laundering.It is evident that there is a indicate connector between organized crime and terrorism. Therefore, the different stakeholders must link to fight vice there would be increased terrorism activities end-to-end the macrocosm. A closer detailed look at the evidence linking terrorism and organized crime raise more speculation about the connection between the two vices. Organized crime will continue to pull up stakes the terrorists a continuous stream of income to finance their activities. The forms of crime that not so established terror groups might engage in are low yield and therefore may go undetected authorities. It is therefore a lesson to the authorities to make necessary efforts to try early and curb the terror activities.Poverty as a contributing factor to increase in sham marriagesThe Marxist ideology undermines conditions of production that are required to sustain the never ending capital accumulation. These production conditions include energy, soil, water, and so forth. They also include sufficient public systems of education, general infrastructures, and other services that are not directly gived by capital, but in order for them to stash away effectively, need capital. When conditions of production get exhausted, the production costs for capital rise. As a result, this second contradiction creates an underproduction crisis trend, with material rising cost of labor and inputs, to balance the overproduction trend of too many commodities for too fewer custome rs. Similar to Marxs ambiguity between capital and labor, this second contradiction thus threatens the existence of worldwide equality. These inequalities in under consumption result to unnecessary consumption, a high debt rate and bankruptcy. For equality, Income needs be guaranteed and consequently markets will become unnecessary. Communities and elected governments will fairly decide upon the allocation of resources CITATION Sae02 l 1033 ( Saegert, Thompson, & Warren, 2002).world(a) over-consumption is a situation where use of resources overtakes the sustainable capacity of the purlieu. Global under-consumption arises due to insufficient consumer demand compared to the amount that got produced. The global imbalance between these two causes widespread problems. Most under-consumption within the globe system is caused by social inequity and economic deprivation. In a world reliant on money, hunger is in general caused by poverty. Since economic deprivation is a prime cause, not only is economic jurist a crucial merit in itself but a rattling condition of ecological integrity.The human population has been over consuming, using and abusing the natural resources to points where society is at crossroads. Therefore, as a global population, we are on the verge of unsustainability and extinction. The state subsidies and some global companies distort provision of less nutritious foods by use of liberalist markets. The media emphasize on advertising products with a high amount of sugar and fats. The inactive lifestyle in the present generation makes individuals be laid back with no exercises to do. In a particular aspect of overconsumption, we buy things not to cater for staple needs. We try to satisfy some cavities in our lives and to create prestige about ourselves CITATION Mac09 l 1033 ( MacLeod, 2009).It is quite evident that deprivation as a result of low income early in life sets individuals on a thoroughfare towards diminished occupational and educational achievement. These low income levels are harmful mainly because the expose the communities into environments that are extremely tasteful. Low income communities face an astounding array of physical and psychosocial demands that place so much pressure on the capacities to adapt to life situations and tend to be toxic to the development of the brain and general self-esteem later on in adulthood CITATION Mac09 l 1033 ( MacLeod, 2009).The distribution of income among communities in the world clearly shows the looming inequality with some people at the top of the income economy structure while some at the bottom. This translates into sorry wellness, poverty, low levels of education, starvation and reduced levels of life expectancies. A substantial number of poor people in most low status communities live in abject poverty while some people are relatively well-off. There is a significant increase in the economic disparities between the poorest communities and the most affluent communit ies. This means that the gap between the average citizen in the poorest and the richest communities is growing wider and getting wider and so has the chronic underline associated with low income problems CITATION Mac09 l 1033 ( MacLeod, 2009).From a sociological perspective social structures and social interaction present a crucial and basic sagaciousness of how people in society interrelate and the importance of these relationships. Ideally, it has been argued that both social structures and social interactions are interdependent when it comes to establishing an individuals identity. This essay will analyze the constant need for human beings to interact for existence while trying to strike a balance between social interaction and social structure in molding peoples identity as a low wage earner.Individuals growing up in low income communities demonstrate lower achievement in most social aspects of life because they are undecided to a wide range of risks. As a result, these risks build upon each other to elevate the levels of chronic tenseness within the human body and this chronic reach has a direct influence as it hinders overall performance like in donnishs by compromising the ability of these individuals to develop the required skills needed to better their lives on virtually all aspects of achievement CITATION Sae02 l 1033 ( Saegert, Thompson, & Warren, 2002).Low income communities are characteristic of people living in dire conditions and the political power and interests are often inconsiderate and insensitive and this is worsened the scenario as there is an increased level of diversion of resources. As a result of this, the people in this states lack access to basic health, education and food. Saegert ET all state that Social relationships are structure inn society as a tendinous determinant of the health status of all members of the society CITATION Mac09 l 1033 ( MacLeod, 2009).Individuals from low income families lag behind their higher income counterparts essentially on almost all achievement measures and this gap tends to increase as time goes by. Besides failure by parents to invest adequate time in cognitively stimulating their children, chronic stress bears the potential to hinder the cognitive functioning of a child and also undermines the development skills that are required to enhance academic achievement. Torre states Low-income parents chronic stress affects their kids through chronic activation of their childrens immune systems, which taxes available resources and has long-reaching effects.Basically the entire surrounding environment of low income communities such as schools and homes is often chaotic as the residents as highly exposed to pollution, crowding, shortsighted school buildings, noise, poor housing, exposure to crime and violence and high rates of family separation and divorce. Such extreme conditions produce chronic stress that is up to(p) of damaging the brain areas associated with memory, atte ntion and verbiage which are the essential determinants for academic success. Growing up in such environments is highly associated with a significant increase in risk factors and it is this rattling(a) risk that links chronic stress to low income communities. Young infants born into low income communities exhibit health trajectories that indicate elevated levels of chronic stress.There also exists a healthy link between chronic stress and achievement. Low income and hence poverty often leads to lower occupational an academic achievement as a result of the numerous risks that children from low income communities which in turn has a negative effect of an individuals cognitive abilities.Low income communities, including both adults and children face high levels of chronic stress because of the horny and financial pressures associated with lack of food and access to health care, low wages, inadequate or in some cases lack of transportation and poor housing. Individuals from such com munities are linked to chronic stress due difficulty in paying bills or job related demands. Most of them are hard-pressed as a result of their poor health conditions due to lack of access to basic health care and even if they do it may be of low quality.Individuals from low income communities are often associated with low achievement school groups which in turn exposes the to lower life expectations, less capable friends or a less rigorous curriculum. All of these further them to a disadvantage and consequently generates even more significant between group gaps. Such splaying is also attributed to poorer health and cognitive deficits that is generated by chronic stress. As a result, this deficit in cognitive ability and poor health then repeatedly disadvantage Low income communities from one social setting to another.One reason for chronic stress in low income communities is that individuals within that setting lag behind than their high income peers because parents interact with their children in ways that are not conducive for overall achievement. Parents from low income communities tend to be unresponsive and harsh. Therefore despite the fact that low income parents often provide sufficient levels of encouragement and support, their harshness and unresponsiveness however trivial it may be is highly associated with the fact their children will experience a gnarled parenting style hence chronic stress CITATION Mac09 l 1033 ( MacLeod, 2009).In essence, family poverty has an effect on stress and this is in one way or another promoted by being exposed to risk. As much as critics would want to find facts that relate risk exposure to poverty, it would be easier to take this psychological relation just as it is. In any case, it has been put down in documents by a couple of investigators that children from separate or financially unstable families have a relatively higher level of chronic stress as compared to other children. This conclusion was made after it wa s established that these children have very high levels of blood pressure. other(a) studies have as well established that these same children possess very high levels of chronic stress hormones, for instance, cortisol. This finding was coupled with the prevalence of nightlong urinary stress hormones in a number of disadvantaged children. Wilkinson in his article states An antipathy between hierarchical relations across inequalities of power, income, and status on the one hand, and supportive social relations between equals on the other, is likely to exert a powerful influence on health. All these illustrations point to the fact that poverty has a direct linkage to stress. In essence, children from disadvantaged families have high levels of chronic stress.Chronic stress has a number of effects. The effects could either affect one directly or indirectly. The most common effect of chronic stress is its effect on achievement. Chronic stress, to a large extent, affects both the degree and the level of achievement. Several studies have indicated that a great portion of the brain is vulnerable to early childhood deprivation. Some of the parts of the brain that are in this particular category are the language long term memory, executive control as well as long term memory. For this reason, it is crystal clear that the level of achievement of a child is bound to be affected. This is because achievement, in todays society is determined by education. Education probity is as a result of good memory as well as diligence. In the case that the brain is affected due to stress for one reason or another, it becomes quite difficult for the child to pull round in future. Generally, it can be deduced that any disadvantages that crop up as a result of the social or economic set up that a child is in greatly affect the achievement of the child in question. piteous children are more often than not, exposed to areas that do not promote cognitive stimulation. This, together with the poor parenting styles they are exposed to, discourage achievement.In a nutshell, the physical form of stressors that low income communities face is well documented individuals in low income communities are exposed to environmental conditions such as harmful waste, water pollution, toxins, ambient air, crowding, residential turnover, poor maintenance and sanitation of their neighborhood, crime and traffic congestion. The psychosocial stressors take the form of significantly higher family turmoil levels, violence, lower routine and structure levels in their lives and enate and family separation. It is therefore quite obvious that a combination and exposure to such factors will definitely lead to chronic stress. The social stratification in society is a leading cause of travel rapidly relations. Race and gender intersect with political and economic forces in such a way that any form of discrimination against them denies one equal rights to political participation, enfranchisemen t and exercise of citizenship because of the underlying distinction. The specific experiences or discrimination that an individual undergoes may influence their rights to education, food, health care or shelter. It is through these dimensions that the relative positions of race and gender create layers of political and economic inequality. womens liberation movement as a contributing factor Feminism has of all time occupied quite a contradicting and complicated place in the field of critical theory. Since ages of yonder, society has always been divided under patriarchal terms with men being fostered as the dominant species in virtually all aspects of life be it the basic level of family, political, economic and the most equivocal of all religious fields. Feminism is further branched out into four varieties nurturing the womens feminism and how they feel about themselves in society. One, there is liberal feminism that which circumvents itself around educational terms with emp hasis on gender bigotry being undertaken on the pretext of ignorance. Gender, on the other hand, refers to a range of characteristics that define and severalize between femininity and masculinity. These characteristics include biological and sexual characteristics of either men or women and are constructed socially by societal principles. However, going by the recent years implications by laws instigated to govern such, women in society are currently being held with high regard though their existence in higher circles is minimal. Since most discourses varyingly examine and challenge the ideological machinations of conventional representation, semiosis and metaphysics feminism tends to be tied to post structuralism, psychoanalysis, deconstruction and Marxism. However, on the other hand, feminism has a simple understated difference from theoretical traditions. Among all the schools of thoughts, it is feminism alone that takes as its departure point both the subject of women and women as subjects. This does not however imply that other fields do not give attention to the subject of women but instead when they do, the terms that tarradiddle for women tend to be essentially masculine, with women only functioning as the eccentricity or disruption of the norm being implied.The way women are affected by patriarchy is quite different in social affiliation regardless of whether these differences are based on class, race or sexuality. In our day-after-day living we get to feed into the many benefits that come with the development of the technological landscape with express emphasis on the use of the internet and social media platforms as interactive tools and relationship builders. Though it is considered as the best thing to have ever happened to humankind, it comes with massive repercussions as opposed to benefits with regards to corroding the personalities of our new-fashioned generation who are the higher percentage engaged in the use of the internet and variou s social media platforms. unsanded media is one of the most powerful communication platforms in technology but with its innumerable communication benefits it is being described as with regards male dominance on constructivist feminism. However, through the use of technologies, instant communication has been made possible through the offering pass on interfaces for technological support purposes thus building on stronger gender based interactions. In the future technological developers and psychologists could come together and come up with age restrictive technology platforms and technological gadgets specifically designed for educational purposes so as to actualize beneficial returnsOf major importance to this subject matter is the fact that oppression of women is not popularly recognized because the obedience of women to men often tends to supersede their allegiance to their fellow women from different classes. Although there are certain economic and social factors that separate human beings, it is within these same groups that women are isolated from each other. This intrinsic form of isolation among women themselves is what hinders growth within them because they size as group is not strong enough to have any influence in society.ReferencesMacLeod, J. (2009). Aint No Makin It Aspirations and Attainment in a Low-income Neighborhood. Westview Press.Saegert, S. J., Thompson, P., & Warren, M. R. (2002). 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